860 resultados para relational pedagogies
Loyalty in Licensing Agreements The purpose of the dissertation is to analyse the impact of the principle of loyalty on licensing agreements from the viewpoint of Finnish law using the traditional legal method (Rechtsdogmatik) combined with empirical data in the form of licensing agreements. The need for good licensing agreements is crucial. One should avoid mechanical and stereotyped agreements in favour of more conscious and goal-oriented ones. When the parties' will and goals have been made clear, the drafting technique should be chosen accordingly. The importance of the principle of loyalty in the interpretation of licensing agreements varies according to their degree of relationality. This is a concept originating in the relational contract theory, more precisely Ian Macneil's spectrum of contracts, where contracts can be placed on an axis according to their degree of relationality. In the dissertation different factors are used to conclude whether the licensing agreement at hand is to be placed on the axis closer to the transactional pole or closer to the relational pole. A conclusion of the dissertation is that few licensing agreements can be placed so close to the transactional pole, that the principle of loyalty lacks importance altogether. The impact of the principle of loyalty the main focus of which is on fostering the contracting parties to behave in accordance with best practices, not for example on altering contract terms is analysed in different situations where the parties' interests typically collide. These situations are discussed from the point of view of three patent and knowhow licensing agreements that differ as to their degree of relationality. A balance needs to be struck between freedom of contract and relational needs. Especially when interpreting more modern licensing agreements, one should not focus on the written document alone, as is often recommended in the literature on Nordic intellectual property law. Neither is the principle of caveat emptor a proper starting point. Moreover, where the parties are of equal bargaining power, one should not assume that the grants in licensing agreements are to be interpreted narrowly. Focus in the interpretation should instead be on the entirety of the circumstances.
The new paradigm of connectedness and empowerment brought by the interactivity feature of the Web 2.0 has been challenging the traditional centralized performance of mainstream media. The corporation has been able to survive the strong winds by transforming itself into a global multimedia business network embedded in the network society. By establishing networks, e.g. networks of production and distribution, the global multimedia business network has been able to sight potential solutions by opening the doors to innovation in a decentralized and flexible manner. Under this emerging context of re-organization, traditional practices like sourcing need to be re- explained and that is precisely what this thesis attempts to tackle. Based on ICT and on the network society, the study seeks to explain within the Finnish context the particular case of Helsingin Sanomat (HS) and its relations with the youth news agency, Youth Voice Editorial Board (NÄT). In that sense, the study can be regarded as an explanatory embedded single case study, where HS is the principal unit of analysis and NÄT its embedded unit of analysis. The thesis was able to reach explanations through interrelated steps. First, it determined the role of ICT in HS’s sourcing practices. Then it mapped an overview of the HS’s sourcing relations and provided a context in which NÄT was located. And finally, it established conceptualized institutional relational data between HS and NÄT for their posterior measurement through social network analysis. The data set was collected via qualitative interviews addressed to online and offline editors of HS as well as interviews addressed to NÄT’s personnel. The study concluded that ICT’s interactivity and User Generated Content (UGC) are not sourcing tools as such but mechanism used by HS for getting ideas that could turn into potential news stories. However, when it comes to visual communication, some exemptions were found. The lack of official sources amidst the immediacy leads HS to rely on ICT’s interaction and UGC. More than meets the eye, ICT’s input into the sourcing practice may be more noticeable if the interaction and UGC is well organized and coordinated into proper and innovative networks of alternative content collaboration. Currently, HS performs this sourcing practice via two projects that differ, precisely, by the mode they are coordinated. The first project found, Omakaupunki, is coordinated internally by Sanoma Group’s owned media houses HS, Vartti and Metro. The second project found is coordinated externally. The external alternative sourcing network, as it was labeled, consists of three actors, namely HS, NÄT (professionals in charge) and the youth. This network is a balanced and complete triad in which the actors connect themselves in relations of feedback, recognition, creativity and filtering. However, as innovation is approached very reluctantly, this content collaboration is a laboratory of experiments; a ‘COLLABORATORY’.
Entrepreneurship, understood as the autonomous, effective pursuit of opportunities regardless of resources, is currently subject to a multitude of interests, expectations, and facilitation efforts. On the one hand, such entrepreneurial agency has broad appeal to individuals in Western market democracies and resonates with their longing for an autonomous, personally tailored, meaningful, and materially rewarding way of life. On the other hand, entrepreneurship represents a tempting and increasingly popular means of governance and policy making, and thus a model for the re-organization of a variety of societal sectors. This study focuses on the diffusion and reception of entrepreneurship discourse in the context of farming and agriculture, where pressures to adopt entrepreneurial orientations have been increasingly pronounced while, on the other hand, the context of farming has historically enjoyed state protection and adhered to principles that seem at odds with aspects of individualistic entrepreneurship discourse . The study presents an interpretation of the psychologically and politically appealing uses of the notion of entrepreneurial agency , reviews the historical and political background of the current situation of farming and agriculture with regard to entrepreneurship, and examines their relationships in four empirical studies. The study follows and develops a social psychological, situated relational approach that guides the qualitative analyses and interpretations of the empirical studies. Interviews with agents from the farm sector aim to stimulate evaluative responses and comments on the idea of entrepreneurship on farms. Analysis of the interview talk, in turn, detects the variety of evaluative responses and argumentative contexts with which the interviewees relate themselves to the entrepreneurship discourse and adopt, use, resist, or reject it. The study shows that despite the pressures towards entrepreneurialism, the diffusion of entrepreneurship discourse and the construction of entrepreneurial agency in farm context encounter many obstacles. These obstacles can be variably related to aspects dealing with the individual agent, the action situation, the characteristics of the action itself, or to the broader social, institutional and cultural context. Many aspects of entrepreneurial agency, such as autonomy, personal initiative and achievement orientation, are nevertheless familiar to farmers and are eagerly related to one s own farming activities. The idea of entrepreneurship is thus rarely rejected outright. The findings highlight the relational and situational preconditions for the construction of entrepreneurial agency in the farm context: When agents demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they do so by drawing on available and accessed relational resources characteristic of their action context. Likewise, when agents fail or are reluctant to demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they nevertheless actively account for their situation and demonstrate personal agency by drawing on the relational resources available to them.
A "plan diagram" is a pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of a database query optimizer over the relational selectivity space. We have shown recently that, for industrial-strength database engines, these diagrams are often remarkably complex and dense, with a large number of plans covering the space. However, they can often be reduced to much simpler pictures, featuring significantly fewer plans, without materially affecting the query processing quality. Plan reduction has useful implications for the design and usage of query optimizers, including quantifying redundancy in the plan search space, enhancing useability of parametric query optimization, identifying error-resistant and least-expected-cost plans, and minimizing the overheads of multi-plan approaches. We investigate here the plan reduction issue from theoretical, statistical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that optimal plan reduction, w.r.t. minimizing the number of plans, is an NP-hard problem in general, and remains so even for a storage-constrained variant. We then present a greedy reduction algorithm with tight and optimal performance guarantees, whose complexity scales linearly with the number of plans in the diagram for a given resolution. Next, we devise fast estimators for locating the best tradeoff between the reduction in plan cardinality and the impact on query processing quality. Finally, extensive experimentation with a suite of multi-dimensional TPCH-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers demonstrates that complex plan diagrams easily reduce to "anorexic" (small absolute number of plans) levels incurring only marginal increases in the estimated query processing costs.
When hosting XML information on relational backends, a mapping has to be established between the schemas of the information source and the target storage repositories. A rich body of recent literature exists for mapping isolated components of XML Schema to their relational counterparts, especially with regard to table configurations. In this paper, we present the Elixir system for designing industrial-strength mappings for real-world applications. Specifically, it produces an information-preserving holistic mapping that transforms the complete XML world-view (XML schema with constraints, XML documents XQuery queries including triggers and views) into a full-scale relational mapping (table definitions, integrity constraints, indices, triggers and views) that is tuned to the application workload. A key design feature of Elixir is that it performs all its mapping-related optimizations in the XML source space, rather than in the relational target space. Further, unlike the XML mapping tools of commercial database systems, which rely heavily on user inputs, Elixir takes a principled cost-based approach to automatically find an efficient relational mapping. A prototype of Elixir is operational and we quantitatively demonstrate its functionality and efficacy on a variety of real-life XML schemas.
Most of the biological processes are governed through specific protein-ligand interactions. Discerning different components that contribute toward a favorable protein-ligand interaction could contribute significantly toward better understanding protein function, rationalizing drug design and obtaining design principles for protein engineering. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) currently hosts the structure of similar to 68 000 protein-ligand complexes. Although several databases exist that classify proteins according to sequence and structure, a mere handful of them annotate and classify protein-ligand interactions and provide information on different attributes of molecular recognition. In this study, an exhaustive comparison of all the biologically relevant ligand-binding sites (84 846 sites) has been conducted using PocketMatch: a rapid, parallel, in-house algorithm. PocketMatch quantifies the similarity between binding sites based on structural descriptors and residue attributes. A similarity network was constructed using binding sites whose PocketMatch scores exceeded a high similarity threshold (0.80). The binding site similarity network was clustered into discrete sets of similar sites using the Markov clustering (MCL) algorithm. Furthermore, various computational tools have been used to study different attributes of interactions within the individual clusters. The attributes can be roughly divided into (i) binding site characteristics including pocket shape, nature of residues and interaction profiles with different kinds of atomic probes, (ii) atomic contacts consisting of various types of polar, hydrophobic and aromatic contacts along with binding site water molecules that could play crucial roles in protein-ligand interactions and (iii) binding energetics involved in interactions derived from scoring functions developed for docking. For each ligand-binding site in each protein in the PDB, site similarity information, clusters they belong to and description of site attributes are provided as a relational database-protein-ligand interaction clusters (PLIC).
Resumen: El autor se propone recordar el sentido verdadero de la doctrina de los actos intrínsecamente malos y el marco conceptual desde el que es interpretada. Para precisar el lugar fundamental de la perspectiva desde la cual se reflexiona acerca del acto moral considera las implicancias de la así llamada “perspectiva de la tercera persona” y del proporcionalismo, que asumen un punto de vista exterior al acto mismo, y la reafirmación que VS hace de dicha doctrina, en la perspectiva más propia para la apreciación de los actos humanos desde el punto de vista moral: la perspectiva de la persona que actúa, denominada “perspectiva de la primera persona”, que pone de relieve el carácter intencional de las acciones humanas. En ese marco, se presenta al objeto moral en referencia al orden de la razón o al bien global de la persona humana y, en él, la aprehensión que hace la razón práctica de la “ordenabilidad” de los actos humanos al bien y al fin último que es Dios, la intencionalidad y autorreferencialidad propia de los actos del libre obrar humano, y el concepto personalista y relacional de acto intrínsecamente malo.
Resumen: El presente artículo aborda el tema del estatuto de la persona humana desde distintas concepciones: 1) la concepción política del constructivismo contractualista de Rawls; 2) la concepción relacional de la hermenéutica de Kauffmann; 3) la concepción ontológica del iusnaturalismo clásico de Hervada. Una vez analizadas las distintas concepciones aborda cómo se aplica al caso del embrión humano y cuáles son las consecuencias éticas y jurídicas de cada una de estas posiciones.
Abstract: The paper examines the relationship between Creating Capabilities and political liberalism. Originally founded on the basis of Aristotelian philosophy, the theory of ‘capabilities’ developed by Nussbaum turns to political liberalism in the mid 90’s. Throughout the article, the principles of both perspectives are depicted and contrasted, focusing on the capacity of affiliation, the concept of common good and the idea of freedom. Severine Deneulin argues that the current reality calls for the capabilities approach to be more rooted in a relational anthropology which the Aristotelian ethical tradition is more akin to. This line can be found in Nussbaum’s first approach to the theory of capabilities, where affiliation as an architectonic capability leads to the common good being the end of political action, and practical reason as an architectonic capability leads to reasoning ordered towards the achievement of the common good, to the detriment of individualism.
Resumen: Este trabajo examina con atento discernimiento los términos “calidad de vida” y “promoción de la salud” que identifican uno de los principales objetivos de las sociedades contemporáneas. En el mismo se cita la encíclica Evangelium vitae que dice “La llamada ‘calidad de vida’ se interpreta principal o exclusivamente como eficiencia económica, consumismo desordenado, belleza y goce de la vida física, olvidando las dimensiones más profundas -relacionales, espirituales y religiosas- de la existencia” (n. 23). Todas las dimensiones de la persona -la corpórea, la psicológica, la espiritual y la moral- han de promoverse en armonía. Esto supone la presencia de condiciones sociales y ambientales aptas para favorecer ese desarrollo armonioso. En la actualidad la expresión “calidad de vida” no está fundada en una antropología filosófica y teológica, favoreciendo una noción restrictiva y selectiva. En referencia al concepto de salud también ha sufrido una desviación análoga. Se debe proteger y cuidar la salud como equilibrio físico, psíquico y espiritual del ser humano. Se analiza, asimismo, el concepto de “bien común” en relación a la sociedad, la democracia y el trabajo de la política en la construcción del mismo. En el texto se discute sobre la priorización de intervenciones de salud y se presentan posibles respuestas. Se muestran criterios de decisión al momento de distribuir recursos entre las distintas necesidades de salud, buscando definir principios éticos relevantes para una priorización de intervenciones.
Resumen: Desde el marco epistemológico de la interdisciplinariedad entre literatura, estética y teología el artículo propone pensar la estética teológica en una circularidad relacional, desde la clave mística de la nupcialidad como la morada actual de la expectación del Tú. Para demostrar esta hipótesis el artículo se divide en dos partes: en la primera, desarrolla los fundamentos teóricos de la nupcialidad como centro del dinamismo de una estética teológica situada en el contexto posmoderno de la expectación del otro; en la segunda, se muestra la aplicabilidad poética de la figura canónica del centro desde las figuras derivadas de expectación, morada y nupcialidad.
Resumen: La prolongación de la edad y el aumento de la expectativa de vida han hecho surgir nuevas necesidades de atención para las personas ancianas y ello ha inducido a la ampliación de las prestaciones de servicios a domicilio. En este sentido, el trabajo de estos profesionales de intervención a domicilio, así como sus misiones, están en plena mutación. Es un sector con dificultades, debido a la dificultad de reclutar un personal especializado y al absentismo inquietante. Después de un análisis sobre el estado de este sector de la profesión en el que se establece la diferencia entre el enfoque físico y el psicológico sobre la salud, nuestra reflexión se centra en los riesgos psicosociales de esta población de profesionales. Se presentan los resultados preliminares de la investigación realizada con una muestra de 38 personas que ejercían laboralmente en este sector. Emerge la expresión de un sufrimiento emocional, en la que el aislamiento de los participantes es uno de los factores que caracterizan los oficios identificados con una fuerte dimensión relacional con personas vulnerables. La dimensión asistencial del trabajo se presenta como fuente de satisfacción del oficio pero, a su vez, puede conducir a una dificultad de gestionar acontecimientos no previstos
Resumen: En el presente trabajo se analizan los cambios en la forma de medición del apego de la infancia a la niñez. Se describen las historias lúdicas de apego, utilizadas como instrumentos para clasificar las representaciones de apego de niños desde los cuatro años. Se propone la incorporación de esta herramienta de investigación en el trabajo clínico: en la evaluación clínica para aprehender patrones relacionales y en la psicoterapia como herramienta para potenciar la capacidad de los padres de reflexionar sobre el mundo mental del hijo. Para ilustrar la manera en que las narrativas lúdicas permiten evocar las representaciones de apego en un niño se presentan y analizan viñetas de La Tarea de Historias de Apego para Niños (J. Green, C. Stanley, V. Smith & R. Goldwyn, 2000) completadas en el marco de una investigación clínica (I. Di Bartolo, 2009).
Los problemas bioéticos que surgen en relación con los temas de la tutela de la vida y de los trasplantes tendrán respuestas diversas, a veces incluso contrarias, según sea el fundamento filosófico del que se parta. Se analiza así, en primer lugar, la filosofía subyacente en los principios de la Bioética anglosajona. A continuación se examina la corriente bioética que aparece como opuesta al “Principismo anglosajón” y se ofrece como una alternativa desde la Europa continental, a saber, el “Personalismo”, analizando las corrientes filosófico-antropológicas que le sirven de fundamento a las diversas formas de personalismo. Finalmente, en una evaluación críticofilosófica se concluye que ni el personalismo relacional, ni el personalismo hermenéutico, ni el personalismo “a secas” son la respuesta bioética adecuada para sostener la cultura de la vida. Solamente el Personalismo ontológicamente fundado puede dar una respuesta a las cuestiones bioéticas más comprometidas, como las que se refieren a la vida o a la muerte de personas cualquiera sea su madurez, su capacidad operativa y relacional.
[ES] El presente trabajo de investigación trata de arrojar luz sobre las relaciones entre las variables Satisfacción, Compromiso, Confianza y Futuras Intenciones de compra. Con este fin, se propone un Modelo de Gestión de las Relaciones con Clientes de Servicios en el que se observa que la variable más importante en la consecución de resultados positivos en lo que respecta a intenciones de asistencia futura de los consumidores es el Compromiso.