917 resultados para tin organometallics


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Excitation and dynamic emission spectra of Eu3+ ions were simultaneously used with FTIR and Raman spectroscopy to study the structural evolution during SnO2 sol → gel → xerogel conversion. Results make evident an increase of the surroundings symmetry for the Eu3+ ions dissolved in SnO2 matrix and a decrease of the amount of hydroxo groups (Sn-OH) during drying. These phenomena were associated to the pursuit of the condensation reaction after gelation. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The evolution of Eu3+ doped SnO2 xerogels to the cassiterite structure observed during sintering was studied by means of Eu3+ spectroscopy, XRD and EXAFS at the Sn K-edge. Eu3+ ions adsorbed at the surface of colloidal particles present a broad distribution of sites, typical of oxide glasses. With sintering at 300°C, this distribution is still broadened. Crystallization is clearly observed by the three techniques with increasing sintering temperature. It is found that the addition of Eu3+ limits the crystallite growth.


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Starting from aqueous colloidal suspensions, undoped and Nb5+ doped SnO2 thin films have been prepared by using the dip-coating sol gel process. X-ray diffraction results show that films are polycrystalline with crystallites of average size1-4nm. Decreasing the thickness of the films and increasing the Nb5+ concentration limits the crystallite size growth during firing. Complex impedance measurements reveal capacitive and resistive effects between adjacent crystallites or grains, characteristic of electrical potential barriers. The transfer of charge throughout these barriers determines the macroscopic electrical resistance of the layer. The analysis of the optical absorption spectra shows that the samples present more than 80% of their transmittance in the visible region and the value of the band gap energy increases with decreasing crystallite size. © 1997 Chapman & Hall.


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The formation of an ordered (crystalline) phase during isothermal sintering of SnO2 monolithic xerogels, at 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700°C, has been analyzed by the combined use of EXAFS and XRD techniques. For the desiccated gel (110°C), EXAFS results show the formation of small microcrystallites with the incipient cassiterite structure. Between 110 and 250°C, the dehydratation reaction leads to an amorphization evidenced by a decrease of the long and short range crystallographic order. It is due to fissure formation in the xerogel network. For higher temperatures, a continuous coagulation of the crystallites occurs, leading to grain growth. Grain and pore growth obeys the same kinetic relation, so that the microstructure grows by simple enlargement while its morphology is static.


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SnO2 supported membranes have been prepared by sol-casting on alumina tubular substrate, using aqueous colloidal suspensions prepared by sol-gel route. The viscoelastic behaviour during sol ageing was analyzed by dinamic rheologial measurements. The complex viscosity and the storage and loss moduli have been followed during the sol-gel transition and the results have been correlated with the linear aggregates growth and the scalar percolation models. The scanning electron microscopy has evidenced that the homogeneity and thickness of the membrane depend on the sol ageing time. Crack-free and homogeneous membranes have been obtained for coated layers of 0.5μm thickness. © 1997 Trans Tech Publications.


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The non-linear electrical properties of CoO-doped and Nb205-doped SnO2 ceramics were characterized. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy indicated that the system is single phase. The electrical conduction mechanism for low applied electrical field was associated with thermionic emission of the Schottky type. An atomic defect model based on the Schottky double-barrier formation was proposed to explain the origin of the potential barrier at the ceramic grain boundaries. These defects create depletion layers at grain boundaries, favouring electron tunnelling at high values of applied electrical field. © 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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Tin oxide is an n-type semiconductor material with a high covalent behavior. Mass transport in this oxide depends on the surface state promoted by atmosphere or by the solid solution of a non-isovalent oxide doping The sintering and grain growth of this type of oxide powder is then controlled by atmosphere and by extrinsic oxygen vacancy formation. For pure SnO2 powder the surface state depends only on the interaction of atmosphere molecules with the SnO2 surface. Inert atmosphere like argon or helium promotes oxygen vacancy formation at the surface due to reduction of SnO2 to SnO at the surface and liberation of oxygen molecules forming oxygen vacancies. As consequence surface diffusion is enhanced leading to grain coarsening but no densification. Oxygen atmosphere inhibits the SnO2 reduction decreasing the surface oxygen vacancy concentration. Addition of dopants with lower valence at sintering temperature creates extrinsic charged oxygen vacancies that promote mass transport at grain boundary leading to densification and grain growth of this polycrystalline oxide.


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Thin films of undoped and Sb-doped (2 atg%) SnO2 have been prepared by sol-gel dip-coating technique on borosilicate glasses. Variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength and optical absorption indicate indirect bandgap transition with energy of ≅ 3.5 eV. Conductance as function of temperature indicates two levels of capture with 39 and 81 meV as activation energies, which may be related to an Sb donor and oxygen vacancy respectively. Electron trapping by these levels are practically destroyed by UV photoexcitation (305 nm) and heating in vacuum to 200°C. Gas analysis using a mass spectrometer indicates an oxygen related level, which may not be desorbed in the simpler O2 form.


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The plant cell wall is composed mainly of polysaccharides some constituted of repeating units of a single sugar, as cellulose or by two or more sugars grouped in repeating oligosaccharide blocks as the galactomannans and xyloglucans. Variations in composition and fine structure of these cell wall polysaccharides have been used as taxonomic markers and in the comprehension of the evolutive process, particularly in the Leguminosae. Partial hydrolysis of these compounds give rise to oligomers, some of which are capable of eliciting the synthesis of defensive substances in plants named phytoalexins. Species which differ in respect to phytoalexin liberation also differ in cell wall composition, particularly in the pectic fraction of the wall. Pectinases (mainly endopolygalacturonases) present in fungi, have been shown to hydrolyze plant cell walls yielding phytoalexin-eliciting oligosaccharides which differ in composition and in eliciting capacity in different species. These differences can be associated with the capacity of a given species to produce phytoalexins. On the other hand, the phytoalexin induction in plants is being used as a method of producing novel bioactive secondary metabolites.


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Thin films of undoped and Sb-doped SnO2 have been prepared by a sol-gel dip-coating technique. For the high doping level (2-3 mol% Sb) n-type degenerate conduction is expected, however, measurements of resistance as a function of temperature show that doped samples exhibit strong electron trapping, with capture levels at 39 and 81 meV. Heating in a vacuum and irradiation with UV monochromatic light (305 nm) improve the electrical characteristics, decreasing the carrier capture at low temperature. This suggests an oxygen related level, which can be eliminated by a photodesorption process. Absorption spectral dependence indicates an indirect bandgap transition with Eg ≅ 3.5 eV. Current-voltage characteristics indicate a thermionic emission mechanism through interfacial states.


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Since oxygen vacancies act as donors in SnO2, the electrical properties are related to deviation from stoichiometric composition. Depending on stoichiometry SnO2 can be highly insulating or may exhibit fairly high n-type conductivity. Since bandgap transitions are in the ultraviolet range, its photoconductivity is strongly dependent on the excitation source. We have measured variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength for tin dioxide grown by dip-coating sol-gel technique using several light sources: tungsten lamp, xenon, mercury and deuterium, and present selected results. The main band is obtained in the range 3-4eV according to light source spectrum in the ultraviolet range. The presence of oxygen in the cryostat also affects the spectrum since electron-hole pairs react with adsorbed oxygen specimens. © 1999 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.


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Non-linear electrical properties of SnO2-based ceramics were investigated as a function of powder agglomeration condition and as a function of dopant addition. All doped powders presented a single phase, cassiterite, as evidenced by X-ray diffraction analysis. The effect of milling was quite evident, with non-milled powder showing higher agglomerated particle size than milled powder. Cr addition seemed to increase the non-linear coefficient. Cu and Mn rendered dense ceramics, but α values for systems with Mn were higher than for systems with Cu.


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Tin dioxide is an n-type semiconductor that when doped with other metallic oxides exhibits non-linear electric behavior with high non-linear coefficient values typical of a varistor. In this work, electrical properties of the SnO2.CoO.Ta2O5 and SnO2.CoO.MnO2.Ta2O5 ceramics systems were studied with the objective of analyzing the influence of MnO2 on sintering behavior and electrical properties of these systems. The compacts were prepared by powder mixture process and sintered at 1300°C for 1 hour, in air, using a constant heating rate of 10°C/min. The morphological and structural properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The densities of the sintered ceramics were measured using the Archimedes method. The SnO2.CoO.Ta2O5 and SnO2.CoO.MnO2.Ta2O5 systems presented breakdown fields (Eb) about 3100 V.cm-1 and 3800 V.cm-1, respectively, and non-linear coefficient (α) about 10 and 20, respectively.


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SnO2 deposited by sol-gel is a polycrystalline film with small grain size. Oxygen present at a less grain boundary traps electrons and then the depletion layer around the potential barrier of the grain boundary becomes wider, comparable to the grain size. We have modeled the conductivity taking into account the trapped charge at the depletion layer of the grain boundary and other scattering mechanisms such as ionized impurity and polar optical. Experimental data of photoconductivity of SnO2 sol-gel films are simulated considering the dominant scattering at grain boundary and crystallite bulk. The fraction of trapped charge at the grain boundary depends on temperature and wavelength of irradiating light, being as high as 50% for illumination in the range 500-600 nm for SnO2-2%Nb as grown sample annealed in air to 550°C. This fraction can be quite reduced depending on exposure to light and annealing under different oxygen partial pressure conditions.