949 resultados para time of arrival


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In this thesis, Ph.D candidate presents a compact sensor node (SN) designed for long-term and real-time acoustic emission (AE) monitoring of above ground storage tanks (ASTs). Each SN exploits up to three inexpensive low-frequency sensors based on piezoelectric diaphragms for effective leakage detection, and it is capable by means of built-in Digital Signal Processing functionalities to process the acquired time waveforms extracting the AE features usually required by testing protocols. Alternatively, capability to plug three high frequency AE sensors to a SN for corrosion simulated phenomena detection is envisaged and demonstrated. Another innovative aspect that the Ph.D candidate presents in this work is an alternative mathematical model of corrosion location on the bottom of the AST. This approach implies considering the three-dimensional localization model versus the two-dimensional commonly used according to the literature. This approach is aimed at significant optimization in the number of sensors in relation to the standard approach for solving localization problems as well as to allow filtering the false AE events related to the condensate droplets from AST ceiling. The technological implementation of this concept required the solution of a number of technical problems, such as the precise time of arrival (ToA) signal estimation, vertical localization of the AE source and multilaration solution that were discussed in detail in this work. To validate the developed prototype, several experimental campaigns were organized that included the simulation of target phenomena both in laboratory conditions and on a real water storage tank. The presented test results demonstrate the successful application of the developed AE system both for simulated leaks and for corrosion processes on the tank bottom. Mathematical and technological algorithms for localization and characterization of AE signals implemented during the development of the prototype are also confirmed by the test results.


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I vantaggi dell’Industria 4.0 hanno stravolto il manufacturing. Ma cosa vuol dire "Industria 4.0"? Essa è la nuova frontiera del manufacturing, basata su princìpi che seguono i passi avanti dei sistemi IT e della tecnologia. Dunque, i suoi pilastri sono: integrazione, verticale e orizzontale, digitalizzazione e automazione. L’Industria 4.0 coinvolge molte aree della supply chain, dai flussi informativi alla logistica. In essa e nell’intralogistica, la priorità è sviluppare dei sistemi di material handling flessibili, automatizzati e con alta prontezza di risposta. Il modello ideale è autonomo, in cui i veicoli fanno parte di una flotta le cui decisioni sono rese decentralizzate grazie all'alta connettività e alla loro abilità di collezionare dati e scambiarli rapidamente nel cloud aziendale.Tutto ciò non sarebbe raggiungibile se ci si affidasse a un comune sistema di trasporto AGV, troppo rigido e centralizzato. La tesi si focalizza su un tipo di material handlers più flessibile e intelligente: gli Autonomous Mobile Robots. Grazie alla loro intelligenza artificiale e alla digitalizzazione degli scambi di informazioni, interagiscono con l’ambiente per evitare ostacoli e calcolare il percorso ottimale. Gli scenari dell’ambiente lavorativo determinano perdite di tempo nel tragitto dei robot e sono queste che dovremo studiare. Nella tesi, i vantaggi apportati dagli AMR, come la loro decentralizzazione delle decisioni, saranno introdotti mediante una literature review e poi l’attenzione verterà sull’analisi di ogni scenario di lavoro. Fondamentali sono state le esperienze nel Logistics 4.0 Lab di NTNU, per ricreare fisicamente alcuni scenari. Inoltre, il software AnyLogic sarà usato per riprodurre e simulare tutti gli scenari rilevanti. I risultati delle simulazioni verranno infine usati per creare un modello che associ ad ogni scenario rilevante una perdita di tempo, attraverso una funzione. Per questo saranno usati software di data analysis come Minitab e MatLab.


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BACKGROUND: Gallstone ileus accounts for 1% to 4% of cases of mechanical bowel obstruction, but may be responsible for up to 25% of cases in older age groups. In non-iatrogenic cases, gallstone migration occurs after formation of a biliary-enteric fistula. In fewer than 10% of patients with gallstone ileus, the impacted gallstones are located in the pylorus or duodenum, resulting in gastric outlet obstruction, known as Bouveret's syndrome. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an 86-year-old female who was admitted to hospital with a 10-day history of persistent vomiting and prostration. She was in hypovolemic shock at the time of arrival in the emergency department. Investigations revealed a gallstone in the duodenal bulb and a cholecystoduodenal fistula. She underwent surgical gastrolithotomy. Unfortunately, she died of aspiration pneumonia on the fourth postoperative day. CONCLUSION: This case shows the importance of considering Bouveret's syndrome in the differential diagnosis of gastric outlet obstruction, especially in the elderly, even in patients with no previous history of gallbladder disease.


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Durant els segles XV i primera meitat del XVI, tota mena de productes de luxe eren exportats des dels Països Baixos del sud a tota Europa, moda fomentada pels ducs de Borgonya, que governaven el territori. Malgrat el major número d’estudis sobre les relacions entre la Corona de Castella i Flandes a finals de l’Edat Mitjana, i les més nombroses peces flamenques conservades en aquesta regió veïna, també la Corona d’Aragó mantenia intenses relacions comercials amb els Països Baixos del sud, essent la colònia de mercaders catalans de les primeres en establir-se a Bruges, principal port d’exportació a l’època. És nombrosa la documentació referida a naus catalanes viatjant cap al nord, així com als privilegis de què gaudia aquesta colònia de mercaders. Un bon grapat de peces d’aquesta procedència es conserven a museus i institucions locals. Malgrat que de moltes no se’n coneix el moment d’arribada, d’altres es troben ben documentades o se’n pot deduïr la seva presència a Catalunya des de finals de l’Edat Mitjana, conformant un farcit catàleg. D’altra banda, la documentació d’arxiu ens proporciona valuoses notícies sobre la gran quantitat de peces flamenques avui desaparegudes però que haurien existit a l’època, evidenciant que el que avui ens resta no és més que una molt petita porció del que hauria estat a finals de l’Edat Mitjana, i ens permet acostar-nos a una visió de la societat i els seus gustos més propera a la realitat de l’època, posant de manifest que la moda flamenca arrelaria intensament a Catalunya.


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This report documents work undertaken in the demonstration of a low-cost Automatic Weight and Classification System (AWACS). An AWACS procurement specification and details of the results of the project are also included. The intent of the project is to support and encourage transferring research knowledge to state and local agencies and manufacturers through field demonstrations. Presently available, Weigh-in-Motion and Classification Systems are typically too expensive to permit the wide deployment necessary to obtain representative vehicle data. Piezo electric technology has been used in the United Kingdom and Europe and is believed to be the basic element in a low-cost AWACS. Low-cost systems have been installed at two sites, one in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement in Iowa and the other in Asphaltic Cement Concrete (ACC) pavement in Minnesota to provide experience with both types of pavement. The systems provide axle weights, gross vehicle weight, axle spacing, vehicle classification, vehicle speed, vehicle count, and time of arrival. In addition, system self-calibration and a method to predict contact tire pressure is included in the system design. The study has shown that in the PCC pavement, the AWACS is capable of meeting the needs of state and federal highway agencies, producing accuracies comparable to many current commercial WIM devices. This is being achieved at a procurement cost of substantially less than currently available equipment. In the ACC pavement the accuracies were less than those observed in the PCC pavement which is concluded to result from a low pavement rigidity at this site. Further work is needed to assess the AWACS performance at a range of sites in ACC pavements.


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In this master’s thesis, possibilities to utilize Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in health care applications are examined. NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables the exchange of data between devices. Main components in NFC are tag, which contains data, a NFC reader device, which can be for instance embedded to mobile phone and also act as a tag, and an antennae in both tag and reader. In this work NFC technology is discussed and its utilization in health care information systems that are in use or in trial. Utilization of information technology in health care field is examined superficially. In this thesis, a system utilizing NFC is designed and its requirements and architecture presented. NFC is used in identification of care worker. When care worker arrives at the house of a patient, she brings the NFC-enabled mobile phone near NFC tag. This sends information to the application server. This information contains the time of arrival and patient and location identifier. When care worker leaves the place, she repeats the procedure. Information gathered can be used in reporting and real time tracking.


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The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture and a network-based pixel matrix architecture for data transportation. It is shown that the data-node architecture achieves readout efficiency 99% with half the output rate as a bus-based system. The network-based solution avoids “broken” columns due to some manufacturing errors, and it distributes internal data traffic more evenly across the pixel matrix than column-based architectures. An improvement of > 10% to the efficiency is achieved with uniform and non-uniform hit occupancies. Architectural design has been done using transaction level modeling (TLM) and sequential high-level design techniques for reducing the design and simulation time. It has been possible to simulate tens of column and full chip architectures using the high-level techniques. A decrease of > 10 in run-time is observed using these techniques compared to register transfer level (RTL) design technique. Reduction of 50% for lines-of-code (LoC) for the high-level models compared to the RTL description has been achieved. Two architectures are then demonstrated in two hybrid pixel readout chips. The first chip, Timepix3 has been designed for the Medipix3 collaboration. According to the measurements, it consumes < 1 W/cm^2. It also delivers up to 40 Mhits/s/cm^2 with 10-bit time-over-threshold (ToT) and 18-bit time-of-arrival (ToA) of 1.5625 ns. The chip uses a token-arbitrated, asynchronous two-phase handshake column bus for internal data transfer. It has also been successfully used in a multi-chip particle tracking telescope. The second chip, VeloPix, is a readout chip being designed for the upgrade of Vertex Locator (VELO) of the LHCb experiment at CERN. Based on the simulations, it consumes < 1.5 W/cm^2 while delivering up to 320 Mpackets/s/cm^2, each packet containing up to 8 pixels. VeloPix uses a node-based data fabric for achieving throughput of 13.3 Mpackets/s from the column to the EoC. By combining Monte Carlo physics data with high-level simulations, it has been demonstrated that the architecture meets requirements of the VELO (260 Mpackets/s/cm^2 with efficiency of 99%).


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Introducción. El ataque cerebrovascular (ACV) ocupa el primer lugar en frecuencia entre todas las enfermedades neurológicas de la vida adulta, y el tercer lugar como causa más frecuente de muerte. Se aprobó para el manejo agudo, la terapia con activador del plasminógeno tisular recombinante (t-PA) en las primeras 4,5 horas después del inicio de los síntomas, demostrando mayor sobrevida y menos niveles de discapacidad. Sin embargo solo el 5-10% de pacientes reciben este manejo. Por estas razones es necesario conocer que factores se asocian con la no intervención terapéutica. Objetivo. Describir los factores asociados con la no trombolisis en pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular en un hospital de IV nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos. Estudio analítico de corte transversal, en un centro de cuarto nivel en Bogotá entre enero de 2009 y enero de 2011. Resultados. Se encontraron 178 pacientes en un promedio de edad de 65,9 años (DE± 10 años) con una relación hombre-mujer 1:1, la principal causa de no trombolisis fue la ventana mayor a 4.5 horas, 33,7% (n=60), 26,4% por cambios en imágenes diagnosticas, y 14% por puntajes leves o severos en las escala National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), historia quirúrgica 7.3% y laboratorios 4.5%. El tiempo promedio de atención fue 23 minutos (DE ± 21 min) para la activación del código de ACV, 39 minutos para valoración por neurología (DE ± 25 min), 46 minutos (DE ± 19,1 min) para toma de paraclínicos, 66 minutos para toma de imágenes y 97 minutos para trombolisis (DE ± 21min, DE ± 17 min, respectivamente). Se realizó trombolisis en 17 pacientes, 9,6%. No se encontró asociación significativa entre cultura de organización con trombolisis ni de tiempos de atención con trombolisis. Conclusiones. La principal razón de no trombolisis, fue la ventana mayor a 4.5 horas, no se encontró relación entre cultura de organización institucional con trombolisis. El tiempo promedio de trombolisis fue de 90 minutos. Deben instaurarse medidas para reducir el tiempo de llegada al hospital, y los tiempos de atención en urgencias. Deben realizarse nuevas evaluaciones del código ACV posterior a las estrategias de mejoría.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This dissertation investigates high performance cooperative localization in wireless environments based on multi-node time-of-arrival (TOA) and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimations in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios. Here, two categories of nodes are assumed: base nodes (BNs) and target nodes (TNs). BNs are equipped with antenna arrays and capable of estimating TOA (range) and DOA (angle). TNs are equipped with Omni-directional antennas and communicate with BNs to allow BNs to localize TNs; thus, the proposed localization is maintained by BNs and TNs cooperation. First, a LOS localization method is proposed, which is based on semi-distributed multi-node TOA-DOA fusion. The proposed technique is applicable to mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). We assume LOS is available between BNs and TNs. One BN is selected as the reference BN, and other nodes are localized in the coordinates of the reference BN. Each BN can localize TNs located in its coverage area independently. In addition, a TN might be localized by multiple BNs. High performance localization is attainable via multi-node TOA-DOA fusion. The complexity of the semi-distributed multi-node TOA-DOA fusion is low because the total computational load is distributed across all BNs. To evaluate the localization accuracy of the proposed method, we compare the proposed method with global positioning system (GPS) aided TOA (DOA) fusion, which are applicable to MANETs. The comparison criterion is the localization circular error probability (CEP). The results confirm that the proposed method is suitable for moderate scale MANETs, while GPS-aided TOA fusion is suitable for large scale MANETs. Usually, TOA and DOA of TNs are periodically estimated by BNs. Thus, Kalman filter (KF) is integrated with multi-node TOA-DOA fusion to further improve its performance. The integration of KF and multi-node TOA-DOA fusion is compared with extended-KF (EKF) when it is applied to multiple TOA-DOA estimations made by multiple BNs. The comparison depicts that it is stable (no divergence takes place) and its accuracy is slightly lower than that of the EKF, if the EKF converges. However, the EKF may diverge while the integration of KF and multi-node TOA-DOA fusion does not; thus, the reliability of the proposed method is higher. In addition, the computational complexity of the integration of KF and multi-node TOA-DOA fusion is much lower than that of EKF. In wireless environments, LOS might be obstructed. This degrades the localization reliability. Antenna arrays installed at each BN is incorporated to allow each BN to identify NLOS scenarios independently. Here, a single BN measures the phase difference across two antenna elements using a synchronized bi-receiver system, and maps it into wireless channel’s K-factor. The larger K is, the more likely the channel would be a LOS one. Next, the K-factor is incorporated to identify NLOS scenarios. The performance of this system is characterized in terms of probability of LOS and NLOS identification. The latency of the method is small. Finally, a multi-node NLOS identification and localization method is proposed to improve localization reliability. In this case, multiple BNs engage in the process of NLOS identification, shared reflectors determination and localization, and NLOS TN localization. In NLOS scenarios, when there are three or more shared reflectors, those reflectors are localized via DOA fusion, and then a TN is localized via TOA fusion based on the localization of shared reflectors.


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Range estimation is the core of many positioning systems such as radar, and Wireless Local Positioning Systems (WLPS). The estimation of range is achieved by estimating Time-of-Arrival (TOA). TOA represents the signal propagation delay between a transmitter and a receiver. Thus, error in TOA estimation causes degradation in range estimation performance. In wireless environments, noise, multipath, and limited bandwidth reduce TOA estimation performance. TOA estimation algorithms that are designed for wireless environments aim to improve the TOA estimation performance by mitigating the effect of closely spaced paths in practical (positive) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions. Limited bandwidth avoids the discrimination of closely spaced paths. This reduces TOA estimation performance. TOA estimation methods are evaluated as a function of SNR, bandwidth, and the number of reflections in multipath wireless environments, as well as their complexity. In this research, a TOA estimation technique based on Blind signal Separation (BSS) is proposed. This frequency domain method estimates TOA in wireless multipath environments for a given signal bandwidth. The structure of the proposed technique is presented and its complexity and performance are theoretically evaluated. It is depicted that the proposed method is not sensitive to SNR, number of reflections, and bandwidth. In general, as bandwidth increases, TOA estimation performance improves. However, spectrum is the most valuable resource in wireless systems and usually a large portion of spectrum to support high performance TOA estimation is not available. In addition, the radio frequency (RF) components of wideband systems suffer from high cost and complexity. Thus, a novel, multiband positioning structure is proposed. The proposed technique uses the available (non-contiguous) bands to support high performance TOA estimation. This system incorporates the capabilities of cognitive radio (CR) systems to sense the available spectrum (also called white spaces) and to incorporate white spaces for high-performance localization. First, contiguous bands that are divided into several non-equal, narrow sub-bands that possess the same SNR are concatenated to attain an accuracy corresponding to the equivalent full band. Two radio architectures are proposed and investigated: the signal is transmitted over available spectrum either simultaneously (parallel concatenation) or sequentially (serial concatenation). Low complexity radio designs that handle the concatenation process sequentially and in parallel are introduced. Different TOA estimation algorithms that are applicable to multiband scenarios are studied and their performance is theoretically evaluated and compared to simulations. Next, the results are extended to non-contiguous, non-equal sub-bands with the same SNR. These are more realistic assumptions in practical systems. The performance and complexity of the proposed technique is investigated as well. This study’s results show that selecting bandwidth, center frequency, and SNR levels for each sub-band can adapt positioning accuracy.


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Notes from Henrik de Nie: The project started as a phenological study in cooperation with the (Dutch) meteorological institute (KNMI) to register the time of arrival of Fitis and Tjiftaf. During 1951 to 1969 he went every day to the wood (except 1966, in this year his wife died). Thereafter he went no more daily, but because he knew the wood very well and he was free to choice the day on which he did a survey, therefore he choose days with relatively good weather. He did not observe very common bird species, maybe because they are dependent on nest boxes and he did not want to be dependent on the management of the nest box-people (in fact I forgot precisely his arguments, and now I cannot ask him this): Common Starling; Eurasian Tree Sparrow (not common); Great Tit; Eurasian Blue Tit Pieter mentioned 14 species that scored many zero values or only one observation: Stock Dove; Common Cuckoo; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker; Eurasian Golden Oriole; Eurasian Nuthatch; Short-toed Treecreeper; Common Nightingale; Marsh Warbler; Lesser Whitethroat; Goldcrest; Common Firecrest (after 1970 he had difficulties in hearing these two species); Spotted Flycatcher; Eurasian Bullfinch; Black Woodpecker He also mentioned species that he found much fewer as: European Greenfinch; European Pied Flycatcher; Long-eared Owl; Red Crossbill; Sedge Warbler; Icterine Warbler; Eurasian Woodcock; Eurasian Siskin; European Green Woodpecker; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Eurasian Hobby; Western Barn Owl; Woodlark; Common Wood Pigeon; Little Owl; European Crested Tit; Hawfinch. But for these species I think that observations are strongly dependent on the number of visits to the wood. Also here, many zeros and few 1 x during the whole series of visits.


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de algoritmos de guerra electrónica {electronic warfare, EW) y radar para su implementación en sistemas de tiempo real. La llegada de los sistemas de radio, radar y navegación al terreno militar llevó al desarrollo de tecnologías para combatirlos. Así, el objetivo de los sistemas de guerra electrónica es el control del espectro electomagnético. Una de la funciones de la guerra electrónica es la inteligencia de señales {signals intelligence, SIGINT), cuya labor es detectar, almacenar, analizar, clasificar y localizar la procedencia de todo tipo de señales presentes en el espectro. El subsistema de inteligencia de señales dedicado a las señales radar es la inteligencia electrónica {electronic intelligence, ELINT). Un sistema de tiempo real es aquel cuyo factor de mérito depende tanto del resultado proporcionado como del tiempo en que se da dicho resultado. Los sistemas radar y de guerra electrónica tienen que proporcionar información lo más rápido posible y de forma continua, por lo que pueden encuadrarse dentro de los sistemas de tiempo real. La introducción de restricciones de tiempo real implica un proceso de realimentación entre el diseño del algoritmo y su implementación en plataformas “hardware”. Las restricciones de tiempo real son dos: latencia y área de la implementación. En esta tesis, todos los algoritmos presentados se han implementado en plataformas del tipo field programmable gate array (FPGA), ya que presentan un buen compromiso entre velocidad, coste total, consumo y reconfigurabilidad. La primera parte de la tesis está centrada en el estudio de diferentes subsistemas de un equipo ELINT: detección de señales mediante un detector canalizado, extracción de los parámetros de pulsos radar, clasificación de modulaciones y localization pasiva. La transformada discreta de Fourier {discrete Fourier transform, DFT) es un detector y estimador de frecuencia quasi-óptimo para señales de banda estrecha en presencia de ruido blanco. El desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes para el cálculo de la DFT, conocidos como fast Fourier transform (FFT), han situado a la FFT como el algoritmo más utilizado para la detección de señales de banda estrecha con requisitos de tiempo real. Así, se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo de detección y análisis espectral para su implementación en tiempo real. Los parámetros más característicos de un pulso radar son su tiempo de llegada y anchura de pulso. Se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo capaz de extraer dichos parámetros. Este algoritmo se puede utilizar con varios propósitos: realizar un reconocimiento genérico del radar que transmite dicha señal, localizar la posición de dicho radar o bien puede utilizarse como la parte de preprocesado de un clasificador automático de modulaciones. La clasificación automática de modulaciones es extremadamente complicada en entornos no cooperativos. Un clasificador automático de modulaciones se divide en dos partes: preprocesado y el algoritmo de clasificación. Los algoritmos de clasificación basados en parámetros representativos calculan diferentes estadísticos de la señal de entrada y la clasifican procesando dichos estadísticos. Los algoritmos de localization pueden dividirse en dos tipos: triangulación y sistemas cuadráticos. En los algoritmos basados en triangulación, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de las rectas proporcionadas por la dirección de llegada de la señal. En cambio, en los sistemas cuadráticos, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de superficies con igual diferencia en el tiempo de llegada (time difference of arrival, TDOA) o diferencia en la frecuencia de llegada (frequency difference of arrival, FDOA). Aunque sólo se ha implementado la estimación del TDOA y FDOA mediante la diferencia de tiempos de llegada y diferencia de frecuencias, se presentan estudios exhaustivos sobre los diferentes algoritmos para la estimación del TDOA, FDOA y localización pasiva mediante TDOA-FDOA. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al diseño e implementación filtros discretos de respuesta finita (finite impulse response, FIR) para dos aplicaciones radar: phased array de banda ancha mediante filtros retardadores (true-time delay, TTD) y la mejora del alcance de un radar sin modificar el “hardware” existente para que la solución sea de bajo coste. La operación de un phased array de banda ancha mediante desfasadores no es factible ya que el retardo temporal no puede aproximarse mediante un desfase. La solución adoptada e implementada consiste en sustituir los desfasadores por filtros digitales con retardo programable. El máximo alcance de un radar depende de la relación señal a ruido promedio en el receptor. La relación señal a ruido depende a su vez de la energía de señal transmitida, potencia multiplicado por la anchura de pulso. Cualquier cambio hardware que se realice conlleva un alto coste. La solución que se propone es utilizar una técnica de compresión de pulsos, consistente en introducir una modulación interna a la señal, desacoplando alcance y resolución. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the study and development of electronic warfare (EW) and radar algorithms for real-time implementation. The arrival of radar, radio and navigation systems to the military sphere led to the development of technologies to fight them. Therefore, the objective of EW systems is the control of the electromagnetic spectrum. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is one of the EW functions, whose mission is to detect, collect, analyze, classify and locate all kind of electromagnetic emissions. Electronic intelligence (ELINT) is the SIGINT subsystem that is devoted to radar signals. A real-time system is the one whose correctness depends not only on the provided result but also on the time in which this result is obtained. Radar and EW systems must provide information as fast as possible on a continuous basis and they can be defined as real-time systems. The introduction of real-time constraints implies a feedback process between the design of the algorithms and their hardware implementation. Moreover, a real-time constraint consists of two parameters: Latency and area of the implementation. All the algorithms in this thesis have been implemented on field programmable gate array (FPGAs) platforms, presenting a trade-off among performance, cost, power consumption and reconfigurability. The first part of the thesis is related to the study of different key subsystems of an ELINT equipment: Signal detection with channelized receivers, pulse parameter extraction, modulation classification for radar signals and passive location algorithms. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a nearly optimal detector and frequency estimator for narrow-band signals buried in white noise. The introduction of fast algorithms to calculate the DFT, known as FFT, reduces the complexity and the processing time of the DFT computation. These properties have placed the FFT as one the most conventional methods for narrow-band signal detection for real-time applications. An algorithm for real-time spectral analysis for user-defined bandwidth, instantaneous dynamic range and resolution is presented. The most characteristic parameters of a pulsed signal are its time of arrival (TOA) and the pulse width (PW). The estimation of these basic parameters is a fundamental task in an ELINT equipment. A basic pulse parameter extractor (PPE) that is able to estimate all these parameters is designed and implemented. The PPE may be useful to perform a generic radar recognition process, perform an emitter location technique and can be used as the preprocessing part of an automatic modulation classifier (AMC). Modulation classification is a difficult task in a non-cooperative environment. An AMC consists of two parts: Signal preprocessing and the classification algorithm itself. Featurebased algorithms obtain different characteristics or features of the input signals. Once these features are extracted, the classification is carried out by processing these features. A feature based-AMC for pulsed radar signals with real-time requirements is studied, designed and implemented. Emitter passive location techniques can be divided into two classes: Triangulation systems, in which the emitter location is estimated with the intersection of the different lines of bearing created from the estimated directions of arrival, and quadratic position-fixing systems, in which the position is estimated through the intersection of iso-time difference of arrival (TDOA) or iso-frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) quadratic surfaces. Although TDOA and FDOA are only implemented with time of arrival and frequency differences, different algorithms for TDOA, FDOA and position estimation are studied and analyzed. The second part is dedicated to FIR filter design and implementation for two different radar applications: Wideband phased arrays with true-time delay (TTD) filters and the range improvement of an operative radar with no hardware changes to minimize costs. Wideband operation of phased arrays is unfeasible because time delays cannot be approximated by phase shifts. The presented solution is based on the substitution of the phase shifters by FIR discrete delay filters. The maximum range of a radar depends on the averaged signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver. Among other factors, the SNR depends on the transmitted signal energy that is power times pulse width. Any possible hardware change implies high costs. The proposed solution lies in the use of a signal processing technique known as pulse compression, which consists of introducing an internal modulation within the pulse width, decoupling range and resolution.


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El continuo crecimiento de la demanda del transporte aéreo, junto con los nuevos escenarios de intervención militar, están obligando a una optimización en el uso del espacio aéreo. De este modo, la UE y los EEUU (a través de SESAR y NextGen respectivamente) han asentado las bases para una nueva gestión del tráfico aéreo (ATM). Con ello, se pretende aumentar la capacidad de aeropuertos y rutas aéreas, otorgando mayor flexibilidad al uso del espacio aéreo sin comprometer la seguridad de los usuarios. Desde un punto de vista puramente técnico, la clave de este cambio de modelo está en el conocimiento de la posición de cada aeronave en cada instante. En este sentido, la tendencia en ATM es el uso de ADS-B como fuente principal de posicionamiento. Sin embargo, debido a que este sistema está basado en la difusión de la posición obtenida a través de GPS, es necesario un sistema de seguimiento independiente. Actualmente, la intención es migrar del radar secundario de vigilancia (SSR) a la multilateración de área extensa (WAM), con el fin de mejorar la integridad de la posición para aplicaciones en ruta. Aprovechando el rápido despliegue de ADS-B, se pretende reutilizar sus estaciones base para WAM. Cada estación base que recibe el mensaje ADS-B de la aeronave envía conjuntamente la medida del tiempo de llegada (TOA) de dicho mensaje al centro de tráfico aéreo. La posición de la aeronave se obtiene mediante multilateración, cuya técnica consiste en utilizar las medidas de TOA de un mismo mensaje ADS-B obtenidas en las distintas estaciones base. El objetivo es estimar la posición de cada aeronave con la mayor precisión posible. Para poder diseñar el sistema que permite alcanzar este objetivo, son dos los aspectos básicos a estudiar. Por una parte, la identificación y posterior caracterización de los errores (tanto sistemáticos como aleatorios) que afectan a la medida de TOA. Por otra parte, es necesario el estudio de los sistemas de seguimiento, basados en versiones sofisticadas del filtro de Kalman (IMM, UKF). Una vez establecidos estos dos pilares, la presente tesis doctoral propone un sistema que permite efectuar el seguimiento de las aeronaves, corrigiendo los efectos de las principales distorsiones que afectan a la medida de TOA: la refracción troposférica y el error de sincronismo. La mejora en la precisión de la localización ha sido evaluada mediante simulación de escenarios hipotéticos. ABSTRACT The ever-growing demand in the air transportation and the new military intervention scenarios, are generating a need to optimize the use of the airspace. This way, the EU and the USA (through SESAR and NextGen respectively) have set the ground to overhaul the current air traffic management. The intention is to enhance the capacity of airports and air routes, providing greater flexibility in the use of airspace without jeopardizing the security of the end-users. From a technical perspective, the key for this change lies in the knowledge of the aircraft position. The trend in Air Traffic Management (ATM) is to rely on ADS-B as the main source for aircraft positioning. However, this system is based on the aircraft’s self-declaration of its own (often GPS-based) navigation solution. It is therefore necessary to have an independent surveillance system. Nowadays, the intention is to gradually migrate from Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) towards Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) in order to enhance surveillance integrity for en-route applications. Given the fast deployment of ADS-B, the aim is to use its base stations for WAM. Each station sends the Time of Arrival (TOA) of the received ADS-B messages to the air traffic center (ATC). The aircraft position is obtained through multilateration, using the TOA of the same message measured by each station. The aim is to accurately estimate the position of each aircraft. Knowledge from two key areas has to be gathered prior to designing such a system. It is necessary to identify and then characterize the errors (both systematic and random) affecting the TOA measurements. The second element is the study of tracking systems based on sophisticated versions of the Kalman filtering (e.g. IMM, UKF). Based on this knowledge, the main contribution of this Ph.D. is an aircraft tracking system that corrects the effects of the main errors involved in the TOA measurement: tropospheric refraction and synchronization issues. Performance gains in positioning accuracy have been assessed by simulating hypothetical WAM scenarios.