905 resultados para Cortactin actin assembly


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It is investigated that the association of linear cationic model polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged pyrenetetrasulfonate (PY) in aqueous solution. For this purpose water soluble ionenes were prepared via Menschutkin reaction from 1-4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane and e.g. 1,6-dibromohexane and 1,4 dibromotransbuten. The complex formation between dye molecules PY and oppositely charged ionenes (PD4, PD6, PD4-2 and PD4coPD6) of different chemical structures in aqueous solution was studied by light scattering (LS), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), UV-Vis, fluorescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Spectrophotometric titration results revealed that PY molecules were bind to ionenes cooperative process due to π-π interaction. Cooperative binding constant KD was determined as 6.4 x 10^6 M^-1 (+ or - 10^5 M^-1). It was found that binding mode and geometry of PY is predominantly depending on inter-charge distances of corresponding ionenes. Resultant complexes have exhibited size and structure variation as a function of charge ratio (L), ionic strength, inter-charge distances. Spherical dye-ionene complexes of which radius of gyration ranging between (RG) 50 and 190 nm have been observed in PD4-PY system while this was not possible with a different ionene (PD6) or either case ionene excess. It was found that most of the PD4-PY complexes had RG / RH ~ 0.78. Based on the AFM and LS results, spherical complexes have certain colloidal stability and their size can effectively controlled by changing the L.


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The aim of this study was the development of functional multilayer films through electrostatic layer by layer (LbL) assembly of dendritic macromolecules, the investigation of the fundamental properties of these multilalyered films and the study of their biological applications. rnThe synthesis of the anionic hyperbranched polyglycerols (hbPG) and the preparation of multilayers made of hbPG/phosphorus dendrimer as well as the influences of deposition conditions on multilayers were reported. The thicknesses of multilayer films increase with a decrease of molecular weight of anionic hbPGs. The multilayer films fabricated by low molecular weight hbPGs grow less regularly due to the less charged carboxylic acid groups providing the relative weaker electrostatic forces for the deposition. The thicknesses of multilayer films are reduced with increasing pH values and decreasing the concentration of NaCl. The observed changes of multilayer thickness and surface morphology could be interpreted with the aid of theories regarding the charge density and conformation of the anionic hbPG chains in solution. rnBesides the study of fundamental properties of hbPG/phosphorus multilayer films, antifouling thin films derived from hbPG layers were developed. The antifouling properties of hbPG layers were found to correlate with factors of the molecular weight of anionic hbPG and the film thickness. It was demonstrated that anionic hbPG single layer with highest molecular weight can reduce non specific protein adsorption more efficiently than single layer with lower molecular weight and all the hbPG bilayers possessed excellent property of antifouling. rnPhosphorus dendrimer multilayers were successfully prepared as the platforms to detect DNA immobilization and hybridization. The effect of NaCl concentration on the multilayer film thickness was evaluated to obtain the optimized film thickness. Making use of the multilayer deposited at the optimized condition as a substrate, a high loading of DNA probes was achieved through covalent coupling of probe DNA with the as-formed multilayer films. The hybridization of target DNA with immobilized probe DNA was then carried out and studied by SPFS. The limit of detection upon hybridization was estimated on various dendrimer multilayer platforms. The minimum detection concentration for DNA hybridization is in the same order of magnitude compared with other neutral phosphorus dendrimer systems. Furthermore, the LbL deposition of phosphorus dendrimer multilayers provided a mild and simple way to prepare platforms as DNA microarrays. rnBased on the phosphorus dendrimer multilayer systems, dendritic star polymers were employed which have more reactive groups than that phosphorus dendrimers. The as-assembled dendritic star polymer multilayer films exhibited such distinct morphology characteristics that they underwent extensive structural reorganization upon post-treatment under different pH conditions. Kinetic binding of probe DNA molecules on the outermost negatively charged dendritic surface was studied by SPR as well. The binding capacities of probe DNA on the multilayer surfaces fabricated from the first-generation and the second-generation of dendritic star polymers were compared. The improved binding capacity was achieved from the second-generation of dendritic star polymer multilayer films due to their more reactive groups. DNA hybridization reaction on dendritic multilayer films was investigated by SPFS. The similar hybridization behaviors were found on both multilayer surfaces. Meanwhile, the hybridization kinetic affinities were compared with that of phosphorus dendrimer multilayer surfaces and showed improved detection sensitivity than phosphorus dendrimer multilayer films.rn


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In this work self-assembling model systems in aqueous solution were studied. The systems contained charged polymers, polyelectrolytes, that were combined with oppositely charged counterions to build up supramolecular structures. With imaging, scattering and spectroscopic techniques it was investigated how the structure of building units influences the structure of their assemblies. Polyelectrolytes with different chemical structure, molecular weight and morphology were investigated. In addition to linear polyelectrolytes, semi-flexible cylindrical bottle-brush polymers that possess a defined cross-section and a relatively high persistence along the backbone were studied. The polyelectrolytes were combined with structural organic counterions having charge numbers one to four. Especially the self-assembly of polyelectrolytes with different tetravalent water-soluble porphyrins was studied. Porphyrins have a rigid aromatic structure that has a structural effect on their self-assembly behavior and through which porphyrins are capable of self-aggregation via π-π interaction. The main focus of the thesis is the self-assembly of cylindrical bottle-brush polyelectrolytes with tetravalent porphyrins. It was shown that the addition of porphyrins to oppositely charged brush molecules induces a hierarchical formation of stable nanoscale brush-porphyrin networks. The networks can be disconnected by addition of salt and single porphyrin-decoratedrncylindrical brush polymers are obtained. These two new morphologies, brush-porphyrin networks and porphyrin-decorated brush polymers, may have potential as functional materials with interesting mechanical and optical properties.


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This thesis presents a detailed and successful study of molecular self-assembly on the calcite CaCO3(10-14) surface. One reason for the superior applicability of this particular surface is given by reflecting the well-known growth modes. Layer-by-layer growth, which is a necessity for the formation of templated two-dimensional (2D) molecular structures, is particularly favoured on substrates with a high surface energy. The CaCO3(10-14) surface is among those substrates and, thus, most promising. rnrnAll experiments in this thesis were performed using the non-contact atomic force microscope (NC-AFM) under ultra-high vacuum conditions. The acquisition of drift-free data became in this thesis possible owing to the herein newly developed atom-tracking system. This system features a lateral tip-positioning precision of at least 50pm. Furthermore, a newly developed scan protocol was implemented in this system, which allows for the acquisition of dense three-dimensional (3D) data under room-temperature conditions. An entire 3D data set from a CaCO3(10-14) surface consisting of 85x85x500 pixel is discussed. rnrnThe row-pairing and (2x1) reconstructions of the CaCO3(10-14) surface constitute most interesting research subjects. For both reconstructions, the NC-AFM imaging was classified to a total of 12 contrast modes. Eight of these modes were observed within this thesis, some of them for the first time. Together with literature findings, a total of 10 modes has been observed experimentally to this day. Some contrast modes presented themselves as highly distance-dependent and at least for one contrast mode, a severe tip-termination influence was found. rnrnMost interestingly, the row-pairing reconstruction was found to break a symmetry element of the CaCO3(10-14) surface. With the presence of this reconstruction, the calcite (10-14) surface becomes chiral. From high-resolution NC-AFM data, the identification of the enantiomers is here possible and is presented for one enantiomer in this thesis. rnrnFive studies of self-assembled molecular structures on calcite (10-14) surfaces are presented. Only for one system, namely HBC/CaCO3(10-14), the formation of a molecular bulk structure was observed. This well-known occurence of weak molecule-insulator interaction hinders the investigation of two-dimensional molecular self-assembly. It was, however, possible to force the formation of an island phase for this system upon following a variable-temperature preparation. rnFor the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system it is most notably that no branched island morphologies were found. Instead, the first C60 layer appeared to wet the calcite surface. rnrnIn all studies, the molecules arranged themselves in ordered superstructures. A templating effect due to the underlying calcite substrate was evident for all systems. This templating strikingly led either to the formation of large commensurate superstructures, such as (2x15) with a 14 molecule basis for the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system, or prevented the vast growth of incommensurate molecular motifs, such as the chicken-wire structure in the trimesic acid (TMA)/CaCO3(10-14) system. rnrnThe molecule-molecule and the molecule-substrate interaction was increased upon choosing molecules with carboxylic acid moieties in the third, fourth and fifth study, using terephthalic acid, TMA and helicene molecules. In all these experiments, hydrogen-bonded assemblies were created. rnrnDirected hydrogen bond formation combined with intermolecular pi-pi interaction is employed in the fifth study, where the formation of uni-directional molecular "wires" from single helicene molecules succeeded. Each "wire" is composed of heterochiral helicene pairs, well-aligned along the [01-10] substrate direction and stabilised by pi-pi interaction.


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Polymer nanoparticles functionalized on the surface with photo-responsive labels were synthesized. In a first synthetic step, polystyrene was copolymerized with the cross-linker divinylbenzene and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate in a miniemulsion, to produce nano-sized spheres (~ 60 nm radius) with terminal hydroxyl groups, which were functionalized in a subsequent synthetic step with photo-responsive labels. For this purpose, two photo-active molecular structures were separately used: anthracene, which is well known to form covalently bonded dimers upon photo-excitation; and pyrene, which only forms short lived excited state dimers (excimers). Acid derivatives of these labels (9-anthracene carboxylic acid and 1-pyrene butyric acid) were bonded to the hydroxyl terminal groups of the nanoparticles through an esterification reaction, via the intermediate formation of the corresponding acid chloride.rnThe obtained labeled nanoparticles appeared to be highly hydrophobic structures. They formed lyophobic suspensions in water, which after analysis by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and ultramicroscopic particle tracking, appeared to equilibrate as a collection of singly dispersed nanoparticles, together with a few nanoparticle aggregates. The relative amount of aggregates decreased with increasing amounts of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), thus confirming that aggregation is an equilibrated state resulting from lyophobicity. The formation of such aggregates was corroborated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photo-irradiation of the lyophobic aqueous suspensions of anthracene labeled nanoparticles (An-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. The obtained state of aggregation could be reverted by sonication. The possibility to re-aggregate the system in subsequent photo-excitation and sonication cycles was established. Likewise, the photo-irradiation of lyophobic aqueous suspensions of pyrene-labeled nanoparticles (Py-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. These appeared to remain aggregated due to hydrophobic interactions. This system could also be re-dispersed by sonication and re-aggregated in subsequent cycles of photo-excitation and sonication.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den optischen Resonanzen metallischer Nanopartikel im Abstand weniger Nanometer von einer metallischen Grenzfläche. Die elektromagnetische Wechselwirkung dieser „Kugel-vor-Fläche“ Geometrie ruft interessante optische Phänomene hervor. Sie erzeugt eine spezielle elektromagnetische Eigenmode, auch Spaltmode genannt, die im Wesentlichen auf den Nanospalt zwi-schen Kugel und Oberfläche lokalisiert ist. In der quasistatischen Näherung hängt die Resonanzposition nur vom Material, der Umgebung, dem Film-Kugel Abstand und dem Kugelradius selbst ab. Theoretische Berechnungen sagen für diese Region unter Resonanzbedingungen eine große Verstärkung des elektro-magnetischen Feldes voraus. rnUm die optischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme zu untersuchen, wurde ein effizienter plasmonenver-mittelnder Dunkelfeldmodus für die konfokale Rastermikroskopie durch dünne Metallfilme entwickelt, der die Verstärkung durch Oberflächenplasmonen sowohl im Anregungs- als auch Emissionsprozess ausnutzt. Dadurch sind hochwertige Dunkelfeldaufnahmen durch die Metallfilme der Kugel-vor-Fläche Systeme garantiert, und die Spektroskopie einzelner Resonatoren wird erleichtert. Die optischen Untersuchungen werden durch eine Kombination von Rasterkraft- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie vervollständigt, so dass die Form und Größe der untersuchten Resonatoren in allen drei Dimensionen bestimmt und mit den optischen Resonanzen korreliert werden können. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des neu entwickelten Modus wird für ein Referenzsystem aus Polystyrol-Kugeln auf einem Goldfilm demonstriert. Hierbei zeigen Partikel gleicher Größe auch die erwartete identische Resonanz.rnFür ein aus Gold bestehendes Kugel-vor-Fläche System, bei dem der Spalt durch eine selbstorganisierte Monolage von 2-Aminoethanthiol erzeugt wird, werden die Resonanzen von Goldpartikeln, die durch Reduktion mit Chlorgoldsäure erzeugt wurden, mit denen von idealen Goldkugeln verglichen. Diese ent-stehen aus den herkömmlichen Goldpartikeln durch zusätzliche Bestrahlung mit einem Pikosekunden Nd:Yag Laser. Bei den unbestrahlten Partikeln mit ihrer Unzahl an verschiedenen Formen zeigen nur ein Drittel der untersuchten Resonatoren ein Verhalten, das von der Theorie vorhergesagt wird, ohne das dies mit ihrer Form oder Größe korrelieren würde. Im Fall der bestrahlten Goldkugeln tritt eine spürbare Verbesserung ein, bei dem alle Resonatoren mit den theoretischen Rechnungen übereinstimmen. Eine Änderung der Oberflächenrauheit des Films zeigt hingegen keinen Einfluß auf die Resonanzen. Obwohl durch die Kombination von Goldkugeln und sehr glatten Metallfilmen eine sehr definierte Probengeometrie geschaffen wurde, sind die experimentell bestimmten Linienbreiten der Resonanzen immer noch wesentlich größer als die berechneten. Die Streuung der Daten, selbst für diese Proben, deutet auf weitere Faktoren hin, die die Spaltmoden beeinflußen, wie z.B. die genaue Form des Spalts. rnDie mit den Nanospalten verbundenen hohen Feldverstärkungen werden untersucht, indem ein mit Farbstoff beladenes Polyphenylen-Dendrimer in den Spalt eines aus Silber bestehenden Kugel-vor-Fläche Systems gebracht wird. Das Dendrimer in der Schale besteht lediglich aus Phenyl-Phenyl Bindungen und garantiert durch die damit einhergende Starrheit des Moleküls eine überragende Formstabiliät, ohne gleichzeitig optisch aktiv zu sein. Die 16 Dithiolan Endgruppen sorgen gleichzeitig für die notwendige Affinität zum Silber. Dadurch kann der im Inneren befindliche Farbstoff mit einer Präzision von wenigen Nanometern im Spalt zwischen den Metallstrukturen platziert werden. Der gewählte Perylen Farbstoff zeichnet sich wiederum durch hohe Photostabilität und Fluoreszenz-Quantenausbeute aus. Für alle untersuchten Partikel wird ein starkes Fluoreszenzsignal gefunden, das mindestens 1000-mal stärker ist, als das des mit Farbstoff überzogenen Metallfilms. Das Profil des Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektrums variiert zwischen den Partikeln und zeigt im Vergleich zum freien Farbstoff eine zusätzliche Emission bei höheren Frequenzen, was in der Literatur als „hot luminescence“ bezeichnet wird. Bei der Untersuchung des Streuverhaltens der Resonatoren können wieder zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Resonatoren un-terschieden werden. Es gibt zunächst die Fälle, die bis auf die beschriebene Linienverbreiterung mit einer idealen Kugel-vor-Fläche Geometrie übereinstimmen und dann andere, die davon stark abweichen. Die Veränderungen der Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektren für den gebundenen Farbstoffs weisen auf physikalische Mechanismen hin, die bei diesen kleinen Metall/Farbstoff Abständen eine Rolle spielen und die über eine einfache wellenlängenabhängige Verstärkung hinausgehen.


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In this thesis, elemental research towards the implantation of a diamond-based molecular quantum computer is presented. The approach followed requires linear alignment of endohedral fullerenes on the diamond C(100) surface in the vicinity of subsurface NV-centers. From this, four fundamental experimental challenges arise: 1) The well-controlled deposition of endohedral fullerenes on a diamond surface. 2) The creation of NV-centers in diamond close to the surface. 3) Preparation and characterization of atomically-flat diamondsurfaces. 4) Assembly of linear chains of endohedral fullerenes. First steps to overcome all these challenges were taken in the framework of this thesis. Therefore, a so-called “pulse injection” technique was implemented and tested in a UHV chamber that was custom-designed for this and further tasks. Pulse injection in principle allows for the deposition of molecules from solution onto a substrate and can therefore be used to deposit molecular species that are not stable to sublimation under UHV conditions, such as the endohedral fullerenes needed for a quantum register. Regarding the targeted creation of NV-centers, FIB experiments were carried out in cooperation with the group of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler (AG Quantum, Physics Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz). As an entry into this challenging task, argon cations were implanted into (111) surface-oriented CaF2 crystals. The resulting implantation spots on the surface were imaged and characterized using AFM. In this context, general relations between the impact of the ions on the surface and their valency or kinetic energy, respectively, could be established. The main part of this thesis, however, is constituted by NCAFM studies on both, bare and hydrogen-terminated diamond C(100) surfaces. In cooperation with the group of Prof. Dujardin (Molecular Nanoscience Group, ISMO, Université de Paris XI), clean and atomically-flat diamond surfaces were prepared by exposure of the substrate to a microwave hydrogen plasma. Subsequently, both surface modifications were imaged in high resolution with NC-AFM. In the process, both hydrogen atoms in the unit cell of the hydrogenated surface were resolved individually, which was not achieved in previous STM studies of this surface. The NC-AFM images also reveal, for the first time, atomic-resolution contrast on the clean, insulating diamond surface and provide real-space experimental evidence for a (2×1) surface reconstruction. With regard to the quantum computing concept, high-resolution NC-AFM imaging was also used to study the adsorption and self-assembly potential of two different kinds of fullerenes (C60 and C60F48) on aforementioned diamond surfaces. In case of the hydrogenated surface, particular attention was paid to the influence of charge transfer doping on the fullerene-substrate interaction and the morphology emerging from self-assembly. Finally, self-assembled C60 islands on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface were subject to active manipulation by an NC-AFM tip. Two different kinds of tip-induced island growth modes have been induced and were presented. In conclusion, the results obtained provide fundamental informations mandatory for the realization of a molecular quantum computer. In the process it was shown that NC-AFM is, under proper circumstances, a very capable tool for imaging diamond surfaces with highest resolution, surpassing even what has been achieved with STM up to now. Particular attention was paid to the influence of transfer doping on the morphology of fullerenes on the hydrogenated diamond surface, revealing new possibilities for tailoring the self-assembly of molecules that have a high electron affinity.


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This thesis describes the investigation of systematically varied organic molecules for use in molecular self-assembly processes. All experiments were performed using high-resolution non-contact atomic force microscopy under UHV conditions and at room temperature. Using this technique, three different approaches for influencing intermolecular and molecule-surface interaction on the insulating calcite(10.4) surface were investigated by imaging the structure formation at the molecular scale. I first demonstrated the functionalization of shape-persistent oligo(p-benzamide)s that was engineered by introducing different functional groups and investigating their effect on the structural formation on the sample surface. The molecular core was designed to provide significant electrostatic anchoring towards the surface, while at the same time maintaining the flexibility to fine-tune the resulting structure by adjusting the intermolecular cohesion energy. The success of this strategy is based on a clear separation of the molecule-substrate interaction from the molecule-molecule interaction. My results show that sufficient molecule-surface anchoring can be achieved without restricting the structural flexibility that is needed for the design of complex molecular systems. Three derivatives of terephthalic acid (TPA) were investigated in chapter 7. Here, the focus was on changing the adhesion to the calcite surface by introducing different anchor functionalities to the TPA backbone. For all observed molecules, the strong substrate templating effect results in molecular structures that are strictly oriented along the calcite main crystal directions. This templating is especially pronounced in the case of 2-ATPA where chain formation on the calcite surface is observed in contrast to the formation of molecular layers in the bulk. At the same time, the amino group of 2-ATPA proved an efficient anchor functionality, successfully stabilizing the molecular chains on the sample surface. These findings emphasizes, once again, the importance of balancing and fine-tuning molecule-molecule and molecule-surface interactions in order to achieve stable, yet structurally flexible molecular arrangements on the sample surface. In the last chapter, I showed how the intrinsic property of molecular chirality decisively influences the structure formation in molecular self-assembly. This effect is especially pronounced in the case of the chiral heptahelicene-2-carboxylic acid. Deposition of the enantiopure molecules results in the formation of homochiral islands on the sample surface which is in sharp contrast to the formation of uni-directional double rows upon deposition of the racemate onto the same surface. While it remained uncertain from these previous experiments whether the double rows are composed of hetero- or homochiral molecules, I could clearly answer that question here and demonstrate that the rows are of heterochiral origin. Chirality, thus, proves to be another important parameter to steer the intermolecular interaction on surfaces. Altogether, the results of this thesis demonstrate that, in order to successfully control the structure formation in molecular self-assembly, the correct combination of molecule and surface properties is crucial. This is of special importance when working on substrates that exhibit a strong influence on the structure formation, such as the calcite(10.4) surface. Through the systematic variation of functional groups several important parameters that influence the balance between molecule-surface and molecule-molecule interaction were identified here, and the results of this thesis can, thus, act as a guideline for the rational design of molecules for use in molecular self-assembly.


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Hybrid Elektrodenmaterialien (HEM) sind der Schlüssel zu grundlegenden Fortschritten in der Energiespeicherung und Systemen zur Energieumwandlung, einschließlich Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LiBs), Superkondensatoren (SCs) und Brennstoffzellen (FCs). Die faszinierenden Eigenschaften von Graphen machen es zu einem guten Ausgangsmaterial für die Darstellung von HEM. Jedoch scheitern traditionelle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Graphen-HEM (GHEM) scheitern häufig an der fehlenden Kontrolle über die Morphologie und deren Einheitlichkeit, was zu unzureichenden Grenzflächenwechselwirkungen und einer mangelhaften Leistung des Materials führt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung von GHEM über kontrollierte Darstellungsmethoden und befasst sich mit der Nutzung von definierten GHEM für die Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung. Die große Volumenausdehnung bildet den Hauptnachteil der künftigen Lithium-Speicher-Materialien. Als erstes wird ein dreidimensionaler Graphen Schaumhybrid zur Stärkung der Grundstruktur und zur Verbesserung der elektrochemischen Leistung des Fe3O4 Anodenmaterials dargestellt. Der Einsatz von Graphenschalen und Graphennetzen realisiert dabei einen doppelten Schutz gegen die Volumenschwankung des Fe3O4 bei dem elektrochemischen Prozess. Die Leistung der SCs und der FCs hängt von der Porenstruktur und der zugänglichen Oberfläche, beziehungsweise den katalytischen Stellen der Elektrodenmaterialien ab. Wir zeigen, dass die Steuerung der Porosität über Graphen-basierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (HPCN) die zugängliche Oberfläche und den Ionentransport/Ladungsspeicher für SCs-Anwendungen erhöht. Desweiteren wurden Stickstoff dotierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (NDCN) für die kathodische Sauerstoffreduktion (ORR) hergestellt. Eine maßgeschnittene Mesoporosität verbunden mit Heteroatom Doping (Stickstoff) fördert die Exposition der aktiven Zentren und die ORR-Leistung der metallfreien Katalysatoren. Hochwertiges elektrochemisch exfoliiertes Graphen (EEG) ist ein vielversprechender Kandidat für die Darstellung von GHEM. Allerdings ist die kontrollierte Darstellung von EEG-Hybriden weiterhin eine große Herausforderung. Zu guter Letzt wird eine Bottom-up-Strategie für die Darstellung von EEG Schichten mit einer Reihe von funktionellen Nanopartikeln (Si, Fe3O4 und Pt NPs) vorgestellt. Diese Arbeit zeigt einen vielversprechenden Weg für die wirtschaftliche Synthese von EEG und EEG-basierten Materialien.


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Supramolecular two-dimensional engineering epitomizes the design of complex molecular architectures through recognition events in multicomponent self-assembly. Despite being the subject of in-depth experimental studies, such articulated phenomena have not been yet elucidated in time and space with atomic precision. Here we use atomistic molecular dynamics to simulate the recognition of complementary hydrogen-bonding modules forming 2D porous networks on graphite. We describe the transition path from the melt to the crystalline hexagonal phase and show that self-assembly proceeds through a series of intermediate states featuring a plethora of polygonal types. Finally, we design a novel bicomponent system possessing kinetically improved self-healing ability in silico, thus demonstrating that a priori engineering of 2D self-assembly is possible.


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Meprins ? and ?, a subgroup of zinc metalloproteinases belonging to the astacin family, are known to cleave components of the extracellular matrix, either during physiological remodeling or in pathological situations. In this study we present a new role for meprins in matrix assembly, namely the proteolytic processing of procollagens. Both meprins ? and ? release the N- and C-propeptides from procollagen III, with such processing events being critical steps in collagen fibril formation. In addition, both meprins cleave procollagen III at exactly the same site as the procollagen C-proteinases, including bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) and other members of the tolloid proteinase family. Indeed, cleavage of procollagen III by meprins is more efficient than by BMP-1. In addition, unlike BMP-1, whose activity is stimulated by procollagen C-proteinase enhancer proteins (PCPEs), the activity of meprins on procollagen III is diminished by PCPE-1. Finally, following our earlier observations of meprin expression by human epidermal keratinocytes, meprin ? is also shown to be expressed by human dermal fibroblasts. In the dermis of fibrotic skin (keloids), expression of meprin ? increases and meprin ? begins to be detected. Our study suggests that meprins could be important players in several remodeling processes involving collagen fiber deposition.


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Cultured fibroblasts adhere to extracellular substrates by means of cell-matrix adhesions that are assembled in a hierarchical way, thereby gaining in protein complexity and size. Here we asked how restricting the size of cell-matrix adhesions affects cell morphology and behavior. Using a nanostencil technique, culture substrates were patterned with gold squares of a width and spacing between 250 nm and 2 µm. The gold was functionalized with RGD peptide as ligand for cellular integrins, and mouse embryo fibroblasts were plated. Limiting the length of cell-matrix adhesions to 500 nm or less disturbed the maturation of vinculin-positive focal complexes into focal contacts and fibrillar adhesions, as indicated by poor recruitment of ?5-integrin. We found that on sub-micrometer patterns, fibroblasts spread extensively, but did not polarize. Instead, they formed excessive numbers of lamellipodia and a fine actin meshwork without stress fibers. Moreover, these cells showed aberrant fibronectin fibrillogenesis, and their speed of directed migration was reduced significantly compared to fibroblasts on 2 µm square patterns. Interference with RhoA/ROCK signaling eliminated the pattern-dependent differences in cell morphology. Our results indicate that manipulating the maturation of cell-matrix adhesions by nanopatterned surfaces allows to influence morphology, actin dynamics, migration and ECM assembly of adhering fibroblasts.


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This work covers the synthesis of second-generation, ethylene glycol dendrons covalently linked to a surface anchor that contains two, three, or four catechol groups, the molecular assembly in aqueous buffer on titanium oxide surfaces, and the evaluation of the resistance of the monomolecular adlayers against nonspecific protein adsorption in contact with full blood serum. The results were compared to those of a linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) analogue with the same molecular weight. The adsorption kinetics as well as resulting surface coverages were monitored by ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), in situ optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) investigations. The expected compositions of the macromolecular films were verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results of the adsorption study, performed in a high ionic strength ("cloud-point") buffer at room temperature, demonstrate that the adsorption kinetics increase with increasing number of catechol binding moieties and exceed the values found for the linear PEG analogue. This is attributed to the comparatively smaller and more confined molecular volume of the dendritic macromolecules in solution, the improved presentation of the catechol anchor, and/or their much lower cloud-point in the chosen buffer (close to room temperature). Interestingly, in terms of mechanistic aspects of "nonfouling" surface properties, the dendron films were found to be much stiffer and considerably less hydrated in comparison to the linear PEG brush surface, closer in their physicochemical properties to oligo(ethylene glycol) alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers than to conventional brush surfaces. Despite these differences, both types of polymer architectures at saturation coverage proved to be highly resistant toward protein adsorption. Although associated with higher synthesis costs, dendritic macromolecules are considered to be an attractive alternative to linear polymers for surface (bio)functionalization in view of their spontaneous formation of ultrathin, confluent, and nonfouling monolayers at room temperature and their outstanding ability to present functional ligands (coupled to the termini of the dendritic structure) at high surface densities.


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Rationale: Myofibroblasts typically appear in the myocardium after insults to the heart like mechanical overload and infarction. Apart from contributing to fibrotic remodeling, myofibroblasts induce arrhythmogenic slow conduction and ectopic activity in cardiomyocytes after establishment of heterocellular electrotonic coupling in vitro. So far, it is not known whether α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) containing stress fibers, the cytoskeletal components that set myofibroblasts apart from resident fibroblasts, are essential for myofibroblasts to develop arrhythmogenic interactions with cardiomyocytes. Objective: We investigated whether pharmacological ablation of α-SMA containing stress fibers by actin-targeting drugs affects arrhythmogenic myofibroblast–cardiomyocyte cross-talk. Methods and Results: Experiments were performed with patterned growth cell cultures of neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes coated with cardiac myofibroblasts. The preparations exhibited slow conduction and ectopic activity under control conditions. Exposure to actin-targeting drugs (Cytochalasin D, Latrunculin B, Jasplakinolide) for 24 hours led to disruption of α-SMA containing stress fibers. In parallel, conduction velocities increased dose-dependently to values indistinguishable from cardiomyocyte-only preparations and ectopic activity measured continuously over 24 hours was completely suppressed. Mechanistically, antiarrhythmic effects were due to myofibroblast hyperpolarization (Cytochalasin D, Latrunculin B) and disruption of heterocellular gap junctional coupling (Jasplakinolide), which caused normalization of membrane polarization of adjacent cardiomyocytes. Conclusions: The results suggest that α-SMA containing stress fibers importantly contribute to myofibroblast arrhythmogeneicity. After ablation of this cytoskeletal component, cells lose their arrhythmic effects on cardiomyocytes, even if heterocellular electrotonic coupling is sustained. The findings identify α-SMA containing stress fibers as a potential future target of antiarrhythmic therapy in hearts undergoing structural remodeling.