714 resultados para ADMISSIONS


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In recent years, rural SA has been the recipient of significant funding to support a range of new primary health care initiatives. Much of this funding, additional to normal recurrent budgets in our health system, has facilitated effective change and development through demonstration and research projects across the state. The resultant work involves programs such as: ? coordinated care trials (COAG) ? more allied health services (MAHS) ? Commonwealth regional health service initiatives (CRHS) ? quality use of medicines (QUM) ? community packages for aged care services ? Indigenous chronic disease self-management pilot programs (CDSM) ? chronic disease self-management (CDSM) programs - Sharing Health Care SA ? chronic disease self-management (CDSM) programs in Indigenous communities. In addition to the resources listed above, funding was also provided by the Commonwealth to establish the South Australian Centre for Rural and Remote Health (SACRRH) and develop the University Department of Rural Health in Whyalla. While this new funding has led to substantial developmental work in chronic illness management in particular, one needs to ask whether the time might not be right now for these hitherto small-scale change initiatives to be transformed into ongoing mainstream programs, informed and guided by research outcomes to date. Is it time to move beyond tentative chronic illness programs and into mainstream reform? We have shown that there is much to be gained, both for patients and for the system, from improved coordination of primary care services and initiatives such as self-management programs for patients with chronic conditions. Better management leads to improved patient health outcomes and can reduce demand for unplanned hospital and emergency services. Many admissions to rural hospitals requiring expensive services, in terms of infrastructure and staffing, could be either prevented, or patients could be managed more effectively in the community as part of a wider primary health care program.


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Background: There is increased interest in developing multidisciplinary ambulatory care models of service delivery to manage patients with complex chronic diseases. These programs are expensive and given limited resources it is important that care is targeted effectively. One potential screening strategy is to identify individuals who report the greatest decrement in health related quality of life (HRQoL) and thus greater need. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between HRQoL, comorbid conditions and acute health care utilisation. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal cohort design was used to evaluate the impact of HRQoL on acute care utilisation rates over three-years of follow-up. Participants were enrolled in chronic disease management programs run by a metropolitan health service in Australia. Baseline data was collected from 2007-2009 and follow-up data until 2012. Administrative data was used to classify patients' primary reasons for enrolment, number of comorbidities (Charlson Score) and presentations to acute care. At enrolment, HRQoL was measured using the Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument, for analysis AQoL scores were dichotomised at two standard deviations below the population norm. Results: There were 1999 participants (54% male) with a mean age of 63years (range 18-101), enrolled in the study. Participants' primary health conditions at enrolment were: diabetes 915 (46%), chronic respiratory disease 463 (23%), cardiac disease 260 (13%), peripheral vascular disease, and 181 (9%) and aged care 180 (9%). At 1-year multivariate logistic regression models demonstrated that AQOL utility score was not predictive of acute care presentations after adjusting for comorbidities. Over 3-years an AQoL utility score in the lowest quartile was predictive of both ED presentation (OR 1.58, 95% CI, 1.16-2.13, p=0.003) and admissions (OR 1.67, 95% CI.1.21 to 2.30, p=0.002) after adjusting for differences in age and comorbidities. Conclusion: This study found that both HRQoL and comorbidities were predictive of subsequent acute care attendance over 3-years of follow-up. At 1-year, comorbidities was a better predictor of acute care representation than HRQoL. To maximise benefits, programs should initially focus on medical disease management, but subsequently switch to strategies that enhance health independence and raise HRQoL.


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AIMS: To contrast functional connectivity on ventral and dorsal striatum networks in cocaine dependence relative to pathological gambling, via a resting-state functional connectivity approach; and to determine the association between cocaine dependence-related neuroadaptations indexed by functional connectivity and impulsivity, compulsivity and drug relapse. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of 20 individuals with cocaine dependence (CD), 19 individuals with pathological gambling (PG) and 21 healthy controls (HC), and a prospective cohort study of 20 CD followed-up for 12 weeks to measure drug relapse. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: CD and PG were recruited through consecutive admissions to a public clinic specialized in substance addiction treatment (Centro Provincial de Drogodependencias) and a public clinic specialized in gambling treatment (AGRAJER), respectively; HC were recruited through community advertisement in the same area in Granada (Spain). MEASUREMENTS: Seed-based functional connectivity in the ventral striatum (ventral caudate and ventral putamen) and dorsal striatum (dorsal caudate and dorsal putamen), the Kirby delay-discounting questionnaire, the reversal-learning task and a dichotomous measure of cocaine relapse indicated with self-report and urine tests. FINDINGS: CD relative to PG exhibit enhanced connectivity between the ventral caudate seed and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, the ventral putamen seed and dorsomedial pre-frontal cortex and the dorsal putamen seed and insula (P≤0.001, kE=108). Connectivity between the ventral caudate seed and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex is associated with steeper delay discounting (P≤0.001, kE=108) and cocaine relapse (P≤0.005, kE=34). CONCLUSIONS: Cocaine dependence-related neuroadaptations in the ventral striatum of the brain network are associated with increased impulsivity and higher rate of cocaine relapse.


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BACKGROUND: A suicide cluster is defined as a higher number of observed cases occurring in space and/or time than would typically be expected. Previous research has largely focused on identifying clusters of suicides, while there has been comparatively limited research on clusters of suicide attempts. We sought to identify clusters of both types of behaviour, and having done that, identify the factors that distinguish suicide attempts inside a cluster from those that were outside a cluster. METHODS: We used data from Western Australia from 2000 to 2011. We defined suicide attempts as admissions to hospital for deliberate self-harm and suicides as deaths due to deliberate self-harm. Using an analytic strategy that accounted for the repetition of attempted suicide within a cluster, we performed spatial-temporal analysis using Poisson discrete scan statistics to detect clusters of suicide attempts and clusters of suicides. Logistic regression was then used to compare clustered attempts with non-clustered attempts to identify risk factors for an attempt being in a cluster. RESULTS: We detected 350 (1%) suicide attempts occurring within seven spatial-temporal clusters and 12 (0.6%) suicides occurring within two spatial-temporal clusters. Both of the suicide clusters were located within a larger but later suicide attempt cluster. In multivariate analysis, suicide attempts by individuals who lived in areas of low socioeconomic status had higher odds of being in a cluster than those living in areas of high socioeconomic status [odds ratio (OR) = 29.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 6.3-135.5]. A one percentage-point increase in the proportion of people who had changed address in the last year was associated with a 60% increase in the odds of the attempt being within a cluster (OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.29-1.98) and a one percentage-point increase in the proportion of Indigenous people in the area was associated with a 7% increase in the suicide being within a cluster (OR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.00-1.13). Age, sex, marital status, employment status, method of harm, remoteness, percentage of people in rented accommodation and percentage of unmarried people were not associated with the odds of being in a suicide attempt cluster. CONCLUSIONS: Early identification of and responding to suicide clusters may reduce the likelihood of subsequent clusters forming. The mechanisms, however, that underlie clusters forming is poorly understood.


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Health analysis often involves prediction of multiple outcomes of mixed-type. Existing work is restrictive to either a limited number or specific outcome types. We propose a framework for mixed-type multi-outcome prediction. Our proposed framework proposes a cumulative loss function composed of a specific loss function for each outcome type - as an example, least square (continuous outcome), hinge (binary outcome), poisson (count outcome) and exponential (non-negative outcome). Tomodel these outcomes jointly, we impose a commonality across the prediction parameters through a common matrix-Normal prior. The framework is formulated as iterative optimization problems and solved using an efficient Block coordinate descent method (BCD). We empirically demonstrate both scalability and convergence. We apply the proposed model to a synthetic dataset and then on two real-world cohorts: a Cancer cohort and an Acute Myocardial Infarction cohort collected over a two year period. We predict multiple emergency related outcomes - as example, future emergency presentations (binary), emergency admissions (count), emergency length-of-stay-days (non-negative) and emergency time-to-next-admission-day (non-negative). Weshow that the predictive performance of the proposed model is better than several state-of-the-art baselines.


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INTRODUCTION: A decline in surgical deaths has been observed in Australia since the introduction of the Australian and New Zealand Audit of Surgical Mortality (ANZASM). The current study was conducted to determine whether the perioperative mortality rate (POMR) has also declined. METHODS: This study is a retrospective review of the POMR for surgical procedures in Australian public hospitals between July 2009 and June 2013, using data obtained from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Operative procedures contained in the Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups were selected and the POMR was modelled using urgency of admission, age and gender as explanatory covariates. RESULTS: The POMR in Australian public hospitals reduced by 15.4 % over the 4-year period. The emergency admissions POMR dropped from 1.40 to 1.12 %, and the elective admissions POMR from 0.09 to 0.08 %. The binary logistic regression model used to predict patient mortality showed emergency admissions to have a higher POMR than elective, being more evident at older ages. For emergency admissions, the difference in POMR between females and males increased with age, from about 55 years onwards, with females being lower. For elective surgeries, the difference between males and females was of little practical importance across ages. CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the POMR in Australia confirms the reduction in surgical deaths reported to ANZASM. Continuing to monitor POMR will be important to ensure the safest surgery in Australia. Further investigations into case-mix will allow better risk adjustment and comparison between regions and time-periods, to facilitate continuous quality improvement.


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Specific childhood injury types are ranked by occurrence rate for mortality, hospital admission and emergency department attendance. Cases are drawn from the resident population of Brisbane South, 0-13 years of age, for the period 1 July 1985 to 30 June 1991. A total of 47,244 injuries, 7056 admissions and 99 deaths were analysed. The overall mortality rate was 12.6/100,000 per year (95% confidence interval (CI), 10.2-15.3), the overall admission rate was 911/100,000 per year (95% CI, 890-932) and the overall hospital attendance rate was 6013/100,000 per year (95% CI, 5958-6067). A fall was the most frequent injury mechanism for admissions and 65% of attendances involved injury in the child's own home. The surveillance data establish regional variation for childhood injury risk within Australia and identify an unexplained downward trend in head injury that requires further investigation. The future development of injury surveillance in Australia requires simplified coding which can be integrated into new computerized patient management information systems. Article in Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 30(2):114-22 · May 1994


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An early decision market is governed by rules that allow each student to apply to (at most) one college and require the student to attend this college if admitted. This market is ubiquitous in college admissions in the United States. We model this market as an extensive-form game of perfect information and study a refinement of subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) that induces undominated Nash equilibria in every subgame (SPUE). Our main result shows that this game can be used to define a decentralized matching mechanism that weakly Pareto dominates student-proposing deferred acceptance.


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PROBLEMÁTICA: Com o aumento da população e comummente com o aumento de doenças crónicas, leva a um crescimento de doentes que necessitam de cuidados paliativos. A intervenção em cuidados paliativos visa o alívio do sofrimento e melhorar a qualidade de vida do doente e sua família, respeitando as suas preferências e desejos. Os profissionais de saúde necessitam de formação em Cuidados Paliativos, respeitando as expetativas dos doentes e permitir que a pessoa seja cuidada no seu local preferido de cuidados e não recorrer consecutivamente a urgências e internamentos de agudos. OBJETIVOS: Demonstrar a importância da identificação da preferência do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida, compreender a importância do planeamento de cuidados e Diretivas antecipadas de vontade (DAV), relacionar a escolha do local de cuidados com o local de morte, identificar os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida e por fim, perceber a organização e qualidade dos serviços. DESENHO: Revisão sistemática da literatura que inclui estudos de natureza qualitativa. METODOLOGIA: Foram incluídos oito estudos, publicados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2016 e 31 de Agosto 2016, pesquisados em bases de dados de referência e com acesso ao texto integral. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstra a importância das preferências dos doentes e serem registadas, a importância das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade, bem como o planeamento do cuidado de forma antecipada. É fundamental ter em conta os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados. CONCLUSÃO: Deve dar-se importância às preferências do local de cuidado dos doentes em fim-de-vida. Os doentes em fim-de-vida na sua globalidade preferem ser cuidados e morrerem em casa. As equipas multidisciplinares desenvolvem um papel preponderante no cuidado aos doentes em fim-de-vida. Quando os cuidados prestados são de alta qualidade, permite ao doente ser cuidado e morrer no seu local preferido.


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This study aims to characterize the National Long-Term Care Network (NL-TCN) users. The Portuguese National Health Service, was restructured in 2006 with the creation of the National Long-Term Care Network to respond to new health and social needs concerning the continuity of care. Objectives- Analyse the sociodemographic profile of the network users and the review of hospital, local and regional management procedures. Methods-we used various methods of observational or experimental nature (data processing and presentation of results with the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20, descriptive statistics (frequencies, crosstabs and test chi-square)). The Pearson correlation test showed a positive correlation between time procedures at the local and regional management and hospital’s length of stay. Results- from a sample of 805 cases, 595 (74%) were admitted in the NL-TCN, a rate lower than the national average (86%). Almost half of the sample was admitted in Rehabilitation Units (46%), while nationally the highest number of admissions was in Home Care Teams (30%). The average time from hospital referral to network admission was 9.73 days with a positive correlation between referred network management procedures and hospital length of stay. Conclusions- For specialized units, the maximum waiting times were for the Long-Term and Support Units (mean 30.27 days) and the minimum waiting times were for Home Care Teams (mean 5.57 days). The average time between the local and regional management was 3.59 days. Almost 90% of referrals were orthopaedics, internal medicine and neurology and Network users were mostly elderly (average 75 years old), female and married. Most users were admitted to inpatient units (78%) and only 15% remained in their home town.


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Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (NPS) are ubiquitous in dementia and are often treated pharmacologically. The objectives of this study were to describe the use of psychotropic, anti-cholinergic, and deliriogenic medications and to identify the prevalence of polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy, among older hospitalized patients in Ireland, with and without dementia. All older patients (≥ 70 years old) that had elective or emergency admissions to six Irish study hospitals were eligible for inclusion in a longitudinal observational study. Of 676 eligible patients, 598 patients were recruited and diagnosed as having dementia, or not, by medical experts. These 598 patients were assessed for delirium, medication use, co-morbidity, functional ability, and nutritional status. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of medication data on admission for 583/598 patients with complete medication data, and controlled for age, sex, and co-morbidity. Of 149 patients diagnosed with dementia, only 53 had a previous diagnosis. At hospital admission, 458/583 patients experienced polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications). People with dementia (PwD) were significantly more likely to be prescribed at least one psychotropic medication than patients without dementia (99/147 vs. 182/436; p < 0.001). PwD were also more likely to experience psychotropic polypharmacy (≥ two psychotropics) than those without dementia (54/147 vs. 61/436; p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the prescribing patterns of anti-cholinergics (23/147 vs. 42/436; p = 0.18) or deliriogenics (79/147 vs. 235/436; p = 0.62). Polypharmacy and psychotropic drug use is highly prevalent in older Irish hospitalized patients, especially in PwD. Hospital admission presents an ideal time for medication reviews in PwD.


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The goal of this trial was to study the long-term effects of intravenous (IV) metoprolol administration before reperfusion on left ventricular (LV) function and clinical events. Early IV metoprolol during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has been shown to reduce infarct size when used in conjunction with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). The METOCARD-CNIC (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial recruited 270 patients with Killip class ≤II anterior STEMI presenting early after symptom onset (<6 h) and randomized them to pre-reperfusion IV metoprolol or control group. Long-term magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 202 patients (101 per group) 6 months after STEMI. Patients had a minimal 12-month clinical follow-up. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at the 6 months MRI was higher after IV metoprolol (48.7 ± 9.9% vs. 45.0 ± 11.7% in control subjects; adjusted treatment effect 3.49%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.44% to 6.55%; p = 0.025). The occurrence of severely depressed LVEF (≤35%) at 6 months was significantly lower in patients treated with IV metoprolol (11% vs. 27%, p = 0.006). The proportion of patients fulfilling Class I indications for an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (7% vs. 20%, p = 0.012). At a median follow-up of 2 years, occurrence of the pre-specified composite of death, heart failure admission, reinfarction, and malignant arrhythmias was 10.8% in the IV metoprolol group versus 18.3% in the control group, adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 0.55; 95% CI: 0.26 to 1.04; p = 0.065. Heart failure admission was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (HR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.015 to 0.95; p = 0.046). In patients with anterior Killip class ≤II STEMI undergoing pPCI, early IV metoprolol before reperfusion resulted in higher long-term LVEF, reduced incidence of severe LV systolic dysfunction and ICD indications, and fewer heart failure admissions.


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An early decision market is governed by rules that allow each student to apply to (at most) one college and require the student to attend this college if admitted. This market is ubiquitous in college admissions in the United States. We model this market as an extensive-form game of perfect information and study a refinement of subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) that induces undominated Nash equilibria in every subgame (SPUE). Our main result shows that this game can be used to define a decentralized matching mechanism that weakly Pareto dominates student-proposing deferred acceptance.


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These brochures give statistics on South Carolina prisons. Some items include SCDC average daily facility count per month, admissions to SCDC, recidivism rates of Inmates released, profile of inmates in institutional count, releases from SCDC by type, and average sentence length of SCDC admissions.


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These brochures give statistics on South Carolina prisons. Some items include SCDC average daily facility count per month, admissions to SCDC, recidivism rates of Inmates released, profile of inmates in institutional count, releases from SCDC by type, and average sentence length of SCDC admissions.