975 resultados para Barrie, Margaret Ogilvy.
Once the ugly duckling of the lighting world, the fluorescent bulb recently has become something of an eco-darling thanks to its energy efficiency. Whereas a standard off-the-shelf incandescent bulb devotes only about five percent of its total electrical consumption to produce visible light (the remainder is released in heat), fluorescent lighting employs an entirely different process (it radiates rather than burns) that is four to six times more efficient. Fluorescents are indisputably superior in performance, but up to 5 milligrams of mercury, a hazardous trace metal, is included in the manufacture of each lamp
Architecture today often is praised for its tectonics, floating volumes, and sensational, gravity-defying stunts of “starchitecture.” Yet, very so often there is a building that inspires descriptions of the sublime, the experiential, and the power of light and architecture to transcend our expectations. The new Meinel Optical Sciences Research Building, designed by Phoenix-based Richärd+Bauer for the University of Arizona, Tucson, is one of these architectural rarities. Already drawing comparisons to Louis Kahn's 1965 Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, the indescribable quality of light that characterizes the best of Kahn's work also resonates in Richärd+Bauer's new building. Both an expansion and renovation of the existing College of Optical Sciences facilities, the Meinel building includes teaching and research laboratories, six floors of offices, discussion areas, conference rooms, and an auditorium. The new 47,000 square-foot cast-in-place concrete structure, wrapped on three-sides in copper-alloy panels, harmonizes with the largely brick vocabulary of the campus while reflecting the ethereal quality of the wide Arizona sky. The façade, however, is merely a prelude for what awaits inside—where light and architecture seamlessly combine to create moments of pure awe.
Considering the staggering benefits of high-performance schools, it seems an obvious choice to “go green.” High-performance schools offer an exceptionally cost-effective means to enhance student learning, using on average 33 percent less energy than conventionally designed schools, and provide substantial health gains, including reduced respiratory problems and absenteeism. According to the 2006 study, Greening America's Schools, Costs and Benefits, co-sponsored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Capital E, a green building consulting firm, high-performance lighting is a key element of healthy learning environments, contributing to improved test scores, reduced off-task behavior, and higher achievement among students. Few argue this point more convincingly than architect Heinz Rudolf, of Portland-Oregon-based Boora Architects, who has designed sustainable schools for more than 80 school districts in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Wyoming, and has pioneered the high-performance school movement. Boora's recently completed project, the Baker Prairie Middle School in Canby, Oregon is one of the most sustainable K-12 facilities in the state, and illustrates Rudolf's progressive and research-intensive approach to school design.
The design of nighttime environments that instill feelings of both safety and enjoyment is of critical importance to the economic and cultural vitality of urban centers around the world. This has been broadly recognized in Europe for several decades, but has only recently been seriously addressed in North America. The following considers lighting design for the urban nightscape through the examination of two progressive urban lighting projects, organizations like the Lighting Urban Community International (LUCI), the City-People-Light program, and the role of lighting festivals and workshops in advancing urban lighting design.
Modern architecture, with its exposed concrete, glass, and steel expanses, does not age gracefully. The Yale University Art Gallery, designed by architecture great Louis Kahn, is no exception. As Yale's first modernist building, completed in 1953, and Kahn's first major commission and collaboration with pioneering lighting designer, Richard Kelly, the gallery is an important part of American architecture. Yet, despite its iconic status, the building suffered numerous architectural indignities in the years following its completion, including the insertion of permanent gallery partitions, which divided Kahn's open plan, and the enclosure of an exterior court, which blocked daylight to the lower galleries.
Recognized around the world as a powerful beacon for freedom, hope, and opportunity, the Statue of Liberty's light is not just metaphorical: her dramatic illumination is a perfect example of American ingenuity and engineering. Since the statue's installation in New York Harbor in 1886, lighting engineers and designers had struggled to illuminate the 150-foot copper-clad monument in a manner becoming an American icon. It took the thoughtful and creative approach of Howard Brandston-a legend in his own right-to solve this lighting challenge. In 1984, the designer was asked to give the statue a much-needed lighting makeover in preparation for its centennial. In order to avoid the shortcomings of previous attempts, he studied the monument from every angle and in all lighting conditions, discovering that it looked best in the light of dawn. Brandston determined that he would need 'one lamp to mimic the morning sun and one lamp to mimic the morning sky.' Learning that no existing lamps could simulate these conditions, Brandston partnered with General Electric to develop two new metal halide products. With only a short time for R&D, a team of engineers at GE's Nela Park laboratories assembled a 'top secret' testing room dedicated to the Statue of Liberty project. After nearly two years of work to perfect the new lamps, the 'dawn's early light' effect was finally achieved just days before the centennial celebrations were to take place in 1986. 'It was truly a labor of love,' he recalls.
Your money or your life? A qualitative follow-up study of the young unemployed from an actor perspective is a qualitative and longitudinal study following 36 unemployed young people in Helsinki over a span of ten years. The purpose of the study is to shed light on how a few young people view employment/unemployment and their lives and future, how they as unemployed perceive their encounters with society, and how society supports them. Four so-called key informants were followed at a finer level of empirical detail. They were chosen for the thematic interviews because of their different personalities, starting points and preferences. Although some differences were expected, what the results show is quite striking. The individual stories raise a number of questions about differences between young people, about society s view of the young unemployed, and about the principles behind the so-called activation policy and how society s support is distributed. The key informants descriptions underline that the group young unemployed does not consist of individuals who are alike but that life is complex, that paid work and unemployment can be perceived very differently, and that background and unofficial support can have consequences for self-perception and for ways of looking at the future, vocational choices, paid work and activation policy. Margaret S. Archer s theory of Morphogenesis and Barbara Cruikshank s theory of constructing democracies compose the study s theoretical framework. The key informants stories give a picture of a formal support system that, even though it puts part of the responsibility for unemployment on the individuals themselves, in the name of fairness and equality, treats them in an impersonal way, not giving their personal situation and wishes much weight. As a consequence, those who share the dominant values of society do well, while others who do not are faced with difficulties. The bigger the gap between society s and the individual s values, the bigger the risk to be met by little understanding and by penalties. And vice versa: Those who initially have the right values and know how to deal with authorities get heard and their opinions get accepted. The informants ask for a more personal encounter, which could improve both the atmosphere and the clients experiences of being heard. Still the risk of having a more individualistic system should be addressed, as a new system might generate new winners, but just as well give new losers. Finally, we have to ask if the so-called activation policy is looking for answers primarily to a macro-level problem on the micro-level. If it does not produce more jobs, its support for the unemployed will be insignificant. It is not enough to think about what to do at the grassroots level to make the system more functional and support job-seeking. If the current rate of unemployment endures, the quality of life of the unemployed should be addressed. A first step could be taken by placing less guilt on the unemployed. Instead of talking about activating the unemployed, discussion should be targeted at removing structural impediments to employment. If we want to have less polarisation between the those with paid work and those without, who often struggle with low incomes, we need to include the macro-level in the discussion. What does high unemployment mean in a work-based society, where the individual s self-perception and important social forms of support are linked to labour income? And what can be done at the macro-level to change this undesirable condition at the micro-level? Keywords: Unemployment, Youth, Public interventions, Activation policy, Individual actors, Qualitative, Longitudinal, Holistic, Helsinki, Finland
Background: Clinicians frequently use their own judgement to assess patient’s hydration status although there is limited evidence for the diagnostic utility of any individual clinical symptom. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of clinically assessed dehydration in older hospital patients (using multiple symptoms), versus dehydration measured using serum-calculated osmolality (CO) as the reference standard. Method: Participants were 44 hospital patients aged ≥ 60 years. Dehydration was assessed clinically and pathologically (CO) within 24 hours of admission and at study exit. Indicators of diagnostic accuracy were calculated. Results: Clinicians identified 27% of patients as dehydrated at admission, and 19% at exit, compared to 19% and 16% using CO. Agreement between the measures was fair at admission and poor at exit. Clinical assessment showed poor sensitivity for predicting dehydration with reasonable specificity. Conclusions: Compared to the use of CO, clinical assessment of dehydration in older patients was poor. Given that failure to identify dehydration in this population may have serious consequences, we recommend that clinicians do not rely upon their own assessments without also using the reference standard.
An exploratory study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of dehydration in older patients (aged ≥60 years) with and without cognitive impairment (CI) admitted to hospital and to examine associations between dehydration, CI and frailty. Forty-four patients participated and dehydration was assessed within 24 hours of admission and at day 4 or at discharge, whichever occurred first (study exit). Patients’ cognitive function and frailty status were assessed using validated instruments. Twenty-seven (61%) patients had CI and 61% were frail. The prevalence of dehydration at admission was 29% (n=12) and 19% (n=6) at study exit and dehydration status did not differ according to either CI status or frailty status. Within the non-CI group, however, significantly more frail than fit patients were dehydrated at admission (p=0.03). These findings indicate that dehydration is common amongst older hospital patients, and that frailty may increase the risk for dehydration in cognitively intact older patients.
Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin sukupuolen sosiaalista rakentumista väkivaltaa käsittelevissä kertomuksissa. Aineistona oli 31 lehti-ilmoituksella kerättyä väkivaltakertomusta, joissa väkivallasta kirjoitettiin sekä väkivallan uhrin että tekijän positiosta käsin. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millä tavoin väkivaltaa konstruoidaan kertomuksissa ja miten tämä yhdistyy kirjoittajien sukupuolen suorittamiseen. Analyysimenetelmänä oli diskurssianalyysi, jossa sovellettiin sekä poststrukturalistisen diskurssianalyysin että diskursiivisen psykologian lähestymistapaa. Aineistosta oli löydettävissä yhteensä yhdeksän erilaista väkivaltakonstruktiota. Miehen toiseen mieheen kohdistaman väkivallan kontekstissa väkivaltaa konstruoitiin kolmessa konstruktiossa oikeutetuksi ja kahdessa paheksuttavaksi. Parisuhdeväkivallan ja perheessä lapsiin kohdistuvan väkivallan kontekstissa väkivalta näyttäytyi joko väkivallan tekijään liittyvänä, valta-aseman vahvistamisena tai osapuolten vuorovaikutukseen liittyvänä. Tämän lisäksi kaikissa konteksteissa väkivaltaa konstruoitiin toisinaan väkivallan tekijän ulkoisista syistä aiheutuvaksi. Sukupuolen suorittaminen käsitettiin tutkielmassa asemointipyrkimyksinä sukupuolen mukaisiin subjektipositioihin. Kirjoittajien katsottiin kohtaavan väkivaltaan ja sukupuoleen liittyviä diskursiivisia ristiriitoja, joita he pyrkivät neuvottelemaan käyttäen erilaisia neuvottelustrategioita. Väkivaltaan ja maskuliinisuuteen liittyviä diskursiivisia ristiriitoja pyrittiin neuvottelemaan sosiaalisen paheksunnan välttämiseen ja maskuliinisuuden todistamiseen käytetyillä neuvottelustrategioilla. Uhriuteen ja feminiinisyyteen liittyviä diskursiivisia ristiriitoja neuvoteltiin uhriuden todistamiseen sekä sille vastakohtaisesti uhriuden välttelyyn käytetyillä neuvottelustrategioilla, joiden tulkittiin liittyvän pyrkimyksiin asemoitua vahvan naisen positioon. Keskeisinä neuvottelustrategioina olivat erilaiset eronteot, esimerkiksi oikeutetun ja paheksuttavan väkivallan välille, uhrin ja tekijän välille sekä itsen välille ennen ja nyt. Tärkeimmät tutkielmassa käytetyt lähteet olivat: Burr, Vivien (1995): An Introduction to Social Constructionism; Butler, Judith (1990): Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity; Harré, Rom & van Langenhove, Luk (toim.) (1999): Positioning Theory: Moral Contexts of Intentional Action; Hearn, Jeff (1998): The Violences of Men. How Men Talk about and How Agencies Respond to Men’s Violence to Women; Jokinen, Arto (2000): Panssaroitu maskuliinisuus. Mies, väkivalta ja kulttuuri; Keskinen, Suvi (2005): Perheammattilaiset ja väkivaltatyön ristiriidat; Ronkainen, Suvi & Näre, Sari (toim.) (2008): Paljastettu Intiimi. Sukupuolistuneen väkivallan dynamiikka; Wetherell, Margaret (1998): Positioning and Interpretative Repertoires: Conversation Analysis and Post-Structuralism in Dialogue. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords sukupuolen rakentuminen, väkivalta, subjektipositiot, diskurssianalyysi, diskurssit
The CCEM method (Contact Criteria and Energy Minimisation) has been developed and applied to study protein-carbohydrate interactions. The method uses available X-ray data even on the native protein at low resolution (above 2.4 Å) to generate realistic models of a variety of proteins with various ligands.The two examples discussed in this paper are arabinose-binding protein (ABP) and pea lectin. The X-ray crystal structure data reported on ABP-β-l-arabinose complex at 2.8, 2.4 and 1.7 Å resolution differ drastically in predicting the nature of the interactions between the protein and ligand. It is shown that, using the data at 2.4 Å resolution, the CCEM method generates complexes which are as good as the higher (1.7 Å) resolution data. The CCEM method predicts some of the important hydrogen bonds between the ligand and the protein which are missing in the interpretation of the X-ray data at 2.4 Å resolution. The theoretically predicted hydrogen bonds are in good agreement with those reported at 1.7 Å resolution. Pea lectin has been solved only in the native form at 3 Å resolution. Application of the CCEM method also enables us to generate complexes of pea lectin with methyl-α-d-glucopyranoside and methyl-2,3-dimethyl-α-d-glucopyranoside which explain well the available experimental data in solution.
The axisymmetric steady laminar compressible boundary layer swirling flow of a gas with variable properties in a nozzle has been investigated. The partial differential equations governing the non-similar flow have been transformed into new co-ordinates having finite ranges by means of a transformation which maps an infinite range into a finite one. The resulting equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for compressible swirling flow through a convergent conical nozzle. The results indicate that the swirl exerts a strong influence on the longitudinal skin friction, but its effect on the tangential skin friction and heat transfer is comparatively small. The effect of the variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer is appreciable only at low-wall temperature. The results are in good agreement with those of the local-similarity method for small values of the longitudinal distance.
The effect of surface mass transfer velocities having normal, principal and transverse direction components (�vectored� suction and injection) on the steady, laminar, compressible boundary layer at a three-dimensional stagnation point has been investigated both for nodal and saddle points of attachment. The similarity solutions of the boundary layer equations were obtained numerically by the method of parametric differentiation. The principal and transverse direction surface mass transfer velocities significantly affect the skin friction (both in the principal and transverse directions) and the heat transfer. Also the inadequacy of assuming a linear viscosity-temperature relation at low-wall temperatures is shown.