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The Reformed Mennonites (p. 727-733) -- The Mennonites (p. 864-887) -- Omish, or Hooker Mennonites (p. 914-915) -- The River Brethren (p. 919-920).
Mineral dust has a large impact on regional and global climate, depending on its particle size. Especially in the Atlantic Ocean downwind of the Sahara, the largest dust source on earth, the effects can be substantial but are poorly understood. This study focuses on seasonal and spatial variations in particle size of Saharan dust deposition across the Atlantic Ocean, using an array of submarine sediment traps moored along a transect at 12° N. We show that the particle size decreases downwind with increased distance from the Saharan source, due to higher gravitational settling velocities of coarse particles in the atmosphere. Modal grain sizes vary between 4 and 33 µm throughout the different seasons and at five locations along the transect. This is much coarser than previously suggested and incorporated into climate models. In addition, seasonal changes are prominent, with coarser dust in summer, and finer dust in winter and spring. Such seasonal changes are caused by transport at higher altitudes and at greater wind velocities during summer than in winter. Also the latitudinal migration of the dust cloud, associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone, causes seasonal differences in deposition as the summer dust cloud is located more to the north, and more directly above the sampled transect. Furthermore, increased precipitation and more frequent dust storms in summer coincide with coarser dust deposition. Our findings contribute to understanding Saharan dust transport and deposition relevant for the interpretation of sedimentary records for climate reconstructions, as well as for global and regional models for improved prediction of future climate.
In hebräischer Schrift
A pesquisa resulta do esforço de investigação sobre o exercício do direito à informação na comunicação interpessoal entre médicos e pacientes na enfermaria do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Com o objetivo de associar o princípio da percepção interpessoal ao processo da comunicação e do uso da informação sobre saúde, demonstrou-se que o exercício da cidadania dos pacientes internados é profundamente influenciado pelas características da interação entre os sujeitos. Empregouse, para tanto, o método compatível com a pesquisa do tipo exploratória, com abordagem de natureza qualitativa, que determinou a adoção da entrevista semi-estruturada e da observação direta, como instrumentos de coleta. Entrevistou-se 70 pacientes internados e 30 médicos atuantes em 13 especialidades no referido hospital, dos quais foram registradas as percepções expressadas por meio de depoimentos, que fornecem relevantes subsídios para a compreensão da configuração da relação entre o médico e o paciente, e de como ela influencia a realização de um dos mais elementares direitos socialmente instituídos: o direito à informação.(AU)
PURPOSE: To perform advanced analysis of the corneal deformation response to air pressure in keratoconics compared with age- and sex-matched controls. METHODS: The ocular response analyzer was used to measure the air pressure-corneal deformation relationship of 37 patients with keratoconus and 37 age (mean 36 ± 10 years)- and sex-matched controls with healthy corneas. Four repeat air pressure-corneal deformation profiles were averaged, and 42 separate parameters relating to each element of the profiles were extracted. Corneal topography and pachymetry were performed with the Orbscan II. The severity of the keratoconus was graded based on a single metric derived from anterior corneal curvatures, difference in astigmatism in each meridian, anterior best-fit sphere, and posterior best-fit sphere. RESULTS: Most of the biomechanical characteristics of keratoconic eyes were significantly different from normal eyes (P <0.001), especially during the initial corneal applanation. With increasing keratoconus severity, the cornea was thinner (r = -0.407, P <0.001), the speed of corneal concave deformation past applanation was quicker (dive; r = -0.314, P = 0.01), and the tear film index was lower (r = -0.319, P = 0.01). The variance in keratoconus severity could be accounted for by the corneal curvature and central corneal thickness (r = 0.80) with biomechanical characteristics contributing an additional 4% (total r = 0.84). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.919 ± 0.025 for keratometry alone, 0.965 ± 0.014 with the addition of pachymetry, and 0.972 ± 0.012 combined with ocular response analyzer biomechanical parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of the air pressure-corneal deformation profile are more affected by keratoconus than the traditionally extracted corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factors. These biomechanical metrics slightly improved the detection and severity prediction of keratoconus above traditional keratometric and pachymetric assessment of corneal shape.
The development of strategy remains a debate for academics and a concern for practitioners. Published research has focused on producing models for strategy development and on studying how strategy is developed in organisations. The Operational Research literature has highlighted the importance of considering complexity within strategic decision making; but little has been done to link strategy development with complexity theories, despite organisations and organisational environments becoming increasingly more complex. We review the dominant streams of strategy development and complexity theories. Our theoretical investigation results in the first conceptual framework which links an established Strategic Operational Research model, the Strategy Development Process model, with complexity via Complex Adaptive Systems theory. We present preliminary findings from the use of this conceptual framework applied to a longitudinal, in-depth case study, to demonstrate the advantages of using this integrated conceptual model. Our research shows that the conceptual model proposed provides rich data and allows for a more holistic examination of the strategy development process. © 2012 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report the first experimental demonstration of single transmissive fiber Bragg grating implementation of a first-order optical differentiation. The device has been designed and fabricated, and the experimental results show a good performance over an operational bandwidth of ∼2 nm. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
In article the problems of mutual adapting of the humans and computer environment are reviewed. Features of image-intuitive and physical-mathematical modes of perception and thinking are investigated. The problems of choice of means and methods of the differential education the computerized society are considered.
The concept of measurement-enabled production is based on integrating metrology systems into production processes and generated significant interest in industry, due to its potential to increase process capability and accuracy, which in turn reduces production times and eliminates defective parts. One of the most promising methods of integrating metrology into production is the usage of external metrology systems to compensate machine tool errors in real time. The development and experimental performance evaluation of a low-cost, prototype three-axis machine tool that is laser tracker assisted are described in this paper. Real-time corrections of the machine tool's absolute volumetric error have been achieved. As a result, significant increases in static repeatability and accuracy have been demonstrated, allowing the low-cost three-axis machine tool to reliably reach static positioning accuracies below 35 μm throughout its working volume without any prior calibration or error mapping. This is a significant technical development that demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed methods and can have wide-scale industrial applications by enabling low-cost and structural integrity machine tools that could be deployed flexibly as end-effectors of robotic automation, to achieve positional accuracies that were the preserve of large, high-precision machine tools.
The treatment of presbyopia has been the focus of much scientific and clinical research over recent years, not least due to an increasingly aging population but also the desire for spectacle independence. Many lens and nonlens-based approaches have been investigated, and with advances in biomaterials and improved surgical methods, removable corneal inlays have been developed. One such development is the KAMRA™ inlay where a small entrance pupil is exploited to create a pinhole-type effect that increases the depth of focus and enables improvement in near visual acuity. Short- and long-term clinical studies have all reported significant improvement in near and intermediate vision compared to preoperative measures following monocular implantation (nondominant eye), with a large proportion of patients achieving Jaeger (J) 2 to J1 (~0.00 logMAR to ~0.10 logMAR) at the final follow-up. Although distance acuity is reduced slightly in the treated eye, binocular visual acuity and function remain very good (mean 0.10 logMAR or better). The safety of the inlay is well established and easily removable, and although some patients have developed corneal changes, these are clinically insignificant and the incidence appears to reduce markedly with advancements in KAMRA design, implantation technique, and femtosecond laser technology. This review aims to summarize the currently published peer-reviewed studies on the safety and efficacy of the KAMRA inlay and discusses the surgical and clinical outcomes with respect to the patient’s visual function.
A rendszerváltás utáni időszak gazdasági teljesítményei a beteljesült remények és a megvalósulatlan várakozások egymást követő hullámzásait takarják. A mögöttünk hagyott két évtized első felét a gazdasági szerkezetváltás, a piaci kapcsolatok módosulása, valamint új – többségében külföldi – befektetői csoportok megjelenése jellemezte, amelyek együttes hozadéka volt a gazdaság stabilizálódása, majd az új növekedési pályára állás. Az ezredfordulót követő évtized első felére azonban a külföldi befektetésekre alapozott gazdaságfejlesztési stratégia erejét vesztette, s a helyettesítésre szánt hazai kkv-szektor – a kiemelt támogatások és a kedvezmények ellenére – nem tudott a növekedés motorjává válni. Szerzőnk – a BCE tudományos kutatója és az APEH korábbi elnöke – a versenyszektor 2000–2008. évi pénzügyi beszámolói alapján a hazai vállalkozások demográfiai, teljesítményi és eredményességi jellemzőit vizsgálja, s két részből álló tanulmányában arra keresi a választ, hogy a várakozásoktól elmaradó működési eredményekben milyen szerepe lehet a gazdaságfejlesztési stratégia hiányának, a vállalkozási teljesítmények elégtelenségének, a tőkehiánynak, illetve a pénzügyi rendszer torzulásainak. Szerkesztőségünk a tanulmányt olyan vitaindítónak tekinti, ami széles érdeklődésre tarthat számot, s szívesen vállalkozunk arra, hogy közreadunk minden jobbító szándékú gondolatot. _______ The economic performance during the transition period was characterized by the alternations of fulfilled hopes and unrealized expectations. The economic restructuring and changes in market relations took place during the first decade, while new – mostly foreign – investment groups entered on the new market. As a result the economy was stabilized and was put to a new growth path. But after the millennium the foreign investment based economy development strategy was no more adequate. The new engine for the growth should have been the domestic small and medium enterprise sector (SME), but despite the subsidies this sector was not strengthened to take this role. The author – the researcher of BCE, and the ex-president of APEH – analyses the characteristics of the domestic business demography, performance and effectiveness, based on the 2000–2008 annual financial statements of the business sector. The two-part study seeks the reason for the disappointing operation results. What role take in this phenomena the absence of economic strategy, the deficiency of business performance, the lack of capital and the financial distortions of the system. Our editorial intend this study as a debate for the public, and we would publish the ideas which improves this relevant topic.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions and collected plankton (viruses, bacteria, protists and metazoans) for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter that were measured from discrete water samples collected with Niskin bottles during the 2009-2013 Tara Oceans expedition. Properties include pigment concentrations from HPLC analysis (10 depths per vertical profile, 25 pigments per depth), the carbonate system (Surface and 400m; pH (total scale), CO2, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, Total alkalinity, Total carbon, OmegaAragonite, OmegaCalcite, and dosage Flags), nutrients (10 depths per vertical profile; NO2, PO4, N02/NO3, SI, quality Flags), DOC, CDOM, and dissolved oxygen isotopes. The Service National d'Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, determined CT and AT potentiometrically. More than 200 vertical profiles of these properties were made across the world ocean. DOC, CDOM and dissolved oxygen isotopes are available only for the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013).