946 resultados para Dendritic cells, Friend-Retrovirus, Nanoparticles, Immunotherapeutic applications,


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Aus dem tumorreaktiven T-Zellrepertoire der Melanompatientin Ma-Mel-86/INTH, bei der im Verlauf Lymphknotenmetastasen HLA-Klasse I-negativer Tumorzellen auftraten, wurden durch Stimulation mit autologen Tumorzellen CD8+ T-Zellklone isoliert und expandiert, die auf Melanomzellen der Patientin CSF2RA (engl. GM-CSF receptor alpha chain) in HLA-unabhängiger Weise erkannten. Aus einem der T-Zellklone wurde ein CSF2RA-reaktiver α:β-T-Zellrezeptor (TCR, engl. T-cell receptor) kloniert (Bezeichnung: TCR-1A.3/46). Die α-Kette des TCR enthielt die Domänen TRAV14/DV4*01, TRAJ48*01 und TRAC*01, die β-Kette die Domänen TRBV10-3*01, TRBD2*01, TRBJ2-7*01 und TRBC2*01. Durch Austausch der humanen konstanten gegen die homologen murinen Domänen wurde der TCR optimiert (Bezeichnung: cTCR-1A.3/46) und hinsichtlich seiner Expression und Funktionalität nach retroviralem Transfer in humane PBMC (engl. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) im 51Chromfreisetzungstest, im IFN-γ-ELISpot-Assay und in einem Degranulations-Assay validiert. TCR-transgene T-Zellen lysierten nicht nur spezifisch die HLA-defizienten, CSF2RA+ Melanomlinien des Modells Ma-Mel-86, sondern erkannten auch Zelllinien verschiedener Spezies nach Transfektion von CSF2RA sowie Monozyten, Granulozyten, dendritische Zellen und ein breites Spektrum hämatologischer Malignome myeloiden Ursprungs ungeachtet deren HLA-Phänotypen. Lymphatische Zellen sowie CD34+ Blutstammzellen wurden in In vitro-Untersuchungen nicht erkannt. Der Zusatz von GM-CSF zu Zellen, die CSF2RA und CSF2RB exprimierten, inhibierte die Erkennung durch TCR-transgene PBMC, während die Koexpression der α- und der ß-Kette des GM-CSF-Rezeptors alleine keinen negativen Effekt auf die Erkennung hatte. Daraus war zu schließen, dass CSF2RA präferentiell freistehend und weniger nach Integration in den heteromultimerischen GM-CSF-Rezeptor-Komplex erkannt wurde. In der zweidimensionalen Collier-de-Perles-Visualisierung der IMGT-Datenbank (engl. International immunogenetics information system) wies der CSF2RA-reaktive TCR-1A.3/46 im Vergleich zu TCR von konventionellen, HLA-restringierten T-Zellen keine Besonderheiten auf. Darüber hinaus waren auch die von den HLA-unabhängigen T-Zellen exprimierten CD8-Moleküle identisch zu den CD8-Molekülen HLA-abhängiger CTL (engl. cytotoxic T lymphocytes). Die Präsenz von CD8-Molekülen förderte die HLA-unabhängige Erkennung von CSF2RA, schien aber dafür nicht zwingend erforderlich zu sein, da Antikörper gegen CD8 die Erkennung zu ca. 65 % blockierten und TCR-transgene CD4+ T-Zellen im Vergleich zu TCR-transduzierten CD8+ T-Zellen eine deutlich verringerte, aber noch erhaltene Funktionalität aufwiesen. Es ist derzeit nicht klar, ob HLA-unabhängige T-Zellen gegen CSF2RA im peripheren Blut der Patientin vorkamen, weil sie der im Tiermodell postulierten Thymusselektion MHC-unabhängiger TCR (Tikhonova et al., Immunity 36:79, 2012) entkommen waren, oder weil ein ursprünglich gegen einen HLA-Peptid-Komplex gerichteter TCR eine HLA-unabhängige Kreuzreaktivität aufwies. CSF2RA verbessert die Glucoseutilisation in malignen Zellen, und es wurden ihm embryotrophe Eigenschaften zugeschrieben (Spielholz et al., Blood 85:973, 1995; Sjöblom et al., Biol. Reprod. 67:1817, 2002). Damit kann CSF2RA malignes Wachstum fördern und ist somit ein potentielles Zielmolekül für die Immuntherapie. Seine HLA-unabhängige Erkennung würde sowohl die HLA-Vielfalt als auch den HLA-Verlust als typische Limitationen der T-Zellimmuntherapie umgehen. Zur Überprüfung der In vivo-Spezifität des HLA-unabhängigen TCR gegen CSF2RA und damit zum Ausschluss relevanter off-tumor-/on-target- bzw. off-tumor-/off-target-Effekte ist jedoch eine Testung in einem präklinischen Tiermodell erforderlich.


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Recent findings are reported about certain aspects of the structure and function of the mammalian and avian lungs that include (a) the architecture of the air capillaries (ACs) and the blood capillaries (BCs); (b) the pulmonary blood capillary circulatory dynamics; (c) the adaptive molecular, cellular, biochemical, compositional, and developmental characteristics of the surfactant system; (d) the mechanisms of the translocation of fine and ultrafine particles across the airway epithelial barrier; and (e) the particle-cell interactions in the pulmonary airways. In the lung of the Muscovy duck Cairina moschata, at least, the ACs are rotund structures that are interconnected by narrow cylindrical sections, while the BCs comprise segments that are almost as long as they are wide. In contrast to the mammalian pulmonary BCs, which are highly compliant, those of birds practically behave like rigid tubes. Diving pressure has been a very powerful directional selection force that has influenced phenotypic changes in surfactant composition and function in lungs of marine mammals. After nanosized particulates are deposited on the respiratory tract of healthy human subjects, some reach organs such as the brain with potentially serious health implications. Finally, in the mammalian lung, dendritic cells of the pulmonary airways are powerful agents in engulfing deposited particles, and in birds, macrophages and erythrocytes are ardent phagocytizing cellular agents. The morphology of the lung that allows it to perform different functions-including gas exchange, ventilation of the lung by being compliant, defense, and secretion of important pharmacological factors-is reflected in its "compromise design."


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Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) exhibits natural tropism for dendritic cells and represents the prototypic infection that elicits protective CD8(+) T cell (cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)) immunity. Here we have harnessed the immunobiology of this arenavirus for vaccine delivery. By using producer cells constitutively synthesizing the viral glycoprotein (GP), it was possible to replace the gene encoding LCMV GP with vaccine antigens to create replication-defective vaccine vectors. These rLCMV vaccines elicited CTL responses that were equivalent to or greater than those elicited by recombinant adenovirus 5 or recombinant vaccinia virus in their magnitude and cytokine profiles, and they exhibited more effective protection in several models. In contrast to recombinant adenovirus 5, rLCMV failed to elicit vector-specific antibody immunity, which facilitated re-administration of the same vector for booster vaccination. In addition, rLCMV elicited T helper type 1 CD4+ T cell responses and protective neutralizing antibodies to vaccine antigens. These features, together with low seroprevalence in humans, suggest that rLCMV may show utility as a vaccine platform against infectious diseases and cancer.


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Recognition of drugs by immune cells is usually explained by the hapten model, which states that endogenous metabolites bind irreversibly to protein to stimulate immune cells. Synthetic metabolites interact directly with protein-generating antigenic determinants for T cells; however, experimental evidence relating intracellular metabolism in immune cells and the generation of physiologically relevant Ags to functional immune responses is lacking. The aim of this study was to develop an integrated approach using animal and human experimental systems to characterize sulfamethoxazole (SMX) metabolism-derived antigenic protein adduct formation in immune cells and define the relationship among adduct formation, cell death, costimulatory signaling, and stimulation of a T cell response. Formation of SMX-derived adducts in APCs was dose and time dependent, detectable at nontoxic concentrations, and dependent on drug-metabolizing enzyme activity. Adduct formation above a threshold induced necrotic cell death, dendritic cell costimulatory molecule expression, and cytokine secretion. APCs cultured with SMX for 16 h, the time needed for drug metabolism, stimulated T cells from sensitized mice and lymphocytes and T cell clones from allergic patients. Enzyme inhibition decreased SMX-derived protein adduct formation and the T cell response. Dendritic cells cultured with SMX and adoptively transferred to recipient mice initiated an immune response; however, T cells were stimulated with adducts derived from SMX metabolism in APCs, not the parent drug. This study shows that APCs metabolize SMX; subsequent protein binding generates a functional T cell Ag. Adduct formation above a threshold stimulates cell death, which provides a maturation signal for dendritic cells.


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We generated Fas-activated serine threonine phosphoprotein (FAST)-deficient mice (FAST(-/-)) to study the in vivo role of FAST in immune system function. In a model of house dust mite-induced allergic pulmonary inflammation, wild type mice develop a mixed cellular infiltrate composed of eosinophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. FAST(-/-) mice develop airway inflammation that is distinguished by the near absence of neutrophils. Similarly, LPS-induced alveolar neutrophil recruitment is markedly reduced in FAST(-/-) mice compared with wild type controls. This is accompanied by reduced concentrations of cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-6 and -23) and chemoattractants (MIP-2 and keratinocyte chemoattractant) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Because FAST(-/-) neutrophils exhibit normal chemotaxis and survival, impaired neutrophil recruitment is likely to be due to reduced production of chemoattractants within the pulmonary parenchyma. Studies using bone marrow chimeras implicate lung resident hematopoietic cells (e.g., pulmonary dendritic cells and/or alveolar macrophages) in this process. In conclusion, our results introduce FAST as a proinflammatory factor that modulates the function of lung resident hematopoietic cells to promote neutrophil recruitment and pulmonary inflammation.


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Autoimmune and infectious diseases are associated with behavioral changes referred to as sickness behavior syndrome (SBS). In autoimmunity, the generation of anti-self T lymphocytes and autoantibodies critically involves binding of CD40 ligand on T-cells to its receptor CD40 on B-cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. Activation of CD40 leads to production of proinflammatory cytokines and, as shown here, induces SBS. Here we report that these behavioral changes depend on the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor 1 (TNFR1), but not on interleukin-1 receptor 1 or interleukin-6. Moreover, the intensity of SBS correlates with suppression of E-box controlled clock genes, including Dbp, and upregulation of Bmal1. However, the absence of TNFR1 does not interfere with the development of SBS and dysregulation of clock genes in mice treated with lipopolysaccharide. Thus, our results suggest that TNFR1 mediates SBS and dysregulation of clock genes in autoimmune diseases.


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Estrogen treatment exerts a protective effect on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and is under clinical trial for multiple sclerosis therapy. Estrogens have been suspected to protect from CNS autoimmunity through their capacity to exert anti-inflammatory as well as neuroprotective effects. Despite the obvious impacts of estrogens on the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and EAE, the dominant cellular target that orchestrates the anti-inflammatory effect of 17β-estradiol (E2) in EAE is still ill defined. Using conditional estrogen receptor (ER) α-deficient mice and bone marrow chimera experiments, we show that expression of ERα is critical in hematopoietic cells but not in endothelial ones to mediate the E2 inhibitory effect on Th1 and Th17 cell priming, resulting in EAE protection. Furthermore, using newly created cell type-specific ERα-deficient mice, we demonstrate that ERα is required in T lymphocytes, but neither in macrophages nor dendritic cells, for E2-mediated inhibition of Th1/Th17 cell differentiation and protection from EAE. Lastly, in absence of ERα in host nonhematopoietic tissues, we further show that ERα signaling in T cells is necessary and sufficient to mediate the inhibitory effect of E2 on EAE development. These data uncover T lymphocytes as a major and nonredundant cellular target responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of E2 in Th17 cell-driven CNS autoimmunity.


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Inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) are potent stimulators of osteoclast formation and bone resorption and are frequently associated with pathologic bone metabolism. The cytokine exerts specific effects on its target cells and constitutes a part of the cellular microenvironment. Previously, TNFα was demonstrated to inhibit the development of osteoclasts in vitro via an osteoblast-mediated pathway. In the present study, the molecular mechanisms of the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis were investigated in co-cultures of osteoblasts and bone marrow cells (BMC) and in cultures of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) dependent, non-adherent osteoclast progenitor cells (OPC) grown with M-CSF and receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a known inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis was found to be induced in osteoblasts treated with TNFα and the secreted protein accumulated in the supernatant. Dexamethasone (Dex), an anti-inflammatory steroid, caused a decrease in GM-CSF expression, leading to partial recovery of osteoclast formation. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that in cultures of OPC, supplemented with 10% conditioned medium (CM) from osteoblasts treated with TNFα/1,25(OH)(2)D(3), expression of RANK and CD11c was suppressed. The decrease in RANK expression may be explained by the finding, that GM-CSF and the CM from wt osteoblasts were found to suppress the expression of c-Fos, Fra-1, and Nfatc-1. The failure of OPC to develop into CD11c(+) dendritic cells suggests that cell development is not deviated to an alternative differentiation pathway, but rather, that the monocytes are maintained in an undifferentiated, F4/80(+), state. The data further implies possible interactions among inflammatory cytokines. GM-CSF induced by TNFα acts on early hematopoietic precursors, inhibiting osteoclastogenesis while acting as the growth factor for M-CSF independent inflammatory macrophages. These in turn may condition a microenvironment enhancing osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption upon migration of the OPC from circulation to the bone/bone marrow compartment.


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Drug hypersensitivity research has progressed enormously in recent years, and a greater understanding of mechanisms has contributed to improved drug safety. Progress has been made in genetics, enabling personalized medicine for certain drugs, and in understanding drug interactions with the immune system. In a recent meeting in Rome, the clinical, chemical, pharmacologic, immunologic, and genetic aspects of drug hypersensitivity were discussed, and certain aspects are briefly summarized here. Small chemicals, including drugs, can induce immune reactions by binding as a hapten to a carrier protein. Park (Liverpool, England) demonstrated (1) that drug haptens bind to protein in patients in a highly restricted manner and (2) that irreversibly modified carrier proteins are able to stimulate CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from hypersensitive patients. Drug haptens might also stimulate cells of the innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells, and thus give rise to a complex and complete immune reaction. Many drugs do not have hapten-like characteristics but might gain them on metabolism (so-called prohaptens). The group of Naisbitt found that the stimulation of dendritic cells and T cells can occur as a consequence of the transformation of a prohapten to a hapten in antigen-presenting cells and as such explain the immune-stimulatory capacity of prohaptens. The striking association between HLA-B alleles and the development of certain drug reactions was discussed in detail. Mallal (Perth, Australia) elegantly described a highly restricted HLA-B∗5701-specific T-cell response in abacavir-hypersensitive patients and healthy volunteers expressing HLA-B∗5701 but not closely related alleles. Expression of HLA-B∗1502 is a marker known to be necessary but not sufficient to predict carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis in Han Chinese. The group of Chen and Hong (Taiwan) described the possible "missing link" because they showed that the presence of certain T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotypes was necessary to elicit T-cell responses to carbamazepine. The role of TCRs in drug binding was also emphasized by Pichler (Bern, Switzerland). Following up on their "pharmacological interactions of drugs with immune receptors" concept (p-i concept), namely that drugs can bind directly to TCRs, MHC molecules, or both and thereby stimulate T cells, they looked for drug-binding sites for the drug sulfamethoxazole in drug-specific TCRs: modeling revealed up to 7 binding sites on the CDR3 and CDR2 regions of TCR Vα and Vβ. Among many other presentations, the important role of regulatory T cells in drug hypersensitivity was addressed.


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Intraperitoneal larval infection (alveolar echinococcosis, AE) with Echinococcus multilocularis in mice impairs host immunity. Metacestode metabolites may modulate immunity putatively via dendritic cells. During murine AE, a relative increase of peritoneal DCs (pe-DCs) in infected mice (AE-pe-DCs; 4% of total peritoneal cells) as compared to control mice (naive pe-DCs; 2%) became apparent in our study. The differentiation of AE-pe-DCs into TGF-beta-expressing cells and the higher level of IL-4 than IFN-gamma/IL-2 mRNA expression in AE-CD4+pe-T cells indicated a Th2 orientation. Analysis of major accessory molecule expression on pe-DCs from AE-infected mice revealed that CD80 and CD86 were down-regulated on AE-pe-DCs, while ICAM-1(CD54) remained practically unchanged. Moreover, AE-pe-DCs had a weaker surface expression of MHC class II (Ia) molecules as compared to naive pe-DCs. The gene expression level of molecules involved in MHC class II (Ia) synthesis and formation of MHC class II (Ia)-peptide complexes were down-regulated. In addition, metacestodes excreted/secreted (E/S) or vesicle-fluid (V/F) antigens were found to alter MHC class II molecule expression on the surface of BMDCs. Finally, conversely to naive pe-DCs, an increasing number of AE-pe-DCs down-regulated Con A-induced proliferation of naive CD4+pe-T cells. These findings altogether suggested that TGF-beta-expressing immature AE-pe-DCs might play a significant role in the generation of a regulatory immune response within the peritoneal cavity of AE-infected mice.


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Intraperitoneal proliferation of the metacestode stage of Echinococcus multilocularis in experimentally infected mice is followed by an impaired host immune response favoring parasite survival. We here demonstrate that infection in chronically infected mice was associated with a 3-fold increase of the percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ peritoneal T (pT) cells compared to uninfected controls. pT cells of infected mice expressed high levels of IL-4 mRNA, while only low amounts of IFN-gamma mRNA were detected, suggesting that a Th2-biased immune response predominated the late stage of disease. Peritoneal dendritic cells from infected mice (AE-pDCs) expressed high levels of TGF-beta mRNA and very low levels of IL-10 and IL-12 (p40) mRNA, and the expression of surface markers for DC-maturation such as MHC class II (Ia) molecules, CD80, CD86 and CD40 was down-regulated. In contrast to pDCs from non-infected mice, AE-pDCs did not enhance Concanavalin A (ConA)-induced proliferation when added to CD4+ pT and CD8+ pT cells of infected and non-infected mice, respectively. In addition, in the presence of a constant number of pDCs from non-infected mice, the proliferation of CD4+ pT cells obtained from infected animals to stimulation with ConA was lower when compared to the responses of CD4+ pT cells obtained from non-infected mice. This indicated that regulatory T cells (Treg) may interfere in the complex immunological host response to infection. Indeed, a subpopulation of regulatory CD4+ CD25+ pT cells isolated from E. multilocularis-infected mice reduced ConA-driven proliferation of CD4+ pT cells. The high expression levels of Foxp3 mRNA by CD4+ and CD8+ pT cells suggested that subpopulations of regulatory CD4+ Foxp3+ and CD8+ Foxp3+ T cells were involved in modulating the immune responses within the peritoneal cavity of E. multilocularis-infected mice.


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Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are the major producers of type I IFN in response to viral infection and have been shown to direct both innate and adaptive immune responses in vitro. However, in vivo evidence for their role in viral infection is lacking. We evaluated the contribution of pDCs to acute and chronic virus infection using the feeble mouse model of pDC functional deficiency. We have previously demonstrated that feeble mice have a defect in TLR ligand sensing. Although pDCs were found to influence early cytokine secretion, they were not required for control of viremia in the acute phase of the infection. However, T cell priming was deficient in the absence of functional pDCs and the virus-specific immune response was hampered. Ultimately, infection persisted in feeble mice. We conclude that pDCs are likely required for efficient T cell priming and subsequent viral clearance. Our data suggest that reduced pDC functionality may lead to chronic infection.


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Vaccination with Echinococcus multilocularis 14-3-3 protein can protect mice against primary E. multilocularis infection. The present study investigated the efficacy and efficiency of the adjuvant muramyl dipeptide Gerbu, alone or together with recombinant 14-3-3 protein, to modulate the course of secondary E. multilocularis infection in C56BL/6 mice. The application of Gerbu alone already resulted in a parasite weight reduction when compared with infected control mice, while rec14-3-3 did not add to this effect. Immunological parameters were concurrently assessed with a mixed cell reaction including bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) together with lymph node cells from mice with or without immunisation and/or infection. While mice having received Gerbu adjuvant were found to highly proliferate in response to co-cultivation with 14-3-3-stimulated bone marrow dendritic cells, a sensitisation of BMDCs with vesicle fluid (VF) antigen lead to a striking decrease of the lymphoproliferative response in comparison to that of control mice, raising the hypothesis that immunosuppressive components may be part of this VF-antigen. Anti-14-3-3 antibody production was only found in those mice that had been previously 14-3-3-immunised, whereas all other only-infected mice failed to produce such antibodies. Conclusively, Gerbu adjuvant appears to directly generate a non-specific immune response that contributes to the control of the metacestode growth, putatively in association with a BMDC activity suppressed by components of the VF-antigen.


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Deep tissue imaging has become state of the art in biology, but now the problem is to quantify spatial information in a global, organ-wide context. Although access to the raw data is no longer a limitation, the computational tools to extract biologically useful information out of these large data sets is still catching up. In many cases, to understand the mechanism behind a biological process, where molecules or cells interact with each other, it is mandatory to know their mutual positions. We illustrate this principle here with the immune system. Although the general functions of lymph nodes as immune sentinels are well described, many cellular and molecular details governing the interactions of lymphocytes and dendritic cells remain unclear to date and prevent an in-depth mechanistic understanding of the immune system. We imaged ex vivo lymph nodes isolated from both wild-type and transgenic mice lacking key factors for dendritic cell positioning and used software written in MATLAB to determine the spatial distances between the dendritic cells and the internal high endothelial vascular network. This allowed us to quantify the spatial localization of the dendritic cells in the lymph node, which is a critical parameter determining the effectiveness of an adaptive immune response.


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Background Allergen-containing subpollen particles (SPP) are released from whole plant pollen upon contact with water or even high humidity. Because of their size SPP can preferentially reach the lower airways where they come into contact with surfactant protein (SP)-D. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of SP-D in a complex three-dimensional human epithelial airway model, which simulates the most important barrier functions of the epithelial airway. The uptake of SPP as well as the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines was investigated. Methods SPP were isolated from timothy grass and subsequently fluorescently labeled. A human epithelial airway model was built by using human Type II-pneumocyte like cells (A549 cells), human monocyte derived macrophages as well as human monocyte derived dendritic cells. The epithelial cell model was incubated with SPP in the presence and absence of surfactant protein D. Particle uptake was evaluated by confocal microscopy and advanced computer-controlled analysis. Finally, human primary CD4+ T-Cells were added to the epithelial airway model and soluble mediators were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or bead array. Results SPP were taken up by epithelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. This uptake coincided with secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. SP-D modulated the uptake of SPP in a cell type specific way (e.g. increased number of macrophages and epithelial cells, which participated in allergen particle uptake) and led to a decreased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Conclusion These results display a possible mechanism of how SP-D can modulate the inflammatory response to inhaled allergen.