949 resultados para price competition


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Tutkielman aiheena on EU:n kilpailuoikeudellinen lähestymistapa challenge-lausekkeisiin teknologinsiirtosopimuksia koskevassa ryhmäpoikkeusasetuksessa. Teknologian lisensoinnin katsotaan olevan tärkeä väline teknologian kehityksen levittämisessä ja innovaation edistämisessä. Joissakin tapauksissa lisenssisopimus voi sisältää kilpailua rajoittavia lausekkeita, joiden voidaan kuitenkin nähdä hyödyttävän kilpailua kokonaisuutta arvostellen. Tällaisia lausekkeita ovat niin sanotut ”no-challenge” – lauseke, eli sopimusehto, jonka nojalla lisenssinsaaja sitoutuu olemaan haastamatta lisensoidun immateriaalioikeuden pätevyyttä ja ”termination-on-challenge” – lauseke, joka antaa lisensoijalle haastettaessa oikeuden päättää lisenssisopimus. Tutkielmassa perehdytään challenge -lausekkeiden hyväksyttävyyden arviointiin Euroopan unionin kilpailuoikeuden näkökulmasta uuden 1.5.2014 voimaan tulleen ryhmäpoikkeusasetuksen valossa. Muissa kuin yksinoikeuksia luovissa teknologiansiirtosopimuksissa olevat termination-on-challenge – lausekkeita tulee uusimmassa ryhmäpoikkeusetuksessa aina perustua yritysten itse suorittamaan tapauskohtaiseen arviointiin. No-challenge – lausekkeet ovat jatkossakin aiemman käytännön mukaisesti ryhmäpoikkeuksen soveltamisalan ulkopuolella. Komission on perustellut challenge - lausekkeiden jättämistä asetuksen ulkopuolelle julkisella intressillä, joka on päästä eroon mitättömistä immateriaalioikeuksista. Komission on katsonut, että challenge – lausekkeiden kilpailua rajoittava ominaisuus on mitättömien immateriaalioikeuksien esiintyminen markkinoilla, mikä osaltaan vääristää kilpailua ja hidastaa toimijoiden markkinoille pääsyä. Toisaalta lausekkeiden voidaan sanoa edistävän kilpailua, sillä ne usein tarjoavat immateriaalioikeuden haltijalle riittävän oikeussuojan ja kannustimen lisensoida teknologia, mikä lisää kilpailua, keksijöiden kannustimia panostaa innovaatioihin sekä vähentää transaktiokustannuksia. Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on ennen kaikkea challenge-lausekkeiden kilpailuvaikutusten tunnistamisessa ja komission perusteluiden kriittisessä arvioinnissa. Komission linjauksen perustelut eivät saa riittävää tukea ottaen huomioon vaikutustenarvioinnin, EU:n tuomioistuinkäytännön sekä taloustieteellisen lähestymistavan. Tutkielman tulosten pohjalta ja tukeutuen eri oikeuslähteisiin, taloustieteellisiin argumentteihin ja oikeusvertailevaan tutkimukseen, on mahdollista tehdä johtopäätöksiä niistä seikoista ja argumenteista, joilla on merkitystä uuden politiikkalinjauksen kilpailuvaikutuksiin.


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Partial ownership interests are a widespread phenomenon in modern corporate environment. Unless minority shareholding affords the target to exercise control over the target, they do currently not have to be notified to the European Commission under EU merger regime. However, economic research has long suggested that when linking competing or non-horizontally positioned undertakings particularly in industries with few competitors, minority shareholdings even far below the majority of shares or voting rights could lead to higher prices or lower output volumes to the detriment of consumers. The Commission has recognized this issue and proceeded to suggest an extension of the merger regime to catch also certain non-controlling minority acquisitions. Horizontal non-controlling minority shareholdings create a positive correlation between the sales revenues of the partial acquirer and target. Through the equity interest the acquirer will internalise a fraction, proportional to the financial rights attached to the shareholding, of the profit of the target. This will incentivise the acquirer to contribute to increasing the target’s business profits by increasing its own sales price (horizontal unilateral effects). When a minority stake is held in a vertically related or a conglomerate company, the minority acquirer could be allowed to hamper or eliminate the target’s rivals’ access either to inputs (input foreclosure) or customers (customer foreclosure), depending on which level of the supply chain the parties are (vertical unilateral effects). Under certain circumstances minority share acquisitions could also lessen competition because they facilitate collusion between companies active in the market (coordinated effects). Economic theory confirms that non-controlling minority shareholdings may under certain circumstances create anti-competitive effects that are unlikely to be remedies by pro-competitive effects. However, they are likely to be of less significant nature than anticompetitive effects created by full mergers. This derives fore mostly from the fact that a minority share acquirer carries all the costs associated with its unilateral action but will internalise only a fraction of the lost profits. This is likely to limit the acquirer’s incentive to raise price and the profitability of such behavior. Having in mind that the number of potentially problematic cases is expected to be next to negligible, the limited potential competitive effects of non-controlling minority share acquisitions cannot be seen to clearly merit extension of the scope of the EUMR. The system suggested by the Commission is particularly ill-fitted for such purpose given the clear lack of legal certainty and considerable administrative burden associated with it.


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Seed vigor is one of the factors that determines the speed and uniformity of seedling emergence and initial plant growth, which are crucial aspects in the competition against weeds. The objective of this study was to verify the direct effects of soybean seed vigor on weed competition and grain yield. A field experiment was conducted with three seed lots of the "Conquista" cultivar, previously characterized by physiological tests as having high, intermediate and low vigor. The experiment was divided into weeded and unweeded plots with six treatments. Crop plant height, weed dry mass accumulation and crop grain yield data were recorded. Seed vigor did not affect plant height and grain yield. Plants which developed from seeds with high and intermediate vigor showed the best results for competition against weeds, reducing weed dry mass accumulation. Plants which developed from high vigor seeds give the best results for grain yield for both weeded and unweeded treatments.


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The financial sector has been viewed traditionally as either providing the "oil" for the "wheels of commerce" or as a parasite on the real sector of the economy where real productivity gains provide for increasing real wages and per capita incomes. The present paper takes a different route and attempts to an analysis of financial institutions on a par with the production sector of the economy. It also develops a link which amalgamates "the knowledge-based" perspective on firms' operations with Schumpeterian financial leverage to exploit productivity enhancing innovations, and Minsky's tendency towards financial fragility. The analysis also leads to some policy recommendations concerning financial regulation, risk management and financial institution's building.


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This paper surveys the literature on fiscal competition. We consider tax and expenditure competition in a more general set up where different jurisdictions within a federation may compete in the provision of public goods in order to attract some residents (Tiebout, 1956) and expel others (Brueckner, 1999); and/or for business. We address the vast literature on welfare gains or losses of these types of competition. Then, we discuss the empirical evidence, focusing on estimates of the sensitiveness of production factors to tax differentials and on the importance of the strategic interdependence among jurisdictions. We combine econometric studies with some case studies. Last we discuss the design of mechanisms to cope with fiscal competition, especially under a more global environment where factors become more mobile.


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Kandidaatin tutkielma ”Hinnoittelustrategian valinta terästeollisuudessa – Case Teräsyhtiö Oy” käsittelee tuotantohyödykkeitä valmistavan hiiliteräsyhtiön hinnoittelustrategian valintaa, peilaamalla toteutuvaa hinnoittelua hinnoittelun teoreettisiin periaatteisiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteeksi kohdentui selvittää, kuinka hyvin kohdeyrityksen hinnoittelu noudattaa hinnoittelun teoreettisia periaatteita. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, miten hinnoittelu toteutuu kohdeyrityksessä ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tähän strategiseen päätökseen. Tutkielman teoriaosuuden muodostaa hinnan ja hinnoitteluprosessin teorian muodostama kokonaisuus yhdessä tutkielman varsinaisen viitekehyksen kanssa, jona toimivat kustannusperusteisen ja markkinalähtöisen hinnoittelun perinteiset mallit. Tutkielmassa markkinalähtöisillä malleilla viitataan kysyntä- ja kilpailulähtöisiin malleihin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin teema-haastattelun avulla, haastattelemalla kolmea Case-yrityksen hinnoittelussa toimivaa henkilöä. Tutkimus toteutui laadullisena tutkimuksena hyödyntäen analyysissä teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimustulosten osalta tärkeään rooliin asettui kahtiajako kotimarkkinoihin ja kotimarkkinoiden ulkopuolisiin alueisiin. Nämä alueet määrittivät pitkälle sitä, jouduttiinko hinnoittelu toteuttamaan hintaa seuraten vai asettaen. Toimialan alueellisten hintatasojen osalta merkittävässä asemassa olivat teräsyhtiöiden avoimet hintalistat, jotka ohjaavat hinnoittelua vahvasti. Hinnoitteluprosessin osalta tärkeimmäksi tavoitteeksi asettui kannattavuuden takaaminen, sekä johdonmukaisen hinnoittelun harjoittaminen. Markkinalähtöistä hinnoittelua ohjaavista ulkoisista tekijöistä tärkeintä oli Kilpailulain (948/2011) huomioiminen. Asiakkaan rooli hinnoittelussa oli myös erittäin merkittävä. Tutkimus osoitti kohdeyrityksen hinnoittelun painottavan markkinalähtöisiä menetelmiä, huomioiden kuitenkin kustannusten vaikutus katteen kautta. Tutkimus osoitti myös, ettei asiakkaan kokemaa arvoa huomioida hinnoittelun pohjatyössä siinä määrin, kuin olisi mahdollisesti tarpeellista. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksissä korostuu se, kuinka asiakasarvon huomioiminen voisi mahdollistaa yritykselle korkeamman tuloksellisuuden.


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The objective of the study is to extend the existing hedging literature of the commodity price risks by investigating what kind of hedging strategies can be used in companies using bitumen as raw material in their production. Five different alternative swap hedging strategies in bitumen markets are empirically tested. Strategies tested are full hedge strategy, simple, conservative, and aggressive term structure strategies, and implied volatility strategy. The effectiveness of the alternative strategies is measured by excess returns compared to no hedge strategy. In addition, the downside risk of each strategy is measured with target absolute semi-deviation. Results indicate that any of the tested strategies does not outperform the no hedge strategy in terms of excess returns in all maturities. The best-performing aggressive term structure strategy succeeds to create positive excess returns only in short maturities. However, risk seems to increase hand-in-hand with the excess returns so that the best-performing strategies get the highest risk metrics as well. This implicates that the company willing to gain from favorable price movements must be ready to bear a greater risk. Thus, no superior hedging strategy over the others is found.


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ABSTRACT The present study aims to evaluate crop, pasture and forest land prices in Brazil, between 1994 and 2010, in the light of Post-Keynesian theory. The results provide evidence that land, more than just a simple factor of production, must be conceived of as an economic asset. In fact, the price of rural land is determined not only by the expected profitability deriving from agricultural activities but also by the agents' expectations about its future appreciation and liquidity in an economic environment permeated with uncertainty. In this context, as an object of speculation, land has been particularly important as a store of value.


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Under EU competition law, parent companies may be held jointly and severally liable for the competition law infringements committed by their subsidiaries. The possibility of holding parent companies liable demonstrates a significant exception from the idea of separate legal entities. However, it is not the only deviation developed under EU competition law. In cases, where the legal entity responsible for the anti-competitive conduct has changed its form, liability can be attributed to the new operator, in particular, to its successor. The principles of legal certainty and legitimate expectations are issues that surround the doctrines of parental and successor liability. The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive comparative analysis of the parental and successor liability doctrines and to clarify the conditions under which it is possible to attribute liability for the infringements of EU competition law. The main purpose is therefore to demonstrate the problems related to the allocation of liability and to discuss whether these liability principles, established to assure the effective enforcement of the EU competition rules, are good solutions. The research methods used in this thesis are the legal dogmatic approach and the comparative law approach. The former enables the possibility of using the case law and legislation as a framework in which the difficulties concerning the application of parental and successor liability can be discussed while the latter ensures the comparison of the characteristics and judgments. The doctrines of parental and successor liability are both well established, but the application practice has caused several difficulties. These problems derive from, inter alia, the broadness and disjointed developed of the doctrines. There has been much recent case law dealing with these issues and having the potential to open up a considerable risk and to allocate strict liability for parent and successor companies.


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Correspondence from 1978 between Terry O'Malley and Gary Reinblatt, Assistant Vice-President, McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd. regarding McDonald's account.


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Correspondence from 1978 between Terry O'Malley and Gary Reinblatt, Assistant Vice-President, McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd. regarding McDonald's account.