945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages


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O presente trabalho tem como foco o estudo e análise das alianças estratégicas realizadas entre empresas do setor do real estate, no período entre 2006 e 2010, enfatizando as alianças realizadas entre empresas atuantes predominantemente nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro com empresas atuantes nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, cujo objetivo por parte das empresas paulistas foi o espalhamento geográfico. Considerando o volume representativo de alianças estratégicas verificado no setor no período em questão e a geração de resultados dos empreendimentos objetos de tais parcerias inferiores às expectativas estabelecidas, o objetivo do trabalho é a apresentação de um conjunto de diretrizes que possa contribuir para o planejamento, realização e condução de futuras parcerias entre empresas do setor, visando a mitigar dificuldades e a explorar da melhor forma possível os benefícios que as alianças estratégicas podem proporcionar. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos abrangendo o estudo de empresas de capital aberto que atuavam predominantemente nas capitais do eixo Rio-São Paulo, empresas atuantes em nível regional no Norte e Nordeste brasileiro que realizaram parcerias com as empresas do Sudeste, além de empresas de consultoria que estiveram envolvidas nas parcerias por meio de prestação de serviços. Tal pesquisa permitiu identificar as principais dificuldades, vantagens e desvantagens decorrentes das parcerias em questão, cujos dados foram analisados e discutidos à luz da revisão bibliográfica, embasando assim o conjunto de diretrizes proposto. As diretrizes apresentadas visam a contribuir com todo o processo que envolve a realização de uma parceria, contemplando desde aspectos de planejamento, gestão até aspectos operacionais e são complementadas por recomendações que somadas às diretrizes podem elevar a probabilidade de êxito das parcerias.


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Water availability in adequate quantities and qualities is a fundamental requirement for tourism. In the Mediterranean, one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, water availability is subject to modest and erratic precipitation figures which may decline with climate change. The tourist industry therefore may have to assure future supplies by either recurring to new technologies such as desalination or increasing efficiency in water use. A third and yet little explored alternative would be to seek for complementary of uses with irrigation, the traditional user in many coastal Mediterranean areas and holder of substantial amounts of water. In this paper we present the example of the Consorcio de Aguas de la Marina Baja to show how Benidorm, in Mediterranean Spain and one of the most important tourist centers of the Mediterranean, obtains part of its water through agreements with farmers by which these trade their water with Benidorm and other towns’ treated wastewater of enough quality to be used for irrigation, and obtain several compensations in return. The advantages and disadvantages of the water trade between farmers and tourist interests in the Benidorm area are discussed and we argue that solutions to the pending water crisis of many coastal Mediterranean tourist areas may not need to rely uniquely on expensive technologies to generate new resources but may attempt other alternatives.


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El turismo, objeto de diversas disciplinas, es uno de los sectores más relevantes de la economía mundial, siendo en España la primera industria nacional. En los últimos años el turismo cultural se ha revelado como un motor esencial de desarrollo para bastantes territorios. Un caso sobresaliente es el conocido como «efecto Guggenheim» que desde su creación en 1997 se ha configurado como un icono arquitectónico que ha remodelado la ciudad de Bilbao. El objeto del presente estudio ha sido reflexionar sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes desde el ámbito económico, social y medioambiental que ha tenido lugar en Bilbao desde la construcción de dicho museo.


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En este artículo se presenta una investigación que muestra la opinión de los futuros docentes sobre el diseño y creación de murales multimedia como recurso didáctico en el aula. Se ha recogido la opinión de alumnos de segundo curso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Alicante mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario online centrado en las dimensiones: usabilidad, motivación, satisfacción en los resultados que genera, ventajas y desventajas de la herramienta, y uso e importancia del recurso. Los resultados ponen de relieve la importancia de la alfabetización tecnológica a partir de la creación de e-contenidos.


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Biomechanics is often defined as ‘mechanics applied to biology’. Due to the variety and complexity of the behaviour of biological structures and materials, biomechanics is better defined as the development, extension and application of mechanics for a better understanding of physiology and physiopathology and consequently for a better diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury. Different methods for the characterisation of corneal biomechanics are reviewed in detail, including those that are currently commercially available (Ocular Response Analyzer and CorVis ST). The clinical applicability of the parameters provided by these devices are discussed, especially in the fields of glaucoma, detection of ectatic disorders and orthokeratology. Likewise, other methods are also reviewed, such as Brillouin microscopy or dynamic optical coherence tomography and others with potential application to clinical practice but not validated for in vivo measurements, such as ultrasonic elastography. Advantages and disadvantages of all these techniques are described. Finally, the concept of biomechanical modelling is revised as well as the requirements for developing biomechanical models, with special emphasis on finite element modelling.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Electronic books (e-book) are an interesting option compared to classic paper books. Most e-reading devices of the first generation were based on e-ink technology. With the appearance of the Apple iPad on the market, TFT-LCDs became important in the field of e-reading. Both technologies have advantages and disadvantages but the question remains whether one or the other technology is better for reading. In the present study we analyzed and compared reading behavior when reading on e-inkreader (e-ink displays) and on tablets (TFT-LCDs) as measured by eye-tracking. The results suggest that the reading behavior on tablets is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on e-ink-reader. Participants showed no difference in fixation duration. Significant differences in reading speed and in the proportion of regressive saccades suggest that tablets, under special artificial light conditions, may even provide better legibility.


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"Excerpts from DHEW's September, 1978 report to Congress required by P.L. 95-210 on The Advantages and disadvantages of extending medicare coverage to Mental Health, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse Centers"--P. [2] of cover.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore methods of determining an appropriate caseload for mental health case managers. Method: Seven factors that may impinge on case manager performance and impact on caseload were identified, having reference to published literature and service practice in Victoria and Queensland. The advantages and disadvantages of including these factors in a caseload index were evaluated. Results: Three caseload index methodologies are presented. Each method makes use of different data and has advantages and disadvantages. There is a trade-off between simplicity and ease of application and the comprehensive use of relevant information. Methods vary in their implications for service efficiency and equity in workload distribution. Conclusions: Caseload is a key issue in service planning and staff management. Factors that have the potential to contribute to caseload can be readily identified. However, there is likely to be disagreement as to the weight assigned to any factor and the approach taken may depend on the purpose and context of the caseload calculation. A great deal more research is required to provide an empirical basis for algorithms used in caseload calculation.


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This paper investigates how demographic (socioeconomic) and land-use (physical and environmental) data can be integrated within a decision support framework to formulate and evaluate land-use planning scenarios. A case-study approach is undertaken with land-use planning scenarios for a rapidly growing coastal area in Australia, the Shire of Hervey Bay. The town and surrounding area require careful planning of the future urban growth between competing land uses. Three potential urban growth scenarios are put forth to address this issue. Scenario A ('continued growth') is based on existing socioeconomic trends. Scenario B ('maximising rates base') is derived using optimisation modelling of land-valuation data. Scenario C ('sustainable development') is derived using a number of social, economic, and environmental factors and assigning weightings of importance to each factor using a multiple criteria analysis approach. The land-use planning scenarios are presented through the use of maps and tables within a geographical information system, which delineate future possible land-use allocations up until 2021. The planning scenarios are evaluated by using a goal-achievement matrix approach. The matrix is constructed with a number of criteria derived from key policy objectives outlined in the regional growth management framework and town planning schemes. The authors of this paper examine the final efficiency scores calculated for each of the three planning scenarios and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the three land-use modelling approaches used to formulate the final scenarios.


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We reviewed the use of advanced display technologies for monitoring in anesthesia. Researchers are investigating displays that integrate information and that, in some cases, also deliver the results continuously to the anesthesiologist. Integrated visual displays reveal higher-order properties of patient state and speed in responding to events, but their benefits under an intensely timeshared load is unknown. Head-mounted displays seem to shorten the time to respond to changes, but their impact on peripheral awareness and attention is unknown. Continuous auditory displays extending pulse oximetry seem to shorten response times and improve the ability to time-share other tasks, but their integration into the already noisy operative environment still needs to be tested. We reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of the three approaches, drawing on findings from other fields, such as aviation, to suggest outcomes where there are still no results for the anesthesia context. Proving that advanced patient monitoring displays improve patient outcomes is difficult, and a more realistic goal is probably to prove that such displays lead to better situational awareness, earlier responding, and less workload, all of which keep anesthesia practice away from the outer boundaries of safe operation.


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Many different methods of reporting animal diets have been used in ecological research. These vary greatly in level of accuracy and precision and therefore complicate attempts to measure and compare diets, and quantitites of nutrients in those diets, across a wide range of taxa. For most birds, the carotenoid content of the diet has not been directly measured. Here, therefore, I use an avian example to show how different methods of measuring the quantities of various foods in the diet affect the relative rankings of higher taxa (families, subfamilies, and tribes), and species within these taxa, with regard to the carotenoid contents of their diets. This is a timely example, as much recent avian literature has focused on the way dietary carotenoids may be traded off among aspects of survival, fitness and signalling. I assessed the mean dietary carotenoid contents of representatives of thirty higher taxa of birds using four different carotenoid intake indices varying in precision, including trophic levels, a coarse-scale and a fine-scale categorical index, and quantitative estimates of dietary carotenoids. This last method was used as the benchmark. For comparisons among taxa, all but the trophic level index were significantly correlated with each other. However, for comparisons of species within taxa, the fine-scale index outperformed the coarse-scale index, which in turn outperformed the trophic level index. In addition, each method has advantages and disadvantages, as well as underlying assumptions that must be considered. Examination and comparison of several possible methods of diet assessment appears to highlight these so that the best possible index is used given available data, and it is recommended that such a step be taken prior to the inclusion of estimated nutrient intake in any statistical analysis. Although applied to avian carotenoids here, this method could readily be applied to other taxa and types of nutrients.


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Counselling is an unregulated activity in Australia. No statutory regulation currently exists. As a result, different counselling organizations are promoting different voluntary standards for the practice of counselling. This has led to a credentialing dilemma in which counsellors and the public are confronted with a number of counselling qualification choices. This dilemma poses a number of questions: Should counselling become more regulated in Australia? At what level should counselling be regulated? Should there be various levels of counsellor regulation? This article provides an overview of the credentialing dilemma facing counselling in Australia, compares and contrasts two main Australian accreditation efforts, and proposes cooperation as a way of navigating said dilemma. The implications for counselling as a profession are discussed along with suggestions for its development as a profession. This includes a discussion regarding the relative advantages and disadvantages of greater regulation of counselling as a professional activity in Australia. Specifically, what is and is not generally considered a profession is reviewed, different forms of credentialing are outlined, and general arguments for and against accreditation efforts are presented. The efforts of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) are compared and are shown to have common ground. Consequently, ways in which the main counselling organizations may best work in conjunction to promote counselling as a profession in Australia are proposed. These suggestions include good communication, collaboration, and the avoidance of turf wars. Specifically, that the ACA and PACFA collaborate on developing a combined independent registration list that is supported by both organizations or, minimally, that both organizations have mutual recognition on each other's register lists.


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The education of international students in Australian universities has grown significantly over recent years, with Australia now having the highest ratio of international students to domestic students among the major English-speaking destinations popular with international students. While there is a variety of research that examines the learning experiences of international students, little research has been conducted that examines the impact that international students have on their domestic counterparts. This paper reports on research that solicits the perceived advantages and disadvantages held by 301 domestic students, who are sharing their educational experience with international students studying hospitality and tourism management. The study reveals that there is a sizable proportion of domestic students (28%) who consider that there are too many international students on campus; that domestic and international students do not readily mix and it also highlights the fact that racist incidents occur. It is suggested that institutions wishing to increase their number of international students must take into consideration the feelings and concerns of their domestic students.