998 resultados para Enroth, Johannes
There is growing interest in the association of radiotherapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors. Here, we report an extremely effective combination of local irradiation (IR) and Shiga Toxin B (STxB)-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for the treatment of HPV-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The efficacy of the irradiation and vaccine association was tested using a model of HNSCC obtained by grafting TC-1/luciferase cells at a submucosal site of the inner lip of immunocompetent mice. Irradiation and the STxB-E7 vaccine acted synergistically with both single and fractionated irradiation schemes, resulting in complete tumor clearance in the majority of the treated mice. A dose threshold of 7.5 Gy was required to elicit the dramatic antitumor response. The combined treatment induced high levels of tumor-infiltrating, antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells, which were required to trigger the antitumor activity. Treatment with STxB-E7 and irradiation induced CD8(+) T-cell memory, which was sufficient to exert complete antitumor responses in both local recurrences and distant metastases. We also report for the first time that a combination therapy based on local irradiation and vaccination induces an increased pericyte coverage (as shown by αSMA and NG2 staining) and ICAM-1 expression on vessels. This was associated with enhanced intratumor vascular permeability that correlated with the antitumor response, suggesting that the combination therapy could also act through an increased accessibility for immune cells. The combination strategy proposed here offers a promising approach that could potentially be transferred into early-phase clinical trials.
The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition. In the course of these developments, the vision of the roles of the public and private sectors in electronic communications changed in expected and unexpected ways. While the period is characterized by a shift toward less direct state intervention, the intensity of regulation has increased in many areas. Most recently, in the wake of the financial crisis, new forms of state intervention can be observed, including public investment in communications infrastructure and public-private partnerships. As a result of the reforms, Europe has been able to achieve major successes but it also suffered unanticipated setbacks compared to other regions. The European Union emerged as the global leader in mobile communications during the 1990s and was able to roll-out first-generation broadband access networks more rapidly than many of its peers. Recently, however, Europe as a whole has not performed as well in deploying next-generation networks and advanced mobile communications services. The paper offers a political-economic explanation for these developments and assesses their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.
Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation of glucose metabolism. Chromatin state mapping and DNase I hypersensitivity analyses across adult tissues demonstrate preferential mapping of associated variants to regulatory regions in kidney but not extra-renal tissues. These findings suggest that genetic determinants of eGFR are mediated largely through direct effects within the kidney and highlight important cell types and biological pathways.
Soitinnus: piano.
J. G. (Johannes Gabriel) Granö (1882–1956), oli Turun yliopiston maantieteen professorina 1926–45 ja kanslerina 1945–55 sekä Helsingin yliopiston maantieteen professorina 1945–50. Granö oli Aasian vuoristojen geomorfologian huomattavimpia tutkijoita. Hän loi maisemamaantieteen ja kehitti maantieteen metodiikkaa (ns. puhdas maantiede). Ainutlaatuinen kokoelma käsittää J.G. Granön artikkelit vuosilta 1901-1956 seitsemään niteeseen sidottuna. Kokoelmaan kuuluvat myös J.G. Granön Altai I-II (1911-1921) suomeksi ja ruotsiksi sekä hänen kuuluisat teoksensa Puhdas maantiede (1929-1930) ja Suomen maantieteelliset alueet (1931-1932). Tarkemmat tiedot löytyvät Turun yliopiston Volter-tietokannasta. Kokoelma on lahjoitettu Turun yliopiston kirjastolle 2005. Kokoelma on sijoitettu Matemaattis- luonnontieteellisen kirjaston varastoon.
Motto [I]: Psal. 19: v. 11. Herrans bod äro klara, ... Motto [II]: Rom. I: v. 16. Evangelium är Guds kraft ... Motto [III]: Matth. 18: v. 3. Vthan j omwänden eder och warden såsom barn, .. Nimiön kehyslauselma: Psal. 34. v. 12. Kommer hijt, barn, hörer mig: .. Priv.: Henrik Christofer Merckell. Arkit: A-D12 E6.