876 resultados para Age of Enlightenment


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The exorbitant privilege literature analyzes the positive differential returns on net foreign assets enjoyed by the United States in the last quarter of the twentieth century as the issuer of the global reserve currency. In the first age of international financial integration (1870-1914), the global reserve currency of the period was the British pound sterling. Whether the United Kingdom enjoyed a similar privilege is analyzed with a new dataset, encompassing microdata on railroad and government financial securities. The use of microdata avoids the flaws that have plagued the US studies, particularly the use of incompatible aggregate variables. New measures of Britain’s net external position provide estimates on capital gains and dividend yields. As the issuer of the global reserve currency, Britain received average revenues of 13.4% of GDP from its international investment position. The country satisfied the necessary condition for the existence of an exorbitant privilege. Nonetheless, Britain’s case is slightly different from the American one. British external assets received higher returns than were paid on external liabilities for each class, but British invested mostly in securities with low profile of risk. The low return on its net external position meant that, for most of the time, Britain would not receive positive revenues from the rest of the world if it were a net debtor country, but this pattern changed after 1900. The finding supports the claim that, at least partially, exorbitant privilege is a general characteristic of the issuer of the global reserve currency and not unique to the late twentieth century US.


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We study the fiscal consequences of deflation on a panel of 17 economies in the first wave of globalization, between 1870 and 1914. By means of impulse response analyses and panel regressions, we find that a 1 percent fall in the price level leads to an increase in the public debt ratio of about 0.23- 0.32 pp. and accounting for trade openness, monetary policy and the exchange rate raises the absolute value of the coefficient on deflation. Moreover, the public debt ratio increases when deflation is also associated with a period of economic recession. For government revenue, lagged deflation comes out with a statistically significant negative coefficient, while government primary expenditure seems relatively invariant to changes in prices.


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Ornamental plant production in the State of Florida is an anomaly with respect to current theories of globalization and particularly their explanation of the employment of low-wage, immigrant labor. Those theories dictate that unskilled jobs that do not need to be performed within highly developed countries are outsourced to where labor is cheaper and more flexible. However, the State of Florida remains an important site of ornamental plant production in the US amidst a global economic environment of outsourcing and transnational corporate expansion. This dissertation relies on 50 semi-structured interviews with insiders of the Florida plant nursery industry, focus groups, and participant observation to explain how US trade, labor, and migration policy-making at local levels are not removed from larger global processes taking place in the world since the 1970s. In Florida, elite market players of the plant nursery industry have been able to resist global trends in free trade, operating instead in a protected market. They have done this by appealing to scientific justifications and through arbitrary implementations of neoliberal ideology that keeps small and middle range business alive, while maintaining a seemingly endless supply of marginalized and exploited low-wage, immigrant workers.


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Ideas of childhood and citizenship stood at the center of the Soviet Union’s empire-building project during the 1920s and 1930s. After the 1917 Revolution the Bolsheviks were faced with the challenge of establishing a new state structure and governing a vast territory inherited from its tsarist predecessor. In the early years of the Soviet project, new leaders enlisted a cadre of professionals tasked with not only creating the norms of childhood and the everyday, but also implementing policies to modernize habits and values of the empire’s younger citizens. To understand how children became a prime focus of Soviet imperial and ethno-cultural politics, my dissertation employs discourse analysis and compares the ways in which Soviet imperial policies were implemented in two ethnically different regions: the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia as the colonial case study and Moscow as the Metropole. The current project examines newspapers, treatises, and inspectors’ reports over the span of twenty years. It finds that the Bolsheviks’ initial values and discourses in the realm of children’s education, health, leisure and nutrition, all which were scientifically designed to transform children into ideal Soviet and modern citizens, changed over time as a result of the competing ideologies among local elites and the challenges they faced while intervening in children’s everyday lives. The most significant conclusion in this dissertation reveals that, contrary to previous scholarly arguments, the modernization projects that took place in Moscow and Kalmykia were more similar in the challenges and outcomes that local officials faced when implementing state policies.


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This gives statistics on the age of pending criminal cases broken down by circuits and counties.


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From early 1950s to the early 1970s Britain is said to have experienced an ‘age of affluence’. Whilst material conditions for many households improved in these decades, this detailed examination of budget management processes shows that for many working-class households, these gains were the product of hard work and careful money management. Using oral history methodology, this thesis explores lived experiences of the household economy to illuminate these qualifications to ‘affluence’. In so doing, this thesis advances analysis which considers the relationship between the macro-level economic conditions of affluence and the everyday economic realities of households in the post-war period. The thesis examines the operation of the household economy and shows how working-class households utilised domestic labour, budgeting, paid work, credit and thrift to make ends meet, as well as to achieve ‘affluence’. Further, by exploring these areas of the household economy, this thesis shows that gendered ideology continued to preserve power and material inequalities between men and women. Although considerable change did occur, particularly involvement in the paid labour market, domestic responsibilities continued to be an important focus of women’s identities and the effective performance of these duties by women remained central to the success of the household. This thesis represents a fresh focus on how the exploration of everyday life, including the salience of ideological continuities in shaping experience, can qualify and refine our understanding of twentieth century economic and social change, and contributes to socio-historical understandings of ‘affluence’ and its intersections with the household, gender, and class.


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Low speed rotating machines which are the most critical components in drive train of wind turbines are often menaced by several technical and environmental defects. These factors contribute to mount the economic requirement for Health Monitoring and Condition Monitoring of the systems. When a defect is happened in such system result in reduced energy loss rates from related process and due to it Condition Monitoring techniques that detecting energy loss are very difficult if not possible to use. However, in the case of Acoustic Emission (AE) technique this issue is partly overcome and is well suited for detecting very small energy release rates. Acoustic Emission (AE) as a technique is more than 50 years old and in this new technology the sounds associated with the failure of materials were detected. Acoustic wave is a non-stationary signal which can discover elastic stress waves in a failure component, capable of online monitoring, and is very sensitive to the fault diagnosis. In this paper the history and background of discovering and developing AE is discussed, different ages of developing AE which include Age of Enlightenment (1950-1967), Golden Age of AE (1967-1980), Period of Transition (1980-Present). In the next section the application of AE condition monitoring in machinery process and various systems that applied AE technique in their health monitoring is discussed. In the end an experimental result is proposed by QUT test rig which an outer race bearing fault was simulated to depict the sensitivity of AE for detecting incipient faults in low speed high frequency machine.


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This dissertation analyses the notions of progress and common good in Swedish political language during the Age of Liberty (1719 1772). The method used is conceptual analysis, but this study is also a contribution to the history of political ideas and political culture, aiming at a broader understanding of how the bounds of political community were conceptualised and represented in eighteenth-century Sweden. The research is based on the official documents of the regime, such as the fundamental laws and the solemn speeches made at the opening and closing of the Diet, on normative or alternative descriptions of society such as history works and economic literature, and on practical political writings by the Diet and its members. The rhetoric of common good and particular interest is thus examined both in its consensual and theoretical contexts and in practical politics. Central political issues addressed include the extent of economic liberties, the question of freedom to print, the meaning of privilege, the position of particular estates or social groups and the economic interests of particular areas or persons. This research shows that the modern Swedish word for progress (framsteg) was still only rarely used in the eighteenth century, while the notion of progress, growth and success existed in a variety of closely related terms and metaphorical expressions. The more traditional concept of common good (allmänna bästa) was used in several variants, some of which explicitly related to utility and interest. The combination of public utility and private interest in political discourse challenged traditional ideals of political morality, where virtue had been the fundament of common good. The progress of society was also presented as being linked to the progress of liberty, knowledge and wealth in a way that can be described as characteristic of the Age of Enlightenment but which also points at the appearance of early liberal thought.


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Ao contrário do período precedente de criação da chamada ciência moderna, o século XVIII parece não desempenhar um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da física. Na visão de muitos autores, o século das luzes é considerado como uma fase de organização da mecânica que teve seu coroamento com as obras de Lagrange, imediatamente precedidas por Euler e dAlembert. Muitos autores afirmam que na formulação da mecânica racional houve uma eliminação gradual da metafísica e também da teologia e que o surgimento da física moderna veio acompanhado por uma rejeição da metafísica aristotélica da substância e qualidade, forma e matéria, potência e ato. O ponto central da tese é mostrar que, no século XVIII, houve uma preocupação e um grande esforço de alguns filósofos naturais que participaram da formação da mecânica, em determinar como seria possível descrever fenômenos através da matemática. De uma forma geral, a filosofia mecanicista exigia que as mudanças observadas no mundo natural fossem explicadas apenas em termos de movimento e de rearranjos das partículas da matéria, uma vez que os predecessores dos filósofos iluministas conseguiram, em parte, eliminar da filosofia natural o conceito de causas finais e a maior parte dos conceitos aristotélicos de forma e substância, por exemplo. Porém, os filósofos mecanicistas divergiam sobre as causas do movimento. O que faria um corpo se mover? Uma força externa? Uma força interna? Força nenhuma? Todas essas posições tinham seus adeptos e todas sugeriam reflexões filosóficas que ultrapassavam os limites das ciências da natureza. Mais ainda: conceitos como espaço, tempo, força, massa e inércia, por exemplo, são conceitos imprescindíveis da mecânica que representam uma realidade. Mas como a manifestação dessa realidade se torna possível? Como foram definidos esses conceitos? Embora não percebamos explicitamente uma discussão filosófica em muitos livros que versam sobre a mecânica, atitudes implícitas dessa natureza são evidentes no tratamento das questões tais como a ambição à universalidade e a aplicação da matemática. Galileu teve suas motivações e suas razões para afirmar que o livro da natureza está escrito em liguagem matemática. No entanto, embora a matemática tenha se tornado a linguagem da física, mostramos com esta tese que a segunda não se reduz à primeira. Podemos, à luz desta pesquisa, falarmos de uma mecânica racional no sentido de ser ela proposta pela razão para organizar e melhor estruturar dados observáveis obtidos através da experimentação. Porém, mostramos que essa ciência não foi, como os filósofos naturais pretendiam que assim fosse, obtidas sem hipóteses e convenções subjetivas. Por detrás de uma representação explicativa e descritiva dos fenômenos da natureza e de uma consistência interna de seus próprios conteúdos confirmados através da matemática, verificamos a presença da metafísica.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’émergence sur la scène chilienne d’un nouvel acteur dans la production du livre, acteur qui s’organise à la fin des années 1990 en se définissant lui-même en tant qu’éditeur indépendant et qui, au cours des premières années du XXIe siècle, élargit cette définition pour inclure le phénomène de l’édition autonome et le domaine de l’édition universitaire. Le point de ralliement de ces acteurs, organisés autour de l’association Editores de Chile, est la reprise et l’affirmation d’un rôle moderne des éditeurs de livres, au sens des Lumières. On peut constater l’articulation entre les revendications spécifiques du secteur et ses positions politiques sur la valeur symbolique de la production culturelle, sur son rôle en tant que facteur de construction identitaire et démocratique car l’accès aux livres ne peut pas être restreint par l’action sans contrepoids du marché. L’angle théorique que nous proposons est celui des théories des industries culturelles tout en intégrant aussi les contributions des études culturelles. En nous situant dans une perspective de l’économie politique des industries culturelles, nous chercherons à redéfinir le concept d’indépendance par le biais d’une analyse des stratégies d’unités économiques (les maisons d’édition) et des rapports entre ces unités et leurs contextes géographiques, politiques et culturels spécifiques. Nous tenons aussi en considération des éléments macrostructurels, mais en considérant que leur capacité d’influence est toujours relative et, en conséquence, doit faire l’objet d’une réévaluation en fonction des rapports de forces et des conjonctures politiques, économiques et sociales spécifiques. Nous pensons que l’indépendance n’est pas un phénomène qui n’est pas exclusif au monde de l’édition. Nous avons fait le constat qu’il existe aussi au sein des industries de l’enregistrement sonore, de l’audiovisuel et des médias comme la presse, la radio et, en moindre proportion, la télévision. En termes méthodologiques, nous proposons une approche qui combine des méthodes et des instruments quantitatifs et qualitatifs, c’est-à-dire, l’analyse des statistiques de l’édition au Chili (fréquences des titres, genres et auteurs), des entrevues semi-structurées et une analyse documentaire. Avant d’aborder la description et l’analyse de la production de livres au Chili et du sens que les éditeurs donnent à l’indépendance et à leurs prises de position dans le champ culturel, nous proposons une description historique et industrielle de l’édition du livre chilien. Cette description permet de comprendre la naissance et le développement du secteur en regard des processus politiques, économiques et sociaux du Chili et de l’Amérique latine, ainsi que sa situation actuelle en regard des nouvelles conditions politiques et économiques qui résultent du processus de globalisation et des transformations néolibérales locales et internationales. La recherche examine ensuite le caractère de la production de livres publiés au Chili entre les années 2000 et 2005 en considérant les titres produits, les auteurs et les genres. Cette analyse permet aussi d’établir des différences entre ces maisons d’édition et celles qui relèvent des grands conglomérats transnationaux de l’édition de livres. Cette analyse comparative nous permet d’établir de manière concluante des différences quant au nombre et á la diversité et l’intérêt culturel des livres publiés entre les éditeurs transnationaux et les éditeurs indépendants regroupés sous le nom de Editores de Chile. Cette analyse permet aussi d’établir des liens précis entre la production des éditeurs indépendants et leurs objectifs culturels et politiques explicites. Nous faisons ensuite état, par le biais de l’exposition et de l’analyse des entrevues réalisées avec les éditeurs, des trajectoires de ces organisations en tenant compte des périodes historiques spécifiques qui ont servi de contexte à leur création et à leur développement. Nous mettons ici en rapport ces trajectoires des éditeurs, les définitions de leurs missions et les stratégies mobilisées. Nous tenons aussi compte des dimensions internationales de ces définitions qui s’expriment dans leur participation au sein d’organisations internationales telle que l’Alliance internationale d’éditeurs indépendants (Gijón 2000 et Dakar 2003) et, spécifiquement, leur expression dans la coopération avec des maisons d’édition latino-américaines. Les entrevues et l’analyse documentaire nous permettent d‘entrevoir les tensions entre la politique culturelle de l’État chilien, en contraste avec des définitions, des objectifs et des actions politiques de Editores de Chile. Nous relions donc dans l’analyse, l’émergence de l’édition indépendante et les résistances qu’engendrent la globalisation des marchés culturels et les mouvements de concentration de la propriété, ainsi que les effets et réponses aux transformations néolibérales au plan des politiques culturelles publiques. Nous concluons alors à la nécessité d’une économie politique critique des industries culturelles qui puisse se pencher sur ces phénomènes et rendre compte non seulement de rapports entre conglomérats et indépendants et du développement des filières de la production culturelle, mais aussi du déploiement des logiques culturelles et politiques sous-jacentes, voire des projets historiques, qui se confrontent dans le champ des industries culturelles.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Nell’alveo delle indagini sulla storia del commercio librario nell’Italia del Settecento, attente a individuare i legami fra circolazione del libro, diffusione delle idee illuministe e riforme politiche nella seconda metà del secolo, la ricerca ha l’obiettivo di offrire un quadro articolato della fisionomia di un mercante del libro attivo nel periodo più intenso del riformismo estense nel ducato di Modena: Moïsè Beniamino Foà (1730-1821). Il primo capitolo della tesi riguarda le cariche ufficiali che questi ricoprì al servizio delle istituzioni culturali promosse da Francesco III d’Este, le vicende che lo implicarono nelle maglie della censura e il suo impegno civile e politico a favore dei processi di emancipazione degli ebrei in età giacobina e napoleonica. Il secondo tenta di interpretare la genesi della sua fortuna economica attraverso l’esame del testamento e dell’inventario dell’asse ereditario: nel panorama di precarietà dei mestieri del libro dal secolo dei lumi ai primi decenni della Restaurazione, pare arduo individuare un libraio comparabile a Foà per solidità e capacità di investimento. All’analisi della clientela del mercante è dedicato il terzo capitolo, che si sviluppa seguendo il filo dei rapporti diplomatici intessuti da Francesco III con le corti italiane nell’orbita dell’influenza politica e culturale asburgica. Si descrivono, quindi, i viaggi europei e la rete dei contatti commerciali che garantirono la ricchezza dell’offerta rispecchiata dai numerosi cataloghi librari pubblicati nel corso di oltre un cinquantennio. Di questi si offre una descrizione bibliografica e quantitativa con un affondo sulla diffusione del libro scientifico. Con la fisionomia del mercante viaggiatore, Foà coniugava quella dell’erudito bibliofilo: la ricerca si conclude con la presentazione della sua biblioteca e dei suoi rapporti con i filologi dell’epoca.


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Die politische Rolle der Hofmusik in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts ist im Kontext der repräsentativen Machtmittel innerhalb des höfischen Kräftefeldes verortet. Die höfischen Zeremonielle bildeten nicht nur den Aufführungsrahmen, sondern legten sämtliche Determinanten für die musikalischen Ereignisse fest. Zu den Aufgaben der Hofkapellmeister im kleinen, aber innerhalb des Reiches nicht ganz unbedeutenden und durchaus paradigmatisch stehenden Fürstentum Hessen-Darmstadt gehörten die musikalischen Umrahmungen der fürstlichen Hochzeiten, Trauerfälle, Geburtstage sowie politischer und kirchenpolitischer Anlässe. Christoph Graupner wirkte hier als Hofkapellmeister zwischen 1709 und 1760; bis zu seiner Erblindung im Jahr 1754 schuf er ein umfangreiches Werk, das die Verhältnisse dieser Landgrafschaft in signifikanter Weise spiegelt. Graupners Musiken zu den Festen der Landgrafen umfassten immer Kirchenkantaten für den Gottesdienst, daneben oft auch weltliche Musik zur Unterhaltung der Gäste. Obwohl die – damals hochmoderne und in der Entwicklung begriffenen – Gattung der Kantate bei weitem überwiegt, sind es auch Bühnenwerke, die diese Funktion erfüllten, aber lediglich im ersten Jahrzehnt von Graupners Dienstzeit in Darmstadt aufgeführt wurden. 83 panegyrische Werke (57 geistliche, 24 weltliche Kantaten, 2 Bühnenwerke) konnten als Zeremonialmusiken systemisch in ihrem Aufführungskontext analysiert werden. Dabei ergaben sich etliche neue Erkenntnisse wie Datierungen, Zuordnungen zu Anlässen, auch Funde von bisher als verschollen geltenden Textdrucken. Der Geheimrat Johann Jacob (von) Wieger konnte als mutmaßlicher Textdichter identifiziert werden. Insbesondere ist deutlich geworden, dass der Bedeutungsverlust höfischer Repräsentation am Ende der absolutistischen Epoche wie in anderen Residenzen auch in Darmstadt die Zeremonialmusik tangierte. Für Graupner blieb vor diesem Hintergrund einerseits die ungebrochene Unterordnung unter die hierarchischen Verhältnisse, was die Huldigung als Form der Pflichterfüllung einschloss. Andererseits jedoch zeigten sich latente Distanzierungsversuche: zum einen die Schaffung musikalischer Subtexte in gewissen panegyrischen Werken, zum anderen aber vor allem die Hinwendung zur Kirchenmusik und damit zu einer Religiosität, die nicht nur die Anmahnung der christlichen Tugenden ermöglichte, sondern auch mit dem “Schaffen zur Ehre Gottes” eine persönliche Rechtfertigung jenseits von allem tagespolitischen Geschehen bot.


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La ciudad de Madrid y su área metropolitana han sido y son ahora también, uno de los más importantes polos de actividad científico-tecnológica de España. Madrid concentra en una región uniprovincial una gran parte de las instituciones públicas de investigación y desarrollo del país. La mayor parte se concentran en la ciudad de Madrid y el resto en el área metropolitana inmediata en un reducido espacio territorial. Madrid ha sido un lugar de primer nivel para localización y producción científico-tecnológica nacional: desde los inicios de la Edad de la Ilustración en la época de Carlos III, posteriormente en el siglo XIX, en el periodo del “Cajalismo” de principios del XX, con la JAE (Junta de Ampliación de Estudios) hasta 1939, con el CSIC “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” desde 1939 hasta ahora y en la actualidad con los organismos ministeriales de Ciencia e Tecnología y con “MADRID NETWORK”, la agencia regional de desarrollo de parques científico-tecnológicos. Ha habido una secuencia temporal y espacial en la ubicación de las sedes de instituciones científico-técnicas en la ciudad a través del tiempo. En esta tesis doctoral se ha analizado la creación de este sistema y sus características básicas. Se ha evaluado si se ha formado un conjunto de áreas significativas en la ciudad que permitan hablar de un proyecto, o un grupo de proyectos, que han formado el sistema científico-técnico de Madrid. Al final se ha analizado cómo es en la actualidad este sistema, por medio de un estudio de la nueva red de parques científicos tecnológicos y si este último proyecto del sistema científico tecnológico de Madrid está concluido o si por el contrario está pendiente de terminar y desarrollar en estos momentos a principios del siglo XXI. Se ha estudiado los sectores y actividades a los que se dedican las empresas y organismos públicos presentes en los parques. ABSTRACT: The city of Madrid and its metropolitan area have been, and now are too, one of the most important scientific and technical activity poles of Spain. Madrid concentrates in a single-province region a great part of the public Research and Development institutions of the country. The majority are concentrated in the city of Madrid and the rest in the immediate metropolitan area in a limited territorial space. Madrid has been a first level place for location and national scientific and technical production: since the beginnings of the Age of Enlightenment in the Carlos III epoch, during the XIX century, in the “Cajalismo” period at first of the XX century, With JAE “Junta de Ampliación de Estudios” until 1939, with CSIC “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” since 1939 up to now and nowadays with the Ministerial agencies of Science and Technology and with “MADRID NETWORK” the regional agency for the development of scientific and technical parks. There has been a temporal and spatial sequence in location of the scientific and technical headquarters and institutions in the city over time. In this doctoral thesis it has been analyzed the building this system and its basic characteristics. It has been evaluated if it has formed a set of significant areas in the city that lead us to talk about one project, or a group of projects, that have formed the scientific and technical system of Madrid. At the end is has been analyzed how is this system actually, by means of a study of the new network of scientific and technologic parks and if this last project of the Madrid´s scientific and technologic system is finished or, on the other hand, it is waiting to be finished, and be developed, in this moment, at the beginning of the XXI century. It has studied the sectors and activities to which are dedicated the companies and public organism that stay in the parks.