924 resultados para Complementary Therapies


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This study evaluated two cases of Apert's syndrome, through phonological, cognitive, and neuropsychological instruments and correlated the results to complementary exams. In short, this study reveals the necessity of application of neuropsychological, cognitive and phonological evaluation and correlation of the results with complementary testings because significant differences can be present in the Apert's syndrome.


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Language, culture, and otherness are complementary and also confliting issues representing the central debate on childhood and the child who carries the signals of social and/or ethinical of exclusion. The debate on the social still connected to universal and absolute values and trues, therefore the theme needs a reavaliation on the realm of relativism. Questioning the fact that culture and otherness are expressed by language which are not always visible and explicit, requering a close and deep look at many social realities enpoorvered suburbs and rural areas, white and black children, homeless children, we kept their voices and speaches, their images from their own drawings to understand the way the percept mean they live and they are. These children have a word for school, and also about the process and agents to say by many different ways to express how they look their own world and how the world look at them.


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The aggregation behavior of the non-ionic surfactant Renex-100 in aqueous solutions and mesophases was evaluated by SAXS in a wide range of concentrations, between 20 and 30 °C. Complementary, water interactions were defined by DSC curves around 0°C. SAXS showed that the system undergoes the following phase transitions, from diluted to concentrated aqueous solutions: 1) isotropic solution of Renex aggregates; 2) hexagonal mesophase; 3) lamellar mesophase; and 4) isotropic solution. DSC analysis indicated the presence of interfacial water above 70wt%, which agreed with the segregation of free water to form the structural mesophases observed by SAXS bellow this concentration.


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We present the neuropsychological assessment with computer aid of six cerebral palsy children. Three children had right hemiparesis and three, left hemiparesis. The tomographic examination showed parietal cavities (porencephalic cyst in 4 children, ischemic injury in 1 case and subarachnoid cyst in 1 case). We have proposed to assess the visuo-spatial function since we suspected the children could have disturbance of this function. We did not detect this disturbance. On the other hand, the children had astereognosia and the right hemiparetic children preferred to execute signs on the right part of the computer visor. We discuss and propose explanations for both findings.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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FUNDAMENTOS: O tratamento da hanseníase é definido pela classificação de pacientes em paucibacilares (PB) e multibacilares (MB). A OMS (Organização Mundial de Saúde) classifica os doentes de acordo com o número de lesões, mas Ridley-Jopling (R&J) utiliza também exames complementares, porém é de difícil utilização fora dos serviços de referência. Em 2003 foi desenvolvido um teste denominado ML-Flow, uma alternativa à sorologia por ELISA para auxiliar na classificação de pacientes em PB e MB e auxiliar na decisão terapêutica. OBJETIVOS: Observar a concordância entre o teste de ML-Flow e baciloscopia de linfa, exame já consagrado para detecção de MB. Analisar a utilidade do teste de ML-Flow em campo. MATERIAL E MÃTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo avaliando prontuário de 55 pacientes virgens de tratamento, diagnosticados como PB ou MB por R&J. Submetidos à baciloscopia e ao teste de ML-Flow. RESULTADOS: Nos MB, a baciloscopia foi positiva em 80% dos casos, o ML-flow foi positivo em 82,5%. Entre os PB, o ML-Flow foi positivo em 37,5% e a baciloscopia do esfregaço foi negativa em 100% dos casos. A concordância entre os resultados da baciloscopia do esfregaço e ML-Flow foi de 87,5%, kappa=0,59, p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhum teste laboratorial é 100% sensível e específico para a correta classificação de todas as formas de hanseníase. O ML-Flow é um teste rápido, de fácil manuseio em campo, menos invasivo que a baciloscopia podendo ser útil para auxiliar na decisão terapêutica em locais de difícil acesso a serviços de referência.


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A recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde é que todo recém nascido deva ser alimentado exclusivamente no seio materno até o sexto mês e, de forma complementar, até o segundo ano de vida. Assim, algumas técnicas são realizadas para facilitar a alimentação ao seio, dentre elas o uso do copo e, recentemente, a utilização da técnica "sonda-dedo". Tal prática é bastante controversa e há escassez de estudos na literatura sobre a descrição da técnica, sua indicação e uso. O objetivo do presente trabalho é relatar a experiência clínica para indicação e uso da técnica "sonda-dedo". A técnica "sonda-dedo" consiste no oferecimento do leite, de preferência humano, utilizando sonda gástrica conectada a uma seringa com êmbolo e fixada em dedo mínimo enluvado com fita adesiva. A sonda é posicionada na cavidade oral do recém nascido e deve servir como uma técnica de auxílio para adequação do padrão de sucção. Desta forma, sugere-se que sua indicação deve ser apenas nos casos em que seja caracterizada uma disfunção oral, seja em recém nascidos a termo ou pré-termo. Diante da avaliação específica, realizada pelo fonoaudiólogo, indica-se a técnica "sonda-dedo" com objetivo de adequar as alterações obtidas na avaliação da sucção não nutritiva ou em seio materno. Acredita-se que, para que a técnica "sonda-dedo" seja indicada como complemento do aleitamento materno, devam ser realizados novos estudos para esclarecer quais as repercussões da técnica "sonda-dedo" na prevalência do aleitamento materno e no desenvolvimento motor oral de recém nascidos.


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The prosthetic rehabilitation of an atrophic mandible is usually unsatisfactory due to the lack of support tissues, mainly bone and keratinized mucosa for treatment with osseointegrated implants or even conventional prosthesis. The prosthetic instability leads to social and functional limitations and chronic physical trauma decreasing the patient's quality of life. A 53-year-old female patient sought care at our surgical service complaining of impairment of her masticatory function associated with the instability of the lower total prosthetic denture. The clinical and complementary exams revealed edentulism in both arches, while the mandibular arch presented severe reabsorption resulting in denture instability and chronic trauma to the oral mucosa. The proposed treatment plan consisted in the mandibular rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and fixed Brånemark's protocol prosthesis after mandibular reconstruction applying the modified visor osteotomy technique. The proposed technique offered predictable results for reconstruction of the severely resorbed edentulous mandible and posterior rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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Several impression materials are available in the Brazilian marketplace to be used in oral rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of different impression materials used for fixed partial dentures following the manufacturers' instructions. A master model representing a partially edentulous mandibular right hemi-arch segment whose teeth were prepared to receive full crowns was used. Custom trays were prepared with auto-polymerizing acrylic resin and impressions were performed with a dental surveyor, standardizing the path of insertion and removal of the tray. Alginate and elastomeric materials were used and stone casts were obtained after the impressions. For the silicones, impression techniques were also compared. To determine the impression materials' accuracy, digital photographs of the master model and of the stone casts were taken and the discrepancies between them were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan's complementary test. Polyether and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were statistically different from alginate, condensation silicone and addition silicone following the double-mix technique (p < .05), presenting smaller discrepancies. However, condensation silicone was similar (p > .05) to alginate and addition silicone following the double-mix technique, but different from polysulfide. The results led to the conclusion that different impression materials and techniques influenced the stone casts' accuracy in a way that polyether, polysulfide and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were more accurate than the other materials.


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The aim of this study was to compare different treatments for dentin hypersensitivity in a 6-month follow-up. One hundred and one teeth exhibiting non carious cervical lesions were selected. The assessment method used to quantify sensitivity was the cold air syringe, recorded by the visual analogue scale (VAS), prior to treatment (baseline), immediately after topical treatment, after 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months. Teeth were randomly assigned to five groups (n = 20): G1: Gluma Desensitizer (GD); G2: Seal&Protect (SP); G3: Oxa-gel (OG); G4: Fluoride (F); G5: Low intensity laser-LILT (660 nm/3.8 J/cm²/15 mW). Analysis was based on the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test that demonstrated statistical differences immediately after the treatment (p = 0.0165). To observe the individual effects of each treatment, data was submitted to Friedman test. It was observed that GD and SP showed immediate effect after application. Reduction in the pain level throughout the six-month follow-up was also observed. In contrast, LILT presented a gradual reduction of hypersensitivity. OG and F showed effects as of the first and third month respectively. It can be concluded that, after the 6-month clinical evaluation, all therapies showed lower VAS sensitivity values compared with baseline, independently of their different modes of action.