964 resultados para Coplanar electrodes


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This paper describes a sample holder for the electrical measurement of oxides or conducting polymers in the form of pellets or films which are used as gas sensors. The system makes it possible to control the sample temperature, the gas pressure and composition. The temperature in the sample can be changed from 25ºC to 450ºC, and the gas pressure in the chamber is controlled between 5 ¥ 10-4 and 1000 mbar. The performance of the system in resistance measurements of doped tin oxide pellets and polyaniline films deposited on platinum electrodes for methane is analyzed.


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This paper describes the construction and performance of homemade electrodes for voltammetric purpose using cheap materials, like pipette tips and asbestos fiber. A good cost-to-benefit relation makes this devices specially designed for student use, expecting to improve the broadcasting of electroanalytical methods in Brazilian schools.


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A review dealing with the use of screen-printing technology to manufacture disposable electrodes is presented, covering in details virtually all the publications in the area up to early 1997 and including 206 references. The elements and different strategies on constructing modified electrodes are highlighted. Commercial and Home-made ink recipes are discussed. Microelectrode arrays, built by the combination of photostructuring and screen-printing technologies to the mass production of advanced disposable sensors, are also discussed. Future research trends are predicted.


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The electrochemistry field has increased in recent years, specially in the search for new sensors to monitor specific analyte in complex samples. In order to improve electrodes, many rhodium compounds have been used as electron mediators for novel sensors development. The most used compounds for this purpose are metal, metal complexes and some organic dyes. Rhodium complexes are known by their good catalytic properties and it could be useful in the sensor field. However, there are only a few reports, on the use of rhodium complexes in sensors and biosensors. A brief review of the electrochemistry of rhodium complexes and some discription of their properties which make those compounds suitable for development of sensor and biosensor.


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A simple flow cell for potentiometric detection is described. It was assembled by making use of two perspex pieces fixed together by means of four screws, and allow the connection of plane membrane conventional electrodes to flow system. Details about its construction are presented. The device performance was evaluated by making use of a cyanide ion-selective electrode. The relative standard deviation was about 0.5% with a detection limit of 8.0 x 10-6 mol CN- dm-3. Under experimental conditions, the linear range was 10-5 to10-2 mol dm-3.


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Recent technology has provided us with new information about the internal structures and properties of biomolecules. This has lead to the design of applications based on underlying biological processes. Applications proposed for biomolecules are, for example, the future computers and different types of sensors. One potential biomolecule to be incorporated in the applications is bacteriorhodopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin is a light-sensitive biomolecule, which works in a similar way as the light sensitive cells of the human eye. Bacteriorhodopsin reacts to light by undergoing a complicated series of chemical and thermal transitions. During these transitions, a proton translocation occurs inside the molecule. It is possible to measure the photovoltage caused by the proton translocations when a vast number of molecules is immobilized in a thin film. Also the changes in the light absorption of the film can be measured. This work aimed to develop the electronics needed for the voltage measurements of the bacteriorhodopsin-based optoelectronic sensors. The development of the electronics aimed to get more accurate information about the structure and functionality of these sensors. The sensors used in this work contain a thick film of bacteriorhodopsin immobilized in polyvinylalcohol. This film is placed between two transparent electrodes. The result of this work is an instrumentation amplifier which can be placed in a small space very close to the sensor. By using this amplifier, the original photovoltage can be measured in more detail. The response measured using this amplifier revealed two different components, which could not be distinguished earlier. Another result of this work is the model for the photoelectric response in dry polymer films.


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The alizarin red S (ARS) has been used as a spectrophotometric reagent of several metals for a long time. Now this alizarin has been used as modifier agent of electrodes, for voltammetric analyses. In this work cyclic voltammetry experiments was accomplished on closed circuit, with the objective of studying the voltammetric behavior of alizarin red S adsorbed and of its copper complex, on the surface of the pyrolytic graphite electrode. These studies showed that ARS strongly adsorbs on the surface of this electrode. This adsorption was used to immobilize ions copper(II) from the solution.


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The first studies about DNA electrochemistry appeared at the end of the fifties. The voltammetric techniques became important tool for the DNA conformational analysis, producing evidences about DNA double helix polimorphism. The new techniques based on electrodes modification with nucleic acid enlarged the use of the electrochemical methods on the DNA research. DNA electrochemical biosensors are able to detect specific sequences of DNA bases, becoming important alternative for the diagnosis of disease, as well as in the carcinogenic species determination. Besides, the use of DNA biosensors in the mechanism study of biological drug actions can be useful for drug design.


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Potentiometric amalgam electrodes of lead, cadmium, and zinc are proposed to study the complexation properties of commercial and river sediment humic acids. The copper complexation properties of both humic acids were studied in parallel using the solid membrane copper ion-selective electrode (Cu-ISE). The complexing capacity and the averaged conditional stability constants were determined at pH 6.00 ± 0.05 in medium of 2x10-2 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The lead and cadmium amalgam electrodes presented a Nernstian behavior from 1x10-5 to 1x10-3 moles L-1 of total metal concentration, permitting to perform the complexation studies using humic acid concentrations around of 20 to 30 mg L-1, that avoids colloidal aggregation. The zinc amalgam electrode showed a subnernstian linear response in the same range of metal concentrations. The Scatchard graphs for both humic acids suggested two classes of binding sites for lead and copper and one class of binding site for zinc and cadmium.


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This paper describes in detail a technique employed to grow quasi-spherical single crystals of noble metals for electrochemical applications, using platinum as an example. The metal beads were formed by melting the extremity of a wire in an oxygen / butane flame. X-ray techniques were used to check the crystallization and to determine the orientation of the crystals. Treatment with a pure hydrogen flame followed by a cooling procedure in a hydrogen / argon atmosphere were used for conditioning the well-defined platinum single crystal surfaces. Finally, electrochemical characterization of the Pt(111), Pt(110) and Pt(100) surfaces was done in diluted sulfuric acid solution in the hydrogen adsorption / desorption potential region.


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This paper presents the design of a simple apparatus that periodically switches off both working and auxiliary electrodes short-circuiting them for a couple of seconds. Depolarization takes place and the initial current is re-established.


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The mismatch negativity is an electrophysiological marker of auditory change detection in the event-related brain potential and has been proposed to reflect an automatic comparison process between an incoming stimulus and the representation of prior items in a sequence. There is evidence for two main functional subcomponents comprising the MMN, generated by temporal and frontal brain areas, respectively. Using data obtained in an MMN paradigm, we performed time-frequency analysis to reveal the changes in oscillatory neural activity in the theta band. The results suggest that the frontal component of the MMN is brought about by an increase in theta power for the deviant trials and, possibly, by an additional contribution of theta phase alignment. By contrast, the temporal component of the MMN, best seen in recordings from mastoid electrodes, is generated by phase resetting of theta rhythm with no concomitant power modulation. Thus, frontal and temporal MMN components do not only differ with regard to their functional significance but also appear to be generated by distinct neurophysiological mechanisms.


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This work gives a reader basic knowledge about mineralogy and mineral processing. Main focus of this work was on flotation process and pulp electrochemistry on flotation. Three different sulphide poor ores are examined on experimental part. Platinum and palladium were the noble metals, which were contained into studied ores. Electrochemistry of flotation of PGE minerals on sulphide poor ores has been examined only slightly. Bench scale flotation test was used in this study. Chalcopyrite, nickel-pentlandite, pyrite, platinum and pH electrodes were used to investigation of pulp electrochemistry during flotation tests. Effects of grinding media, carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding and mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas to PGE flotation and electrochemistry of flotation were studied. Stainless steel grinding media created more oxidising pulp environment to flotation than mild steel grinding media. Concentrate quality improved also with stainless steel grinding media, but the recovery was remarkably poorer, than with mild steel grinding media. Carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding created very reducing pulp environment, which caused very good concentrate quality. But the recovery was again poorer than with normal mild steel grinding media. Mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas improved PGE recovery with some ores, but not always. Effect of carbon dioxide to pulp electrochemistry was detected mainly via pH-value.


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This paper reviews the catalytic and electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds using cerium (IV) salts. Direct and indirect methods and those using modified electrodes are described.


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The combination of cyclic voltammetry and on line mass spectrometry, called differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS), is already a well established method for on line identification and quantitative detection of the products and intermediates of electrochemical reactions. This article aims to show the principles of the method and how this technique have been used to study electrochemical problems such the electrocatalytic oxidation of organic molecules, as methanol and ethanol, at noble metal electrodes.