1000 resultados para 347-M0060
P>The first Variscan pseudo-adakites were identified in close association with the Saint-Jean-du-Doigt (SJDD) mafic intrusion (Brittany, France) in a geodynamic context unrelated to subduction. These rocks are trondhjemites emplaced 347 +/- 4 Ma ago as 2-3 km2 bodies and dykes. Trace-element concentrations and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios indicate that the SJDD pseudo-adakites probably resulted from extreme differentiation of an SJDD-type hydrous basaltic magma in a lower continental crust of normal thickness (0.8 GPa). Modelling shows that garnet is not a required phase, which was commonly believed to be the case for continental arc-derived adakite-like rocks. A massive fractionation of amphibole fits the data much better and does not require high pressures, in agreement with the inferred extensional tectonic regime at the time of pluton emplacement. Alternatively, the SJDD pseudo-adakites could have resulted from the melting of newly underplated SJDD mafic precursors, but thermal considerations lead us to believe that this was not the case.
The feasibility of three-dimensional (3D) whole-heart imaging of the coronary venous (CV) system was investigated. The hypothesis that coronary magnetic resonance venography (CMRV) can be improved by using an intravascular contrast agent (CA) was tested. A simplified model of the contrast in T(2)-prepared steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging was applied to calculate optimal T(2)-preparation durations for the various deoxygenation levels expected in venous blood. Non-contrast-agent (nCA)- and CA-enhanced images were compared for the delineation of the coronary sinus (CS) and its main tributaries. A quantitative analysis of the resulting contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in both approaches was performed. Precontrast visualization of the CV system was limited by the poor CNR between large portions of the venous blood and the surrounding tissue. Postcontrast, a significant increase in CNR between the venous blood and the myocardium (Myo) resulted in a clear delineation of the target vessels. The CNR improvement was 347% (P < 0.05) for the CS, 260% (P < 0.01) for the mid cardiac vein (MCV), and 430% (P < 0.05) for the great cardiac vein (GCV). The improvement in SNR was on average 155%, but was not statistically significant for the CS and the MCV. The signal of the Myo could be significantly reduced to about 25% (P < 0.001).
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety and clinical feasibility of focal irreversible electroporation (IRE) of the prostate. METHODS: We assessed the toxicity profile and functional outcomes of consecutive patients undergoing focal IRE for localised prostate cancer in two centres. Eligibility was assessed by multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and targeted and/or template biopsy. IRE was delivered under transrectal ultrasound guidance with two to six electrodes positioned transperineally within the cancer lesion. Complications were recorded and scored accordingly to the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; the functional outcome was physician reported in all patients with at least 6 months follow-up. A contrast-enhanced MRI 1 week after the procedure was carried out to assess treatment effect with a further mpMRI at 6 months to rule out evidence of residual visible cancer. RESULTS: Overall, 34 patients with a mean age of 65 years (s.d.=±6) and a median PSA of 6.1 ng ml(-1) (interquartile range (IQR)= 4.3-7.7) were included. Nine (26%), 24 (71%) and 1 (3%) men had low, intermediate and high risk disease, respectively (D'Amico criteria). After a median follow-up of 6 months (range 1-24), 12 grade 1 and 10 grade 2 complications occurred. No patient had grade >/= 3 complication. From a functional point of view, 100% (24/24) patients were continent and potency was preserved in 95% (19/20) men potent before treatment. The volume of ablation was a median 12 ml (IQR=5.6-14.5 ml) with the median PSA after 6 months of 3.4 ng ml(-1) (IQR=1.9-4.8 ng ml(-1)). MpMRI showed suspicious residual disease in six patients, of whom four (17%) underwent another form of local treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Focal IRE has a low toxicity profile with encouraging genito-urinary functional outcomes. Further prospective development studies are needed to confirm the functional outcomes and to explore the oncological potential.
Circulating levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced predominantly by adipocytes, are highly heritable and are inversely associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and other metabolic traits. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in 39,883 individuals of European ancestry to identify genes associated with metabolic disease. We identified 8 novel loci associated with adiponectin levels and confirmed 2 previously reported loci (P = 4.5×10(-8)-1.2×10(-43)). Using a novel method to combine data across ethnicities (N = 4,232 African Americans, N = 1,776 Asians, and N = 29,347 Europeans), we identified two additional novel loci. Expression analyses of 436 human adipocyte samples revealed that mRNA levels of 18 genes at candidate regions were associated with adiponectin concentrations after accounting for multiple testing (p<3×10(-4)). We next developed a multi-SNP genotypic risk score to test the association of adiponectin decreasing risk alleles on metabolic traits and diseases using consortia-level meta-analytic data. This risk score was associated with increased risk of T2D (p = 4.3×10(-3), n = 22,044), increased triglycerides (p = 2.6×10(-14), n = 93,440), increased waist-to-hip ratio (p = 1.8×10(-5), n = 77,167), increased glucose two hours post oral glucose tolerance testing (p = 4.4×10(-3), n = 15,234), increased fasting insulin (p = 0.015, n = 48,238), but with lower in HDL-cholesterol concentrations (p = 4.5×10(-13), n = 96,748) and decreased BMI (p = 1.4×10(-4), n = 121,335). These findings identify novel genetic determinants of adiponectin levels, which, taken together, influence risk of T2D and markers of insulin resistance.
El treball que es presenta té per a objecte l’anàlisi de les principals disposicions de caràcter processal que s’incorporen al Projecte de llei del Llibre II del Codi Civil de Catalunya. S’hi desenvolupa el règim jurídic que s’hi proposa però també s’ha tractat d’identificar les possibles llacunes existents, així com les contradiccions o defectes. Amb la finalitat de contribuir a millorar la qualitat del Projecte s’han elaborat una sèrie d’esmenes que recullen les propostes realitzades en el treball.
Aquest treball pretén oferir als jutges que intervenen en processos de guarda i custodia, evidències empíriques sobre les seves necessitats per a la realització de les entrevistes en les que estan implicats els menors. Aquestes necessitats ha estat detectades mitjançant la generació d’un nou qüestionari que ha permès elaborar una guia específica de recomanacions dirigides als jutges.
Cal examinar dins dels marcs europeu, estatal i autonòmic l'actual distribució de competències en matèria d'obligacions contractuals, decidint el marge que li queda al legislador català en aquesta matèria en el moment en què s'està elaborant el llibre VI del Codi civil de Catalunya.
El llibre IV reconeix sols la possibilitat de nul•litat. La crisi convivencial posterior al testament comporta la ineficàcia. La manca originària o sobrevinguda d’hereu té conseqüències diferenciades. L’hereu contractual i l’intestat poden detreure la falcídia.
El règim econòmic matrimonial català i el de l’estat de Nova York presenten un paral·lelisme estructural important ja que tots dos territoris han adoptat el mateix règim econòmic matrimonial, el de separació de béns. No obstant, la seva implementació i la conseqüent pràctica jurisprudencial difereix significativament. El dret de família de l’estat de Nova York, se situa en un context de common law, és a dir, en un sistema judicial que evoluciona ràpidament i s’adapta relativament ràpid a les necessitats d’una realitat social que està en constant evolució. El legislador català, tot i que ha fet esforços a nivell de donar respostes als nous reptes plantejat per la realitat familiar catalana, encara està lluny de fer front a problemes d’aplicació que sovint planteja el règim econòmic matrimonial dels cònjuges catalans. D’altra banda, la realitat social catalana no és significativament diferent a la realitat nord-americana ateses les noves composicions familiars amb famílies monoparentals, fills de diferents matrimonis i una alta proporció de divorcis per matrimoni. D’altra banda, l’estructura patrimonial de les famílies, tant les catalanes com les novaiorqueses també presenten una estructura patrimonial similar formada no només per la residència habitual sinó per patrimoni intangible i per inversions que comencen a meritar durant el matrimoni però que vencen una vegada aquest vincle s’ha dissolt. Ha resultat constructiu, doncs, comparar els règims i extreure lliçons del règim novaiorquès que s’han revelat molt útils per a la nostra pràctica catalana. Així doncs, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte de recerca ha estat estudiar el règim econòmic matrimonial català i el novaiorquès que ha culminat amb la formulació de propostes normatives i de pràctica jurisprudencial que permetran modernitzar i actualitzar l’aplicació del règim econòmic matrimonial català i d’aquesta manera adaptar-lo a la nova realitat social i econòmica de les famílies catalanes.
Es proposa que el legislador català reguli, de manera uniforme, el dret de desistiment al Llibre VI CCCat. Pot fer-ho, en el seu cas, fent ús o considerant els models de regulació uniforme que s´està proposant en el context de la revisió de l´acquis comunitari. És aquesta mateixa regulació comunitària la que avala una configuració del dret a desistir com a causa extintiva del contracte, amb eficàcia retroactiva o ex tunc, i, per tant, com a mecanisme que es projecte sobre un contracte perfeccionat, fins i tot consumat. Ara bé, aquesta configuració no hauria de privar al legislador català de l´oportunitat de considerar altres possibilitats: així, la d´articular la facultat de penediment en fase pre-contractual. Serien més d´una les tècniques que faciliten la reflexió abans de l´atorgament del contracte, en comptes de permetre-la després. Convertida en mecanisme post-contractual, haurà d´anar acompanyada de les disposicions que estableixin el règim del contracte mentre no transcorre el termini per a desistir, les conseqüències de l´eventual pèrdua de la cosa entretant no caduqui el dret, les condicions i requisits d´exercici de la facultat i la liquidació de la situació possessòria, en el seu cas. Els comentaris i suggerències que es proposen a l´estudi es formulen a propòsit dels preceptes que, relatius al desistiment, s´incorporaren als Treballs preparatoris del Llibre Sisè del Codi civil de Catalunya (document de 23.04.04)
1. Respiratory alkalosis accompanies the clinical syndrome of tetany, precipitates cardiac arrhythmias and predisposes to coronary vasoconstriction. Magnesium plays a critical role in the maintenance of membrane function, and magnesium depletion is often associated with cardiac arrhythmias or vasoconstriction. 2. As technology for detecting circulating ionized magnesium (the most interesting form with respect to physiological and biological properties) is now available in the form of new magnesium-selective electrodes, the effect of respiratory alkalosis induced by voluntary overbreathing for 30 min on circulating ionized magnesium was studied in eight healthy subjects. 3. The total plasma magnesium concentration was not modified by hyperventilation. On the contrary, hyperventilation was associated with a significant reduction in the ionized magnesium concentration of 0.05 (0.02-0.15) mmol/l (median and range) and in the free magnesium fraction of 0.06 (0.01-0.19). During hyperventilation the relative intravascular magnesium mass, calculated from changes in total plasma magnesium concentration and haematocrit, decreased significantly. 4. It is concluded that acute overbreathing reduces the circulating ionized magnesium concentration and the intravascular magnesium mass. It is therefore conceivable that extracellular magnesium deficiency is at least a subsidiary cause of the syndrome of tetany and the cardiac complications that are precipitated by hyperventilation.
L’estudi elaborat té per objecte aprofundir en l’ànàlisi de la realitat social que envolta el model familiar de la convivència sense matrimoni per tal de conèixer millor la seva realitat en l’àmbit de les relacions de parentiu (a partir de la realització d’entrevistes), així com relacionar aquests aspectes amb la seva regulació legal a Catalunya (analitzant la tramitació parlamentària de la Llei d’unions estables de parella, aprovada pel Parlament de Cataluña, així com la seva aplicació per part dels nostres Jutjats i Tribunals). El que s’ha pogut constatar en la recerca és que, per una banda, la institucionalització de les unions estables de parella ha deixat de banda una part prou significativa de parelles de fet, a les quals no és d’aplicació una normativa dirigida a resoldre els conflictes derivats de la convivència efectiva en parella. Malgrat que a les entrevistes s’ha demostrat un clar desconeixement de la regulació legal actual de les unions estables de parella si que es pot destacar que hi ha un interès perquè existeixi una cobertura jurídica en les situaciones de convivència afectiva en parella. A més, la Llei catalana presenta mancances en els efectes regulats, que no tenen una aplicació substancial, ja que no responen a una tècnica jurídica acurada amb la realitat social que té per objectiu regular. Precisament amb l’aprovació d’altres lleis autonòmiques sobre unions estables de parella ens permetem plantejar una actualització de la Llei catalana en qüestions molt diverses (curatela, mediació familiar, funció pública, etc.) Es fa palesa a partir de les entrevistes dutes a terme la manca d’informació general sobre els requisits de constitució de les unions estables de parella, així com de la cobertura legal vigent. Possiblement si la modificació de la Llei d’unions estables de parella fos més àmplia, s’avançaria en la consideració d’aquest model familiar com a opció real de configuració familiar, dins la llibertat personal d’elecció en la forma de convivéncia.
Introduction The flexible derotator is one of the therapeutic resources used to combat primary and secondary abnormalities in walking cerebral palsy children. It was developed to reduce abnormal femoral and tibial torsions and lessen the latter's negative functional impact. Objective To determine the effect of wearing a flexible derotator on anatomic and functional parameters in walking cerebral palsy children. Methods We performed a retrospective study of walking cerebral palsy children by gathering data on bone-related parameters (femoral and tibial torsion) and functional parameters (distance and speed gait, and the energy expenditure index (EEI)). Fifteen walking cerebral palsy children were treated with the flexible derotator for one year and 15 untreated walking cerebral palsy children were included as controls. The two groups were compared in terms of the various parameters' change over time between the initial examination (the last examination prior to the start of the study or prior to use of the flexible derotator) and the final examination (after one year of follow-up). Results Right femoral anteversion and right and left external tibial torsion improved. There was a significant increase in distance and speed gait and a decrease in the EEI in walking cerebral palsy children. Conclusion Our retrospective study revealed a significant improvement in functional parameters in children with cerebral palsy, as a result of wearing the flexible derotator for at least 6 hours a day for a year. Bone parameters only improved slightly. Use of the flexible derotator could improve these children's quality of life.
BACKGROUND: Vascular-endothelial-growth-factor (VEGF) is a key mediator of angiogenesis. VEGF-targeting therapies have shown significant benefits and been successfully integrated in routine clinical practice for other types of cancer, such as metastatic colorectal cancer. By contrast, individual trial results in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) are highly variable and their value is controversial. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits (in progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS)) and harms (toxicity) of VEGF-targeting therapies in patients with hormone-refractory or hormone-receptor negative metastatic breast cancer. SEARCH METHODS: Searches of CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Breast Cancer Group's Specialised Register, registers of ongoing trials and proceedings of conferences were conducted in January and September 2011, starting in 2000. Reference lists were scanned and members of the Cochrane Breast Cancer Group, experts and manufacturers of relevant drug were contacted to obtain further information. No language restrictions were applied. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate treatment benefit and non-randomised studies in the routine oncology practice setting to evaluate treatment harms. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We performed data collection and analysis according to the published protocol. Individual patient data was sought but not provided. Therefore, the meta-analysis had to be based on published data. Summary statistics for the primary endpoint (PFS) were hazard ratios (HRs). MAIN RESULTS: We identified seven RCTs, one register, and five ongoing trials from a total of 347 references. The published trials for VEGF-targeting drugs in MBC were limited to bevacizumab. Four trials, including a total of 2886 patients, were available for the comparison of first-line chemotherapy, with versus without bevacizumab. PFS (HR 0.67; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.61 to 0.73) and response rate were significantly better for patients treated with bevacizumab, with moderate heterogeneity regarding the magnitude of the effect on PFS. For second-line chemotherapy, a smaller, but still significant benefit in terms of PFS could be demonstrated for patients treated with bevacizumab (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.98), as well as a benefit in tumour response. However, OS did not differ significantly, neither in first- (HR 0.93; 95% CI 0.84 to 1.04), nor second-line therapy (HR 0.98; 95% CI 0.83 to 1.16). Quality of life (QoL) was evaluated in four trials but results were published for only two of these with no relevant impact. Subgroup analysis stated a significant greater benefit for patients with previous (taxane) chemotherapy and patients with hormone-receptor negative status. Regarding toxicity, data from RCTs and registry data were consistent and in line with the known toxicity profile of bevacizumab. While significantly higher rates of adverse events (AEs) grade III/IV (odds ratio (OR) 1.77; 95% CI 1.44 to 2.18) and serious adverse events (SAEs) (OR 1.41; 95% CI 1.13 to 1.75) were observed in patients treated with bevacizumab, rates of treatment-related deaths were lower in patients treated with bevacizumab (OR 0.60; 95% CI 0.36 to 0.99). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The overall patient benefit from adding bevacizumab to first- and second-line chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer can at best be considered as modest. It is dependent on the type of chemotherapy used and limited to a prolongation of PFS and response rates in both first- and second-line therapy, both surrogate parameters. In contrast, bevacizumab has no significant impact on the patient-related secondary outcomes of OS or QoL, which indicate a direct patient benefit. For this reason, the clinical value of bevacizumab for metastatic breast cancer remains controversial.