984 resultados para 34 cal ka BP
Em Cal, livro do escritor português José Luís Peixoto, a morte mostra-se sob diversas perspectivas. Esta dissertação objetiva, primeiramente, reconhecer as singularidades dessas perspectivas, bem como o movimento de identificação entre elas. Considerando que o livro não apenas desvela possibilidades de morte, mas, principalmente, as interseções entre as noções de morte e de vida, buscaremos responder às seguintes questões: é possível saber se, de fato, estamos vivos? A morte é definitiva? Morte e vida são condições excludentes? A temática da memória e dos afetos, inseparável das reflexões acerca da finitude e das noções de presença e ausência, perpassará, inevitavelmente, toda a progressão deste trabalho. Para pensarmos esses temas, assim como seus temas transversais, tomamos como referência conceitos de teóricos da literatura, da filosofia e da psicanálise, como G. Deleuze, J. Derrida, M. Blanchot, F. Nietzsche, S. Freud, B. Spinoza, G. Bataille. O diálogo com e entre pensadores de contextos distintos contribui para dar a esta dissertação seu aspecto fragmentário, na qual as reflexões surgem e resurgem em progressão labiríntica, de limites deslocáveis
Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas
A description of fisheries within a depth of 100 fathoms is provided for the eight southeastern-most islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, known as the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). These are the inhabited islands of the State of Hawaii and are those most subject to inshore fishing pressure, because of their accessibility. Between 1980 and 1990, an average of 1,300 short tons of fishes and invertebrates were reported annually within 100 fm by commercial fishermen. Total landings may be significantly greater, since fishing is a popular pastime of residents and noncommercial landings are not reported. Although limited data are available on noncommercial fisheries, the majority of this review is based on reported commercial landings. The principal ecological factors influencing fisheries in the MHI include coastal currents, the breadth and steepness of the coastal platform, and differences in windward and leeward climate. Expansive coastal development, increased erosion, and sedimentation are among negative human impacts on inshore reef ecosystems on most islands. Commercial fisheries for large pelagics (tunas and billfishes) are important in inshore areas around Ni'ihau, Ka'ula Rock, Kauai, and the Island of Hawaii (the Big Island), as are bottom "handline" fisheries for snappers and groupers around Kauai and Molokai. However, many more inshore fishermen target reef and estuarine species. Two pelagic carangids, "akule," Selar crumenopthalmus, and "opelu," Decapterus macarellus, support the largest inshore fisheries in the MHI. During 1980-90, reported commercial landings within three miles of shore averaged 203 and 125 t for akule and opelu, respectively. Akule landings are distributed fairly evenly throughout the MHI, while more than 72% of the state's inshore opelu landings take place on the Big Island. Besides akule and opelu, other important commercial fisheries on all the MHI include those for surgeon, soldier, parrot, and goatfishes; snappers; octopus, and various trevallies. Trends in reported landings, trips, and catch per unit effort over the last decade are outlined for these fisheries. In heavily populated areas, fishing pressure appears to exceed the capacity of inshore resources to renew themselves. Management measures are beginning to focus on methods of limiting inshore fishing effort, while trying to maintain residents' access to fishing.
Bericht über die 34. Forschungsfahrt des Fischereiforschungsschiffen "Anton Dohrn", 5. - 30. 1. 1959
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pollen from the upper 2.75 m of a core taken 200 km west of the Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador (Trident 163-13, 3° S, 84° W, 3,000 m water depth) documents changes in Andean vegetation and climate of the Cordillera Occidental for ~17,000 years before and after the last glacial maximum.
青藏高原是我国植物多样性和特有性最高的地区,其中横断山区由于复杂的地质变迁历史和独特的地貌已成为研究物种多样性的一个热点。全缘叶绿绒蒿是分布于青藏高原及其周边地区的高山植物,该物种的谱系生物地理学研究不仅有助于揭示横断山区的物种分化机制及地理分布格局的形成过程,而且有助于探讨青藏高原隆升及新生代晚期气候变化对横断山区物种遗传结构的影响。 本研究对全缘叶绿绒蒿的12 个群体、153 个个体的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnfM片段进行了序列测定,比对校正后该片段的长度为877-962 bp,其中含6 个突变位点和5 个插入缺失(两个7 bp,两个39 bp,一个6 bp)。根据这些变异,可分为12 种叶绿体单倍型(H1-H12)。全缘叶绿绒蒿在物种水平上的核苷酸多态性分别为π = 0.00152 和θ = 0.00122,单倍型多样性为HE 为0.791,群体之间的遗传分化系数FST 为0.46579。中性检测结果显示无论在物种水平还是在群体水平,都没有显著偏离中性模式,说明该物种近期没有经历明显的瓶颈效应或奠基者效应等历史事件。我们从地理上将全缘叶绿绒蒿的群体分为四个地区,即云南、川西、川北和青海地区。AMOVA 分析显示群体间的遗传分化系数FST为0.46579,大多数的核苷酸多态性来自群体内(53.42%),其次来自于地区内的群体间(40.44%),而四个地区之间的分化非常小,仅占6.14%。失配分析显示在整个物种的分布范围内呈现单峰式样(r = 0.0475, P = 0.07924),这种分布虽然是不显著的,但P 值接近显著的临界,说明可能存在不明显的扩散,但在各个地区内的群体都没有扩散的迹象。 比较单倍型的地理分布和单倍型之间的进化关系,发现川西和川北地区存在明显差异,这两个地区都拥有比较古老的单倍型,也具有地区特异的稀有单倍型,因此很可能是全缘叶绿绒蒿在冰期时的避难所。云南地区只具有一个古老单倍型H1,这种分布可能是由川西和川北避难所的南迁造成的,也可能该地区自身就是古老单倍型H1 的发源地。青海地区只有两种古老的单倍型,由于冰期后物种有往高纬度迁移的趋势,因此这个地区的单倍型可能是在冰期后由川西和川北迁移过去的。全缘叶绿绒蒿在横断山区单倍型的片段化分布及多个避难所的存在可能与该地区独特的高山低谷相间地貌以及受多次冰期影响有密切关系。
Zooplankton standing crop and proximate principals were estimated for 8 coastal and 13 oceanic stations of the northern Arabian Sea during March 1991. Biomass did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between coastal and oceanic waters. Protein was the principal biochemical component among proximate principals with an average value of 29.6% in coastal and 34.2% in the oceanic zone, suggesting that protein form a major metabolic reserve. Other components such as lipids and carbohydrate seem to be low in tropical zooplankton. The organic carbon and caloric density did not show significant correlation. Average caloric density was 2.5 k.cal super(-1). The average standing stock was 9.25 mg m super(-3) and 5.90 mg m super(-3) for coastal and oceanic water, respectively. Coastal region is more productive than oceanic region in terms of standing crop, as expected.
本文主要针对 250 ka 以来渤海南部Lz908 孔的沉积序列进行年代学和沉积 学研究,通过年代框架的建立、环境代用指标的意义解读,并与区域和全球变 化相对比,讨论了渤海南部晚中更新世以来的环境过程和驱动因素。主要结论 如下: 1. 沉积物粒度对比试验表明,是否去除碳酸盐,对于渤海南部海岸带沉积 物的粒度分析结果产生了显著的影响。未去除碳酸盐的沉积物样品,显著增加 了黏土粒级、超细粒组分的含量;但就粒度分布而言,是否去除碳酸盐不会改 变粒度分布的基本形态。通过实验对比,我们认为,粒度测量的前处理过程去 除碳酸盐是必要的。 2. 粒度参数的计算方法主要有图解法和矩值法两种,为了比较不同方法计 算结果的差异,利用LZ908 孔岩心,在粒度分析的基础上,综合运用相关分析、 回归分析、聚类分析等统计方法,从参数计算过程、沉积物粒度分布形态(多 峰态粒度特征)等方面讨论了两种参数估计方法对计算结果的可能影响及其影 响因素。结果表明:平均粒径、标准偏差相互替代的程度高,而偏度、峰度相 互替代的程度低,或者不可替代;两者的差异是由各自本身的计算过程引起的, 是沉积物粒度分布特征的一种反映,并且与沉积水动力条件密切相关。 3. 释光年代学的研究表明,钻孔0-25 米内未见大的沉积间断,可以通过线 性内插的方式获得各个层位的年龄。25-54 米的海相地层,因为钻孔位于构造 稳定的沉降区,沉积物源单一,因此通过线性外推获得年龄。确定钻孔海侵层 渤海南部Lz908 孔250 ka 以来的环境演化研究 的底部年龄为为 250 ka。根据建立的渤海地区首条释光标准生长曲线,推测光 释光简单多片再生剂量法的理论测年上限为350 ka。 4. 粒度、磁化率等指标间的关系,以及区域和全球的对比表明:沉积物中 细颗粒组分代表了夏季风的变化,但细颗粒含量增高时,指示了夏季风的强盛, 反之则减弱;粗颗粒组分含量和磁化率与冬季风相关,粗颗粒组分含量增加、 磁化率升高时,代表了冬季风的强盛,反之则弱;与黄土-古土壤序列、石笋氧 同位序列和深海氧同位素序列在轨道尺度上对比良好;沉积序列包含27 ka 和 126 ka 的显著周期成分,暗示了区域环境变化是由太阳辐射驱动控制的。