698 resultados para 310608 Silvicultura
The objective of this work was to study the effect of two technical modifications (supplemented with sponge materials (ES) and provided with a filter system (FIL))in continuous-culture fermenters on the microbial populations and ruminal fermentation parameters over the sampling period. Six fermenters fed a 50:50 alfalfa hay: concentrate diet, inoculated with rumen liquor from sheep fed the same diet, were used in two incubation runs of 14 days each. On days 10 and 14, samples were taken for analysis of fermentation parameters (volatile fatty acids, ammonia-N and lactate) and microbial populations. None of the technical modification affected (P>0.05) concentrations of bacterial DNA and the relative abundance of fungi and archaea, but protozoal DNA concentrations were higher (P>0.05) in ES and FIL fermenters than in the control ones. However, values of protozoal DNA were about 50 times lower than in the rumen fluid used as inoculum for the ermenters. The tested technical modifications did not affect (P>0.05) any fermentation parameter, and there were no differences in fermentation parameters between days 10 and 14, with the exception of lactate production which was higher (P=0.009) on day 14 than on day 10. In conclusion, the technical modifications tested maintained protozoa in continuous culture fermenters without any effect on fermentation parameters and other microbial populations, but protozoa concentrations were still lower than those in the rumen.
Four rumen-fistulated sheep fed a 66:34 alfalfa hay:concentrate diet were used as donors to investigate the effect of rumen contents’ treatment on microbial populations in the resulting fluid. Rumen contents were sampled from each individual sheep and subjected to the following treatments: SQ: squeezed through 4 layers of cheesecloth; FIL: SQ treatment and further filtration through a 100-μm nylon cloth; STO: reated with a Stomacher® for 3 min at 230 rev min-1 and followed by SQ. Microbial populations in the fluid were analysed by real-time PCR and bacterial diversity was assessed by the automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) of the 16S ribosomal DNA. Bacterial DNA concentrations and relative abundance of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, arqueal and fungal DNA did not differ (P>0.05) between treatments. In contrast, STO treatment decreased (P<0.05) protozoal DNA concentrations and increased (P<0.05) the relative abundance of Fibrobacter succinogenes compared with SQ method. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments either in the Shannon index or in the number of peaks in the ARISA electropherograms, indicating no effect on bacterial diversity. Studies analyzing the influence on the tested methods on fermentation characteristics of different substrates when the fluid is used as inoculum is required.
Fermenters are widely used to study ruminal fermentation, but information on microbial populations developing in fermenters over the incubation period is limited. Four Rusitec fermenters were fed 2 diets representative of those administered to dairy sheep(DAI; 50:50 alfalfa hay:concentrate) and fattening lambs (FAT; 15:85 barley straw:concentrate) in a crossover design with 2 14-d incubation periods to assess the evolution of the microbial populations. There were 4 fermenters per diet.
Autoaggregation in bacteria is the phenomenon of aggregation between cells of the same strain, whereas coaggregation is due to aggregation occurring among different species. Aggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria is related to adhesion ability, which is a prerequisite for the colonization and protection of the gastrointestinal tract in all animal species; however, coaggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria offers a possibility of close interaction with pathogenic bacteria.
Mode of access: Internet.
A phytosociological study of the forests from Sierra Maestra is conducted, following the methodology of the Zurich- Montpelier School. They are transformed into a forest typology using the standards of the Institute of Agro-Forestry Research. In general, 35 types and/or subtypes are presented. From this group, the most abundant ones belong to semi-deciduous microphyll forest, followed by those from mangroves and mountain rainforest, respectively. Silvicultural treatments are needed; among them, the protection forests are those found above 800 m asl and mangroves.
Scientific research in forest production technology area search techniques that increase production per unit area, with high economic viability and reducing environmental impacts. When dealing with forest plantations, studies are needed in the production of biomass and its nutrient content, and these are data parameters for planning the environmental implications of different intensities of forest harvesting. Given the above, this study aimed to elucidate the production and export of biomass and nutrients for two species of the genus Eucalyptus (E. grandis and E. urophylla) grown in the southwestern region of Parana. For this, it was evaluated: the stock of biomass and nutrients in eucalyptus (wood, bark, branches and leaves) at 60 months of age; the export rate of nutrients; the calorific value and economic viability. The biomass and the largest eucalyptus nutrient stocks are predominantly allocated to the stem (wood + bark). The components of biomass showed different chemical compositions, generally being higher in the leaves and bark and lower in wood and branches components. As for the calorific value, the leaves had its calorific value statistically superior than the other fractions, followed by branches, wood and bark. The organic carbon content (C.O.) is directly connected to the calorific value, and the calorific value increases as its content increase. The wood had the highest nutrient use efficiency values, something highly desirable and of great interest to forestry. The leaves showed smaller nutrient utilization efficiency values, with the exception of Ca and Mg that were smaller in the bark, indicating the importance of maintaining these components in the soil after harvest. The wood fraction presents the biomass lower cost when considering the replacement of nutrients exported by its biomass. On the other hand, the leaf fraction showed NPK higher cost of replacement.
The scientific research in seed technology is based on techniques that aim the reduction of costs and time, standardization, improvement and establishment of analytical methods while maintaining a high level of reliability of the results. This study sought to elucidate the reliability of electrical conductivity and pH of the exudate compared to the classic germination test, which was developed in two separate studies, however interrelated with each other, as to their final goals. The experimental material of this study consisted of seeds of the species Aspidosperma parvifolium (guatambu), Aspidosperma polyneuron (peroba-rosa), Cabralea canjerana (canjerana), Cariniana legalis (jequitibá), Gallesia integrifolia (pau-d'alho), Handroanthus chrysotrichus (ipê-amarelo), Lonchocarpus campestris (rabo-de-bugio) and Pterogyne nitens (amendoim-do-campo). The physiological quality of the studied seed species was evaluated through the electrical conductivity and pH test of the exudate by mass and individual methods being compared and correlated with the results obtained in the germination test. In addition to the tested methods, imbibition periods of the seeds were evaluated for conductivity and pH, which corresponded to 2, 4, 6, 8, 24 and 48 hours. The electrical conductivity test was efficient in both of the used methods to evaluate the physiological quality of the studied seed species when compared to the standard germination test. The pH test of the exudate applied by the individual method was more efficient and thorough to evaluate the physiological quality of the studied seed species, than the mass method. For the species Gallesia integrifolia, Cariniana legalis and Lonchocarpus campestris the pH tests of the exudate tests were not efficient due to poor or absent correlation between germination and pH.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Agrárias (Reprodução Animal), 26 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Agronómica, 20 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Objetivou-se avaliar alguns componentes químicos de um Latossolo e a relação com o desenvolvimento vegetativo do paricá [ Schizolobium amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke)] em diferentes sistemas de cultivo em áreas de reflorestamento no município de Tailândia, nordeste paraense. Foram avaliados os sistemas PP [paricá x puerária ( Pueraria phaseoloides )], PA [paricá x acácia ( Acacia mangium )] e P (paricá monocultivo) conduzidos em 5 anos pela empresa G.M. Sufredini Industrial Ltda. e coletadas amostras de solos na profundidade de 0-20 cm para análise de pH, C e N totais, H+Al, P disponível, Ca, Mg, K e Al trocáveis e calculados os valores de C/N, SB, T, V e m. O desenvolvimento vegetativo do paricá foi avaliado pela sobrevivência, mortalidade e no número de plantas defeituosas além do DAP. Os resultados mostraram que houve o aumento no teor de nitrogênio do solo no tratamento PP; a baixa fertilidade do solo no tratamento PA, mas onde o paricá obteve a maior média em diâmetro (DAP = 16,64 cm) e a maior taxa de sobrevivência no tratamento P (90,63%). Conclui-se que a relação solo-planta nos sistemas paricá e puerária e paricá em monocultivo contribuiu para o estabelecimento dos indivíduos de paricá.
O fogo é um processo frequente nas paisagens do norte de Portugal. Estudos anteriores mostraram que os bosques de azinheira (Quercus rotundifolia) persistem após a passagem do fogo e ajudam a diminuir a sua intensidade e taxa de propagação. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram compreender e modelar o efeito dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo ao nível da paisagem da bacia superior do rio Sabor, localizado no nordeste de Portugal. O impacto dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo foi testado em termos de área e configuração de acordo com cenários que simulam a possível distribuição destas unidades de vegetação na paisagem, considerando uma percentagem de ocupação da azinheira de 2.2% (Low), 18.1% (Moderate), 26.0% (High), e 39.8% (Rivers). Estes cenários tiveram como principal objetivo testar 1) o papel dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo e 2) de que forma a configuração das manchas de azinheira podem ajudar a diminuir a intensidade da linha de fogo e área ardida. Na modelação do comportamento do fogo foi usado o modelo FlamMap para simular a intensidade de linha do fogo e taxa de propagação do fogo com base em modelos de combustível associados a cada ocupação e uso do solo presente na área de estudo, e também com base em fatores topográficos (altitude, declive e orientação da encosta) e climáticos (humidade e velocidade do vento). Foram ainda usados dois modelos de combustível para a ocupação de azinheira (áreas interiores e de bordadura), desenvolvidos com base em dados reais obtidos na região. Usou-se o software FRAGSATS para a análise dos padrões espaciais das classes de intensidade de linha do fogo, usando-se as métricas Class Area (CA), Number of Patches (NP) e Large Patches Index (LPI). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação do fogo variou entre cenários e entre modelos de combustível para o azinhal. A intensidade média da linha de fogo e a taxa média de propagação do fogo decresceu à medida que a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou na paisagem. Também foi observado que as métricas CA, NP e LPI variaram entre cenários e modelos de combustível para o azinhal, decrescendo quando a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a variação da percentagem de ocupação e configuração espacial dos bosques de azinheira influenciam o comportamento do fogo, reduzindo, em termos médios, a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação, sugerindo que os bosques de azinhal podem ser usados como medidas silvícolas preventivas para diminuir o risco de incêndio nesta região.
Repeat photography is an efficient, effective and useful method to identify trends of changes in the landscapes. It was used to illustrate long-term changes occurring in the landscapes. In the Northeast of Portugal, landscapes changes is currently driven mostly by agriculture abandonment and agriculture and energy policy. However, there is a need to monitoring changes in the region using a multitemporal and multiscale approach. This project aimed to establish an online repository of oblique digital photography from the region to be used to register the condition of the landscape as recorded in historical and contemporary photography over time as well as to support qualitative and quantitative assessment of change in the landscape using repeat photography techniques and methods. It involved the development of a relational database and a series of web-based services using PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor language, and the development of an interface, with Joomla, of pictures uploading and downloading by users. The repository will make possible to upload, store, search by location, theme, or date, display, and download pictures for Northeastern Portugal. The website service is devoted to help researchers to obtain quickly the photographs needed to apply RP through a developed search engine. It can be accessed at: http://esa.ipb.pt/digitalandscape/.
Aquatic ecosystems are final collectors of all kinds of pollution as an outcome of anthropogenic inputs, such us untreated industrial and municipal sewage and agricultural pollutants. There are several aquatic ecosystems that are threatened by mineral and organic pollution. In Northeastern Portugal, near Bragança, different watercourses are suffering negative impacts of human activities. It has been developed several studies in the monitoring of environmental impacts in these river basins, namely in Rio Fervença, affected by organic pollution, and in Portelo stream, affected, since 2009, by the collapse and continuous input of mining deposits. In this sense, the present study aimed to continue the monitoring study of ecological status of freshwater ecosystems of Northeastern Portugal, namely the following objectives: a) mineral pollution effects of mining deposits sudden incorporated into Portelo stream; b) organic pollution due to domestic and industrial inputs in River Fervença. Also, since fish are useful experimental models to evaluate toxicological mechanisms of contaminants, c) acute toxicity tests with Cu were conducted in laboratory conditions. During 2015/2016, it was made abiotic and biotic characterization of 16 sampling sites distributed by both Portelo and Fervença rivers, tributaries of main River Sabor (Douro Basin). Several physicochemical parameters were determined and Riparian Quality (QBR Index) and Channel Quality (GQC) Indexes were determined for habitat evaluation. Fish and invertebrate communities were sampled, according to protocols of Water Framework Directive (WFD). Several metrics were determined, with particular emphasis on the Biotic Index IBMWP and the Northern Portuguese Invertebrate Index (IPtIN). Acute toxicity tests were conducted with an Iberian fish species, common barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) and some plasmatic electrolytes levels were evaluated, to assess their contribution to mitigate osmoregulatory adverse effects of Cu. Also, same electrolytes were measured after changing to clean water, in attempt to assess fish capacity to reverse this situation. Results obtained for both rivers showed a significant level of disturbance that affected decisively water, habitat and biological quality of aquatic ecosystems. Mineral and Organic Pollution in River Sabor (NE Portugal): Ecotoxicological Effects on Freshwater Fauna Due to this change of environmental conditions in Portelo stream (extreme pH values, high conductivity and presence of heavy metals), several biological metrics (e.g. taxonomic richness, abundance, diversity, evenness) confirmed, comparatively with reference sites, a substantial decrease on ecological integrity status. The same pattern was found for Fervença River; however other water parameters, namely the content of most limiting nutrients (e.g. N and P) seemed to have more influence in the composition and structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities. In fact, despite the operation of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Bragança, Fervença River presented significant levels of disturbance that affected decisively the quality and ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The synergic effect of domestic and industrial pollution, intensive agriculture, regulation and degradation of aquatic and riparian habitats contributed to the decrease of ecological condition, namely in the downstream zones (after Bragança). The results for acute toxicity, showed that fish can change Na+ and K+ levels face to Cu exposition and, depending of Cu concentration tested, can also return to normal levels, providing some insights to that are believed to occurred in fish population, near the Portelo mines. The low ecological integrity status detected in the lotic ecosystems in NE Portugal as a result of mineral and organic pollution deserves the development of several measures for rehabilitation and improving of water quality. On the other hand, environmental education actions are needed to contribute to improvement of ecological integrity of the river and its conservation.