922 resultados para Emenda parlamentar, Brasil, 2007-2011
Por conta das manifestações no Brasil, a presidente da República Dilma Rousseff propôs nesta segundafeira (24) cinco compromissos: responsabilidade fiscal, reforma política, melhoria da saúde, do transporte e da educação. Segundo o professor Marco Aurelio Ruediguer, da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da FGV, Dilma tenta retomar o protagonismo do processo ao mostrar que está ouvindo o que os manifestantes estão dizendo e que tem uma agenda positiva a respeito da série de questões abordadas. “A presidente, em algum momento, percebeu que essa agenda estava sendo posta independentemente dos grandes atores políticos envolvidos no processo. A questão-chave por trás das manifestações é o eleitor comum olhar e falar: ‘eu quero que as instituições do Brasil continuem funcionando, mas quero que funcionem para valer e não pela metade’. Então, ela percebe isso e tenta reproduzir uma agenda que tenha eco nas ruas”, analisa Ruediger
Com esta pesquisa, busca-se identificar qual o perfil do profissional demandado pelas organizações contemporâneas, a partir do retratado nas publicações da mídia de negócios, aqui chamada de pop-management, de acordo com o trabalho de Wood Jr e Paula (2002). A pesquisa compreende a análise de conteúdo das principais revistas de negócio publicadas no Brasil, entre 2011 e 2014, procurando discutir seus resultados sob a luz das referências do indivíduo na organização e o conceito de competência. Conclui-se com uma reflexão sobre as principais características exigidas dos trabalhadores no Séc. XXI .
Dados retirados do jornal O Globo. Disponível em: < http://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/na-redes-sociais-sergio-moro-so-menos-citado-que-dilma-lula-em-dia-de-protesto-aponta-estudo-17270913>.
Juristas divergem sobre provas para comprovar delação; empresas envolvidas doaram mais de R$ 50 milhões
"Como o governo Temer está nascendo do ocaso de outro governo, e não de eleição direta, ele não tem esse período de lua de mel tão grande", explica o cientista político e professor Luís Felipe da Graça, da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas. "Ele é a alternativa possível no momento, vai ter alguma capacidade de reforma. A questão é se esse capital político não vai ser gasto muito rapidamente".
The market-assisted land reform (RAAM) has been constituted as an alternative of agrarian reform funded by the Programa Nacional do Crédito Fundiário (PNCF). It is a policy of acquisition, distribution and use of Earth ideologically disseminated and funded by the World Bank in the context of productive insertion of landless workers. Accordingly, this study seeks to analyze the trajectory of rural settlements financed by this policy, seeking to understand what factors promote or limit the process of rural development of those settlements. To do so, take as a reference case study of the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz, in the municipality of Maxaranguape in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. From the methodological point of view, bibliographical and documentary research were used, in addition to visits to the settlement and semi-structured interviews with the settlers, trade union leaders, consultants and technicians linked to the project. Assuming the reports of respondents, initially constructs the hypothesis that informal and formal institutions present in the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz were unable to effectively coordinate the actions of the agents. The results obtained showed the existence of a very complex undertaking, with a total area of 607 hectares and 80 families settled, endowed with good quality water and irrigation infrastructure, with assets of approximately R$ 5 million reais. Experience experienced by the settlers understood the development of complex systems of production and marketing of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on the cultivation of papaya in an area of 45 hectares based on modern irrigation system and extensive use of technology. Collective management of production, marketing, revenue and costs stood out as a major challenge for the settlers and their representative organisations, i.e. the Community Association and the cooperative. From this observation it was possible to identify two moments on the trajectory of the project: the first, between 2007-2011, considered by respondents as successful, in which the integration of public policies and abundant input of revenue from the commercialization of the fruits da Paz, mainly through the sale of papaya and pineapple in national and international markets, allowed an average remuneration of R$ 800.00 reais to R$ 1,000 reais seated/monthIn addition to the production of vegetables and other types of products for sale and consumption; the second, from 2012, characterized as a failure, due to the discontinuity of the cultivation, production and marketing of fruits based on the collective bargaining model deployed. Important factors explain the discontinuity of the project, including the model of agriculture implemented, difficulties related to the management of production, marketing and finance the venture, in addition to the breach of trust between the Board of the cooperative and the associates and the distancing of the governmental organizations more directly responsible for the project. It is therefore concluded that we must to rethink rural development as a multidimensional phenomenon, requiring a broad engagement between State and society under the foundations of a territorial development contract
The most recent data of the Brazilian Test (BRAZIL, 2005) and of the SAEB (BRAZIL, 2007) have reaffirmed the serious situation of the Brazilian public school, where great part of the students, after to conclude 4º year of basic education, does not present minimum knowledge of reading and writing. In this picture, the situation of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, whose students had presented, in the last evaluation is particularly difficult, the worse performances of the country, in this area. The data also discloses that the failure pertaining to school, closely tied with the failure in the literacy, not only remains, as takes other aspects. In consequence of this picture, the literacy, even so widely argued in the last few decades, still instigates inquiries, as it is the case of this work. Our study got shaped due to reflections, as much to the theorizations to which we had access, as of the emergent questions of ours pedagogical practice. Through the past three decades, the studies in the area of literacy with the purpose to understand the constituent nature of the process, its aspects and its determinative ones has been intensified. The produced knowledge has contributed for the overcoming of the reductionist form as if it thought/thinks, in some contexts - this process. Such statements impel them to reflect concerning what is happening in the school, limiting or making possible the pertaining to school success. With these concerns, we delimit, as focus of study, the teaching action, having the following stunning question: What to make professors, in the context of the public school, to propitiate or hinder the process of literacy of the children? In this direction, our object of study is to make them professors who can propitiate or hinder the process of literacy of the children, in the context of the public school. The objective work to investigate, from practical of professors the teachers, that to make professors related to the literacy process - they can propitiate or hinder the learning of the written language, for the pupils of the public school, at the beginning of the school process. The work if inscribes in the qualitative boarding of research and if it configures as a case study, with characteristics of Research-Action, inspired by the following principles: authenticity and commitment and systematic restitution. For the retraction of the data, they had been used: half-structuralized interview; participant comment; meeting of studies and reflection; register in daily of field. We define as locus of study, a school of public net and, more specifically, a group of the initial years of school process that integrates the cycle of literacy . Of the five invited teachers, only one demonstrated interest in participating of the work. Its group of first year of the First Cycle of basic education is composed for 34 children, with ages between six the nine years. The data constructed by means of the described procedures, as well as its analysis, make possible to identify, between the many aspects and to make that they compose the pedagogical dynamics in the context of classroom, the following categories to make articulated with the literacy process: 1. To make of practical the relative ones to the planning, understood as To make relative: 1,1 distribution of the time-space/routine; 1.2 to the didactic activities and/or sequences and teaching interventions; 1.3 to the organization/election of the contents; 1.4 to the materials/didactic resources and 1.5 to the evaluation. 2. To make relative to the interaction professor-pupil, systemize in: 2.1 attention to the diversity; 2.2 to the affectivity. These to make, in the form as if materialized in the practical one observed, had been reflected, jointly with the teacher, as constituting parts of obstacles to a perspective of literacy. By means of the sharing of the reflections, anchored in theoretical conceptions concerning the practical one of teach-learning and, more specifically, of literacy, we register indications of new meanings of these to make on the part of the teacher in conducting them as providers of learning of its pupils, first purpose of its teaching performance. This finishing, possible synthesis at this moment is, therefore, point of fond and departure for new studies
This research aims to analyze the FIC Course of Assistant Technician in Service Management and Quality, integrated to elementary education / EJA form developed by IFRN MO Campus between 2011 and 2013 in the form of a PROEJA FIC / AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL. We seek to understand the adhesion between the national guidelines postulated for the Program, established in PPC and mediations with the process conceived in the run of the course. Guiding by the socio-critical approach and the dialogical paradigm, the theoretical-epistemological mark is especially buoyed by the theoretical contributions of Ciavatta (2005) , Rock (2011) , Haddad and Di Pierro (2000), Freire (2005), Marx (1982), Ramos (2005), Frigotto; Ciavatta; Ramos (2005), Moura (2012), and also on education in prisons by Onofre (2007, 2011), Bueno (2007), Julião (2011) and Foucault (2001). We assume that an action that enables professional qualification as FIC courses articulated to the EJA in the context of education in prisons have conceptual, methodological, political and pedagogical implications for it focuses challenges, weaknesses and opportunities on the same area of education., We have developed four techniques of data collection based on procedures and tools of qualitative research, such as document analysis, a student survey, the conduction of focus groups with teachers and administrators of the course and on-site observation. Mediated by the investigated context, results showed that the consolidation of PROEJA FIC / AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL goes beyond the intentions officially declared. It is inferred that after seven years of its creation, even though it keeps some potential, this program is not being satisfactorily developed and it shows weaknesses national and locally, it is set at low capillarity, it has a limited scope, and dissolved essential public commitments to the course development. The effectiveness of PROEJA FIC / AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL as part of an emancipatory inclusion social policy, according to official statement, entails approximating the legal logic with social logic, so as not only to propagate discourses and enforce worship to specific and successful experiences that reach only a minority, but to provide actual and necessary conditions to promote the breadth and social quality of the offered deals in this program format
O arroz é importante fonte de energia e proteínas para a população mundial, principalmente na Ásia e Oceania. No Brasil, juntamente com o feijão, constitui a base da alimentação. Tecnologias sustentáveis que reduzam custos da produção e aumentem a produtividade do arroz podem garantir seu suprimento em períodos de alta demanda. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes coberturas vegetais antecessoras (milheto [Pennisetum americanum], crotalária [Crotalaria juncea], guandu [Cajanus cajan], braquiária [Brachiaria ruziziensis], milheto + crotalária e milheto + guandu), doses de nitrogênio (N) em cobertura (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1) e o efeito da inoculação de sementes com Azospirillum brasilense no arroz de terras altas em sistema plantio direto no desenvolvimento e na produtividade. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 6x4x2 com quatro repetições. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um Latossolo Vermelho, em Selvíria, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, em 2011/2012. O cultivo do guandu antecedendo o arroz proporcionou maior produtividade do arroz somente em comparação a B. ruziziensi. A produtividade do arroz em função das doses de N em cobertura se ajustou a uma função quadrática. Não houve influência da inoculação de sementes com A. brasilense sobre a produtividade do arroz, porém houve interação entre a inoculação e as coberturas vegetais sobre o teor de N foliar, número de panículas por m², matéria seca de plantas de arroz e a massa de cem grãos.
Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations
Includes bibliography
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de mapeamento de áreas de incidência e previsões para os casos de dengue na área urbana de Belém. Para as previsões foi utilizada à incidência de dengue com a precipitação pluviométrica a partir de modelos estatísticos, baseados na metodologia de Box e Jenkins de series temporais. O período do estudo foi de 05 anos (2007-2011). Na pesquisa temos métodos multivariados de series temporais, com uso de função de transferência e modelos espaciais, em que se analisou a existência de autocorrelações espaciais na variável em estudo. Os resultados das análises dos dados de incidência de casos de dengue e precipitação mostraram que, o aumento no número de casos de dengue acompanha o aumento na precipitação, demonstrando a relação direta entre o número de casos de dengue e a precipitação nos anos em estudo. O modelo de previsão construído para a incidência de casos de dengue apresentou um bom ajuste com resultados satisfatórios podendo, neste caso, ser utilizado na previsão da dengue. Em relação à análise espacial, foi possível uma visualização da incidência de casos na área urbana de Belém, com as respectivas áreas de incidência, mostrando os níveis de significância em porcentagem. Para o período estudado observou-se o comportamento e as variações dos casos de dengue, com destaque para quatro bairros: Marco, Guamá, Pedreira e Tapanã, com possíveis influências destes bairros nas áreas (bairros) vizinhas. Portanto, o presente estudo evidencia a contribuição para o planejamento das ações de controle da dengue, ao servir de instrumento no apoio às decisões na área de saúde pública.
Introdução:Os resultados alcançados pelos transplantes renais nas últimas décadas têm melhorado progressivamente. Objetivo:A fim de determinar a extensão desse progresso, conduzimos uma análise dos resultados obtidos em nosso programa de transplantes através de três períodos diferentes. Métodos:Avaliamos os 600 transplantes renais realizados no HC FMB-UNESP até dezembro de 2011, subdividindo-os em três eras, de acordo com a imunossupressão vigente. Era 1: de 1987 a 2000 (n = 180); associação de ciclosporina e azatioprina. Era 2: de 2001 a 2006 (n = 120); associação de ciclosporina e micofenolato e Era 3: de 2007 a 2011 (n = 300); associação de tacrolimus e micofenolato. Resultados:Os resultados mostram aumento da idade média do receptor, da prevalência de diabetes e do número de transplantes com doador falecido (60%) na terceira era. O uso de terapia de indução foi de 75% era atual contra 46,6% (Era 2) e 3,9% (Era 1), p < 0,0001. Os dados de sobrevida geral por tipo de doador mostram dados semelhantes à literatura. Houve progressivo aumento da sobrevida do enxerto com doadores falecidos em 5 anos, saindo de 13,7% (Era 1) para 81,9% (Era 3). Conclusão:Houve significativas diferenças ao longo do tempo, culminando com aumento do volume de transplantes na atual era (média de 14 transplantes/ano na Era 1 para 75 transplantes/ano na Era 3). Inverteu-se o perfil de transplantes na era atual com predomínio de doador falecido. A melhor sobrevida com doador falecido da atual era foi atribuída a maior experiência do centro e aos esquemas de imunossupressão baseados na combinação de tacrolimus com micofenolato associados a esquema de indução.