996 resultados para Bohlin, Torsten


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Das Konzept des 'politischen Gottesdienstes' wird begrifflich präzisiert und auf den Zusammenhang von Kirche als Teil der Gesellschaft - und besonders der Zivilgesellschaft - bezogen. Dabei ergibt sich, dass aus theologischen Gründen sowohl innerkirchlich wie im breiteren gesellschaftlichen Kontext eine öffentliche Theologie von Bedeutung ist.


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Die politische Ethik des Heidelberger Katechismus zielt - anders als oft vermutet und reformierter Theologie unterstellt - nicht auf eine theokratische Gesellschaftsform, sondern schränkt die staatliche Autorität gerade ein. In der Fortführung und Präzisierung solcher politischer Ethik lässt sich - im Vergleich der Konzeptionen des reformierten Theologen Karl Barth und des französischen Philosophen Claude Lefort - geradezu eine spezifische Affinität von Protestantismus und Demokratie ausmachen, die mit der notwendigen Offenhaltung der Position der Macht zu tun hat.


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Biodiversity, a multidimensional property of natural systems, is difficult to quantify partly because of the multitude of indices proposed for this purpose. Indices aim to describe general properties of communities that allow us to compare different regions, taxa, and trophic levels. Therefore, they are of fundamental importance for environmental monitoring and conservation, although there is no consensus about which indices are more appropriate and informative. We tested several common diversity indices in a range of simple to complex statistical analyses in order to determine whether some were better suited for certain analyses than others. We used data collected around the focal plant Plantago lanceolata on 60 temperate grassland plots embedded in an agricultural landscape to explore relationships between the common diversity indices of species richness (S), Shannon's diversity (H'), Simpson's diversity (D-1), Simpson's dominance (D-2), Simpson's evenness (E), and Berger-Parker dominance (BP). We calculated each of these indices for herbaceous plants, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, aboveground arthropods, belowground insect larvae, and P.lanceolata molecular and chemical diversity. Including these trait-based measures of diversity allowed us to test whether or not they behaved similarly to the better studied species diversity. We used path analysis to determine whether compound indices detected more relationships between diversities of different organisms and traits than more basic indices. In the path models, more paths were significant when using H', even though all models except that with E were equally reliable. This demonstrates that while common diversity indices may appear interchangeable in simple analyses, when considering complex interactions, the choice of index can profoundly alter the interpretation of results. Data mining in order to identify the index producing the most significant results should be avoided, but simultaneously considering analyses using multiple indices can provide greater insight into the interactions in a system.


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Einführung: In der Schweiz bestehen zwischen den verschieden Sprachregionen Unterschiede in der Sportpartizipation (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2014). In der italienisch- und französischsprachigen Schweiz wird weniger häufig Sport getrieben als in der Deutschschweiz. Diese sprachregionalen Unterschiede im Sportverhalten sind mit denjenigen der europäischen Nachbarländer vergleichbar. In den nordischen und westlichen Ländern wurde im Vergleich zu den östlichen und südlichen Ländern in Europa wiederholt eine höhere Sportpartizipationsrate aufgezeigt (European Commission, 2014). Zur Erklärung werden insbesondere soziokulturelle Faktoren als begünstigende oder behindernde Einflussfaktoren für den Zugang zum Sport diskutiert. Theoretischer Ansatz: Zur Erklärung des Sportverhaltens wird der praxeologische Ansatz des Habitus (Bourdieu, 1976) verwendet. Das theoretische Konzept des Habitus stellt ein historisch und kulturell variierendes Konstrukt dar, welches eine dynamische Vermittlerrolle zwischen der gesellschaftlichen Struktur- und der subjektiven Handlungsebene einnimmt. Der Habitus erfasst ein dauerhaftes Ensemble von Denk-, Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungsschemata, die gesellschaftlich bedingt sind und die individuellen Handlungen sowie die (Sport-)Praxis beeinflusst. Mit diesem kulturtheoretischen Ansatz von Bourdieu sollen die individuellen Wert- und Deutungsmuster bezüglich Sport und Bewegung, Körper, Gesundheit sowie Freizeit erfasst werden. Methodisches Vorgehen: Um die bewegungs- und körperbezogenen Deutungsstrukturen im Sinne von sportbezogenen Wertvorstellungen, Denk- und Wahrnehmungsschemata im Kontext sportlichen Handelns zu untersuchen, werden in der Deutsch- und Westschweiz wohnhafte sportlich aktive sowie inaktive Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im Alter von 16 bis 24 Jahren mittels eines halbstrukturierten Interviews zu ihrer eigenen Sportpraxis sowie ihrer persönlichen Einstellung zu Sport, Bewegung, Körper, Gesundheit und Freizeit befragt. Zur Auswertung wird eine rekonstruktive Sozialforschungsmethode, diejenige der dokumentarischen Methode (Bohnsack, 2013) angewendet, da diese auf die Rekonstruktion von Habitusformen abzielt. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Es können verschiedene sportbezogene Wertvorstellungen, Denk- und Wahrnehmungsschemata aufgezeigt werden, die mit der habituellen Sportpraxis zusammenhängen z.B. der Stellenwert des Sports d.h. inwiefern Sport als Bestandteil des Lebens oder als Teil der eigenen (körperlichen) Identität wahrgenommen wird. Zudem ist das Ziel der dokumentarischen Analyse aufgrund der bewegungs- und körperbezogenen Deutungsstrukturen unterschiedliche Habitustypen im Kontext des Sports aufzuzeigen. Soziokulturell geprägte Wertvorstellungen könnten einen Beitrag zur Erklärung der unterschiedlichen Sportpartizipationsraten in den verschiedenen Sprachregionen der Schweiz leisten. Da es sich um eine explorative Studie handelt, sind zur Verallgemeinerung der Befunde weitere Studien notwendig. References: Bohnsack, R. (Hrsg.). (2013). Die dokumentarische Methode und ihre Forschungspraxis: Grundlagen qualitativer Sozialforschung (3., aktual. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Bourdieu, P. (1976). La distinction: Critique sociale du jugement. Le sens commun. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. European Commission. (2014). Sport and physical activity: Report. Special Eurobarometer: Vol. 412. Brussels: European Commission. Lamprecht, M., Fischer, A., & Stamm, H. (2014). Sport Schweiz 2014. Magglingen: Bundesamt für Sport BASPO.


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The user experience on watching live video se- quences transmitted over a Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs) must be considered to drop packets in overloaded queues, in scenarios with high buffer overflow and packet loss rate. In this paper, we introduce a context-aware adaptation mechanism to manage overloaded buffers. More specifically, we propose a utility function to compute the dropping probability of each packet in overloaded queues based on video context information, such as frame importance, packet deadline, and sensing relevance. In this way, the proposed mechanism drops the packet that adds the minimum video distortion. Simulation evaluation shows that the proposed adaptation mechanism provides real-time multimedia dissemination with QoE support in a multi-hop, multi-flow, and mobile network environments.


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Encephalitis is a frequently diagnosed condition in cattle with neurological diseases. Many affected animals present with a nonsuppurative inflammatory reaction pattern in the brain. While this pattern supports a viral etiology, the causative pathogen remains unknown in a large proportion of cases. Using viral metagenomics, we identified an astrovirus (bovine astrovirus [BoAstV]-CH13) in the brain of a cow with nonsuppurative encephalitis. Additionally, BoAstV RNA was detected with reverse transcription-PCR and in situ hybridization in about one fourth (5/22 animals) of cattle with nonsuppurative encephalitis of unknown etiology. Viral RNA was found primarily in neurons and at the site of pathology. These findings support the notion that BoAstV infection is a common cause of encephalitis in cattle. Phylogenetically, BoAstV-CH13 was closely related to rare astrovirus isolates from encephalitis cases in animals and a human patient. Future research needs to be directed toward the pathogenic mechanisms, epidemiology, and potential cross-species transmission of these neurotropic astroviruses.


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Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), popularly known as 'mad cow disease', led to an epidemic in Europe that peaked in the mid-1990s. Its impact on developing countries, such as Nigeria, has not been fully established as information on livestock and surveillance has eluded those in charge of this task. The BSE risk to Nigeria's cattle population currently remains undetermined, which has resulted in international trade restrictions on commodities from the cattle population. This is mainly because of a lack of updated BSE risk assessments and disease surveillance data. To evaluate the feasibility of BSE surveillance in Nigeria, we carried out a pilot study targeting cattle that were presented for emergency or casualty slaughter. In total, 1551 cattle of local breeds, aged 24 months and above were clinically examined. Ataxia, recumbency and other neurological signs were topmost on our list of criteria. A total of 96 cattle, which correspond to 6.2%, presented clinical signs that supported a suspect of BSE. The caudal brainstem tissues of these animals were collected post-mortem and analysed for the disease-specific form of the prion protein using a rapid test approved by the International Animal Health Organization (OIE). None of the samples were positive for BSE. Although our findings do not exclude the presence of BSE in Nigeria, they do demonstrate that targeted sampling of clinically suspected cases of BSE is feasible in developing countries. In addition, these findings point to the possibility of implementing clinical monitoring schemes for BSE and potentially other diseases with grave economic and public health consequences.


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BACKGROUND For patients with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, it remains unclear whether the addition of intravascular high-frequency, low-power ultrasound energy facilitates the resolution of thrombosis during catheter-directed thrombolysis. METHODS AND RESULTS In a controlled clinical trial, 48 patients (mean age 50±21 years, 52% women) with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis were randomized to receive ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (N=24) or conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis (N=24). Thrombolysis regimen (20 mg r-tPA over 15 hours) was identical in all patients. The primary efficacy end point was the percentage of thrombus load reduction from baseline to 15 hours according to the length-adjusted thrombus score, obtained from standardized venograms and evaluated by a core laboratory blinded to group assignment. The percentage of thrombus load reduction was 55%±27% in the ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis group and 54%±27% in the conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis group (P=0.91). Adjunctive angioplasty and stenting was performed in 19 (80%) patients and in 20 (83%) patients, respectively (P>0.99). Treatment-related complications occurred in 3 (12%) and 2 (8%) patients, respectively (P>0.99). At 3-month follow-up, primary venous patency was 100% in the ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis group and 96% in the conventional catheter-directed thrombolysis group (P=0.33), and there was no difference in the severity of the post-thrombotic syndrome (mean Villalta score: 3.0±3.9 [range 0-15] versus 1.9±1.9 [range 0-7]; P=0.21), respectively. CONCLUSIONS In this randomized controlled clinical trial of patients with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis treated with a fixed-dose catheter thrombolysis regimen, the addition of intravascular ultrasound did not facilitate thrombus resolution. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01482273.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes are risk factors for atherosclerosis and are highly prevalent in patients with coronary artery disease. However, the prevalence of impaired glucose metabolism in patients with peripheral artery disease is not as well elucidated. We aimed at comparing prevalence rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes, which were diagnosed according to the current American Diabetes Association criteria, among 364 patients with peripheral artery disease, 529 patients with coronary artery disease and 383 controls. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in peripheral artery disease patients was 49.7%. It was significantly higher in these patients than in coronary artery disease patients (34.4%; p < 0.001) and controls (21.4%; p < 0.001). Adjusted for sex, age and body mass index, odds ratios for type 2 diabetes mellitus were 2.0 (95% confidence interval 1.5-2.6) comparing the peripheral artery disease group with the coronary artery disease group (p < 0.001) and 4.0 (2.8-5.8) comparing the peripheral artery disease group with controls (p < 0.001). The prevalence of pre-diabetes among non-diabetic subjects was high in all three study groups (64.5% in peripheral artery disease patients, 63.4% in coronary artery disease patients and 61.8% in controls), without significant between-group differences. In conclusion, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is even higher in peripheral artery disease patients than in coronary artery disease patients. This observation underlines the need to consider impaired glucose regulation in the management of peripheral artery disease.


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Introduction: Organisational changes in sports federations are often associated with a drift from a volunteer driven to an increasingly business-like phenomenon (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2011). This process of transfor-mation is be called as “professionalization”. Accordingly, professionalization seems to be an appropriate strategy for sport organisations in order to meet organizational pressure due to challenges of a more complex and dynamic changing environment adequately. Despite the increasing research interest and the attempts for systematization on the phenomenon of professionalization it still remains unclear what does the term professionalization exactly mean (Dowling et al., 2014). Thus, there is a lack of a consistent concept of professionalization that is needed in order to explore different facets and perspectives of this phenomenon more validly. Against this background following question emerged: What is the suitable concept of professionalization for analyzing the actual ongoing processes of change, adaption or transformation in sport federations? Methods: Dealing with this question, following two-step approach was choosen: (1) In a first step a scholar’s perspective at professionalisation of sport organisations will be displayed in order to explore both the common ground as well as divergences and inconsistencies in previous approaches. Therefore, a literature review is indicated. (2) In a second step, and in contrast to previous studies we will consider a practical point of view by a so called second-order observation of experts to gain valuable insights into current thinking and acting towards professionalization in sport federations. In doing so, a hermeneutical approach is used, which is about understanding the meaning of contexts by grasping the everyday world, and draw insight and meaning from it (Shilbury et al., 2013). Accordance with hermeneutics, the explorative interpretive knowledge of expert interviews was used. The interviews were conducted with a sample of six selected experts, who have both dedicated insider knowledge and the overall view of all Swiss sport federations. Results and discussion: The summaries of literature review could be categorized into two research currents. The one defines professionalization as a structural process towards professional status of occupations. The other defines it in a broader sense as an organisational change towards a business-like approach. Whereas the first perspective there is a broad scientific consensus that second isn’t that clear, however. Explorative analysis of interview data reveals different themes in relation to professionalization of sports federation. First theme deals with a changed philosophy as more strategic alignment towards for-profit, efficiency and quality orientation. Second theme refers to paid work associated with more competence orientation and balanced governance between paid and voluntary work. Third theme deals with acting shift towards more rationalization and efficiency by implementation of innovative management and communication tools. Based on findings of both our review of scholar`s perspective as well insights from experts we will provide – in the sense of synthesis – a more clear understanding of what does professionalization mean that can be useful in terms of further studies. References: Dowling, M., Edwards, J. & Washington, M. (2014). Understanding the concept of professionalisation in sport management research. Sport Management Review, 17 (4), 520–529. Shilbury, D., Ferkins, L. & Smythe, L. (2013). Sport governance encounters: Insights from lived experiences. Sport Management Review, 16,349–363. Shilbury, D., & Ferkins, L. (2011). Professionalisation, sport governance and strategic capability. Managing Leisure, 16, 108–127.