991 resultados para 2,6-diclorofenol-indofeno
In this paper, we propose a new technique that can identify transaction-local memory (i.e. captured memory), in managed environments, while having a low runtime overhead. We implemented our proposal in a well known STM framework (Deuce) and we tested it in STMBench7 with two different STMs: TL2 and LSA. In both STMs the performance improved significantly (4 times and 2.6 times, respectively). Moreover, running the STAMP benchmarks with our approach shows improvements of 7 times in the best case for the Vacation application.
Neste livro monográfico reúne-se a maior parte dos estudos apresentados no Workshop Internacional Economia e instituições na Idade Média. Novas abordagens, que teve lugar no dia 8 de Outubro de 2012, em Ponta Delgada, na Universidade dos Açores. A qualidade dos autores e os temas propostos proporcionaram uma experiência científica enriquecedora e gratificante, seja pela amplitude cronológica (percorrendo grande parte da vasta Idade Média), pela abrangência geográfica (fachada atlântica da Península Ibérica e Noroeste da Europa) e ainda pela diversidade de fontes e abordagens.
Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro? Tema Ciências Naturais e Ambiente", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.
MOVECLIM, Mid Course Meeting, 2-6 September 2013, Réunion (Mascarenes).
MOVECLIM, Mid Course Meeting, 2-6 September 2013, Réunion (Mascarenes).
ABSTRACT: Between pure documentary and pure fiction there are, more and more, a reasonable number of cinematic alternatives that convey a dimension of non-reality. Between the pointedly factual discourse and the irrational belief in an entirely narrative world, there intervenes an informed conviction in a truthful but nonexistent universe, in which the formal enunciation sells an image of objectivity. In a path that leads us from the forms and contents of reflexive and performative documentaries, according to Bill Nichols, and ends up in fake documentary itself, we will have the opportunity to stress the filmic construction and its inherent narrative purpose, be it a fictional story or the creator himself as character (others would say subject) of the cinematic construct. In a boomerang kind of logic, the more the objects direct us to a referent, the more they restore us a creative/authorial reference and, along with it, the narrative idea that instills it. In Woody Allen’s case, this storytelling manifests itself in the fake documentary genre, which works as if it is the reality, only to better manifest the sole reality that interests the director: that of the metacinema, or the cinema as self-referencial reality. The practical examples will be derived from the following films: Take the Money and Run (1969) e Husbands and Wives (1992).
OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de auto-avaliação de saúde negativa e seus fatores associados, entre trabalhadores industriais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de 482 trabalhadores de indústria metal-mecânica de Joinville, estado de Santa Catarina, em 2005. As informações foram obtidas por meio de questionário auto-administrado e medidas antropométricas. Para estimar a magnitude de associação entre a auto-avaliação e variáveis, foram calculadas as razões de chances (RC) com intervalos de confiança de 95%. Foram obtidos modelos logísticos múltiplos por meio de análise de regressão logística utilizando um referencial teórico hierárquico. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 98,6%. A auto-avaliação de saúde negativa foi referida por 16,6% dos trabalhadores. A maioria era do sexo masculino (84,8%) e desenvolvia atividades predominantemente ligadas ao setor produtivo (79,4%). A queixa mais comum entre os trabalhadores foi dor nas costas (30,9%). Após modelagem estatística, as seguintes variáveis permaneceram associadas à auto-avaliação negativa de saúde: sexo feminino (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,5;6,2), inatividade física (RC=1,8; IC 95%: 1,0;3,4), tensão psicológica (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,6;5,6), falta de controle sobre a vida (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,5;6,1), referência a uma (RC=3,2; IC 95%: 1,4;7,2) ou duas ou mais doenças crônicas (RC=7,7; IC 95%: 3,4;17,8), licença de saúde de curta duração (RC=2,9; IC 95%: 1,5;5,5) e doença limitante (RC=2,8; IC 95%: 1,2;6,6). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de auto-avaliação de saúde negativa esteve associada às dimensões socioeconômica/demográfica, estilo de vida, psicossocial e situação de saúde. A variável que mais influenciou na auto-avaliação negativa foi a referência a mais de duas doenças crônicas.
Background: Polymorphisms located in genes involved in the metabolism of folate and some methyl-related nutrients are implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC). Objective: We evaluated the association of 3 genetic polymorphisms [C677T MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase), A2756G MTR (methionine synthase), and C1420T SHMT (serine hydroxymethyltransferase)] with the intake of methyl-donor nutrients in CRC risk. Design: Patients withCRC(n 196) and healthy controls (n 200) matched for age and sex were evaluated for intake of methyl-donor nutrients and the 3 polymorphisms. Results: Except for folate intake, which was significantly lower in patients (P 0.02), no differences were observed in the dietary intake of other methyl-donor nutrients between groups. High intake of folate ( 406.7 g/d) was associated with a significantly lower risk of CRC (odds ratio: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.99). The A2756G MTR polymorphism was not associated with the risk of developing CRC. In contrast, homozygosity for the C677TMTHFRvariant (TT) presented a 3.0-fold increased risk of CRC (95% CI: 1.3, 6.7). Similarly, homozygosity for the C1420T SHMT polymorphism also had a 2.6-fold increased risk (95% CI: 1.1, 5.9) of developing CRC. When interactions between variables were studied, low intake of all methyl-donor nutrients was associated with an increased risk ofCRC in homozygous participants for the C677T MTHFR polymorphism, but a statistically significant interaction was only observed for folate (odds ratio: 14.0; 95% CI: 1.8, 108.5). No significant associations were seen for MTR or SHMT polymorphisms. Conclusion: These results show an association between the C677T MTHFR variant and different folate intakes on risk of CRC.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os fatores de risco da mortalidade neonatal precoce. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle de base populacional com 146 óbitos neonatais precoces e amostra de 313 controles obtidos entre os sobreviventes ao período neonatal, na região sul do município de São Paulo, no período de 1/8/2000 a 31/1/2001. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e prontuários hospitalares. Foi realizada análise hierarquizada em cinco blocos com características: 1) socioeconômicas das famílias e das mães; 2) psicossociais maternas; 3) biológicas e da história reprodutiva materna; 4) do parto; 5) do recém-nascido. RESULTADOS: Os fatores de risco para a mortalidade neonatal precoce foram: Bloco 1: baixa escolaridade do chefe da família (OR=1,6; IC 95%: 1,1;2,6); domicílio em favela (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,2;3,5), com até um cômodo (OR=2,2; IC 95%: 1,1;4,2); Bloco 2: mães com união recente (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,0;4,2) e sem companheiro (OR=1,8; IC 95%: 1,1;3,0), presença de maus tratos (OR=2,7;1,1-6,5); Bloco 3: presença de intercorrência na gravidez (OR=8,2; IC 95%: 5,0;13,5), nascimento prévio de baixo peso (OR=2,4; IC 95%: 1,2;4,5); pré-natal ausente (OR=16,1; IC 95%: 4,7;55,4) ou inadequado (OR=2,1; IC 95%: 2,0;3,5); Bloco 4: presença de problemas no parto (OR=2,9; IC 95%: 1,4;5,1), mães que foram ao hospital de ambulância (OR=3,8; IC 95%: 1,4;10,7); Bloco 5: baixo peso ao nascer (OR=17,3; IC 95%: 8,4;35,6), nascimento de pré-termo (OR=8,8; IC 95%: 4,3;17,8). CONCLUSÕES: Além dos fatores proximais (baixo peso ao nascer, gestações de pré-termo, problemas no parto e intercorrências durante a gestação), identificou-se a participação de variáveis que refletem exclusão social e de fatores psicossociais. Esse contexto pode afetar o desenvolvimento da gestação e dificultar o acesso das mulheres aos serviços de saúde. A assistência pré-natal adequada poderia minimizar parte do efeito dessas variáveis.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência das infecções pelo HIV, vírus das hepatites B e C, e da sífilis em moradores de rua. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com intervenção educativa, realizado no município de São Paulo, de 2002 a 2003. Selecionou-se amostra de conveniência de moradores de rua que utilizavam albergues noturnos, segundo os critérios: >18 anos e não apresentar distúrbios psiquiátricos. Em entrevistas, foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e de comportamento, e realizados exames laboratoriais para HIV, hepatite B e C e sífilis, e aconselhamento pós-teste. RESULTADOS: Participaram 330 usuários dos albergues, com 40,2 anos (média), 80,9% homens, nas ruas, em média, há um ano. Observaram-se prevalências de 1,8% de HIV, 8,5% de vírus de hepatite C, 30,6% de infecção pregressa por hepatite B, 3,3% de infecção aguda ou crônica pelo vírus hepatite B e 5,7% de sífilis. Uso consistente de preservativo foi referido por 21,3% e uso de droga injetável, por 3% dos entrevistados. A positividade para HIV foi de 10% e 50% para vírus da hepatite C entre usuários de drogas injetáveis, versus 1,5% para HIV e 7,3% para hepatite C nos demais, evidenciando associação entre esse vírus e uso de droga injetável. Prisão anterior foi referida por 7,9% das mulheres e 26,6% dos homens, com prevalência de 2,6% para HIV e 17,1% para vírus da hepatite C. CONCLUSÕES: As elevadas prevalências de HIV e vírus de hepatite B e C requerem programas de prevenção baseados na vacinação contra hepatite B, diagnóstico precoce dessas infecções e inserção dos moradores de rua em serviços de saúde.
During the last years there has been an increasing concern about occupational exposure to cytostatic drugs in hospitals. The first findings on occupational exposures among hospital personnel administering chemotherapy were reported only in 1979. Since then, a great number of studies have been publishing describing possible exposure-related health effects. Consequently, rigorous guidelines for the safe handling of cancer chemotherapeutic agents were devised and the handling facilities in hospitals were extensively improved. However, recent studies developed in European countries revealed detectable amounts of several drugs in surface wipe samples. Dermal absorption after contact with contaminated surfaces can play an important role in exposure to antineoplastic drugs. Therefore, the existence of contamination in workplace surfaces implies an increased risk of exposure for health care workers. Since there is no recent report in Portugal, regarding the occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs, a study was developed aiming to determine the 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) contamination on work surfaces of two Portuguese hospitals.
Some previous studies have suggested that some of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in composting plants may have a toxic effect that can influence, besides surroundings populations, workers from the composting plants. Impact of waste management to the environment and workers is already recognised as an environment and occupational health concerns. Several studies regarding the VOCs and bioaerosols emissions from composting have been conducted all over Europe and also in Asia. However, in Portugal the studies developed are scarce and normally VOCs are not studied and recognized as a risk factor present in this occupational setting. Consudering this, a study was developed in a Portuguese composting plant aiming to clarify if there was VOCs presence in the workplaces.
Fungal contamination in composting facilities has been associated with increased respiratory and skin pathologies among compost workers. In this study we aim to characterize the fungal contamination caused by Aspergillus genera within a totally indoor composting plant located in Portugal. Air samples of 50L were collected from 6 sampling sites through an impaction method. Surfaces samples were collected by swabbing the surfaces of the same indoor sites. Pre-treatment and waste screw were the sampling sites of the analyzed composting plant with the highest Aspergillus load in the air. Globally, the genus Aspergillus presented the highest prevalence both in the air from (90.6%), and surfaces from the same sampling sites (60.8%). The results obtained in this study claim the attention to the need of further research regarding the fungal contamination dur to Aspergillus genus in composting plants.
Several activities are ensured by dockers increase occupational exposure to several risk factors. being one of them the fungal burden from the load. In this study we aim at characterizing fungal contamination in one warehouse that storage sugar cane from a ship, and also in one crane cabinet that unload the same sugar cane from the ship. Air samples were collected from the warehouse and from inside the crane cabinet. An outdoor sample was also collected, from each sampling site, and regarding as reference. Sampling volume was selected depending in the contamination expected and the air samples were collect through an impaction method in a flow rate of 140 L/min onto malt extract agar (MEA) supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.05%), using the Millipore air Tester (Millipore). Surfaces samples from the warehouse were collected by swabbing the surfaces of the same indoor sites, using a 10 by 10cm square stencil according to the International Standard ISO 18593 (2004). The obtained swabs were then plated onto MEA. All the collected samples were incubated at 27ºC for 5 to 7 days. After laboratory processing and incubation of the collected samples, quantitative (colony-forming units - CFU/m3 and CFU/m2) and qualitative results were obtained with identification of the isolated fungal species. Aspergillus fumigatus present the highest fungal load and WHO guideline was overcome in both indoor sampling sites. The results obtained in this study highlight the need to know better the exposure burden from dockers, and specifically to fungi contamination.