968 resultados para Causal loops
As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis representam a maior carga de morbimortalidade no Brasil. Em 2011, o Ministério da Saúde lançou seu Plano de Ações Estratégicas para o Enfrentamento das Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis, enfatizando ações populacionais para controlar as doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, câncer e doença respiratória crônica, predominantemente pelo controle do fumo, inatividade física, alimentação inadequada e uso prejudicial de álcool. Apesar da produção científica significativa sobre essas doenças e seus fatores de risco no Brasil, poucos são os estudos de coorte nessa temática. Nesse contexto, o Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) acompanha 15.105 servidores públicos do País. Seus dados espelham a realidade brasileira de altas prevalências de diabetes e hipertensão e dos fatores de risco. A diversidade das informações produzidas permitirá aprofundar o entendimento causal dessas doenças e subsidiar políticas públicas para seu enfrentamento.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
The availability of small inexpensive sensor elements enables the employment of large wired or wireless sensor networks for feeding control systems. Unfortunately, the need to transmit a large number of sensor measurements over a network negatively affects the timing parameters of the control loop. This paper presents a solution to this problem by representing sensor measurements with an approximate representation-an interpolation of sensor measurements as a function of space coordinates. A priority-based medium access control (MAC) protocol is used to select the sensor messages with high information content. Thus, the information from a large number of sensor measurements is conveyed within a few messages. This approach greatly reduces the time for obtaining a snapshot of the environment state and therefore supports the real-time requirements of feedback control loops.
In this cross-sectional study we analyzed, whether team climate for innovation mediates the relationship between team task structure and innovative behavior, job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and work stress. 310 employees in 20 work teams of an automotive company participated in this study. 10 teams had been changed from a restrictive to a more self-regulating team model by providing task variety, autonomy, team-specific goals, and feedback in order to increase team effectiveness. Data support the supposed causal chain, although only with respect to team innovative behavior all required effects were statistically significant. Longitudinal designs and larger samples are needed to prove the assumed causal relationships, but results indicate that implementing self-regulating teams might be an effective strategy for improving innovative behavior and thus team and company effectiveness.
Gravity loads can affect a reinforced concrete structure's response to seismic actions, however, traditional procedures for testing the beam behaviour do not take this effect into consideration. An experimental campaign was carried out in order to assess the influence of the gravity load on RC beam connection to the column subjected to cyclic loading. The experiments included the imposition of a conventional quasi-static test protocol based on the imposition of a reverse cyclic displacement history and of an alternative cyclic test procedure starting from the gravity load effects. The test results are presented, compared and analysed in this paper. The imposition of a cyclic test procedure that included the gravity loads effects on the RC beam ends reproduces the demands on the beams' critical zones more realistically than the traditional procedure. The consideration of the vertical load effects in the test procedure led to an accumulation of negative (hogging) deformation. This phenomenon is sustained with the behaviour of a portal frame system under cyclic loads subject to a significant level of the vertical load, leading to the formation of unidirectional plastic hinges. In addition, the hysteretic behaviour of the RC beam ends tested was simulated numerically using the nonlinear structural analysis software - OpenSees. The beam-column model simulates the global element behaviour very well, as there is a reasonable approximation to the hysteretic loops obtained experimentally. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A noncoherent vector delay/frequency-locked loop (VDFLL) architecture for GNSS receivers is proposed. A bank of code and frequency discriminators feeds a central extended Kalman filter that estimates the receiver's position and velocity, besides the clock error. The VDFLL architecture performance is compared with the one of the classic scalar receiver, both for scintillation and multipath scenarios, in terms of position errors. We show that the proposed solution is superior to the conventional scalar receivers, which tend to lose lock rapidly, due to the sudden drops of the received signal power.
We analyze the advantages and drawbacks of a vector delay/frequency-locked loop (VDFLL) architecture regarding the conventional scalar and the vector delay-locked loop (VDLL) architectures for GNSS receivers in harsh scenarios that include ionospheric scintillation, multipath, and high dynamics motion. The VDFLL is constituted by a bank of code and frequency discriminators feeding a central extended Kaiman filter (EKF) that estimates the receiver's position, velocity, and clock bias. Both code and frequency loops are closed vectorially through the EKF. The VDLL closes the code loop vectorially and the phase loops through individual PLLs while the scalar receiver closes both loops by means of individual independent PLLs and DLLs.
A fuzzy linguistic controller has been developed and implemented with the aim to cope with interactions between control loops due to coupling effects. To access the performance of the proposed approach several experiments have also been conducted using the classical PID controllers in the control loops. A mixing process has been used as test bed of all controllers experimented and the corresponding dynamic model has been derived. The successful results achieved with the fuzzy linguistic controllers suggests that they can be an alternative to classical controllers when in the presence of process plants where automatic control as to cope with coupling effects between control loops. © 2014 IEEE.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Masters degree in Computer Science
We consider the two-Higgs-doublet model as a framework in which to evaluate the viability of scenarios in which the sign of the coupling of the observed Higgs boson to down-type fermions (in particular, b-quark pairs) is opposite to that of the Standard Model (SM), while at the same time all other tree-level couplings are close to the SM values. We show that, whereas such a scenario is consistent with current LHC observations, both future running at the LHC and a future e(+)e(-) linear collider could determine the sign of the Higgs coupling to b-quark pairs. Discrimination is possible for two reasons. First, the interference between the b-quark and the t-quark loop contributions to the ggh coupling changes sign. Second, the charged-Higgs loop contribution to the gamma gamma h coupling is large and fairly constant up to the largest charged-Higgs mass allowed by tree-level unitarity bounds when the b-quark Yukawa coupling has the opposite sign from that of the SM (the change in sign of the interference terms between the b-quark loop and the W and t loops having negligible impact).
Nowadays, the metagenomic approach has been a very important tool in the discovery of new viruses in environmental and biological samples. Here we discuss how these discoveries may help to elucidate the etiology of diseases and the criteria necessary to establish a causal association between a virus and a disease.
This study aimed to show, based on the literature on the subject, the potential for dispersal and establishment of the chikungunya virus in Brazil. The chikungunya virus, a Togaviridae member of the genusAlphavirus, reached the Americas in 2013 and, the following year, more than a million cases were reported. In Brazil, indigenous transmission was registered in Amapa and Bahia States, even during the period of low rainfall, exposing the whole country to the risk of virus spreading. Brazil is historically infested by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, also dengue vectors. Chikungunya may spread, and it is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming endemic in the country. Adequate care for patients with chikungunya fever requires training general practitioners, rheumatologists, nurses, and experts in laboratory diagnosis. Up to November 2014, more than 1,000 cases of the virus were reported in Brazil. There is a need for experimental studies in animal models to understand the dynamics of infection and the pathogenesis as well as to identify pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to identifying effective drugs against the virus. Clinical trials are needed to identify the causal relationship between the virus and serious injuries observed in different organs and joints. In the absence of vaccines or effective drugs against the virus, currently the only way to prevent the disease is vector control, which will also reduce the number of cases of dengue fever.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 29
Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC’01, Porto, Portugal, September 2001
Introdução: A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é considerada uma das doenças neuromusculares (DNM) com características mais limitantes e fatais, sendo caracterizada por fraqueza muscular progressiva. Objectivo: Analisar a evolução da Capacidade Vital e da Máxima Capacidade Inspiratória em doentes com ELA e a sua relação causal com a função bulbar. Procedimentos: A partir de uma população alvo de 203 pacientes com ELA, foram incluídos no estudo aqueles que tinham entre 2 a 4 testes de função respiratória considerados válidos (CV <2000ml) perfazendo um total de 22 indivíduos. As medidas CV e MCI foram analisadas. Resultados: A CV diminuiu ao longo do tempo (media±desvio padrão no 1ºmomento de avaliação =1779,5±692,3; media±desvio padrão no 4ºmomento de avaliação =1108,6±475,7). O comportamento da MCI foi mais estável ao longo dos 4 momentos de avaliação. Avaliou-se a correlação entre as duas variáveis, destacando-se a relação existente entre as duas nos doentes bulbares (coeficiente = 1). Quando avaliada a diferença entre a CV e a MCI, verificamos que o nível de significância no grupo (n=22) aumentou ao longo do tempo. Ao comparamos esta diferença por subgrupos, registou-se uma diferença significativa apenas nos doentes bulbares (1ºmomento – p=0,008 e último momento de avaliação – p 0). Conclusão: Nos doentes com disfunção bulbar a CV diminui ao longo do tempo. A relação entre MCI e CV é um bom factor preditivo da evolução e prognóstico da doença e de diagnóstico do envolvimento da musculatura bulbar.