997 resultados para publishers
Repàs de la trajectòria professional com a editor, començant com a editor de caire socialista i acabant col·laborant amb la dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Es fa especial menció al seu paper com a editor de Josep Pla i a la seva editorial, Ediciones Alfa
Entre l'abril de 2007 i l'abril del 2011 vaig gaudir d'un ajut FI al Departament de Traducció i Ciencies del Llenguatge de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Gràcies a aquest ajut i en el marc del programa de doctorat en Comunicació Multilingüe vaig poder dur a terme un projecte de recerca sobre la recepció de la narrativa catalana traduïda a l'alemany des de 1975 fins a l’actualitat. El primer resultat d'aquest projecte és el nou treball de recerca, llegit el novembre de 2010, en el qual intento fer un balanç de les obres de narrativa d'autors catalans publicades en alemany durant els darrers 30 anys: a partir del catàleg de totes les obres da narrativa catalana traduïdes en el període estudiat, he establert una tipologia per classificar els textos en generes i per comprovar quins autors i quines obres s'han traduït majoritàriament, per quins autors i per quins generes s'han interessat més els editors alemanys i fins a quin punt es pot considerar que aquestes traduccions representen d'una manera equilibrada narrativa catalana d'aquests anys. En el treball també he analitzat les característiques de les editorials on s'han publicat les obres traduïdes i he intentat avaluar la seva recepció, a partir de la traducció dels títols i els textos de presentació de les obres. Fet aquest primer balanç, ara estic preparant quatre articles que aprofundeixen en temes plantejats al treball de recerca i que junts han de formar la meva tesi doctoral, actualment en curs d'elaboració. A banda de la meva recerca personal, l'ajut FI també m'ha permès formar-me com a investigadora, amb la publicació d'articles, la docència al departament, la participació en congressos i, sobretot, la col•laboració amb el grup de recerca TRILCAT, d'estudis de traducció, recepció i literatura catalana.
The publishing industry is at a turning point. Facing the first major disruptive innovation in five centuries, its long-established structure and business model are at stake. Building on literature based on the pitfalls for incumbents, we interviewed key executives from the major publishers in Brazil to understand their perspective. We find that not only are they facing those pitfalls, but we also propose a new one, The Industry View Trap, concerning challenges created by convergence, the difficulty to deal with changes in the ecosystem and the fact that the very definition of the industry you're part of might have changed.
The pharmacokinetic profile of imatinib has been assessed in healthy subjects and in population studies among thousands of patients with CML or GIST. Imatinib is rapidly and extensively absorbed from the GI tract, reaching a peak plasma concentration (Cmax) within 1-4 h following administration. Imatinib bioavailability is high (98%) and independent of food intake. Imatinib undergoes rapid and extensive distribution into tissues, with minimal penetration into the central nervous system. In the circulation, it is approximately 95% bound to plasma proteins, principally α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and albumin. Imatinib undergoes metabolism in the liver via the cytochrome P450 enzyme system (CYP), with CYP3A4 being the main isoenzyme involved. The N-desmethyl metabolite CGP74588 is the major circulating active metabolite. The typical elimination half-life for imatinib is approximately 14-22 h. Imatinib is characterized by large inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability, which reflects in a wide spread of concentrations observed under standard dosage. Besides adherence, several factors have been shown to influence this variability, especially demographic characteristics (sex, age, body weight and disease diagnosis), blood count characteristics, enzyme activity (mainly CYP3A4), drug interactions, activity of efflux transporters and plasma levels of AGP. Additionally, recent retrospective studies have shown that drug exposure, reflected in either the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) or more conveniently the trough level (Cmin), correlates with treatment outcomes. Increased toxicity has been associated with high plasma levels, and impaired clinical efficacy with low plasma levels. While no upper concentration limit has been formally established, a lower limit for imatinib Cmin of about 1000 ng/mL has been proposed repeatedly for improving outcomes in CML and GIST patients. Imatinib is licensed for use in chronic phase CML and GIST at a fixed dose of 400 mg once daily (600 mg in some other indications) despite substantial pharmacokinetic variability caused by both genetic and acquired factors. The dose can be modified on an individual basis in cases of insufficient response or substantial toxic effects. Imatinib would, however, meet traditional criteria for a therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) program: long-term therapy, measurability, high inter-individual but restricted intra-individual variability, limited pharmacokinetic predictability, effect of drug interactions, consistent association between concentration and response, suggested therapeutic threshold, reversibility of effect and absence of early markers of efficacy and toxic effects. Large-scale, evidence-based assessments of drug concentration monitoring are therefore still warranted for the personalization of imatinib treatment.