961 resultados para tool life
The use of composite laminates in complex structures has increased significantly. However, there are still some issues when considering their use, mainly related with machining, leading to some difficulties and lack of acceptance. In this work, a methodology to evaluate drill geometry and feed rate based on thrust force and delamination extension is presented.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
The intent of this dissertation is to review relevant existing management systems and chemical industry initiatives to identify synergies, overlaps and gaps with Sustainability best practices, to map the barriers to the incorporation of Sustainability and formulate recommendations to facilitate execution of Sustainability practices within existing management systems. A chemical industry Sustainability survey was conducted through APEQ, the Portuguese association of chemical companies, which constitutes the first baseline on the topic for this national industry association. The commonly used international standards and the Responsible Care® (RC) initiative were cross-referenced against the United Nations Global Compact Assessment Tool. Guidance on how to incorporate Sustainability into a company‘s modus operandi was collapsed into Sustainability Playbooks. The survey revealed that 73% of the APEQ member companies that participated in the survey have a Sustainability Plan. Both large and small/medium APEQ member companies see the market not willing to pay extra for ‗greener‘ products as one of the main barriers. APEQ large enterprise see complexity of implementation and low return on investment as the other most significant barriers while small/medium enterprise respond that the difficulty to predict customer sustainability needs is the other most significant barrier. Amongst many other insights from this survey reported to APEQ, Life Cycle Assessment practices were found to have a low level of implementation and were also considered of low importance, thus identifying a very important opportunity in Sustainability practices to be addressed by APEQ. Two hundred and seventy three assessment points from United Nations Global Compact Assessment Tool plus five additional items were cross-referenced with international standard requirements. With the authorization of the intellectual property owners, the United Nations Global Compact Assessment Tool was modified to introduce actionable recommendations for each gap identified by management standard. This tool was automated to output specific recommendations for 63 possible combinations after simply selecting from a list of commonly used management standards and the RC initiative. Finally this modified tool was introduced into Playbooks for Incorporation of Sustainability at two levels: a ―Get Started Playbook‖ for beginners or small/medium size enterprise and an ―Advanced Playbook‖ as a second advancement stage or for large enterprise.
Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are intelligent systems, based on heuristic knowledge, that have been largely applied in numerous areas of everyday life. They can be used to describe a linear or nonlinear system and are suitable when a real system is not known or too difficult to find their model. FLC provide a formal methodology for representing, manipulating and implementing a human heuristic knowledge on how to control a system. These controllers can be seen as artificial decision makers that operate in a closed-loop system, in real time. The main aim of this work was to develop a single optimal fuzzy controller, easily adaptable to a wide range of systems – simple to complex, linear to nonlinear – and able to control all these systems. Due to their efficiency in searching and finding optimal solution for high complexity problems, GAs were used to perform the FLC tuning by finding the best parameters to obtain the best responses. The work was performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software. This is a very useful tool that provides an easy way to test and analyse the FLC, the PID and the GAs in the same environment. Therefore, it was proposed a Fuzzy PID controller (FL-PID) type namely, the Fuzzy PD+I. For that, the controller was compared with the classical PID controller tuned with, the heuristic Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, the optimal Zhuang-Atherton tuning method and the GA method itself. The IAE, ISE, ITAE and ITSE criteria, used as the GA fitness functions, were applied to compare the controllers performance used in this work. Overall, and for most systems, the FL-PID results tuned with GAs were very satisfactory. Moreover, in some cases the results were substantially better than for the other PID controllers. The best system responses were obtained with the IAE and ITAE criteria used to tune the FL-PID and PID controllers.
A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo de fadiga de uma ponte ferroviária com tabuleiro misto vigado pertencente a uma via de transporte de mercadorias. O caso de estudo incide sobre a ponte ferroviária sobre o rio do Sonho, localizada na Estrada de Ferro de Carajás situada no nordeste do Brasil. Nesta linha circulam alguns dos maiores comboios de mercadoria do mundo com cerca de 3.7 km de extensão e com cargas por eixo superiores a 300 kN. Numa primeira fase apresentam-se diversas metodologias de análise da fadiga em pontes ferroviárias metálicas. É também descrita a ferramenta computacional FADBridge, desenvolvida em ambiente MATLAB, e que possibilita o cálculo sistematizado e eficiente do dano de fadiga em detalhes construtivos de acordo com as indicações dos eurocódigos. Em seguida são abordadas as metodologias numéricas utilizadas para a realização das análises dinâmicas do sistema ponte-comboio e os aspetos regulamentares a ter em consideração no dimensionamento de pontes ferroviárias. O modelo numérico de elementos finitos da ponte foi realizado com recurso ao programa ANSYS. Com base neste modelo foram obtidos os parâmetros modais, nomeadamente as frequências naturais e os modos de vibração, tendo sido também analisada a importância do efeito compósito via-tabuleiro e a influência do comportamento não linear do balastro. O estudo do comportamento dinâmico da ponte foi realizado por intermédio de uma metodologia de cargas móveis através da ferramenta computacional Train-Bridge Interaction (TBI). As análises dinâmicas foram efetuadas para a passagem dos comboios reais de mercadorias e de passageiros e para os comboios de fadiga regulamentares. Nestas análises foi estudada a influência dos modos de vibração globais e locais, das configurações de carga dos comboios e do aumento da velocidade de circulação, na resposta dinâmica da ponte. Por último, foi avaliado o comportamento à fadiga de diversos detalhes construtivos para os cenários de tráfego regulamentar e reais. Foi ainda analisada a influência do aumento da velocidade, da configuração de cargas dos comboios e da degradação da estrutura nos valores do dano por fadiga e da respetiva vida residual.
Scope of study: welding operations result in harmful emissions of nanoparticles; the aim of emissions monitorisation is to evaluate exposure levels and to derive protection measures in order to protect exposed workers; however, the traditional approach of comparing measured concentrations with exposure limits cannot be used; but risk levels can be quantified by using Control Banding Strategies.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Among the most important measures to prevent wild forest fires is the use of prescribed and controlled burning actions in order to reduce the availability of fuel mass. However, the impact of these activities on soil physical and chemical properties varies according to the type of both soil and vegetation and is not fully understood. Therefore, soil monitoring campaigns are often used to measure these impacts. In this paper we have successfully used three statistical data treatments - the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test followed by the ANOVA and the Kruskall-Wallis tests – to investigate the variability among the soil pH, soil moisture, soil organic matter and soil iron variables for different monitoring times and sampling procedures.
The teaching-learning process is increasingly focused on the combination of the paradigms “learning by viewing” and “learning by doing.” In this context, educational resources, either expository or evaluative, play a pivotal role. Both types of resources are interdependent and their sequencing would create a richer educational experience to the end user. However, there is a lack of tools that support sequencing essentially due to the fact that existing specifications are complex. The Seqins is a sequencing tool of digital resources that has a fairly simple sequencing model. The tool communicates through the IMS LTI specification with a plethora of e-learning systems such as learning management systems, repositories, authoring and evaluation systems. In order to validate Seqins we integrate it in an e-learning Ensemble framework instance for the computer programming learning.
This paper presents the creation and development of technological schools directly linked to the business community and to higher public education. Establishing themselves as the key interface between the two sectors they make a signigicant contribution by having a greater competitive edge when faced with increasing competition in the tradional markets. The development of new business strategies supported by references of excellence, quality and competitiveness also provides a good link between the estalishment of partnerships aiming at the qualification of education boards at a medium level between the technological school and higher education with a technological foundation. We present a case study as an example depicting the success of Escola Tecnológica de Vale de Cambra.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Proceedings of the 4th international conference Hands - on Science - Development, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education, 109-115
This paper presents a model for the simulation of an offshore wind system having a rectifier input voltage malfunction at one phase. The offshore wind system model comprises a variable-speed wind turbine supported on a floating platform, equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power four-level neutral point clamped converter. The link from the offshore floating platform to the onshore electrical grid is done through a light high voltage direct current submarine cable. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model. Considerations about the smart grid context are offered for the use of the model in such a context. The rectifier voltage malfunction domino effect is presented as a case study to show capabilities of the model. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.