1000 resultados para BCG oral
Konferenssin järjestysnumero julkaisussa virheellisesti XII ; p.o. XIII
Objectives: Assess the main problems referred by the patients and observed by the professionals after the bucodental rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prothesis. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in which there were 43 patients included who were visited in the Department of Oral Surgery and Orofacial Implantology of University of Barcelona Dental School for one year. An oral rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prosthesis was made to those patients. The following variables were registered: age, gender, number of inserted implants, type of implant and principal problems produced by the hybrid prosthesis. Results: The rehabilitation with an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was only performed in 43 of 116 cases treated in one year (January, 2006 to January, 2007). They were 26 men and 17 women of ages between 37 and 74 years, being the rate age of 56,5 years. The main complication recorded was the mucositis, associated frequently with a difficulty to carry a correct oral hygiene and to an overextention of the tail of resin of the prosthesis. Other observed problems were the peri-implantitis, the break of the acrylic teeth and the loss of some of the prosthetic screws. Conclusions: The most frequent complication after the laying of an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was the mucositis, associated mainly with a prosthetic tail too long and to the consequent difficulty of carrying a correct oral hygiene. In spite of the high prevalence of observed complications, most of them were mild and resolved on subsequent visits.
Increased plasma levels of cholesterol are high risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Statins are drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis at both pancreatic and extrahepathic levels, being the treatment of choice for hypercholesterolemia. Objective: To analyze the side effects of statins in the mouth cavity, and to analyze the symptoms after interruption of the treatment. Design: Observational study, preliminary. Material and methods: Patients aged 50-70, diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and undergoing treatment with statins, referred from their primary care physician to the dentist"s office. Anamnesis over oral symptoms was performed in the first visit. Statin treatment was discontinued, followed by lab tests and control visits seven and fifteen days later. We monitored the improvement and/or remission of oral symptoms. Statin treatment was resumed, sending out a report of the patient evolution to the PCP. Symptoms were registered in sheet specially designed for the study. Exclusion criteria: patient refusal, use of drugs for dry mouth treatment, Sjögren"s syndrome. Results: n=26 patients. Dry mouth patients: improvement in 17 out of 23 patients (88.5%). Itchiness: 6 out of 15 cases improved (57.7%). Bitterness: improvement in 13 out of 14 patients (53.8%). Cough: improvement in 11 out of 12 patients (46.1%). Discussion: A high percentage of oral symptoms are associated to treatment with statins. There is a marked improvement after temporary interruption of the treatment. Little is known regarding the side effects of oral treatment with statins. This preliminary study includes a relatively small number of patients. The design of experimental treatments will be required to establish a true correlation between statin treatment and oral symptoms
Hi ha molts tipus d’escoles diferents, i fins i tot, podem constatar que cada escola és diferent de les altres. Per aquesta raó, quan parlem sobre l’aprenentatge de l’anglès, no podem generalitzar una manera de fer-ho, perquè cada una d’elles tracta aquesta llengua de manera diferent. A més, pel que fa a l’aprenentatge d’una llengua, hi ha diferents habilitats involucrades, i entre totes aquestes, he centrat aquest projecte en l’habilitat oral. Aquesta recerca esta basada en l’observació de tres exemples de tipus d’escoles, i per ser més precisos, té l’objectiu d’aprofundir com tracten l’Anglès. D’aquesta manera, el principal objectiu d’aquest projecte és comparar l’habilitat oral dels alumnes d’aquestes escoles, tot considerant les seves diferències. Així doncs, amb el desenvolupament d’aquesta recerca, vaig voler descobrir si hi havien alguns alumnes amb millors habilitats orals que d’altres, i trobar-ne la possible raó.
El principal objetivo de nuestro tra bajo es delimitar las prácticas de reciprocidad que se llevaron a cabo durante el período de tiempo analizado y que permitieron reproducirse socialmente a los grupos menos favorecidos por la guerra y la posguerra . Nuestro análisis demuestra que la alimentación es un sistema de comuni - cación mediante el cual se crean o mantienen prácticas de poder , así como expre - siones de identidad y/o defensa o ruptura de las normas morales que comparte un grupo social .
BACKGROUND: Intravenously administered antimicrobial agents have been the standard choice for the empirical management of fever in patients with cancer and granulocytopenia. If orally administered empirical therapy is as effective as intravenous therapy, it would offer advantages such as improved quality of life and lower cost. METHODS: In a prospective, open-label, multicenter trial, we randomly assigned febrile patients with cancer who had granulocytopenia that was expected to resolve within 10 days to receive empirical therapy with either oral ciprofloxacin (750 mg twice daily) plus amoxicillin-clavulanate (625 mg three times daily) or standard daily doses of intravenous ceftriaxone plus amikacin. All patients were hospitalized until their fever resolved. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether there was equivalence between the regimens, defined as an absolute difference in the rates of success of 10 percent or less. RESULTS: Equivalence was demonstrated at the second interim analysis, and the trial was terminated after the enrollment of 353 patients. In the analysis of the 312 patients who were treated according to the protocol and who could be evaluated, treatment was successful in 86 percent of the patients in the oral-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 80 to 91 percent) and 84 percent of those in the intravenous-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 78 to 90 percent; P=0.02). The results were similar in the intention-to-treat analysis (80 percent and 77 percent, respectively; P=0.03), as were the duration of fever, the time to a change in the regimen, the reasons for such a change, the duration of therapy, and survival. The types of adverse events differed slightly between the groups but were similar in frequency. CONCLUSIONS: In low-risk patients with cancer who have fever and granulocytopenia, oral therapy with ciprofloxacin plus amoxicillin-clavulanate is as effective as intravenous therapy.
Aquest article pretén analitzar les cançons presents en contes tradicionals catalans recollides a les antologies més importants de cançó i conte a Catalunya. Inicialment es fa un repàs de la importància del conte en el desenvolupament de l'infant i del simbolisme associat, per passar a fer un resum dels principals trets diferencials de la cançó tradicional i en concret de la cançó tradicional catalana. A continuació es procedeix a una metanàlisi dels continguts musicals presents a les divuit cançons que figuren dins dels contes, en els aspectes melòdics, rítmics, textuals, formals i mètrics. Per acabar es presenten els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi efectuada, i una bibliografia d'aprofundiment del tema.
We describe a female patient with a midline syndrome. The patient presents agenesis of the corpus callosum, encephalocele, iris coloboma, hypertelorism, submucosal cleft palate and dental anomalies. Despite being very characteristic, her phenotypical traits do not coincide exactly with those reported to date in the literature. The karyotype and the molecular cytogenetic study do not show mutations. We identify the presence of dental anomalies in the mother and other family members, not being identified MSX1 and PAX9 mutations that could the related with their etiology. Despite the fact that dental agenesis has been related to a large number of other malformation syndromes and congenital conditions, dental anomalies have only rarely been mentioned when reporting midline syndromes. These dental phenotypical traits, present in the patient and her family, could be considered part of the midline syndrome in carriers as well as in the patients.
Aim: To identify prophylactic antibiotic prescription practices among Spanish dentists with preferential dedication to Oral Surgery in different types of tooth extraction surgeries. Method: Members of the Spanish Oral Surgery Society were surveyed on antibiotic prophylaxis use in 4 different tooth extraction modalities scaled according to their surgical invasiveness. Results: Sixty-nine of the 105 distributed questionnaires were returned completed. Thirteen percent of the surveyed surgeons would prescribe antibiotics to prevent postoperative wound infection when confronted with conventional tooth extraction lasting less than 5 minutes. In the case of surgery lasting more than 5 minutes, the percentage of participants that would prescribe antibiotics increased to 39%. When a mucoperiosteal flap was elevated or an ostectomy was performed, 87% and 100%, respectively, would prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis. Amoxicillin and its combination with clavulanic acid were the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. All participants would prescribe the antibiotic orally, starting after surgery and with a duration that ranged from 2-8 days. Conclusions: The results obtained suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing local odontogenic infection is not being correctly implemented in Spain. This can generate new bacterial resistances, facilitate adverse drug reactions and favor opportunistic infections. Better designed studies are needed in order to clarify the role of antibiotics in the prevention of postsurgical wound infection
Objective: To compare the results obtained after oral mucocele resection with the scalpel versus the CO2 laser, based on the complications and recurrences after surgery Patients and Methods: Of the 68 patients we studied who have mucocele, 38 were resected with a scalpel and the remaining 30 with the CO2 laser (5-7 W). Patient sex and age were documented, along with location of the lesion as well as size, symptoms, duration, etiological factors, type of treatment, complications and recurrences after surgical removal. Results: The sample comprised 40 males and 28 females, aged between 6-65 years. The histological diagnosis was extravasation mucocele in 95% of the cases. The most frequent location was the lower lip (73.5%). The mean lesion diameter was 9 mm , and in most cases no evident etiological factor was recorded. The mean duration of the lesion was 4 months. Among the cases of conventional surgical removal of mucocele, recurrence was recorded in 8.8% of the cases, and 13.2% of the patients suffered postoperative complications - the most frequent being the presence of fibrous scars. There were no complications or relapses after a minimum follow-up of 12 months in the cases subjected to CO2 laser treatment. Conclusions: Oral mucocele ablation with the CO2 laser offers more predictable results and fewer complications and recurrences than conventional resection with the scalpel