982 resultados para testamento vital
Title varies slightly.
Registration of births, recording deaths by age, sex and cause, and calculating mortality levels and differentials are fundamental to evidence-based health policy, monitoring and evaluation. Yet few of the countries with the greatest need for these data have functioning systems to produce them despite legislation providing for the establishment and maintenance of vital registration. Sample vital registration (SVR), when applied in conjunction with validated verbal autopsy, procedures and implemented in a nationally representative sample of population clusters represents an affordable, cost-effective, and sustainable short- and medium-term solution to this problem. SVR complements other information sources by producing age-, sex-, and cause-specific mortality data that are more complete and continuous than those currently available. The tools and methods employed in an SVR system, however, are imperfect and require rigorous validation and continuous quality assurance; sampling strategies for SVR are also still evolving. Nonetheless, interest in establishing SVR is rapidly growing in Africa and Asia. Better systems for reporting and recording data on vital events will be sustainable only if developed hand-in-hand with existing health information strategies at the national and district levels; governance structures; and agendas for social research and development monitoring. If the global community wishes to have mortality measurements 5 or 10 years hence, the foundation stones of SVR must be laid today.
Esta tese, baseada na exegese, defende que as maldições do Salmo 137 devem ser interpretadas levando-se em conta o princípio da reciprocidade praticado na justiça do AT, o famoso "olho por olho, dente por dente". Apresenta auxílios para a interpretação das maldições nos salmos; analisa o estado atual da questão; verifica a coerência ou não da utilização do termo "Salmo Imprecatório"; trata da difícil questão do contexto histórico dos salmos e, ainda, destaca alguns pontos que dificultam a interpretação cristã deste tipo de literatura. Ela trata das questões do texto, da estrutura, do gênero literário, da autoria, e do contexto de vida e histórico do Salmo 137. Além disso, apresenta paralelos deste gênero no mundo bíblico e compara versões do Salmo 137 em português. Mostra que no AT a palavra era tratada como algo que possui poder intrinseco; verifica como, normalmente, era feito o uso das maldições no AT em geral, preparando o caminho para a verificação de seu uso específico no Salmo 137; faz uma rápida retrospectiva histórica mostrando a longa trajetória de desavenças de Israel/Judá com Edom e Babilônia, o que leva o salmista a sentir-se no direito de pedir que estas duas nações sejam destruídas e sofram; levanta, ainda, a possibilidade do Salmo 137 não ser o único do Saltério com maldições contra Edom e Babilônia, e destaca que nesta composição existe uma automaldição e duas maldições, uma contra Edom e outra contra Babilônia, todas elas levando em conta o princípio da reciprocidade na justiça do AT.(AU)
A educação em saúde é um tema que requer atenção de todos. O cenário atual da qualidade de saúde da população nos convida a refletir sobre mudanças que visem a construir um panorama mais saudável. Conhecer a trajetória que o alimento, o corpo e a saúde percorreram no decorrer da história nos remete a necessidade de compreender as representações socioeconômicas e culturais que estes conquistaram e como se tornaram mercadorias altamente vendáveis e que despertam o desejo na sociedade de consumidores. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as estratégias discursivas utilizadas nos textos publicados na seção nutrição da Revista Saúde é Vital, cuja temática seja nutrição e doenças cardiovasculares, no sentido de buscar entender como esse discurso construído pode contribuir com o processo de educação nutricional da população. Por meio da análise do discurso da missão, carta ao leitor, capas das revistas, índices de objetividade e subjetividade presentes nas matérias selecionadas constatou-se que as estratégias discursivas contribuem com o processo educativo. No entanto, para que a educação nutricional seja sólida faz-se necessário que o conhecimento não seja fragmentado. Educar não é informar. Educar é ensinar a pensar. Pensar não é ter as informações. Pensar é o que se faz com as informações.
This paper begins with the argument that within modern-day society, engineering has shifted from being the scientific and technical mainstay of industrial, and more recently digital change to become the most vital driver of future advancement. In order to meet the inevitable challenges resulting from this role, the nature of engineering education is constantly evolving and as such engineering education has to change. The paper argues that what is needed is a fresh approach to engineering education – one that is sufficiently flexible so as to capture the fast-changing needs of engineering education as a discipline, whilst being pedagogically suitable for use with a range of engineering epistemologies. It provides an overview of a case study in which a new approach to engineering education has been developed and evaluated. The approach, which is based on the concept of scholarship, is described in detail. This is followed by a discussion of how the approach has been put into practice and evaluated. The paper concludes by arguing that within today's market-driven university world, the need for effective learning and teaching practice, based in good scholarship, is fundamental to student success.
Book review: Frank Hendriks, Oxford University Press, 2010, 256 pp., £47 ($85.00) (hb), ISBN-13: 9780199572786
Mastering supply chains management lie at the heart of a successful B2B relationship
The paper will describe the Healthy Start program as a comprehensive sex education program and implications for preventing subsequent adolescent pregnancies.
This research examines how assasa-passisa and its surrounding concepts are discussed in Buddhaghossa's 5th century Theravada work, the Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) to determine if there is metaphysical use of the term in the text and to determine if the concept of assasa-passasa is similar to the better-known Indian concept of prana (metaphysical vital animating force), indicating whether Theravada Buddhism more closely resembles other Indian religions in terms of metaphysical content. Text analysis reveals how assasa-passasa is described in the Visuddhimagga as an animating vital force, suggesting that Theravada Buddhism has an implicit ontology similar to other Indian schools of philosophy. Secondarily, this paper argues that because assisa-passasa plays a similar role to prana in the Visuddhimagga, it is also operationally similar and could be functioning as the implicit intermediary between links in the chain of dependent co-arising-as the vehicle of paticcasamuppada.
This study described the future temporal perspective (FTP) changes across age. Future time perspective has been evaluated according to Nurmi’s model (1989), which was composed by three components: motivation, planning, and prospective evaluation. The participants were four groups of different ages: 130 adolescents (15-18 years old), 150 undergraduates (19-28 years old), 100 adults middle age (30-59 years old), and 74 elder people (60-88 years old). It has been used the Nurmi’s Goals and Fears Questionnaire, which evaluated each three component through temporal extension, knowledge, realization, planning, control, probability of fu-ture realization, and future affect dimensions. It has been analysed dimensions for goals and fears. The results indicated a U inverted shape in tem-poral distance, progressive increase of knowledge, realization and planning, and decrease of control. Also, the results indicated gender differences according to content of goals and fears.