1000 resultados para semana escolar
The main objectives and findings of this first research report are presented in thischapter. "The Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairsand Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary andsecondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. Thus, our survey does not intend to detect which is the impact of ICT on school activities but how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it. We are especially interested in identifying the teachers' pedagogical and professional uses of ICT, how students use it in their activities and to what extent it contributes in reinforcing teamwork andparticipation proceedings in the institutions, as well as the relations between the latter and their context. It is also of our interest to know the factors that exert the strongest influence on the way teachers, head teachers and students make use of ICT. Finally, we intend to identify the ways ICT may contribute to the improvement of educational practices.
xThe aim of this article is to present a contribution of the school knowledge research to Chemistry Teaching. The object of research is school knowledge on physical sciences, considering the existence of a rupture between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge. The differences between analogies and metaphors and the process of didactic mediation were thoroughly examined. The conclusion is that the process of didactic mediation is built on their own cognitive configurations, which not always make public the private scientific knowledge to certain social groups.
The article summarises a piece of research carried out in the Basque Country involving headmasters and headmistresses who are going to apply for a management position in the 2009-2010 academic year. This study aims to analyse the process to access management in state schools in this region. The results from the research indicate that, depending on the candidates, the suitable management acces procedure involves School Council selection, by process of elimination, depending on the Management Project presented and the academic merits accredited by the candidate to a lesser extent.
The aim of this article is to introduce one of the approaches of research that we consider may contribute to find useful knowledge for prevention of school failure. This approach is in some studies called the study of risk and resilience. The word resilience refers to the capacity of individuals to endure adverse events in their vital experience, without long-term negative or disrupting consequences in their development or socialisation. We present a review of studies that have been carried out with this approach. Then it will be exemplified with a research that intended to identify protective factors of the risk of school failure in at risk adolescents. By means of a qualitative case study approach, this research has allowed us to approach some personal, educational and social factors that seem to have a certain relevance as protective factors of the risk of school failure
En aquest article volem presentar les dades generals obtingudes en dues proves elaborades pel Departament d'Educació per a avaluar les aules d’acollida. Una prova de coneixement de català i una prova d’integració i adaptació escolar
Les revistes, els periòdics, els gravats i altres impresos que van sortir de les impremtes dels grups escolars del Patronat Escolar són el testimoni directe dels nens i les nenes que van viure una revolució pedagògica molt intensa en un període de temps molt reduït, ja que la guerra va estroncar el projecte educatiu. Concretament, analitzarem dues fonts documentals procedents del Grup Escolar Lluís Vives: d"una banda, el primer i únic número de la revista Vives, publicat el maig del 1936, i de l"altra, la carpeta de linogravats titulada Llibre de la natura. Ambdues publicacions permeten fer-nos una idea bastant ajustada de com era l"escola, quins eren els mètodes d"aprenentatge que se seguien i quins valors s"hi fomentaven. En definitiva, constitueixen un testimoni del dietari pedagògic de l"escola i ens permeten ratificar els idearis dels grups escolars del Patronat Escolar i de les escoles municipals de Barcelona durant la II República.
El análisis de los ritmos se realiza desde el contexto de dos disciplinas interrelacionadas: la cronopsicología, que se ocupa de estudiar los ritmos de comportamiento por ellos mismos (Fraisse, 1980) y la cronobiología, que estudia las oscilaciones rítmicas de los parámetros biológicos (Halberg, 1979). El objetivo de las investigaciones cronopsicológicas consiste básicamente en analizar la variabilidad temporal que presentan distintas variables comportamentales, como la memoria, la atención o el rendimiento escolar, entre otros. Desde una perspectiva cronobiológica, en cambio, el interés se centra en el estudio de distintos aspectos biológicos, como el ritmo sueño-vigilia, la temperatura corporal, los ritmos nutricionales, el ritmo cardíaco, etc
Article que reflexiona sobre la importància del pati escolar, i com aquests poden contribuir a l’educació ambiental dels infants
Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el currículo y el aprendizaje escolar en el marco de la nueva ecología del aprendizaje, propia de la sociedad de la información. Se presentan, en primer lugar, sus rasgos principales. Contrasta fuertemente con la de creación de los sistemas educativos actuales, que se sustenta en el modelo de escolarización universal. En la segunda parte, se platean los retos y desafíos de la educaciónescolar y los procesos de revisión curricular para afrontarlos y superarlos.
Sobre la precària situació de les direccions escolars a Espanya i la necessitat de crear un model de direcció que respongui als reptes que haurien d'assumir els centres educatius immersos en una societat globalitzada i dinàmica
En totes les investigacions sobre I'evolució ontogeneticadel nen es parteix d'una serie de pressuposits que,plantejats d'una manera explícita o no, determinen el seuenfoc i les seves conclusions teoriques. La relació existententre desenvolupament i aprenentatge n'es un dels mesimportants. Aquesta relació pot considerar-se com a unidireccional(a/ el desenvolupament es una condició previaa I'aprenentatge o b/ I'aprenentatge és desenvolupament)o be com a mútua i interdependent
Este trabajo pretende, en primer lugar, ilustrar empíricamente las características de las nuevas ecologías de aprendizaje de los estudiantes mediante el análisis pormenorizado de cuatro alumnos de cuarto de la ESO durante una semana de sus vidas. En segundo lugar, analizar los perfiles personales de dichos alumnos desde el análisis de su identidad aprendiz; cómo integran su yo de estudiante en su vida cotidiana y qué posturas sostienen en relación a la escuela y al papel que juega tanto en su vida presente como en su proyecto de vida futura
La sisena hora incideix plenament en l’horari escolar. Les combinacions i les solucions que es podien adoptar eren múltiples. A l’article, s'hi fa una radiografia de la situació actual, alhora que s'hi convida a iniciar una reflexió entorn de les possibilitats i les condicions necessàries per dur a terme canvis que afectin els aspectes estructurals bàsics del sistema
The present paper discusses the influence of TV and general media on students scientific ideas and the teacher's perception of this influence on students during class time. 17 high-school chemistry teachers with teaching degree, working in state schools, were interviewed. The interviews showed that both, teachers and students, have a positive opinion of science and the scientist. According to their teachers, students' positive view of science is greatly influenced by TV. The developed study shows how important epistemology is in teachers' college formation to offer them a critical perception of science treated in general media.
Sport is a fundamental content in the teaching and learning of Physical Education independently of whether it is seen assuch by some authors. In whichever case according to the treatment that we give it, it will have sufficient educationalpotential without forgetting that it is the student who is the important figure in the process. To achieve the objectives wemust facilitate practices that are in agreement with the indispensable ethical principles to try to bring about a meaningfuland functional learning. The methodological criteria that we present in this article have this intention helped by examplesthat make it easier to understand the teaching learning process