962 resultados para pure bundling


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A stickiness testing device based on the probe tack test has been designed and tested. It was used to perform in situ characterization of drying hemispherical drops with an initial radius 3.5 mm. Tests were carried out in two drying temperatures, 63 and 95 degreesC. Moisture and temperature histories of the drying drops of fructose, honey, sucrose, maltodextrin and sucrose-maltodextrin mixtures were determined. The rates of moisture evaporation of the fructose solution was the fastest while those of the maltodextrin solution was the lowest. A profile reversal was observed when the temperature profiles of these materials were compared. Different modes of failure were observed during the stickiness tests. Pure fructose and honey solutions remained completely sticky and failed cohesively until the end of drying. Pure sucrose solution remained sticky and failed cohesively until complete crystallization occurred. The surface of the maltodextrin drops formed a skin shortly after the start of drying. It exhibited adhesive failure and reached a state of non-adhesion. Addition of maltodextrin significantly altered the stickiness of sucrose solution. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A probe tack test has been used for the in situ characterization of the surface stickiness of hemispherical drops with an initial radius of 3.5 mm while drying. Surface stickiness of drops of fructose and maltodextrin solutions dried at 63degreesC and 95degreesC was determined. The effect of addition of maltodextrin on fructose solution-was studied with fructose/maltodextrin solid mass ratios of 4: 1, 1: 1, and 1:4. Pure fructose solutions remained completely sticky and failed cohesively even when their moisture approached zero. Shortly after the start of drying, the surface of the maltodextrin drops formed a skin, which rapidly grew in thickness. Subsequently the drop surface became completely nonsticky probably due to transformation of outer layers into a glassy material. Addition of malto,dextrin significantly altered the surface stickiness of drops of fructose solutions, demonstrating its use as an effective drying aid.


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We consider pure continuous variable entanglement with non-equal correlations between orthogonal quadratures. We introduce a simple protocol which equates these correlations and in the process transforms the entanglement onto a state with the minimum allowed number of photons. As an example we show that our protocol transforms, through unitary local operations, a single squeezed beam split on a beam splitter into the same entanglement that is produced when two squeezed beams are mixed orthogonally. We demonstrate that this technique can in principle facilitate perfect teleportation utilizing only one squeezed beam.


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Until recently, glycosylation of proteins in prokaryotes was regarded as uncommon and thought to be limited to special cases such as S-layer proteins and some archeal outer membrane proteins. Now, there are an increasing number of reports of bacterial proteins that are glycosylated. Pilin of pathogenic Neisseria is one of the best characterised post-translation ally modified bacterial proteins, with four different types of modifications reported, including a novel glycosylation. Pilin monomers assemble to form pilus fibres, which are long protein filaments that protrude from the surface of bacterial cells and are key virulence factors. To aid in the investigation of these modifications, pure pilin is required. A number of pilin purification methods have been published, but none are appropriate for the routine purification of pilin from many different isolates. This study describes a novel, rapid, and simple method of pilin purification from Neisseria meningitidis C311#3, which facilitates the production of consistent quantities of pure, native pilin. A 6 x histidine tag was fused to the C-terminus of the pilin subunit structural gene, pilE, via homologous recombination placing the 6 x histidine-tagged allele in the chromosome of N. meningitidis C311#3. Pilin was purified under non-denaturing conditions via a two-step process using immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), followed by dye affinity chromatography. Analysis of the purified pilin confirmed that it retained both of the post-translational modifications examined. This novel approach may prove to be a generally applicable method for purification and analysis of post-translationally modified proteins in bacteria. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Regiospecific bromination of 2,4,4-trimethyl-cyclohex-2-enone was achieved and the X-ray crystal structure of 6-bromo-2,4,4-trimethyl-cyclohex-2-enone is presented.


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The aim of this study was to investigate current audiological outcomes of Cherbourg schoolchildren and compare these outcomes to those obtained in a 1972 study of hearing health in the same community. Seventy-eight primary school children of Cherbourg State School participated in the study. Their peripheral hearing and middle ear function were tested using pure-tone air conduction audiometry and tympanometry respectively. A significant improvement in the hearing status of this population was noted compared to that reported in 1972. The improvements in the hearing status of Indigenous schoolchildren at Cherbourg can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of both ear health and general health, as well as the introduction of hearing health care services, over the past three decades.


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Trabalho apresentado no I Simpósio Mineiro de Ciências dos Materiais, Ouro Preto, Novembro de 2001.


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Atualmente, tem-se difundido a aplicação de inoculante no sulco de semeadura na cultura da soja, mas há poucas informações que dão suporte a essa prática e comprovam sua eficiência em diferentes ambientes manejados sob plantio direto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação de inoculantes na cultura da soja, via semente e sulco de semeadura, em solo já cultivado ou não com soja. Foram realizados dois experimentos em campo a partir de dezembro de 2004 em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, seguindo o mesmo método e tratamentos, porém em dois locais distintos, com ou sem cultivo anterior de soja. Foram testados oito tratamentos: (1) inoculação via semente (inoculante + fungicida + micronutriente); (2) sem inoculação (fungicida + micronutriente); (3) testemunha (semente pura, sem tratamento); (4) aplicação no sulco-dose 1 (dose do inoculante recomendada no sulco); (5) aplicação no sulco-dose 2 (duas vezes a dose recomendada no sulco); (6) aplicação no sulco-dose 3 (três vezes a dose recomendada no sulco); (7) sulco-dose 1 + inoculação via semente; e (8) adubação com N (200 kg ha-1 N). Foram avaliados massa de matéria seca de nódulos e número de nódulos totais e nódulos viáveis e não-viáveis aos 30 e 75 dias após emergência. A melhor nodulação foi obtida com aplicação de inoculante + fungicida + micronutriente via semente no solo ainda não cultivado. No solo previamente cultivado com soja, destacaram-se os tratamentos uma e duas vezes a dose do inoculante no sulco. Menores valores de massa seca de nódulos na soja foram obtidos no tratamento com adubação mineral. A aplicação via sulco do inoculante mostrou-se uma prática viável, em razão da semelhança dos resultados obtidos com a aplicação tradicional via semente.


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For modern consumer cameras often approximate calibration data is available, making applications such as 3D reconstruction or photo registration easier as compared to the pure uncalibrated setting. In this paper we address the setting with calibrateduncalibrated image pairs: for one image intrinsic parameters are assumed to be known, whereas the second view has unknown distortion and calibration parameters. This situation arises e.g. when one would like to register archive imagery to recently taken photos. A commonly adopted strategy for determining epipolar geometry is based on feature matching and minimal solvers inside a RANSAC framework. However, only very few existing solutions apply to the calibrated-uncalibrated setting. We propose a simple and numerically stable two-step scheme to first estimate radial distortion parameters and subsequently the focal length using novel solvers. We demonstrate the performance on synthetic and real datasets.


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The energy harvesting efficiency of electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride), its copolymer vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene and composites of the later with piezoelectric BaTiOon interdigitated electrodes has been investigated. Further, a study of the influence of the electrospinning processing parameters on the size and distribution of the composites fibers has been performed. It is found that the best energy harvesting performance is obtained for the pure poly(vinylidene fluoride) fibers, with power outputs up to 0.03 W and 25 W under low and high mechanical deformation. The copolymer and the composites show reduced power output due to increased mechanical stiffness. The obtained values, among the largest found in the literature, the easy processing and the low cost and robustness of the polymer, demonstrate the applicability of the developed system.


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From silence to action: silence taken as a foundational action that allows creative processes. It is a blankness that precedes the moment of creation but also stands for a search for perfection, the un-representable, the Sublime. The ‘art moment’ is that what is created from such emptiness, in the vertiginous abyss from nowhere to action. We will work this complex process of understanding if an action precedes the silence or if the silence precedes the action. Analyzing art process, considering its phases, from the tension between either to create or not to create will be related with the potency refereed by Agamben regarding Bartleby: starting with blankness, with the invisibility of potency, when communication is urgent. When “the blues” are called into participation, when the melancholic state installs the potency of the work both to grow or be doubted, of to do or not to do, how do we read agency? Is silence the action? Should the action rest in silence? What to do? Remain in the state of pure potency or prove the impossibility to create form? Nowadays, the pensive image counters the logic of the narrative action. On the one hand, the image extends the action on the other hand suspends any given presumption. The artistic process carries on, in its poetic freedom, a search without the enslavement of representational forms.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun membranes have been prepared with different NaY zeolite contents up to 32%wt. Inclusion of zeolites induces an increase of average fiber size from ~200 nm in the pure polymer up to ~500 nm in the composite with 16%wt zeolite content. For higher filler contents, a wider distribution of fibers occurs leading to a broader size distributions between the previous fiber size values. Hydrophobicity of the membranes increases from ~115º water contact angle to ~128º with the addition of the filler and is independent on filler content, indicating a wrapping of the zeolite by the polymer. The water contact angle further increases with fiber alignment up to ~137º. Electrospun membranes are formed with ~80 % of the polymer crystalline phase in the electroactive  phase, independently on the electrospinning processing conditions or filler content. Viability of MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite membranes after 72 h of cell culture indicates the suitability of the membranes for tissue engineering applications.


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A negligência é punível e não pode deixar de ser punível. É urgente a investigação, é urgente a acusação e o julgamento escorreito desse conjunto de energúmenos que, por puro dolo, ou puro atrofiamento mental, foram capazes de tais acções ou omissões. Caso não haja qualquer outra hipótese em termos legais internacionais, deverá ser criado – se for necessário, adequado e proporcional - um Tribunal had hoc internacional que julgue com especificidade este caso concreto. Basta de impunidade perante situações injustas como esta, onde tudo acaba por terminar no esquecimento. Abstract: Negligence is punishable and can only be punishable. There is an urgent investigation, it is urgent to prosecution and the trial this group of lunatics who, by pure malice, or pure mental atrophy, were capable of such acts or omissions. If there is no other choice in international law, should be created - if necessary, appropriate and proportionate - a Court had international hoc judges with this specific case. No more impunity unjust situations like this, where everything turns out to finish the wayside.


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Although postal questionnaires, personal interviewing, and telephone interviewing are the main methods of survey-based research, there is an increasing use of e-mail as a data collection medium. However, little, if any, published Western research in general and that of Turkish in particular have investigated e-mail survey technique from pure survey research perspective. Attempting to develop a framework to assess e-mail as a data collection mean, the purpose of this study is to explore e-mail-based questionnaire technique from complementary angles. To this goal, sample representativeness, data quality, response rates, and advantages and disadvantages of e-mail surveying are discussed.


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Sticky information monetary models have been used in the macroeconomic literature to explain some of the observed features regarding inflation dynamics. In this paper, we explore the consequences of relaxing the rational expectations assumption usually taken in this type of model; in particular, by considering expectations formed through adaptive learning, it is possible to arrive to results other than the trivial convergence to a fixed point long-term equilibrium. The results involve the possibility of endogenous cyclical motion (periodic and a-periodic), which emerges essentially in scenarios of hyperinflation. In low inflation settings, the introduction of learning implies a less severe impact of monetary shocks that, nevertheless, tend to last for additional time periods relative to the pure perfect foresight setup.