664 resultados para Chelsea
Although it has been argued that LMX is a phenomenon that develops over time, the existing LMX literature is largely cross-sectional in nature. Yet, there is a great need for unraveling how LMX develops over time. To address this issue in the LMX literature, we examine the relationships of LMX with two variables known for changing over time: job performance and justice perceptions. On the basis of current empirical findings, a simulation deductively shows that LMX develops over time, but differently in early stages versus more mature stages. Our findings also indicate that performance and justice trends affect LMX. Implications for LMX theory, and for longitudinal research on LMX, performance, and justice are discussed.
Abstract not available
El objetivo de la tesis es identificar una familia de argumentos que comparten una estructura con el principio de dualidad de la geometría proyectiva. Esta familia la denomino "argumentos duales". Para lograr este objetivo, tomo cuatro argumentos importantes de la filosofía analítica e identifico en ellos la estructura que comparten. Los cuatro argumentos son: (i) el acertijo de la inducción de Goodman; (ii) la indeterminación de la referencia Putnam; (iii) la indeterminación de la traducción de Quine; (iv) la paradoja del seguimiento de reglas de Wittgenstein.