903 resultados para Antennas and Propagation
In this paper, polarization properties and propagation characteristics of polymer photonic crystal fibres with elliptical core and non-hexagonal symmetry structure are investigated by using the full vectorial plane wave method. The results how that the birefringence of the fibreis induced by asymmetries of both the cladding and the core. Moreover, by adjusting the non-symmetrical ratio factor of cladding eta from 0.4 to 1 in step 0.1, we find the optimized design parameters f the fibre with high birefringence and limited polarization mode dispersion, operating in a single mode regime at an appropriate wavelength range. The range of wavelength approaches the visible and near-infrared which is consistent with the communication windows of polymer optical fibres.
This paper focuses on improving the thermal fatigue resistance on the surface of vermicular cast iron coupling with inserted H13 steel blocks that had different cross sections, by cast-in processing. The microstructure of bionic units was examined by scanning electron microscope. Micro-hardness and thermal fatigue resistance of bionic samples with varied cross sections and spacings were investigated, respectively. Results show that a marked metallurgical bonding zone was produced at interface between the inserted H13 steel block and the parent material - a unique feature of the bionic structure in the vermicular cast iron samples. The micro-hardness of the bionic samples has been significantly improved. Thermal resistance of the samples with the circular cross section was the highest and the bionics sample with spacing of 2 mm spacing had a much longer thermal fatigue life, thus resulting in the improvement for the thermal fatigue life of the bionic samples, due to the efficient preclusion for the generation and propagation of crack at the interface of H13 block and the matrix. Crown Copyright (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
针对30°楔角的驻定斜爆轰特性,选择在临界爆轰马赫数附近6.8、7.0与7.5等3种不同马赫数来流状态进行数值分析. 在马赫数为6.8、7.0状态下,在斜激波(oblique shock wave,OSW)、斜爆轰波(oblique detonation wave,ODW)与爆燃波交汇处形成的三波点后形成一道激波,在楔面上反射,并透过接触间断面与爆轰波阵面产生的横波相互作用,使得下游流场发生扰动,形成不规则的胞格结构. 斜爆轰波阵面产生的横波呈现上游单向传播与下游双向传播同时并存的现象,对斜爆轰的稳定性产生了影响
繁殖更新是植物生活史的重要阶段,在退化生态系统中,植物繁殖更新能力往往较差,是植被恢复的限制环节,因而也成为恢复研究重点和核心。本研究选择岷江干旱河谷广泛分布的三种蔷薇:多苞蔷薇(R. multibracteata)、黄蔷薇(R. hugonis)和川滇蔷薇(R. soulieana)为研究对象,通过野外调查,在查明其生长、繁殖更新状况的基础上,采用控制和模拟实验,对种子和幼苗阶段进行了深入研究,综合分析更新潜力,并提出相对应的促进更新和植被恢复措施。主要结论如下: 1)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷广泛分布,生长和繁殖状况良好,结实量大。各生长指标:株高、基径和冠幅,繁殖指标:结实数量、重量和单果重量都具有显著的空间差异性。基径对多苞蔷薇结实量影响最大;而冠幅对黄蔷薇结实量影响最大。海拔和纬度是对蔷薇生长和繁殖影响最大的环境因素,随着海拔和纬度的升高,植株生长更高大,结实量增加;坡度和坡向对其生长和繁殖也有一定影响,随着坡度 和坡向增加,蔷薇生长和结实受到抑制。 2)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷更新现状不佳, 但更新潜力大。活力种子比率低,动物取食以及两年生幼苗的大量死亡是蔷薇更新的主要限制因素。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的结实率低,川滇蔷薇较高。三种蔷薇种子产量大,但种子质量较差,更新具有充足的种源。三种蔷薇都能形成持久种子库,种子库中种子总量大,但有效种子少,黄蔷薇被动物啃食的比例很高,多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇也有一部分种子受到动物破坏。三种蔷薇幼苗库组成特征表现为,当年生幼苗所占比例很高,年龄较大幼苗所占比例小。 3)三种蔷薇都具有不同程度休眠,未经处理种子的发芽率极低。黄蔷薇休眠程度最深,为深度生理休眠;多苞蔷薇为中度生理休眠;川滇蔷薇为非深度生理休眠。三种蔷薇种子在形态上发育成熟,种皮具有透水性。蔷薇果果肉和瘦果中含有抑制物质,其浸泡液抑制了油菜种子萌发,果肉抑制作用更强,果肉和瘦果浸泡液的抑制程度分别为:川滇蔷薇>黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇。切割和硫酸腐蚀提高了川滇蔷薇种子的发芽能力,而对多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇没有影响。完全去除瘦果果皮和种皮提高了多苞蔷薇种子发芽率,但对黄蔷薇没有影响。赤霉素和烟水对蔷薇种子萌发没有促进作用。三种蔷薇打破休眠所需低温层积时间分别为:黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇>川滇蔷薇。对于多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇,层积前对种子进行硫酸腐蚀或暖温层积能缩短低温层积时间,提高发芽率。对于多苞蔷薇,变温层积中暖温层积和低温层积具有一定的负补性,即延长暖温层积可以缩短种子萌发对低温层积的需要。 4)多苞蔷薇种子形态特征和种子休眠与萌发在不同海拔梯度间存在较大差异。种子采集时间、采集季节和干藏影响多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇的种子休眠。多苞蔷薇果实大小、种子大小和千粒重、种皮厚度随海拔升高而增加,而种子饱满率和活力随海拔升高而降低,种子休眠程度也随海拔升高而增加。种皮厚度与种子大小、千粒重成正相关关系,硫酸腐蚀后的种子经过不同时间的低温层积后,种子发芽率与种皮厚度、种子大小、千粒重、海拔成正相关关系。2006 年采集川滇蔷薇和多苞蔷薇种子休眠程度较2005 年低。种子休眠随种子年龄增加而减弱。高温和干旱能减轻多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇种子休眠。 5)三种蔷薇的生长和生物量积累在干旱胁迫条件下受到抑制,而生物量分配、叶片形态特征和水分利用特征等都发生了变化。三种蔷薇的根、茎、叶各器官生物量以及总生物量等在干旱胁迫下明显减小,叶片脱落数量增加。在干旱胁迫条件下,较多的生物量分配到地下部分,从而这使R/S 明显增加。比叶面积(SLA)和冠层面积比(LAR)对干旱胁迫的反应不敏感,仅有部分物种在干旱胁迫条件下发生了变化,并且其变化特点在不同年龄幼苗之间有一定差异。干旱胁迫对WUE 的影响在不同物种间存在差异。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的WUE 随着干旱胁迫的增加而增大, 而川滇蔷薇的WUE 则随干旱胁迫增加而减小。在干旱胁迫条件下,多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇叶片脱落量和生物量减小幅度较川滇蔷薇大,表明其抗旱能力较强。在干旱胁迫条件,三种蔷薇两年生幼苗的生物量减小幅度较当年生幼苗小,表明两年生幼苗的抗旱能力更强。 6)两种植被恢复措施中,幼苗移栽比播种具有更好的植被恢复效果。播种后,蔷薇种子的发芽率较高,但出苗率都很低,即使出苗,幼苗也几乎在一月内全部死亡。 三种微生境条件下(灌木、半灌木和裸地),种子出苗和幼苗成活没有差异。移栽幼苗总体死亡率都比较低,小于20%。特别是两年生幼苗死亡率更低,小于2%。移栽后的幼苗生长状况良好,在整个生长季中,各生长指标不断增加。生境对幼苗的存活率没有显著影响,但对于幼苗的生长和生物量积累有一定影响,裸地更有利于幼苗生长和生物量积累。与当年生幼苗相比,两年生幼苗具有更高的成活率。总之,三种蔷薇在干旱河谷分布广泛、生长繁殖状况良好,结实量大,具有丰富种源,繁殖更新潜力大,但繁殖更新状况不佳;种子散布后动物对种子的取食、种子的深度休眠过程、种子出苗以及当年生幼苗的存活和定居是更新的主要限制环节。水分是影响结实、种子休眠解除和萌发,幼苗存活和定居的最主要的限制因素。在植被恢复中,应在种子成熟季节大量采集种子,在室内打破休眠后进行人工播种,培育两年生幼苗,通过幼苗移栽方式进行植被恢复。川滇蔷薇应栽种在相对湿润的过渡区,而多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇可以应用于核心区植被恢复。 Regeneration is an important phase in plant life cycle. It has been a key component of ecological restoration in degradation ecosystem in which plants commonly has poor regeneration. In this paper, we investigated the natural growth, propagation and regeneration status of native three rose species, Rosa multibracteata, R. hugonis and R. soulieana, and analysis the limitation in seed germination and seedling establishment stages. Advice on facilitating the use of these plants in restoration based on the results has been proposed. The results were as follows: 1) Three rose plants widely distributed in the dry valley of the Minjiang River, and made a good performance in growth and propagation. There were significant spatial differences in each growth parameter, such as ramet height, basal diameter, crown diameter and propagation parameters including hip number of a clump, hip mass of a clump and a hip mass. Basa diameter was the most important growth parameter influencing fruit number for R. multibracteata and crown diameter was for R. hugoni. Altitude and latitude had the greatest effect on the growth and propagation of rose plants among environmental conditions. Each parameter of growth and propagation increased with the increase of altitude and latitude. In addition, the increase of slope and aspect limited the growth and propagation. 2) Three rose plants had poor natural regeneration, but great regeneration potential. Low seed viability, predation and higher mortality of current year old seedlings were the limitation in regeneration. R. multibracteata and R. hugonis had higher fruiting rates than R. souliean. All three plants produced a great number of seeds, while their viability was poor. Three rose plants had persistent seed banks, with high total seed number but very low viable seed density. Predation was most severe in R. hugonis, and it also existed to some degree in R. multibracteata and R. soulieana. The seedling age-structure was characteristic of current-year seedlings predominating and few older seedlings were observed. 3) Three rose seeds were dormant and untreated seeds germinated with very low germination percentages. The rose seeds had morphological mature embryos, and achenes were permeable. Some inhabit substances existed in hips and achenes for the extracts of hips and achenes inhibited germination of Brassica campestris. The inhibition effect of the extracts of three rose hip and achenes was R. soulieana>R. hugonis>R. multibracteata. Mechanical and H2SO4 scarification increased R. soulieana germination but had no effect on germination of R. hugonis and R. multibracteata seeds. Full removal of pericarp and testa improved the germination of R. multibracteata but did not affect R. hugonis germination. GA3 and smoke water had no positive effect on rose seed germination. The periods of cold stratification required to released seed dormancy was R. hugonis > R. soulieana >R. multibracteata. H2SO4 scarification and warm stratification shortened cold stratification to release dormancy for R. soulieana and R. multibracteata. Warm stratification had complementary effect for cold stratification, i.e. the longer warm stratification seeds received, the shorter cold stratification were required to obtain the same germination percentage. Three rose seeds had different kinds of dormancy; R. hugonis has deep physiological dormancy, R. multibracteata with intermediate physiological dormancy and R. souliean non-deep physiological dormancy. 4)The seeds traits and dormancy of R. multibracteata showed significant difference across altitudes. Year and season of seed collection had significant effect on seed dormancy for both R. souliean and R. multibracteata. Hip size, seed size, seed weight, seed coat thickness and seed dormancy level increased with the increase of the altitude. There were positive relations between seed coat thickness with seed size and seed weight. Germination percentage of seeds treated with H2SO4 scarification following different periods of cold stratification showed positive relation with seed coat thickness, seed size, seed weight and altitude. Seeds of R. souliean and R. multibracteata collected in 2006 had low dormancy level than those collected in 2005. Seed dormancy decreased with increasing seeds age. High temperature and drought were associated with low dormancy level. 5) Seedling growth, the total dry mass and their components of seedlings were reduced, while leaf senescence accelerated under drought stress. More biomass allocation to root system resulted in higher R/S ratio under drought. Water-use efficiency (WUE) of R. multibracteata and R. hugonis increased, while it declined for R. soulieana under drought stress. R. soulieana seedlings had poor drought-resistance capacity it had more senescent leaves, and its reduction of biomass was stronger than two other rose plants under drought. The reduction degree of one year old seedlings under drought stress was slighter than that of current year seedlings. Therefore, one year old seedling was more drought-resistent compared to current year seedlings. 6)Planting seedlings may have better effect in comparison with direct seeding. Most seeds germinated after seeding, but seedling emergence was very low. More than 80 % seedlings from direct seeding died within a months after emergence. Seedling emergence and survival rate did not show difference among microhabitats. Mortality rates of seedlings artificially planted in microhabitats were general lower than 20 %, and the mortality rate of one year old seedlings was lower than 2 %. Each grow parameter including plant height, leaf number and branch number continually increased after planting. Microhabitat type had effect on the growth parameter and biomass production, but it did not influence the seedling survival. Bare land tended to facilitate seedling growth. One year old seedlings had higher survival rate than current year seedlings. In conculsion, the three rose had wide distribution in the dry valley of the Minjiang River. They produced many seeds and had tolerance to drought stress to some degree. But they had poor regeneration in habitats may be caused by predation, seed dormancy,and high mortality in current year seedlings. We recommend that rose plants should be utilized in restoration by planting two-year old seedlings in spring. A large quantity of seeds should be collected artificially in autumn, release seed dormancy in room, and then cultivate two-year old seedlings by seeding in particular container. R. soulieana seedling probably be planted in transition area, and R. multibracteata and R. hugonis can be used in core area of the dry valley of the Minjiang River.
Tension-tension fatigue tests were conducted on unnotched injection moulded poly(phenylene ether ketone) (PEK-C) specimens with two stress ratios, R. The fatigue behaviour of this material is described. The S-N curves (S = alternating stress, N = number of cycles to failure) for different R values have the same general shape, but the curve for bigger R is shifted to long cycles. A fatigue lifetime inversion is observed from constructed S-N curves. Examinations of failure surfaces and analyses of the fatigue data reveal that the fatigue failure mechanism of the material studied is crack growth dominated. But the manner of the fatigue crack initiation and propagation depends on the maximum cyclic stress applied. At higher stresses, the fatigue crack originates at the corner of the specimen and propagates inward; at lower stresses, the fatigue crack nucleates at an internal flaw of the specimen and propagates outward. The fatigue lifetime inversion corresponds to the transition of crack initiation and propagation from one mode to the other. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Anti-cyclonic eddies northwest of Luzon of the Philippines in summer-fall are identified in the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The generation and propagation of the anti-cyclonic eddies, which are confirmed by satellite ocean color data, are found to be a seasonal phenomenon that is phase-locked to the onset of the southwesterly monsoon and the relaxation of the cyclonic wind curl in the northeastern South China Sea. The eddies originate from northwest of Luzon in summer, move across the northeastern South China Sea to reach the China continental slope in fall, and propagate southwestward along the continental slope in fall-winter, inducing shelfbreak current variations in the western South China Sea in fall-winter. The anti-cyclonic eddy discovered by Li et al. (1998) in the northern South China Sea is found to originate from northwest of Luzon and carry primarily the South China Sea waters. It does not appear to be an eddy shed from the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait area as alluded by Li et al. (1998) and others.
Prediction of Carbonate Reservoir Based on the Elastic Parameter Analysis Zhang Guangzhi (Solid Geophysics) Directed by Professor Liu Hong Abstract With the exploration and development of Puguang Oilfield, oil-gas exploration of carbonate rock in China has shown good prospects. Research on earthquake prediction methods for carbonate reservoir becomes the key of oil and gas exploration. Starting with analysis of geological characteristics of carbonate rock, prestack AVO inversion method, prestack elastic impedance inversion and parameter calculation method and seismic attribute extraction and optimization method were studied based on the analysis of rock physics in this work. First, variation characteristic and law of carbonate rock reservoir parameters were studied based on experimental data of rock physics, log data, analysis assay data, mud logging data and seismic data, so as to lay a foundation for the further reservoir identification and description. Then, the structure, type and propagation law of seismic wave field were analyzed through seismic forward modeling of the reservoir, and contact between information from log and geology data with elastic parameters, such as compressional wave and shear wave velocity and density were established, so as to provide a standard for reservoir identification and hydrocarbon detection using seismic reflection characteristics of the research area. Starting with the general concept of inverse problem, through analysis of Zoeppritz equation, three kinds of pre-stack inversion methods were derived and analyzed in detail, the AVO 3-parameter inversion based on Bayesian theory, the prestack AVO waveform inversion method and the simultaneous inversion method, based on the statistical hypothesis of inversion parameters and observation data and the Gauss distribution assumption of noise. The three methods were validated by model data and real data. Then, the elastic wave impedance inversion method of carbonate reservoir was investigated and the method of elastic parameter extraction from elastic impedance data was put forward. Based on the analysis of conventional methods of seismic attribute extraction and optimization, the time-frequency attributes and the wavelet attributes with time and amplitude feature were presented, and the prestack seismic attribute calculation method which can characterize the reservoir rock and fluid characteristic was presented. And the optimization of seismic attribute using the nonlinear KPCA method was also put forward. A series of seismic prediction technologies for carbonate reservoir were presented based on analysis of rock physics and seismic forward simulation technology. Practical application of these technologies was implemented in A oil field of Southern China and good effect has been achieved. Key words: carbonate rock; reservoir prediction; rock physics, prestack seismic inversion; seismic attribute
In this dissertation, we investigated two types of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)/gravity waves (GWs) triggered separately by auroral energy input during super geomagnetic storms and solar terminator (ST) under quiet geomagnetic conditions (kp<3+) using TEC measurements from the global network of GPS receivers. Research into the generation and propagation of TIDs/GWs during storms greatly enhance our understandings on the evolution processes of energy transportation from the high-latitude’s magnetosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere and the conjugated effect of TIDs propagation between the northern and southern hemispheres. Our results revealed that the conjugacy of propagation direction between the northern and southern hemispheres was subject to the influence of Coriolis force. We also figure out the evolution processes of ionospheric disturbances at the global scale. These are important topics that had not been well addressed previously. In addition, we also obtained thee wave structures of medium scale TIDs excited by the solar terminator (ST) moving over the northern America and physical mechanisms involved. Our observations confirm that the ST is a stable and repetitive source of ionospheric wave disturbances and the evidence of solar terminator generated disturbances has been demonstrated experimentally via the GPS TEC measurement. The main researches and results of this dissertation are as follows. First, the global traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the drastic magnetic storms of October 29–31, 2003 were analyzed using the Global Position System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) data observed in the Asian-Australian, European and North American sectors. We collected the most comprehensive set of the TEC data from more than 900 GPS stations on the International GNSS Services (IGS) website and introduce here a strategy that combines polynomial fitting and multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to obtain TID parameters. Moreover, in collaboration with my thesis advisor, I have developed an imaging technique of 2-dimensional map of TIDs structures to obtain spatial and temporal maps of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs). The clear structures of TEC perturbations map during the passage of TIDs were displayed. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) Large-scale TIDs (LSTIDs) and medium-scale TIDs (MSTIDs) were detected in all three sectors after the sudden commencement (SC) of the magnetic storm, and their features showed longitudinal and latitudinal dependences. The duration of TIDs was longer at higher latitudes than at middle latitudes, with a maximum of about 16 h. The TEC variation amplitude of LSTIDs was larger in the North American sector than in the two other sectors. At the lower latitudes, the ionospheric perturbations were more complicated, and their duration and amplitude were relatively longer and larger. (2) The periods and phase speeds of TIDs were different in these three sectors. In Europe, the TIDs propagated southward; in North America and Asia, the TIDs propagated southwestward; in the near-equator region, the disturbances propagated with the azimuth (the angle of the propagation direction of the LSTIDs measured clockwise from due north with 0°) of 210° showing the influence of Coriolis force; in the Southern Hemisphere, the LSTIDs propagated conjugatedly northwestward. Both the southwestward and northeastward propagating LSTIDs are found in the equatorial region. These results mean that the Coriolis effect cannot be ignored for the wave propagation of LSTIDs and that the propagation direction is correlated with the polar magnetic activity. (3) The day (day of year: 301) before the SC (sudden commencement) of magnetic storm, we observed a sudden TEC skip disturbances (±10 TECU). It should be a response for the high flux of proton during the solar flare event, but not the magnetic storms. Next, the most comprehensive and dense GPS network’s data from North-America region were used in this paper to analyze the medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) which were generated by the moving solar terminator during the quiet days in 2005. We applied the multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to calculated TID parameters, and found that the occurrence of ST-MSTIDs depends on the seasonal variations. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) MSTIDs stimulated by the moving ST (ST-MSTIDs) are detected at mid-latitudes after the passage of the solar terminator with the life time of 2~3 hours and the variation amplitude of 0.2~0.8 TECU. Spectral analysis indicated that the horizontal wavelength, average period, horizontal phase velocity of the MSTIDs are around 300±150 km,150±80 m/s and 25±15 min, respectively. In addition, ST-MSTIDs have wave fronts elongating the moving ST direction and almost parallel to ST. (2) The statistical results demonstrate that the dusk MSTIDs stimulated by ST is more obvious than the dawn MSTIDs in summer. On the contrary, the more-pronounced dawn MSTIDs occurs in winter. (3) Further analysis indicates that the seasonal variations of ST-MSTIDs occurrence frequency are most probably related to the seasonal differences of the variations of EUV flux in the ionosphere region and recombination process during sunrise and sunset period at mid-latitudes. Statistical study of occurrence characteristics of TIDs using the GPS network in North-American and European during solar maximum, In conclusion, statistical studies of the propagation characteristics of TIDs, which excited by the two common origins including geomagnetic storms and moving solar terminator, were involved with global GPS TEC databasein this thesis. We employed the multichannel maximum entropy spectral analysis method to diagnose the characteristics of propagation and evolvement of ionospheric disturbances, also, the characteristics of their regional distribution and climatological variations were revealed by the statistic analysis. The results of these studies can improve our knowledge about the energy transfer in the solar-terrestrial system and the coupling process between upper and lower atmosphere (thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere). On the other hand, our results of the investigation on TIDs generated by particular linear origin such as ST are important for developing ionospheric irregularity physics and modeling the transionosphere radio wave propagation. Besides, the GPS TEC representation of the ST-generated ionospheric structure suggests a better possibility for investigating this phenomenon. Subsequently, there are scientific meaning of the result of this dissertation to deeply discuss the energy transfer and coupling in the ionosphere, as well as realistic value to space weather forecast in the ionosphere region.
Data on seawater carbon isotope in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic is abundant. However, the sulfur isotopic age curve of seawater sulfates determined through the analysis of sulfur isotopic composition of marine evaporite is uncertain in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic since evaporites are generally rare in Precambrian. The Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Carbonate Formations preserve not only the carbon isotopic records, but also the sulfur isotopic records of coeval seawater in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform, China. Sulfur isotopic composition can be determined by the extraction of trace sulfate from carbonate samples. Successive measurements of sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate samples from the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic strata in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform was accomplished through the extracting of trace sulfate from carbonates. Sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of coeval seawater were obtained from analytical results of sulfur and carbon isotopes of the same sample without diagenetic alteration. The high-resolution age curve of sulfur isotope given in this paper may reflect the trend of variations in sulfur isotope composition of seawater sulfates during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. It can be correlated with the characteristics of variation in age curve of carbon isotope of coeval seawater carbonates. The δ34S values of seawater varied from +10.3-37.0‰ during the Mesoproterozoic, which took on oscillated variation on the whole. The δ34S values took on high values in the Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou stage, Tuanshanzi stage Tieling stage and in Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. The average of those was about +30‰. The sulfates have low δ34S values in the Mesoproterozoic Yangzhuang stage and Hongshuizhuang stage, The average of those was all lower than +20‰. There occured large-amplitude changs in δ34S values of seawater during the Mesoproterozoic. Large-amplitude oscillate of 534S values occured in the intervals of 1600~1400Ma and 1300~1200Ma. The δ13C values of seawater are mostly negative in Changcheng stage of late Paleoproterozoic, -0 ± 1‰ range in Jixian stage of Mesoproterozoic , and the positive 2±2‰ commonly in early Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. From 1000 Ma to 900 Ma, about 108 years interval of oceanic 513C record is shortage. At the end of Paleoproterozoic (1700 - 1600 Ma), the oceanic 813C values change from -3‰ to 0‰, but strongly oscillate near 1600 Ma. Two larger variations of seawater 513C values occur in the Mesoproterozoic: one is a cycle of about 4%o happens at ca. 1400 Ma; another is rise from >2‰ to>5‰ at ca. 1250 Ma and then become stable at the near 1000 Ma. There appears a large positive excursion over +20‰ in 534S value of ancient seawater sulfates in the early Doushantuo stage. Simultaneously, 8 C values of ancient seawater occur a positive excursion reaching 10‰. These allow δ4S values and 513C values to reach high values of+51.7‰ and +6.9‰, respectively. The range of variation in 834S values of seawater is relatively narrow and 513C values are quite high in the middle Doushantuo stage. Then, δ34S values of seawater become oscillating, the same happens in δ13C values. Negative excursions in 834S values and 813C values occur simultaneously at the end of the Doushantuo stage, and the minimum of δ34S values and δ13C values dropped to -11.3‰ and -5.7‰, respectively. The ancient seawater in the Dengying stage has high δS values and δ13C values. Most of the δ34S values of the trace sulfate samples varied between +23.6‰ and +37.9‰ except two boundaries of the Dengying Formation, and the S13C values of the carbonate samples of the Dengying Formation varied between +0.5‰ and +5.0‰. There appeared large negative excursion in 834S values and δ13C values of ancient seawater at the bounder of Precambrian-Cambrian. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that the organic productivity and isotopic fractionation caused by biology were low and the palaeoceanic environment was quite unstable during the Mesoproterozoic. The increase and subsequent oscillation of seawater δ13C value occurred from 1700 to 1600 Ma and near 1300 Ma may be responsible to the two global tectonic events happened at coeval time. The characteristics of variation in sulfur and carbon isotopes of ancient seawater imply strong changes in oceanic environment, which became beneficial to inhabitation and propagation of organism. The organic production and the burial rate of organic carbon once reached a quite high level during the Doushantuo stage. However, the state of environment became unstable that means the global climate and the environment possibly were fluctuating and reiterating after the global glaciation. The negative excursions of S34S values and δ13C values occurring at the end of the Doushantuo stage represent a global event, which might be relative to the oxidation of deep seawater. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that there were a high organic productivity and a high burial rate of organic carbon in the Dengying stage. It is obvious that the palaeoceanic environment in Dengying stage was stable corresponding and beneficial for biology to inhabit and propagate except for the two boundaries. The tendency of sulfur and carbon isotopic variations maybe resulted from the gradual oxygenation of ocean environment during the Dengying stage. It has been reported that the secular variations of the sulfur isotopic compositions in seawater was negative correlated with that of carbon isotopic compositions. However, our results show that it is not the case. They were negatively correlated in some intervals and positively in some other intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. The difference in correlation may be associated with the changes in conditions of redox in oceanic environment, e.g. sharp change of the oxidation-reduction interface. The strong changes in global environment may induce the abnormality to occur in the biogeo chemical S and C cycles in the ocean and accordingly sharp Variations in isotopic composition of seawater sulfur and carbon during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Simultaneously, the global tectonism caused large changes of 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The leading factor that causes the variation in isotopic composition is different in the different intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Thus, there may exist different models of the biogeochemical S and C cycles in the ocean during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic.
Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in an unmagnetized three component, weakly-coupled, fully ionized plasma consisting of electrons, positive ions and charged dust particles, considering perturbations oblique to the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE), shows that the wave may become unstable; the stability criteria depend on the angle theta between the modulation and propagation directions. Explicit expressions for the instability rate and threshold have been obtained in terms of the dispersion laws of the system. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations have also been discussed.
Modulated wavepackets associated with longitudinal dust grain oscillations in a dusty plasma crystal
The nonlinear amplitude modulation of longitudinal dust lattice waves (LDLWs) propagating in a dusty plasma crystal is investigated in a continuum approximation. It is shown that long wavelength LDLWs are modulationally stable, while shorter wavelengths may be unstable. The possibility for the formation and propagation of different envelope localized excitations is discussed. It is shown that the total grain displacement bears a (weak) constant displacement (zeroth harmonic mode), due to the asymmetric form of the nonlinear interaction potential. The existence of asymmetric envelope localized modes is predicted. The types and characteristics of these coherent nonlinear structures are discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Adult tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs) have demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in treating diseases or repairing damaged tissues through mechanisms thought to be mediated by either cell replacement or secretion of paracrine factors. Characterized, self- renewing human ESCs could potentially be an invariable source of consistently uniform MSCs for therapeutic applications. Here we describe a clinically relevant and reproducible manner of generating identical batches of hESC- derived MSC ( hESC- MSC) cultures that circumvents exposure to virus, mouse cells, or serum. Trypsinization and propagation of HuES9 or H1 hESCs in feeder- and serum-free selection media generated three polyclonal, karyotypically stable, and phenotypically MSC-like cultures that do not express pluripotency- associated markers but displayed MSC- like surface antigens and gene expression profile. They differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes, and chondrocytes in vitro. Gene expression and fluorescence- activated cell sorter analysis identified CD105 and CD24 as highly expressed antigens on hESC- MSCs and hESCs, respectively. CD105+, CD24- monoclonal isolates have a typical MSC gene expression profiles and were identical to each other with a highly correlated gene expression profile ( r(2) >.90). We have developed a protocol to reproducibly generate clinically compliant and identical hESC- MSC cultures.