870 resultados para Articular pain


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Partner behavioral responses to pain can have a significant impact on patient pain and depression, but little is known about why partners respond in specific ways. Using a cognitive-behavioral model, the present study examined whether partner cognitions were associated with partner behavioral responses, which prior work has found to predict patient pain and depressive symptoms. Participants were 354 women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners. Partner pain-related cognitions were assessed using the partner versions of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Extended Attributional Style Questionnaire, whereas their behavioral responses to pain were assessed with the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. Patient pain was measured using a numeric rating scale, and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory–II. Path analysis was used to examine the proposed model. Partner catastrophizing and negative attributions were associated with negative partner responses, which were associated with higher patient pain. It was also found that partner pain catastrophizing was associated with solicitous partner responses, which in turn were associated with higher patient pain and depressive symptoms. The effect of partner cognitions on patient outcomes was partially mediated by partner behavioral responses. Findings highlight the importance of assessing partner cognitions, both in research and as a target for intervention. Perspective The present study presents a cognitive-behavioral model to partially explain how significant others' thoughts about pain have an effect on patient pain and depressive symptoms. Findings may inform cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples coping with PVD.


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a prevalent genital pain syndrome that has been assumed to be chronic, with little spontaneous remission. Despite this assumption, there is a dearth of empirical evidence regarding the progression of PVD in a natural setting. Although many treatments are available, there is no single treatment that has demonstrated efficacy above others. Aims The aims of this secondary analysis of a prospective study were to (i) assess changes over a 2-year period in pain, depressive symptoms, and sexual outcomes in women with PVD; and (ii) examine changes based on treatment(s) type. Methods Participants completed questionnaire packages at Time 1 and a follow-up package 2 years later. Main Outcome Measures Visual analog scale of genital pain, Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction, Female Sexual Function Index, Beck Depression Inventory, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and sexual intercourse attempts over the past month. Results Two hundred thirty-nine women with PVD completed both time one and two questionnaires. For the sample as a whole, there was significant improvement over 2 years on pain ratings, sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and depressive symptoms. The most commonly received treatments were physical therapy, sex/psychotherapy, and medical treatment, although 41.0% did not undergo any treatment. Women receiving no treatment also improved significantly on pain ratings. No single treatment type predicted better outcome for any variable except depressive symptoms, in which women who underwent surgery were more likely to improve. Discussion These results suggest that PVD may significantly reduce in severity over time. Participants demonstrated clinically significant pain improvement, even when they did not receive treatment. Furthermore, the only single treatment type predicting better outcomes was surgery, and only for depressive symptoms, accounting for only 2.3% of the variance. These data do not demonstrate the superiority of any one treatment and underscore the need to have control groups in PVD treatment trials, otherwise improvements may simply be the result of natural progression.


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Female genital pain is a prevalent condition that can disrupt the psychosexual and relational well-being of affected women and their romantic partners. Despite the intimate context in which the pain can be elicited (i.e., during sexual intercourse), interpersonal correlates of genital pain and sexuality have not been widely studied in comparison to other psychosocial factors. This review describes several prevailing theoretical models explaining the role of the partner in female genital pain: the operant learning model, cognitive-behavioral and communal coping models, and intimacy models. The review includes a discussion of empirical research on the interpersonal and partner correlates of female genital pain and the impact of genital pain on partners’ psychosexual adjustment. Together, this research highlights a potential reciprocal interaction between both partners’ experiences of female genital pain. The direction of future theoretical, methodological, and clinical research is discussed with regard to the potential to enhance understanding of the highly interpersonal context of female genital pain


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Introduction Entry dyspareunia is a sexual health concern which affects about 21% of women in the general population. Characterized by pain provoked during vaginal penetration, introital dyspareunia has been shown by controlled studies to have a negative impact on the psychological well-being, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and quality of life of afflicted women. Many cognitive and affective variables may influence the experience of pain and associated psychosexual problems. However, the role of the partner's cognitive responses has been studied very little. Aim The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between partners' catastrophizing and their perceptions of women's self-efficacy at managing pain on one side and women's pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction on the other. Methods One hundred seventy-nine heterosexual couples (mean age for women = 31, SD = 10.0; mean age for men = 33, SD = 10.6) in which the woman suffered from entry dyspareunia participated in the study. Both partners completed quantitative measures. Women completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale. Men completed the significant-other versions of these measures. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were women's responses to (i) the Pain Numeric Visual Analog Scale; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction scale. Results Controlled for women's pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy, results indicate that higher levels of partner-perceived self-efficacy and lower levels of partner catastrophizing are associated with decreased pain intensity in women with entry dyspareunia, although only partner catastrophizing contributed unique variance. Partner-perceived self-efficacy and catastrophizing were not significantly associated with sexual function or satisfaction in women. Conclusions The findings suggest that partners' cognitive responses may influence the experience of entry dyspareunia for women, pointing toward the importance of considering the partner when treating this sexual health problem.


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Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a chronic, recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain condition affecting 12% of the general population, and is associated with sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. There is growing interest in the role of interpersonal variables in PVD, which have been widely neglected. In a sample of 175 couples, the present study examined the mediating roles of partner and participant catastrophizing and self-efficacy in the association between solicitous partner responses and pain intensity, and that of dyadic adjustment in the association between solicitous and negative partner responses and sexual satisfaction. Couples completed measures of partner responses, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, dyadic adjustment, and depression. Women also completed measures of pain, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function. Controlling for depression and solicitousness perceived by the other member of the couple, catastrophizing and self-efficacy partially mediated the association between higher solicitous responses and higher pain during intercourse, accounting for 26 and 25% of the variance in this association for participant and partner-perceived responses, respectively. For both participant and partners, only pain catastrophizing was a unique mediator. Controlling for depression, sexual function and partner-perceived responses, dyadic adjustment partially mediated the association between higher participant-perceived solicitous responses and higher sexual satisfaction, and between higher participant-perceived negative responses and lower sexual satisfaction, accounting for 26% of the variance in each association. The current findings suggest that catastrophizing and dyadic adjustment may constitute a route by which partner responses exacerbate pain and increase or decrease sexual satisfaction in PVD couples.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that negatively affects women's emotional, sexual, and relationship well-being. Recent studies have investigated the role of interpersonal variables, including partner responses. Aim.  We examined whether solicitous and facilitative partner responses were differentially associated with vulvovaginal pain and sexual satisfaction in women with PVD by examining each predictor while controlling for the other. Methods.  One hundred twenty-one women (M age = 30.60, SD = 10.53) with PVD or self-reported symptoms of PVD completed the solicitous subscale of the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, and the facilitative subscale of the Spouse Response Inventory. Participants also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, trait anxiety, and avoidance of pain and sexual behaviors (referred to as “avoidance”). Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were the (i) Pain Rating Index of the McGill Pain Questionnaire with reference to pain during vaginal intercourse and (ii) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for trait anxiety and avoidance, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher vulvovaginal pain intensity (β = 0.20, P = 0.03), and higher facilitative partner responses were associated with lower pain intensity (β = −0.20, P = 0.04). Controlling for sexual function, trait anxiety, and avoidance, higher facilitative partner responses were associated with higher sexual satisfaction (β = 0.15, P = 0.05). Conclusions.  Findings suggest that facilitative partner responses may aid in alleviating vulvovaginal pain and improving sexual satisfaction, whereas solicitous partner responses may contribute to greater pain.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that results in significant sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. Although some intra-individual psychological factors have been associated with PVD, studies to date have neglected the interpersonal context of this condition. Aim.  We examined whether partner responses to women's pain experience—from the perspective of both the woman and her partner—are associated with pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction. Methods.  One hundred ninety-one couples (M age for women = 33.28, standard deviation [SD] = 12.07, M age for men = 35.79, SD = 12.44) in which the woman suffered from PVD completed the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, assessing perceptions of partners' responses to the pain. Women with PVD also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, depression, and dyadic adjustment. Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were women's responses to: (i) a horizontal analog scale assessing the intensity of their pain during intercourse; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for depression, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher levels of women's vulvovaginal pain intensity. This association was significant for partner-perceived responses (β = 0.29, P < 0.001) and for woman-perceived partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.04). After controlling for sexual function and dyadic adjustment, woman-perceived greater solicitous partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.02) predicted greater sexual satisfaction. Partner-perceived responses did not predict women's sexual satisfaction. Partner responses were not associated with women's sexual function. Conclusions.  Findings support the integration of dyadic processes in the conceptualization and treatment of PVD by suggesting that partner responses to pain affect pain intensity and sexual satisfaction in affected women.


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Identificar y evaluar la existencia de posibles diferencias entre los resultados de dos técnicas quirúrgicas para resección de ganglión oculto usadas en el Institut Kaplan en Barcelona. Material y método: Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles. Se intervinieron ochenta y dos muñecas que se dividieron en dos grupos. En el grupo I, se incluyeron por cincuenta y una muñecas en las que se les realizó la resección del ganglión oculto junto con todo el grosor del ligamento escafo-semilunar dorsal. En el grupo II se incluyeron treinta y una muñecas en las que se les resecó el ganglión sin resecar el ligamento escafo-semilunar. Se tomó la información de registros consignados entre 1994 hasta octubre de 2010 y se realizó un seguimiento clínico y telefónico en ambos grupos para valorar el estado actual. Dentro de los resultados postoperatorios se evaluó la reaparición del dolor, la presencia de inestabilidad postoperatoria y la fuerza con respecto al preoperatorio y la disminución de la movilidad articular. Resultados: No encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados postoperatorios de ambos grupos y ninguno de los pacientes presentó recidiva del ganglión. Conclusión: Consideramos que se requiere un estudio con mayor tamaño de muestra que pueda evidenciar las diferencias posiblemente existentes que no fueron detectadas en este estudio. Con la integridad de los otros elementos estabilizadores, la sección del ligamento escafosemilunar no hace aparecer signos clínicos de inestabilidad escafolunar.


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Para aplicar esquemas terapéuticos como la terapia de control estrecho en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide (AR), Es necesario contar con mediciones objetivas de la actividad de la enfermedad. Para esto se han creado las herramientas de clinimetría. Las hay desarrollados con mediciones hechas por el médico, como elDAS28, el SDAI y el CDAI ó realizadas mediante cuestionario auto administrados, como los RAPID, producto del cuestionario R808-NP2-Spanish, ó el esquema SAI para auto conteo articular. Existen dudas respecto a la validez del cuestionario R808-NP2-Spanish, en pacientes de origen hispánico. Objetivo: Estipular el grado de asociación existente, entre las medidas de actividad de la Artritis reumatoide (AR), producidas mediante las herramientas de clinimetria auto-administradas, (cuestionario R808 - Np2- Spanish y esquema SAI), con las mediciones de clinimetria producidas mediante las mediciones realizadas por el personal médico entrenado y marcadores inflamatorios(DAS28 PCR, CDAI, SDAI), cuando dichas herramientas se aplican de forma colectiva a un grupo de pacientes latinoamericanos con AR. Métodos y Resultados: Este fue un estudio de corte trasversal en el que se analizaron 130 pacientes con AR, mediante los RAPID, el DAS28PCR el CDAI y el SDAI. Se encontraron variabilidades compartidaentre los RAPID y el CDAI y SDAI mayor al 50% (p<0,0001) y un kappa de 0,76; 0,74 y 0,61 entre DAS28 PCR 4V y los RAPID 3, 4 y 5 (p<0,000); un kappa de 0,54; 0,57 y 0,69 entre el CDAI y los RAPID 3, 4 y 5 (p<0,000) y un kappa de 0,49; 0,50 y 0,63 entre el SDAI y los RAPID 3, 4 y 5 (p<0,000). Conclusión: El origen hispanoamericano no parece afectar la validez de los RAPID ni de los auto-conteos articulares por el esquema SAI.


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La presente revisión de la literatura tiene el objetivo de identificar el rol que desempeña el testigo en la elaboración individual del trauma y el papel que cumple en el establecimiento de la memoria colectiva en contextos de conflicto armado. El papel del testigo, dentro de esta situación, puede ser adoptado por el agresor, la víctima o un tercero que presencia una escena, cumpliendo con diversas funciones tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, no solo en el área jurídica, también en la antropológica, psicológica, histórica, entre otras. Su principal producción, que corresponde al testimonio, media procesos tales como la elaboración del trauma y la constitución de la memoria colectiva. El testimonio, siendo una producción lingüística, por medio de la palabra y el silencio, funciona como una herramienta con la que cuenta tanto el sujeto como las sociedades para dar sentido a su existencia. La acción de testimoniar, a través de la virtud creadora del lenguaje, permite articular a nivel individual las experiencias limite vividas por un sujeto, teniendo igualmente un efecto reparador dentro del tejido social una vez alterado.


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La presente revisión de la literatura tiene el objetivo de identificar el rol que desempeña el testigo en la elaboración individual del trauma y el papel que cumple en el establecimiento de la memoria colectiva en contextos de conflicto armado. El papel del testigo, dentro de esta situación, puede ser adoptado por el agresor, la víctima o un tercero que presencia una escena, cumpliendo con diversas funciones tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, no solo en el área jurídica, también en la antropológica, psicológica, histórica, entre otras. Su principal producción, que corresponde al testimonio, media procesos tales como la elaboración del trauma y la constitución de la memoria colectiva. El testimonio, siendo una producción lingüística, por medio de la palabra y el silencio, funciona como una herramienta con la que cuenta tanto el sujeto como las sociedades para dar sentido a su existencia. La acción de testimoniar, a través de la virtud creadora del lenguaje, permite articular a nivel individual las experiencias limite vividas por un sujeto, teniendo igualmente un efecto reparador dentro del tejido social una vez alterado.


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Purpose: To evaluate the evolution of clinical and functional outcomes of symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus treated arthroscopically over time and to investigate the relationship between associated intra-articular findings and outcomes. Methods: Of all patients treated arthroscopically between 1995 and 2010, patients treated for symptomatic discoid meniscus were identified in the hospital charts. Baseline data (demographics, previous trauma of ipsilateral knee, and associated intra-articular findings) and medium term outcome data from clinical follow-up examinations (pain, locking, snapping and instability of the operated knee) were extracted from clinical records. Telephone interviews were conducted at long term in 28 patients (31 knees). Interviews comprised clinical outcomes as well as functional outcomes as assessed by the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form (IKDC). Results: All patients underwent arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. The mean follow-up time for data extracted from clinical records was 11 months (SD ± 12). A significant improvement was found for pain in 77% (p<0.001), locking in 13%, (p=0.045) and snapping in 39 % (p<0.005). The mean follow-up time of the telephone interview was 60 months (SD ± 43). Improvement from baseline was generally less after five years than after one year and functional outcomes of the IKDC indicated an abnormal function after surgery (IKDC mean= 84.5, SD ± 20). In some patients, 5 year-outcomes were even worse than their preoperative condition. Nonetheless, 74% of patients perceived their knee function as improved. Furthermore, better results were seen in patients without any associated intra-articular findings. Conclusions: Arthroscopical partial meniscectomy is an effective intervention to relieve symptoms in patients with discoid meniscus in the medium-term; however, results trend to deteriorate over time. A trend towards better outcome for patients with no associated intra-articular findings was observed.