856 resultados para product offering


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The treatment of the Cerebral Palsy (CP) is considered as the “core problem” for the whole field of the pediatric rehabilitation. The reason why this pathology has such a primary role, can be ascribed to two main aspects. First of all CP is the form of disability most frequent in childhood (one new case per 500 birth alive, (1)), secondarily the functional recovery of the “spastic” child is, historically, the clinical field in which the majority of the therapeutic methods and techniques (physiotherapy, orthotic, pharmacologic, orthopedic-surgical, neurosurgical) were first applied and tested. The currently accepted definition of CP – Group of disorders of the development of movement and posture causing activity limitation (2) – is the result of a recent update by the World Health Organization to the language of the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health, from the original proposal of Ingram – A persistent but not unchangeable disorder of posture and movement – dated 1955 (3). This definition considers CP as a permanent ailment, i.e. a “fixed” condition, that however can be modified both functionally and structurally by means of child spontaneous evolution and treatments carried out during childhood. The lesion that causes the palsy, happens in a structurally immature brain in the pre-, peri- or post-birth period (but only during the firsts months of life). The most frequent causes of CP are: prematurity, insufficient cerebral perfusion, arterial haemorrhage, venous infarction, hypoxia caused by various origin (for example from the ingestion of amniotic liquid), malnutrition, infection and maternal or fetal poisoning. In addition to these causes, traumas and malformations have to be included. The lesion, whether focused or spread over the nervous system, impairs the whole functioning of the Central Nervous System (CNS). As a consequence, they affect the construction of the adaptive functions (4), first of all posture control, locomotion and manipulation. The palsy itself does not vary over time, however it assumes an unavoidable “evolutionary” feature when during growth the child is requested to meet new and different needs through the construction of new and different functions. It is essential to consider that clinically CP is not only a direct expression of structural impairment, that is of etiology, pathogenesis and lesion timing, but it is mainly the manifestation of the path followed by the CNS to “re”-construct the adaptive functions “despite” the presence of the damage. “Palsy” is “the form of the function that is implemented by an individual whose CNS has been damaged in order to satisfy the demands coming from the environment” (4). Therefore it is only possible to establish general relations between lesion site, nature and size, and palsy and recovery processes. It is quite common to observe that children with very similar neuroimaging can have very different clinical manifestations of CP and, on the other hand, children with very similar motor behaviors can have completely different lesion histories. A very clear example of this is represented by hemiplegic forms, which show bilateral hemispheric lesions in a high percentage of cases. The first section of this thesis is aimed at guiding the interpretation of CP. First of all the issue of the detection of the palsy is treated from historical viewpoint. Consequently, an extended analysis of the current definition of CP, as internationally accepted, is provided. The definition is then outlined in terms of a space dimension and then of a time dimension, hence it is highlighted where this definition is unacceptably lacking. The last part of the first section further stresses the importance of shifting from the traditional concept of CP as a palsy of development (defect analysis) towards the notion of development of palsy, i.e., as the product of the relationship that the individual however tries to dynamically build with the surrounding environment (resource semeiotics) starting and growing from a different availability of resources, needs, dreams, rights and duties (4). In the scientific and clinic community no common classification system of CP has so far been universally accepted. Besides, no standard operative method or technique have been acknowledged to effectively assess the different disabilities and impairments exhibited by children with CP. CP is still “an artificial concept, comprising several causes and clinical syndromes that have been grouped together for a convenience of management” (5). The lack of standard and common protocols able to effectively diagnose the palsy, and as a consequence to establish specific treatments and prognosis, is mainly because of the difficulty to elevate this field to a level based on scientific evidence. A solution aimed at overcoming the current incomplete treatment of CP children is represented by the clinical systematic adoption of objective tools able to measure motor defects and movement impairments. A widespread application of reliable instruments and techniques able to objectively evaluate both the form of the palsy (diagnosis) and the efficacy of the treatments provided (prognosis), constitutes a valuable method able to validate care protocols, establish the efficacy of classification systems and assess the validity of definitions. Since the ‘80s, instruments specifically oriented to the analysis of the human movement have been advantageously designed and applied in the context of CP with the aim of measuring motor deficits and, especially, gait deviations. The gait analysis (GA) technique has been increasingly used over the years to assess, analyze, classify, and support the process of clinical decisions making, allowing for a complete investigation of gait with an increased temporal and spatial resolution. GA has provided a basis for improving the outcome of surgical and nonsurgical treatments and for introducing a new modus operandi in the identification of defects and functional adaptations to the musculoskeletal disorders. Historically, the first laboratories set up for gait analysis developed their own protocol (set of procedures for data collection and for data reduction) independently, according to performances of the technologies available at that time. In particular, the stereophotogrammetric systems mainly based on optoelectronic technology, soon became a gold-standard for motion analysis. They have been successfully applied especially for scientific purposes. Nowadays the optoelectronic systems have significantly improved their performances in term of spatial and temporal resolution, however many laboratories continue to use the protocols designed on the technology available in the ‘70s and now out-of-date. Furthermore, these protocols are not coherent both for the biomechanical models and for the adopted collection procedures. In spite of these differences, GA data are shared, exchanged and interpreted irrespectively to the adopted protocol without a full awareness to what extent these protocols are compatible and comparable with each other. Following the extraordinary advances in computer science and electronics, new systems for GA no longer based on optoelectronic technology, are now becoming available. They are the Inertial and Magnetic Measurement Systems (IMMSs), based on miniature MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) inertial sensor technology. These systems are cost effective, wearable and fully portable motion analysis systems, these features gives IMMSs the potential to be used both outside specialized laboratories and to consecutive collect series of tens of gait cycles. The recognition and selection of the most representative gait cycle is then easier and more reliable especially in CP children, considering their relevant gait cycle variability. The second section of this thesis is focused on GA. In particular, it is firstly aimed at examining the differences among five most representative GA protocols in order to assess the state of the art with respect to the inter-protocol variability. The design of a new protocol is then proposed and presented with the aim of achieving gait analysis on CP children by means of IMMS. The protocol, named ‘Outwalk’, contains original and innovative solutions oriented at obtaining joint kinematic with calibration procedures extremely comfortable for the patients. The results of a first in-vivo validation of Outwalk on healthy subjects are then provided. In particular, this study was carried out by comparing Outwalk used in combination with an IMMS with respect to a reference protocol and an optoelectronic system. In order to set a more accurate and precise comparison of the systems and the protocols, ad hoc methods were designed and an original formulation of the statistical parameter coefficient of multiple correlation was developed and effectively applied. On the basis of the experimental design proposed for the validation on healthy subjects, a first assessment of Outwalk, together with an IMMS, was also carried out on CP children. The third section of this thesis is dedicated to the treatment of walking in CP children. Commonly prescribed treatments in addressing gait abnormalities in CP children include physical therapy, surgery (orthopedic and rhizotomy), and orthoses. The orthotic approach is conservative, being reversible, and widespread in many therapeutic regimes. Orthoses are used to improve the gait of children with CP, by preventing deformities, controlling joint position, and offering an effective lever for the ankle joint. Orthoses are prescribed for the additional aims of increasing walking speed, improving stability, preventing stumbling, and decreasing muscular fatigue. The ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), with a rigid ankle, are primarily designed to prevent equinus and other foot deformities with a positive effect also on more proximal joints. However, AFOs prevent the natural excursion of the tibio-tarsic joint during the second rocker, hence hampering the natural leaning progression of the whole body under the effect of the inertia (6). A new modular (submalleolar) astragalus-calcanear orthosis, named OMAC, has recently been proposed with the intention of substituting the prescription of AFOs in those CP children exhibiting a flat and valgus-pronated foot. The aim of this section is thus to present the mechanical and technical features of the OMAC by means of an accurate description of the device. In particular, the integral document of the deposited Italian patent, is provided. A preliminary validation of OMAC with respect to AFO is also reported as resulted from an experimental campaign on diplegic CP children, during a three month period, aimed at quantitatively assessing the benefit provided by the two orthoses on walking and at qualitatively evaluating the changes in the quality of life and motor abilities. As already stated, CP is universally considered as a persistent but not unchangeable disorder of posture and movement. Conversely to this definition, some clinicians (4) have recently pointed out that movement disorders may be primarily caused by the presence of perceptive disorders, where perception is not merely the acquisition of sensory information, but an active process aimed at guiding the execution of movements through the integration of sensory information properly representing the state of one’s body and of the environment. Children with perceptive impairments show an overall fear of moving and the onset of strongly unnatural walking schemes directly caused by the presence of perceptive system disorders. The fourth section of the thesis thus deals with accurately defining the perceptive impairment exhibited by diplegic CP children. A detailed description of the clinical signs revealing the presence of the perceptive impairment, and a classification scheme of the clinical aspects of perceptual disorders is provided. In the end, a functional reaching test is proposed as an instrumental test able to disclosure the perceptive impairment. References 1. Prevalence and characteristics of children with cerebral palsy in Europe. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2002 Set;44(9):633-640. 2. Bax M, Goldstein M, Rosenbaum P, Leviton A, Paneth N, Dan B, et al. Proposed definition and classification of cerebral palsy, April 2005. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Ago;47(8):571-576. 3. Ingram TT. A study of cerebral palsy in the childhood population of Edinburgh. Arch. Dis. Child. 1955 Apr;30(150):85-98. 4. Ferrari A, Cioni G. The spastic forms of cerebral palsy : a guide to the assessment of adaptive functions. Milan: Springer; 2009. 5. Olney SJ, Wright MJ. Cerebral Palsy. Campbell S et al. Physical Therapy for Children. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. 2000;:533-570. 6. Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Van Gestel L, Huenaerts C, Van Campenhout A, Callewaert B, et al. How can push-off be preserved during use of an ankle foot orthosis in children with hemiplegia? A prospective controlled study. Gait Posture. 2006 Ott;24(2):142-151.


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With the business environments no longer confined to geographical borders, the new wave of digital technologies has given organizations an enormous opportunity to bring together their distributed workforce and develop the ability to work together despite being apart (Prasad & Akhilesh, 2002). resupposing creativity to be a social process, the way that this phenomenon occurs when the configuration of the team is substantially modified will be questioned. Very little is known about the impact of interpersonal relationships in the creativity (Kurtzberg & Amabile, 2001). In order to analyse the ways in which the creative process may be developed, we ought to be taken into consideration the fact that participants are dealing with a quite an atypical situation. Firstly, in these cases socialization takes place amongst individuals belonging to a geographically dispersed workplace, where interpersonal relationships are mediated by the computer, and where trust must be developed among persons who have never met one another. Participants not only have multiple addresses and locations, but above all different nationalities, and different cultures, attitudes, thoughts, and working patterns, and languages. Therefore, the central research question of this thesis is as follows: “How does the creative process unfold in globally distributed teams?” With a qualitative approach, we used the case study of the Business Unit of Volvo 3P, an arm of Volvo Group. Throughout this research, we interviewed seven teams engaged in the development of a new product in the chassis and cab areas, for the brands Volvo and Renault Trucks, teams that were geographically distributed in Brazil, Sweden, France and India. Our research suggests that corporate values, alongside with intrinsic motivation and task which lay down the necessary foundations for the development of the creative process in GDT.


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Through this research I have tried to demonstrate how the evolution of the newest marketing strategies - that work towards engaging relationships with consumers, thus building an emotional connection between the brand and the user- can be considered as a response to the evolution of young audiences and consumers. More specifically, I have analized product placement as a cultural and social phenomena above all, and not only as an economical one, thus demonstrating all the social and cultural practices that this tool implies. The approach I have chosen to do so, is historical-analytical, particularly focusing on the evolution of the society and of the consumer, especially for what teenagers (both as audiences and as consumers) are concerned.


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The purpose of this research is to contribute to the literature on organizational demography and new product development by investigating how diverse individual career histories impact team performance. Moreover we highlighted the importance of considering also the institutional context and the specific labour market arrangements in which a team is embedded, in order to interpret correctly the effect of career-related diversity measures on performance. The empirical setting of the study is the videogame industry, and the teams in charge of the development of new game titles. Video games development teams are the ideal setting to investigate the influence of career histories on team performance, since the development of videogames is performed by multidisciplinary teams composed by specialists with a wide variety of technical and artistic backgrounds, who execute a significant amounts of creative thinking. We investigate our research question both with quantitative methods and with a case study on the Japanese videogame industry: one of the most innovative in this sector. Our results show how career histories in terms of occupational diversity, prior functional diversity and prior product diversity, usually have a positive influence on team performance. However, when the moderating effect of the institutional setting is taken in to account, career diversity has different or even opposite effect on team performance, according to the specific national context in which a team operates.


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Der irische Buchmarkt als Teil des englischsprachigen Buchmarktes ist stark von der Geschichte des Landes geprägt. Die Fremdbestimmung im Rahmen des Commonwealth unterdrückte eine eigenständige Verlagslandschaft bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein. Mit der Unabhängigkeit des irischen Staates stieg die Anzahl der Verlage langsam aber stetig an. In den 70er Jahren kam die irische Verlagslandschaft zu einem fast explosionsartigen Erblühen. Die Gründung des Verlegerverbandes Clé war einer von vielen Schritten, um den nationalen Buchmarkt von der Dominanz britischer Bücher in Buchhandlungen und Bibliotheken zu emanzipieren. Die Nachfrage nach Irish-Interest-Titeln ist im Inland hoch. Britische Verlage hatten bis dato diesen Bedarf übersehen, und so füllten irische Verlage diese Nische. Die Einführung eines von Großbritannien unabhängigen Lehrplans führte zur Etablierung eines eigenständigen Schulbuchmarktes, inklusive Lehrwerke zur irischen Sprache bzw. Titel auf Irisch. Irische Verlage sind in ihrem Programm größtenteils breit aufgestellt und selten spezialisiert. Sie sind erstaunlich häufig unabhängige mittelständische Unternehmen. Nur wenige Verlage sind staatlich geführt oder gehören ausländischen Konzernen an. Auch der stationäre Buchhandel ist überwiegend eigenständig, da die – vor dem Wirtschaftsboom wenig kaufkräftige - Republik von den expandierenden britischen Buchhandelsketten vernachlässigt wurde. Erst nach dem Wirtschaftsboom und dem damit verbundenen soziokulturellen Wandel von einer traditionellen Agrar- hin zu einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft stiegen die Umsätze mit Büchern stark an. Sobald der Buchmarkt eine nennenswerte wirtschaftliche Größe erreichte, eröffneten britische Buchhandlungen Filialen in irischen Städten. Sie vermochten jedoch nicht, die Sortimentsvielfalt der irischen Buchhandelslandschaft zu zerstören. Die fehlende Buchpreisbindung ist keine Bedrohung der Titelvielfalt, da Handelsformen wie Buchclubs, Supermärkte und Internethandel – die mit teils aggressivem Preismarketing arbeitenden Nebenmärkte – hier nur eine Randexistenz führen. In diesem Fall wandelt sich die geringe (Umsatz-) Größe und damit Attraktivität des Buchmarktes zum Vorteil. Die staatliche Kulturförderung ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zum Verlegen von Literatur, die wirtschaftlich gerechnet keine Daseinsberechtigung hätte. Irische Verleger mit relativ geringem Budget sind nicht in der Lage, solche unökonomischen Titel mit dem finanziellen Erfolg eines Bestsellers in Mischkalkulation aufzufangen. Hier greift die staatliche Unterstützung. Die Subventionierung von Titeln über die irischen Sprache bzw. von Literatur auf Irisch führte zur Herausbildung eines Marktsektors, der vor der Staatsgründung nicht existierte. Die Übersetzungsförderung verstärkt die Verbreitung von bis dato unbekannter irischer Literatur im Ausland und stimuliert das Lizenzgeschäft. Die aktuelle staatliche Kulturpolitik setzt ihren Schwerpunkt auf Marketing, PR sowie Nachfolgeregelung und fördert so nachhaltig statt bloß in Form einer kurzlebigen Titelsubvention. Eine noch mehr in die Zukunft gerichtete Förderung würde genauso wie die Unterstützung von Fortbildungsmaßnahmen zu besseren wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen führen. Auch wenn die nationale Verlagsszene im Aufschwung begriffen ist, befindet sich der irische Buchmarkt insgesamt in fester Hand der britischen Verlagsproduktion. Der britische Buchmarkt mit seinen multinationalen und finanzkräftigen Verlagen lebt vom Export. Aus Sicht von Großbritannien ist heutzutage der Nachbar Irland, einst Teil des britischen Buchmarktes, einer der besten Kunden. Dieser Aspekt bezieht sich nicht nur auf die langjährig entwickelten Handelsbeziehungen. In kulturellen Aspekten orientiert sich Irland stark am britischen Vorbild: Ein britischer Bestseller wird fast immer auch ein Bestseller in Irland. Lediglich Irish-Interest-Titel durchbrechen diesen Automatismus. Während Irish Interest im Inland hohe Umsätze vorweist, sind diese Titel im Ausland lediglich ein Nischenprodukt. Zusätzlich müssen irische Verlage außerhalb des Landes mit britischen und US-amerikanischen Verlagen in Konkurrenz treten, die ebenfalls Irish-Interest-Titel für die irische Diaspora anbieten. Es besteht daher nur eine geringe Chance, erfolgreich am globalen englischsprachigen Buchmarkt mitzuwirken. Bis dato haben Versuche, dem irischen Buchmarkt durch Export zu Umsatzwachstum zu verhelfen, keinen nennenswerten Erfolg gebracht. Lediglich auf dem Gebiet der populären Literatur und in Form von Kooperationen mit britischen Verlagskonzernen vermögen irische Verlage, am internationalen Buchhandel teilzuhaben.


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The study aims at providing a framework conceptualizing patenting activities under the condition of intellectual property rights fragmentation. Such a framework has to deal with the interrelated problems of technological complexity in the modern patent landscape. In that respect, ex-post licensing agreements have been incorporated into the analysis. More precisely, by consolidating the right to use patents required for commercialization of a product, private market solutions, such as cross-licensing agreements and patent pools help firms to overcome problems triggered by the intellectual property rights fragmentation. Thereby, private bargaining between parties as such cannot be isolated from the legal framework. A result of this analysis is that policies ignoring market solutions and only focusing on static gains can mitigate the dynamic efficiency gains as induced by the patent system. The evidence found in this thesis supports the opinion that legal reforms that aim to decrease the degree of patent protection or to lift it all together can hamper the functioning of the current system.


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With this dissertation research we investigate intersections between design and marketing and in this respect, which factors do contribute that a product design becomes brand formative. We have developed a Brand Formative Design (BFD) framework, which investigates individual design features in a holistic, comparable, brand relevant, and consumer specific context. We discuss what kinds of characteristics contribute to BFD but also illuminate how they should be applied and examine: rnA holistic framework leading to Brand Formative Design. Identification and assessment of BFD Drivers. The dissection of products into three Distinctive Design Levels. The detection of surprising design preferences. The appropriate degree of scheme deviation with evolutionary design. Simulated BFD development processes with three different products and the integration of consumers. Future oriented objectification, comparability and assessment of design. Recommendations for the management of design in a brand specific context. Design is a product feature, which contributes significantly to the success of products. However, the development of new design contains challenges. Design can hardly be objectified; many people have an opinion concerning the attractiveness of new products but cannot formulate their future preferences. Product design is widely developed based on intuition, which can be difficult for the management of design. Here the concept of Brand Formative Design can provide a framework which contributes to structure, objectify, develop and assess new evolutionary design in brand and future relevant contexts, but also integrates consumers and their preferences without restricting creativity too much.


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HP802-247 is a new-generation, allogeneic tissue engineering product consisting of growth-arrested, human keratinocytes (K) and fibroblasts (F) delivered in a fibrin matrix by a spray device.


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While the use of methyldibromo glutaronitrile (MDBGN) in leave-on products is clearly associated with high sensitization or elicitation risk, such a clear-cut relation could be questioned with regard to rinse-off products.


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Throughout theatre history, styles of theatre have come in and out of favor in response to the zeitgeist of the period. Neoclassical, Melodrama, Naturalism, all have their place in history offering enlightenment, passion and truth each in tune with the values of the culture in which it was created. As society transforms, so too does the stage, offering new ways to reflect, interpret and challenge our assumptions about the changing world. Our current society wrestles with a ‘shrinking world’, a world consumed with technological advances that fan the fire of the growing interconnectedness of human beings all over the earth. This ‘shrinking world’ phenomenon has the effect of an‘expanded world awareness’. That is to say, now more than ever we question all assumption regarding singular perspectives and cultural convictions. What our new society values is diversification of insight and a myriad of experiences from which to draw our conclusions about the world in which we live. The kind of theatre that fills this need is Devised Theatre. Theatre is a collaborative art form by nature. Theatre cannot be practiced alone. One must partner other artists as well as an audience in order to create a theatre performance. Theatre is a dialogue which can take many shapes. Devised Theatre is a process of making theatre that enables a group of performers to be physically and practically creative in the sharing and shaping of an original product that directly emanates from assembling, editing and reshaping individual’s contradictory experiences of the world. A devised theatre product is a work that has emerged from and been generated by a group of people working in collaboration. There is an emphasis on a way of working that values an accumulation of ideas. (Oddey)


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High-dose chemotherapy (HDC) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is used for the treatment of hemato-oncologic malignancies. In this study, we measured the effect of HDC/ASCT on plasma concentrations of antiangiogenic soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and of leukapheresis products (LP) and patient serum on chick chorioallantoic (CAM) angiogenesis.


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Creatinine levels in blood serum are typically used to assess renal function. Clinical determination of creatinine is often based on the Jaffe reaction, in which creatinine in the serum reacts with sodium picrate, resulting in a spectrophotometrically quantifiable product. Previous work from our lab has introduced an electrophoretically mediated initiation of this reaction, in which nanoliter plugs of individual reagent solutions can be added to the capillary and then mixed and reacted. Following electrophoretic separation of the product from excess reactant(s), the product can be directly determined on column. This work aims to gain a detailed understanding of the in-capillary reagent mixing dynamics, in-line reaction yield, and product degradation during electrophoresis, with an overall goal of improving assay sensitivity. One set of experiments focuses on maximizing product formation through manipulation of various conditions such as pH, voltage applied, and timing of the applied voltage, in addition to manipulations in the identity, concentration, and pH of the background electrolyte. Through this work, it was determined that dramatic changes in local voltage fields within the various reagent zones lead to ineffective reagent overlapping. Use of the software simulation program Simul 5 enabled visualization of the reaction dynamics within the capillary, specifically the wide variance between the electric field intensities within the creatinine and picrate zones. Because of this simulation work, the experimental method was modified to increase the ionic strength of the creatinine reagent zone to lower the local voltage field, thus producing more predictable and effective overlap conditions for the reagents and allowing the formation of more Jaffe product. As second set of experiments focuses on controlling the post-reaction product degradation. In that vein, we have systematically explored the importance of the identity, concentration, and pH of the background electrolyte on the post-reaction degradation rate of the product. Although prior work with borate background electrolytes indicated that product degradation was probably a function of the ionic strength of the background electrolyte, this work with a glycine background electrolyte demonstrates that degradation is in fact not a function of ionic strength of the background electrolyte. As the concentration and pH of the glycine background increased, the rate of degradation of product did not change dramatically, whereas in borate-buffered systems, the rate of Jaffe product degradation increased linearly with background electrolyte concentration above 100.0 mM borate. Similarly, increasing pH of the glycine background electrolyte did not result in a corresponding increase in product degradation, as it had with the borate background electrolyte. Other general trends that were observed include: increasing background electrolyte concentration increases peak efficiency and higher pH favors product formation; thus, it appears that use of a background electrolyte other than borate, such as glycine, the rate of degradation of the Jaffe product can be slowed, increasing the sensitivity of this in-line assay.