914 resultados para Calculated (Helbig et al., 2013)
Einleitung In unserer Institution sind die Anforderungen an Schauspielpatienten (SPs) seit 2010 stetig angestiegen(Guttormsen et al., 2013). Zudem stieg auch die Zahl der benötigten SPs insgesamt, so dass wir uns entschieden ein effektives Aufnahmeverfahren gemäss professioneller Qualitätskriterien (Wallace, 2007) zu gestalten. Methoden Seit 2012 organisieren wir 2 x jährlich eine Informations-Veranstaltung für interessierte Bewerber. In einem ersten Teil wird über die Einsätze von SPs informiert und die Rahmenbedingungen dargelegt. In einem zweiten Teil werden Improvisationsübungen in Gruppen, zu zweit oder einzeln durchgeführt. Die SP-Trainer beobachten das Spiel. Zusätzlich wird die Performance gefilmt. Alle Interessierten müssen sich nach dieser 2-stündigen Veranstaltung für 2 weitere Einzeltermine einschreiben: 1. Spielen eines OSCE-Falles (mit SP-Trainer) 2. Körperliche Untersuchung (mit Arzt). Anschliessend wird im Team entschieden, ob alle Voraussetzungen in Bezug auf Teamfähigkeit/Zuverlässigkeit, schauspielerische Fertigkeiten, körperliche Merkmale für eine Anstellung erfüllt sind. Ergebnisse Mit der Einführung dieses strukturierten Auswahlverfahrens haben wir folgendes erreicht: die ausgewählten SPs passen sehr gut in das Team und erfordern weniger organisatorischen Aufwand. Die Rollen können exakter auf das Profil der jeweiligen SPs abgestimmt werden (insbes. durch die körperliche Untersuchung). Mit der Informationsveranstaltung für die Gruppe wird der zeitliche Aufwand für die Information der SPs gegenüber reinen Einzelinterviews gesenkt (50%), trotzdem können durch die Einzeltermine detaillierte Informationen erhoben werden. Diskussion Seit der Neustrukturierung des Auswahlverfahrens entsprechen die gewählten SPs deutlich besser unserem Anforderungsprofil. In Zukunft planen wir das Anforderungsprofil schriftlich zu dokumentieren und zu veröffentlichen, um das Verfahren transparent zu machen. Literatur: [1] Guttormsen, S., C. Beyeler, R. Bonvin, S. Feller, C. Schirlo, K. Schnabel, T. Schurter, and C. Berendonk. 2013. The new licencing examination for human medicine: from concept to implementation. Swiss Med Wkly 143:w13897. [2] Wallace, P. 2007. Coaching Standardized Patients for Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence. Springer Publishing Company, New York
Europeanization challenges national democratic systems. As part and parcel of the broader internationalization of politics, Europeanization is associated with a shift from policymaking within majoritarian, elected representative bodies towards technocratic decisions among non-majoritarian and non-elected bodies (Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2008, Lavenex 2013). It is thus said to weaken the influence of citizens and parliaments on the making of policies and to undermine democratic collective identity (Lavenex 2013, Schimmelfennig 2010). The weakening of national parliaments has been referred to as “de-parliamentarisation” (Goetz and Meyer-Sahling 2008) and has nurtured a broader debate regarding the democratic deficit in the EU. While not being a member of the EU, Switzerland has not remained unaffected by these changes. As discussed in the contribution by Fischer and Sciarini, state executive actors take the lead in Switzerland's European policy. They are responsible for the conduct of international negotiations, they own the treaty making power, and it is up to them to decide whether they wish to launch a negotiation with the EU. In addition, the strong take-it or leave-it character of Europeanized acts limits the room for manoeuver of the parliamentary body also in the ratification phase. Among the public, the rejection of the treaty on the European constitution has definitely closed the era of “permissive consensus” (Hooghe and Marks 2009). However, the process of European unification remains far remote from the European public. In Switzerland, the strongly administrative character of international legislation hinders public discussion (Vögeli 2007). In such a context, the media may serve as cue for the public: By delivering information about the extent and nature of Europeanized policymaking, the media enable citizens to form their own opinions and to hold their representatives accountable. In this sense media coverage may not only be considered an indicator of the information delivered to the public, but it may also enhance the democratic legitimacy of Europeanized policymaking (for a similar argument, see Tresch and Jochum 2005). While the previous contributions to this debate have examined the Europeanization of Swiss (primary and secondary) legislation, we take a closer look at two additional domestic arenas that are both supposed to be under pressure due to Europeanization: The parliament and the media. To that end, we rely on data gathered in a research project that two of us carried out in the context of the NCCR Democracy.1 While this project was primarily interested in the mediatization of decision-making processes in Switzerland, it also investigated the conditional role played by internationalization/Europeanization. For our present purposes, we shall exploit the two data-sets that were developed as part of a study of the political agenda-setting power of the media (Sciarini and Tresch 2012, 2013, Tresch et al. 2013): A data-set on issue attention in parliamentary interventions (initiatives, motions, postulates,2 interpellations and questions) and a data-set on issue attention in articles from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). The data covers the years 1995 to 2003 and the coding of issues followed the classification system developed in the “Policy Agendas Project” (Baumgartner and Jones 1993).
Four different literature parameterizations for the formation and evolution of urban secondary organic aerosol (SOA) frequently used in 3-D models are evaluated using a 0-D box model representing the Los Angeles metropolitan region during the California Research at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change (CalNex) 2010 campaign. We constrain the model predictions with measurements from several platforms and compare predictions with particle- and gas-phase observations from the CalNex Pasadena ground site. That site provides a unique opportunity to study aerosol formation close to anthropogenic emission sources with limited recirculation. The model SOA that formed only from the oxidation of VOCs (V-SOA) is insufficient to explain the observed SOA concentrations, even when using SOA parameterizations with multi-generation oxidation that produce much higher yields than have been observed in chamber experiments, or when increasing yields to their upper limit estimates accounting for recently reported losses of vapors to chamber walls. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ) model (version 5.0.1) provides excellent predictions of secondary inorganic particle species but underestimates the observed SOA mass by a factor of 25 when an older VOC-only parameterization is used, which is consistent with many previous model–measurement comparisons for pre-2007 anthropogenic SOA modules in urban areas. Including SOA from primary semi-volatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds (P-S/IVOCs) following the parameterizations of Robinson et al. (2007), Grieshop et al. (2009), or Pye and Seinfeld (2010) improves model–measurement agreement for mass concentration. The results from the three parameterizations show large differences (e.g., a factor of 3 in SOA mass) and are not well constrained, underscoring the current uncertainties in this area. Our results strongly suggest that other precursors besides VOCs, such as P-S/IVOCs, are needed to explain the observed SOA concentrations in Pasadena. All the recent parameterizations overpredict urban SOA formation at long photochemical ages (3 days) compared to observations from multiple sites, which can lead to problems in regional and especially global modeling. However, reducing IVOC emissions by one-half in the model to better match recent IVOC measurements improves SOA predictions at these long photochemical ages. Among the explicitly modeled VOCs, the precursor compounds that contribute the greatest SOA mass are methylbenzenes. Measured polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalenes) contribute 0.7% of the modeled SOA mass. The amounts of SOA mass from diesel vehicles, gasoline vehicles, and cooking emissions are estimated to be 16–27, 35–61, and 19–35 %, respectively, depending on the parameterization used, which is consistent with the observed fossil fraction of urban SOA, 71(+-3) %. The relative contribution of each source is uncertain by almost a factor of 2 depending on the parameterization used. In-basin biogenic VOCs are predicted to contribute only a few percent to SOA. A regional SOA background of approximately 2.1 μgm-3 is also present due to the long-distance transport of highly aged OA, likely with a substantial contribution from regional biogenic SOA. The percentage of SOA from diesel vehicle emissions is the same, within the estimated uncertainty, as reported in previous work that analyzed the weekly cycles in OA concentrations (Bahreini et al., 2012; Hayes et al., 2013). However, the modeling work presented here suggests a strong anthropogenic source of modern carbon in SOA, due to cooking emissions, which was not accounted for in those previous studies and which is higher on weekends. Lastly, this work adapts a simple two-parameter model to predict SOA concentration and O/C from urban emissions. This model successfully predicts SOA concentration, and the optimal parameter combination is very similar to that found for Mexico City. This approach provides a computationally inexpensive method for predicting urban SOA in global and climate models. We estimate pollution SOA to account for 26 Tg yr-1 of SOA globally, or 17% of global SOA, one third of which is likely to be non-fossil.
We measured tungsten (W) isotopes in 23 iron meteorites and the metal phase of the CB chondrite Gujba in order to ascertain if there is evidence for a large-scale nucleosynthetic heterogeneity in the p-process isotope 180W in the solar nebula as recently suggested by Schulz et al. (2013). We observed large excesses in 180W (up to ≈ 6 ε) in some irons. However, significant within-group variations in magmatic IIAB and IVB irons are not consistent with a nucleosynthetic origin, and the collateral effects on 180W from an s-deficit in IVB irons cannot explain the total variation. We present a new model for the combined effects of spallation and neutron capture reactions on 180W in iron meteorites and show that at least some of the observed within-group variability is explained by cosmic ray effects. Neutron capture causes burnout of 180W, whereas spallation reactions lead to positive shifts in 180W. These effects depend on the target composition and cosmic-ray exposure duration; spallation effects increase with Re/W and Os/W ratios in the target and with exposure age. The correlation of 180W/184W with Os/W ratios in iron meteorites results in part from spallogenic production of 180W rather than from 184Os decay, contrary to a recent study by Peters et al. (2014). Residual ε180W excesses after correction for an s-deficit and for cosmic ray effects may be due to ingrowth of 180W from 184Os decay, but the magnitude of this ingrowth is at least a factor of ≈2 smaller than previously suggested. These much smaller effects strongly limit the applicability of the putative 184Os-180W system to investigate geological problems.
Several lines of genetic, archeological and paleontological evidence suggest that anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) colonized the world in the last 60,000 years by a series of migrations originating from Africa (e.g. Liu et al., 2006; Handley et al., 2007; Prugnolle, Manica, and Balloux, 2005; Ramachandran et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008; Deshpande et al. 2009; Mellars, 2006a, b; Lahr and Foley, 1998; Gravel et al., 2011; Rasmussen et al., 2011). With the progress of ancient DNA analysis, it has been shown that archaic humans hybridized with modern humans outside Africa. Recent direct analyses of fossil nuclear DNA have revealed that 1–4 percent of the genome of Eurasian has been likely introgressed by Neanderthal genes (Green et al., 2010; Reich et al., 2010; Vernot and Akey, 2014; Sankararaman et al., 2014; Prufer et al., 2014; Wall et al., 2013), with Papua New Guineans and Australians showing even larger levels of admixture with Denisovans (Reich et al., 2010; Skoglund and Jakobsson, 2011; Reich et al., 2011; Rasmussen et al., 2011). It thus appears that the past history of our species has been more complex than previously anticipated (Alves et al., 2012), and that modern humans hybridized several times with local hominins during their expansion out of Africa, but the exact mode, time and location of these hybridizations remain to be clarifi ed (Ibid.; Wall et al., 2013). In this context, we review here a general model of admixture during range expansion, which lead to some predictions about expected patterns of introgression that are relevant to modern human evolution.
Sport participation means a privileged access to participate in the sport system and the opportunities of actual integration into sport (Seiberth et al., 2013). The access to sport activities is often restricted for female immigrants. The function of sport participation concerning exercise offers of social associations is not a common theme in research on migration or on sports-related integration. Research on boundaries (Lamont & Molnár, 2002) suggest that gender-related and ethnic boundaries are stable behavioural and cognitive patterns leading to unequal social opportunities. The present study examined the potential of a Swiss intercultural club regarding female immigrants’ integration into sport by focussing on gender-related and ethnic boundaries. Ten interviews with female immigrants and conductress of an intercultural club plus a group discussion were held. Using qualitative content analysis and documentary method, findings reveal multifaceted, interwoven boundaries, e.g. maternal devotion, exclusive exercise offers for women, language learning devotion, religious need of headscarf. Otherwise resources to overcome boundaries are provided: Deploying competent employees; offering childcare, exercise offers suited to mothers‘ time schedule and language lessons; equitable, on integration focussed club-life. Thus, intercultural clubs might help to overcome boundaries and facilitate access to exercise for female immigrants and integrate them more successfully into sport than many sport clubs. A boundary focus and present data may open new perspectives for sport organisation and integration research. Further investigations of social associations offering exercise are advised.
The Martian surface is covered by a fine-layer of oxidized dust responsible for its red color in the visible spectral range (Bibring et al., 2006; Morris et al., 2006). In the near infrared, the strongest spectral feature is located between 2.6 and 3.6 mu m and is ubiquitously observed on the planet (Jouglet et al., 2007; Milliken et al., 2007). Although this absorption has been studied for many decades, its exact attribution and its geological and climatic implications remain debated. We present new lines of evidence from laboratory experiments, orbital and landed missions data, and characterization of the unique Martian meteorite NWA 7533, all converging toward the prominent role of hydroxylated ferric minerals. Martian breccias (so-called "Black Beauty" meteorite NWA7034 and its paired stones NWA7533 and NWA 7455) are unique pieces of the Martian surface that display abundant evidence of aqueous alteration that occurred on their parent planet (Agee et al., 2013). These dark stones are also unique in the fact that they arose from a near surface level in the Noachian southern hemisphere (Humayun et al., 2013). We used IR spectroscopy, Fe-XANES and petrography to identify the mineral hosts of hydrogen in NWA 7533 and compare them with observations of the Martian surface and results of laboratory experiments. The spectrum of NWA 7533 does not show mafic mineral absorptions, making its definite identification difficult through NIR remote sensing mapping. However, its spectra are virtually consistent with a large fraction of the Martian highlands. Abundant NWA 7034/7533 (and paired samples) lithologies might abound on Mars and might play a role in the dust production mechanism. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A multi-proxy chronological framework along with sequence-stratigraphic interpretations unveils composite Milankovitch cyclicity in the sedimentary records of the Last GlacialeInterglacial cycle at NE Gela Basin on the Sicilian continental margin. Chronostratigraphic data (including foraminifera-based eco-biostratigraphy and d18O records, tephrochronological markers and 14C AMS radiometric datings) was derived from the shallow-shelf drill sites GeoB14403 (54.6 m recovery) and GeoB14414 (27.5 m), collected with both gravity and drilled MeBo cores in 193 m and 146 m water depth, respectively. The recovered intervals record Marine Isotope Stages and Substages (MIS) from MIS 5 to MIS 1, thus comprising major stratigraphic parts of the progradational deposits that form the last 100-ka depositional sequence. Calibration of shelf sedimentary units with borehole stratigraphies indicates the impact of higher-frequency (20-ka) sea level cycles punctuating this 100-ka cycle. This becomes most evident in the alternation of thick interstadial highstand (HST) wedges and thinner glacial forced-regression (FSST) units mirroring seaward shifts in coastal progradation. Albeit their relatively short-lived depositional phase, these subordinate HST units form the bulk of the 100-ka depositional sequence. Two mechanisms are proposed that likely account for enhanced sediment accumulation ratios (SAR) of up to 200 cm/ka during these intervals: (1) intensified activity of deep and intermediate Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) associated to the drowning of Mediterranean shelves, and (2) amplified sediment flux along the flooded shelf in response to hyperpycnal plumes that generate through extreme precipitation events during overall arid conditions. Equally, the latter mechanism is thought to be at the origin of undulated features resolved in the acoustic records of MIS 5 Interstadials, which bear a striking resemblance to modern equivalents forming on late-Holocene prodeltas of other Mediterranean shallow-shelf settings.
El artículo presenta resultados de la investigación HEXCA-Brasil que, por medio de entrevistas en profundidad, indagó la interrupción del embarazo en trayectorias biográficas de 31 mujeres y 28 hombres de camadas populares y medias, en diferentes franjas etarias (18 a 17 años y 40 a 49 años). Se abordan los procesos de negociación y toma de decisión acerca del aborto. Dichos procesos, condicionados por circunstancias sociales variadas, se han revalado portadores de temporalidades diversas, no lineales. Además del análisis de tales procesos de decisión se examinan las relaciones de género narradas por los informantes, así como las condiciones de la etapa vital en que tuvo lugar el evento de interrupción del embarazo. El contraste generacional ha permitido observar, en los estratos sociales indagados, cambios significativos en las relaciones familiares y de género; en las representaciones acerca de la maternidad, la paternidad y la reproducción; así como en los métodos abortivos y su accesibilidad en las últimas décadas. La perspectiva biográfica adoptada se mostró fecundidad al vincular del evento analizado con el trayecto de las experiencias sexuales, contraceptivas y reproductivas de los entrevistados.
Comprehensive isotopic studies based on data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project have elucidated numerous details of the low- and high-temperature mechanisms of interaction between water and rocks of ocean crustal seismic Layers 1 and 2. These isotopic studies have also identified climatic changes during the Meso-Cenozoic history of oceans. Data on the abundance and isotopic composition of sulfur in the sedimentary layer as well as in rocks of the volcanic basement are more fragmentary than are oxygen and carbon data. In this chapter we specifically concentrate upon isotopic data related to specific features of the mechanisms of low-temperature interaction of water with sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks. The Leg 59 data provide a good opportunity for such lithologic and isotopic studies, because almost 600 meters of basalt flows and sills interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias were cored during the drilling of Hole 448A. Moreover, rocks supposedly exposed to hydrothermal alteration play an important role at the deepest horizons of that mass. Sulfur isotopic studies of the character of possible biogenic processes of sulfate reduction in sediments are another focus, as well as the nature and origin of sulfide mineralization in Layer-2 rocks of remnant island arcs. Finally, oxygen and carbon istopic analyses of biogenic carbonates in the cores also enabled us to investigate the effects of changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic. These results are compared with previous data from adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean. Thus this chapter describes results of isotopic analyses of: oxygen and sulfur of interstitial water; oxygen and carbon of sedimentary carbonates and of calcite intercalations and inclusions in tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias interbedded with basalt flows; and sulfur of sulfides in these rocks.
The deep Black Sea is known to be depleted in electron-acceptors for sulphide oxidation. This study on depth distributions of sulphur species (S(II), S(0),S(n)**2-,S2O3**2-,SO3**2-,SO4**2-) in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano, a cold seep situated in the permanently anoxic eastern Black Sea basin (Sorokin Trough, 2060 m water depth), showed remarkable concentrations of sulphide oxidation products. Sulphite concentrations of up to 11 µmol L**1-, thiosulphate concentrations of up to 22 µmol L**1-, zero-valent sulphur concentrations of up to 150 µmol L**1- and up to five polysulphide species were measured in the upper 20 cm of the sediment. Electron-acceptors found to be available in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) for the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide to sulphide oxidation intermediates are iron-minerals, and probably also reactive manganese phases. Up to 60 µmol g**1- of reactive iron-minerals and up to 170 µmol L**1- dissolved iron was present in the central summit with the highest fluid upflow and fresh mud outflow. Thus, the source for the oxidative power in the DMV are reactive iron phases extruded with the mud from an ancient source in the deeply buried sediments, leading to the formation of various sulphur intermediates in comparably high concentrations. Another possible source of sulphide oxidation intermediates in DMV sediments could be the formation of zero-valent sulphur by sulphate dependent anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane followed by disproportionation of zero-valent sulphur. Sulphide oxidation intermediates, which are produced by these processes, do not reach thermodynamic equilibrium with rhombic sulphur, especially close to the active center of the DMV due to a short equilibration time. Thus, mud volcano sediments, such as in the DMV, can provide oxidizing niches even in a highly reduced environment like the abyssal part of the Black Sea.
Much progress has been made in estimating recurrence intervals of great and giant subduction earthquakes using terrestrial, lacustrine, and marine paleoseismic archives. Recent detailed records suggest these earthquakes may have variable recurrence periods and magnitudes forming supercycles. Understanding seismic supercycles requires long paleoseismic archives that record timing and magnitude of such events. Turbidite paleoseismic archives may potentially extend past earthquake records to the Pleistocene and can thus complement commonly shorter-term terrestrial archives. However, in order to unambiguously establish recurring seismicity as a trigger mechanism for turbidity currents, synchronous deposition of turbidites in widely spaced, isolated depocenters has to be ascertained. Furthermore, characteristics that predispose a seismically active continental margin to turbidite paleoseismology and the correct sample site selection have to be taken into account. Here we analyze 8 marine sediment cores along 950 km of the Chile margin to test for the feasibility of compiling detailed and continuous paleoseismic records based on turbidites. Our results suggest that the deposition of areally widespread, synchronous turbidites triggered by seismicity is largely controlled by sediment supply and, hence, the climatic and geomorphic conditions of the adjacent subaerial setting. The feasibility of compiling a turbidite paleoseismic record depends on the delicate balance between sufficient sediment supply providing material to fail frequently during seismic shaking and sufficiently low sedimentation rates to allow for coeval accumulation of planktonic foraminifera for high-resolution radiocarbon dating. We conclude that offshore northern central Chile (29-32.5°S) Holocene turbidite paleoseismology is not feasible, because sediment supply from the semi-arid mainland is low and almost no Holocene turbidity-current deposits are found in the cores. In contrast, in the humid region between 36 and 38°S frequent Holocene turbidite deposition may generally correspond to paleoseismic events. However, high terrigenous sedimentation rates prevent high-resolution radiocarbon dating. The climatic transition region between 32.5 and 36°S appears to be best suited for turbidite paleoseismology.
The modern subarctic Pacific is characterized by a steep salinity-driven surface water stratification, which hampers the supply of saline and nutrient-rich deeper waters into the euphotic zone, limiting productivity. However, the strength of the halocline might have varied in the past. Here, we present diatom oxygen (d18Odiat) and silicon (d30Sidiat) stable isotope data from the open subarctic North-East (NE) Pacific (SO202-27-6; Gulf of Alaska), in combination with other proxy data (Neogloboquadrina pachydermasin d18O, biogenic opal, Ca and Fe intensities, IRD), to evaluate changes in surface water hydrography and productivity during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, characterized by millennial-scale temperature changes (Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles) documented in Greenland ice cores.