999 resultados para visual stability


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Although the histogram is the most widely used density estimator, itis well--known that the appearance of a constructed histogram for a given binwidth can change markedly for different choices of anchor position. In thispaper we construct a stability index $G$ that assesses the potential changesin the appearance of histograms for a given data set and bin width as theanchor position changes. If a particular bin width choice leads to an unstableappearance, the arbitrary choice of any one anchor position is dangerous, anda different bin width should be considered. The index is based on the statisticalroughness of the histogram estimate. We show via Monte Carlo simulation thatdensities with more structure are more likely to lead to histograms withunstable appearance. In addition, ignoring the precision to which the datavalues are provided when choosing the bin width leads to instability. We provideseveral real data examples to illustrate the properties of $G$. Applicationsto other binned density estimators are also discussed.


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We analyze which normal form solution concepts capture the notion offorward induction, as defined by van Damme (JET, 1989) in the classof generic two player normal form games preceded by an outsideoption. We find that none of the known strategic stability concepts(including Mertens stable sets and hyperstable sets) captures this form of forward induction. On the other hand, we show that the evolutionary concept of EES set (Swinkels, JET, 1992) is always consistent with forward induction.


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We argue the importance both of developing simple sufficientconditions for the stability of general multiclass queueing networks and also of assessing such conditions under a range of assumptions on the weight of the traffic flowing between service stations. To achieve the former, we review a peak-rate stability condition and extend its range of application and for the latter, we introduce a generalisation of the Lu-Kumar network on which the stability condition may be tested for a range of traffic configurations. The peak-rate condition is close to exact when the between-station traffic is light, but degrades as this traffic increases.


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Description and process of monitoring students with visual disabilities.


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This study investigates the intra-individual stability of the speed of several motor tasks and the intensity of associated movements in 256 children (131 girls, 125 boys) from the Zurich generational study using the Zurich neuromotor assessment battery (ZNA) over a 12-year period from the age of 6 to 18 years. The stability was assessed by correlograms of standard deviation scores calculated from age- and gender-adjusted normative values and compared with standing height and full scale intelligence quotient (IQ). While motor tasks of hand, finger and foot (HFT) and contralateral associated movements (CAM) exhibited a moderate stability (summary measure as correlation coefficients between two measurements made 4 years apart: .61 and .60), other tasks (dynamic balance, static balance and pegboard) were only weakly stable (.46, .47 and .49). IQ and height were more stable than neuromotor components (.72 and .86). We conclude that the moderately stable HFT and CAM may reflect "motor traits", while the stability of the pegboard and balance tasks is weaker because these skills are more experience related and state-dependent.


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This paper presents a classical Cournot oligopoly model with some peculiar features: it is non--quasi--competitive as price under N-poly is greater than monopoly price; Cournot equilibrium exists and is unique with each new entry; the successive equilibria after new entries are stable under the adjustment mechanism that assumes that actual output of each seller is adjusted proportionally to the difference between actual output and profit maximizing output. Moreover, the model tends to perfect competition as N goes to infinity, reaching the monopoly price again.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu del treball ha consistit a desenvolupar un programa informàtic per controlar les fases d'un procés de rentat industrial.


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O presente trabalho monográfico enquadra-se no plano curricular, constituindo um dos requisitos para a obtenção de licenciatura em psicologia, variante de Educação e Desenvolvimento, pela Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. Este trabalho intitula-se “Auto conceito Auto estima e aprendizagem das crianças e adolescentes portadores de deficiência visual e as perspectivas dos seus professores”.Procura-se com este trabalho, conhecer o auto conceito e a auto estima das crianças portadoras da deficiência visual que frequentam o Centro de ADVIC São Filipe - Praia; verificar a influência da deficiência visual na aprendizagem; averiguar a relação entre auto conceito auto estima com a aprendizagem das crianças e adolescentes na perspectiva dos seus professores.Participaram deste estudo sete alunos (7), sendo cinco (5) do sexo feminino e dois (2) de sexo masculino e seis (6) professores. Para a recolha de dados utilizamos metodologia de natureza qualitativa. A análise dos dados procedeu-se com análise de conteúdo das entrevistas feitos aos alunos o que nos permitiu analisar as cinco (5) dimensões do auto conceito e auto estima global dos alunos, nas entrevistas aos professores analisamos as suas perspectivas em relação a aprendizagem dos alunos portadores de deficiência visual.Os resultados deste estudo revelam que e o auto conceito auto-estima dessas crianças e adolescentes caracteriza-se pela positiva, os seus comportamentos contentes e alegres faz com que muitas das vezes pareçam divertidos. Parece haver influência da deficiência na aprendizagem das crianças e existe relação entre o auto conceito e auto estima e aprendizagem. Constatou-se ainda, que a maneira positiva de encarar, lidar com a sua deficiência facilita a aprendizagem isso segundo as perspectivas dos seus professores.


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Desconocemos los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes a la aparición de alucinaciones/alucinosis visual en pacientes con ictus, su incidencia, características y valor predictivo topográfico o pronóstico. En este trabajo estudiamos prospectivamente 78 pacientes con ictus isquémico/hemorrágico agudo y ausencia de enfermedad neurodegenerativa/psiquiátrica basal o clínica alucinatoria previa, administrándoles cuestionario estandarizado sobre alucinaciones/alucinosis visual y realizándoles prueba de neuroimagen. Un subgrupo de pacientes también cuenta con EEG y evaluación neuropsicológica. La incidencia de alucinaciones/alucinosis fue del 16,7%, siendo la mayoría imágenes complejas, con presentación precoz y curso autolimitado. Se asoció con lesiones occipitales, defecto campimétrico inicial, y alteraciones del sueño entre otras variables.


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To understand the causes of schizophrenia, a search for stable markers (endophenotypes) is ongoing. In previous years, we have shown that the shine-through visual backward masking paradigm meets the most important characteristics of an endophenotype. Here, we tested masking performance differences between healthy students with low and high schizotypy scores as determined by the self-report O-Life questionnaire assessing schizotypy along three dimensions, i.e. positive schizotypy (unusual experiences), cognitive disorganisation, and negative schizotypy (introvertive anhedonia). Forty participants performed the shine-through backward masking task and a classical cognitive test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). We found that visual backward masking was impaired for students scoring high as compared to low on the cognitive disorganisation dimension, whereas the positive and negative schizotypy dimensions showed no link to masking performance. We also found group differences for students scoring high and low on the cognitive disorganisation factor for the WCST. These findings indicate that the shine-through paradigm is sensitive to differences in schizotypy which are closely linked with the pathological expression in schizophrenia.


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We described the colonization dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus in a group of 266 healthy carriers over a period of approximately 1 year. We used precise genotyping methods, i.e., amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), spa typing, and double-locus sequence typing (DLST), to detect changes in strain identity. Strain change took place rather rarely: out of 89 carriers who had initially been colonized, only 7 acquired a strain different from the original one. Approximately one-third of the carriers eliminated the colonization, and a similar number became newly colonized. Some of these events probably represent detection failure rather than genuine colonization loss or acquisition. Lower bacterial counts were associated with increased probability of eliminating the colonization. We have confirmed a high mutation rate in the spa locus: 6 out of 53 strains underwent mutation in the spa locus. There was no overall change in S. aureus genotype composition.


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The second differential of the entropy is used for analysing the stability of a thermodynamic climatic model. A delay time for the heat flux is introduced whereby it becomes an independent variable. Two different expressions for the second differential of the entropy are used: one follows classical irreversible thermodynamics theory; the second is related to the introduction of response time and is due to the extended irreversible thermodynamics theory. the second differential of the classical entropy leads to unstable solutions for high values of delay times. the extended expression always implies stable states for an ice-free earth. When the ice-albedo feedback is included, a discontinuous distribution of stable states is found for high response times. Following the thermodynamic analysis of the model, the maximum rates of entropy production at the steady state are obtained. A latitudinally isothermal earth produces the extremum in global entropy production. the material contribution to entropy production (by which we mean the production of entropy by material transport of heat) is a maximum when the latitudinal distribution of temperatures becomes less homogeneous than present values