862 resultados para precautionary saving


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The need for reduced intrinsic weight of structures and vehicles in the transportation industry has made aluminium research of interest. Aluminium has properties that are favourable for structural engineering, including good strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be easily recycled saving energy used in smelting as compared to steel. Its alloys can have ultimate tensile strength of up to 750 MPa, which is comparable to steel. Aluminium alloys are generally weldable, however welding of high strength alloys like the 7xxx series pose considerable challenges. This paper presents research on the weldability of high strength aluminium alloys, principally the 7xxx series. The weldability with various weld processes including MIG, TIG, and FSW, is discussed in addition to consideration of joint types, weld defects and recommendations for minimizing or preventing weld defects. Experimental research was carried out on 7025-T6 and AW-7020 alloys. Samples were welded, and weld cross sections utilized in weld metallurgy studies. Mechanical tests were carried out including hardness tests and tensile tests. In addition, testing was done for the presence of Al2O3 on exposed aluminium alloy. It was observed that at constant weld heat input using a pulsed MIG system, the welding speed had little or no effect on the weld hardness. However, the grain size increased as the filler wire feed rate, welding current and welding speed increased. High heat input resulted in lower hardness of the weld profile. Weld preheating was detrimental to AW- 7020 welds; however, artificial aging was beneficial. Acceptable welds were attained with pulsed MIG without the removal of the Al2O3 layer prior to welding. The Al2O3 oxide layer was found to have different compositions in different aluminium alloys. These findings contribute useful additional information to the knowledge base of aluminium welding. The application of the findings of this study in welding will help reduce weld cost and improve high strength aluminium structure productivity by removing the need for pre-weld cleaning. Better understanding of aluminium weld metallurgy equips weld engineers with information for better aluminium weld design.


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Mineraalien rikastamiseen käytetään useita fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia menetelmiä. Prosessi sisältää malmin hienonnuksen, rikastuksen ja lopuksi vedenpoistamisen rikastelietteestä. Malmin rikastamiseen käytetään muun muassa vaahdotusta, liuotusta, magneettista rikastusta ja tiheyseroihin perustuvia rikastusmenetelmiä. Rikastuslietteestä voidaan poistaa vettä sakeuttamalla ja suodattamalla. Rikastusprosessin ympäristövaikutuksia voidaan arvioida laskemalla tuotteen vesijalanjälki, joka kertoo valmistamiseen kulutetun veden määrän. Tässä kirjallisuustyössä esiteltiin mineraalien käsittelymenetelmiä sekä prosessijätevesien puhdistusmenetelmiä. Kirjallisuuslähteiden pohjalta selvitettiin Pyhäsalmen kaivoksella valmistetun kuparianodin vesijalanjälki sekä esitettiin menetelmiä, joilla prosessiin tarvittavan raakaveden kulutusta voitaisiin vähentää. Pyhäsalmella kuparirikasteesta valmistetun kuparianodin vesijalanjälki on 240 litraa H2O ekvivalenttia tuotettua tonnia kohden. Pyhäsalmen prosessin raakaveden kulutusta voidaan vähentää lisäämällä sisäistä vedenkierrätystä. Kalsiumsulfaatin saostuminen putkiin ja pumppuihin on ilmentynyt ongelmaksi vedenkierrätyksen lisäämisessä. Kalsiumsulfaattia voidaan erottaa vedestä membraaneihin, ioninvaihtoon ja sähkökemiaan perustuvilla tekniikoilla. Vaihtoehdossa, jossa johdetaan kaikista kolmesta vaahdotuksesta saatavat rikastuslietteen ja rikastushiekan sakeutuksien ylitteet sekä suodatuksien suodosvedet samaan vedenkäsittelyyn voidaan kattaa arviolta noin 65 % koko veden tarpeesta. Raakavettä säästetään vuodessa 3,4 Mm^3 ja samalla rikastushiekka-altaiden tarvittava koko pienenee, joka vähentää ympäristöriskejä.


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Pumping, fan and compressor systems consume most of the motor electricity power in both the industrial and services sectors. A variable speed drive brings relevant improvements in a fluid system leading to energy saving that further on can be translated into Mtons reduction of CO 2 emissions. Standards and regulations are being adopted for fluid handling systems to limit the less efficiency pumps out of the European market on the coming years and a greater potential in energy savings is dictated by the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) requirements for the whole pumping system and integrated pumps. Electric motors also have an International Efficiency (IE) classification in order to introduce higher efficiency motors into the market. In this thesis, the applicability of mid-size common electric motor types to industrial pumping system took place comparing the motor efficiency characteristics with each other and by analyzing the effect of motor dimensioning on the pumping system and its impact in the energy consumption.


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Why foreign saving fail to cause growth. The present paper is a formalization of the critique of the growth with foreign savings strategy. Although medium income countries are capital poor, current account deficits (foreign savings), financed either by loans or by foreign direct investments, will not usually increase the rate of capital accumulation or will have little impact on it in so far as current account deficits will be associated with appreciated exchange rates, artificially increased real wages and salaries and high consumption levels. In consequence, the rate of substitution of foreign savings for domestic savings will be relatively high, and the country will get indebted to consume, not to invest and grow. Only when there are large investment opportunities, stimulated by a sizeable difference between the expected profit rate and the long term interest rate, the marginal propensity to consume will get down enough so that the additional income originated from foreign capital flows will be used for investment rather than for consumption. In this special case, the rate of substitution of foreign for domestic savings tend to be small, and foreign savings will contribute positively to growth.


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The finance-investment-savings-funding circuit in open economies. On monetary economies the Finance-Investment-Savings-Funding circuit (F-I-S-F) prevails. Investment precedes savings. This circuit was worked out for a closed economy. This study seeks to demonstrate that the circuit F-I-S-F also prevails for open economies. A second point studied in this paper relates the relationship between budget deficits and savings restriction for investment. Conclusions highlight that the circuit F-I-S-F prevails for open economies and that budget deficits do not cause savings restriction for investment. In some situations budget déficits transfer the effects of investment for national savings formation from domestic economy to the rest of the world.


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The paper builds up from a review of some expected, but other quite surprising results regarding country estimates for the year 2000 of genuine saving, a sustainability indicator developed by a World Bank research team. We examine this indicator, founded on neoclassical welfare theory, and discuss one of its major problems. Theoretical developments from ecological economics are then considered, together with insights from Georgescu-Roegen's approach to the production process, in search for an alternative approach. A model with potentially fruitful contributions in this direction is reviewed; it points the course efforts could take enable sustainability evaluations based on a more realistic set of interrelated monetary and biophysical indicators.


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On this paper, we propose a change in the primary surplus' target by the government current account saving. That concept excludes public investment from primary surplus. However, of that change has raised a question about if government current account saving represents a sustainable fiscal policy. Thus, this paper analyses if the change in the primary surplus' target by the government current account saving implies a meaning modification on the debt-to-GDP ratio path. The empirical analysis, which is based on Brazilian monthly data for the period 1999-2005, suggests that the change in fiscal target does not mean a lack of sustain-ability.


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A consensus has not yet emerged about the relationship between budget deficit, external deficit and national saving. According to mainstream economic literature the budget deficit can cause an insufficiency of national saving for a given investment rate. In this case, the investment rate will not be reduced if foreign saving is absorbed, causing an external deficit. In general, the mechanisms through which budget deficits could cause current account deficits are not highlighted in the works about this theme. We arrive at the conclusion that there is not a systematic relationship between budget deficit, current account deficit and national saving and that when it happens it can be processed only through changes in the real exchange rate.


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The purpose of this study is to improve the potential energy recovery to electric energy in an electrohydraulic forklift system. The initial achieved result for energy saving ratio after structural optimization is 40 %. Component optimization is applied to the tested drive which consists of a DTC controlled electric servo motor directly running a reversible hydraulic pump. According to the study the energy efficiency and the energy recovery from the electro-hydraulic forklift system can be increased by 11 % units. New ideas and directions of further research were obtained during the study.


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Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia minkälaisia kasvupyrkimyksiä Suomessa toimivilla pienillä kiinteistösijoittajilla tai kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöillä on. Tutkimuksen pohjaksi esiteltiin yrityksen strategiateoriaa ja kasvun malleja pienyritysnäkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tulokset voivat antaa yrittäjille mietteitä kasvamisen suunnitelmallisuudesta ja sen hyödyistä. Tutkimusosuus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 16 pientä kiinteistösijoittajaa nettipohjaisen kyselyn avulla. Painopiste oli vapaissa vastauksissa ja tällä pyrittiin saamaan laajoja mielipiteitä. Kohdeyritykset valittiin sattumalta tutkijan lähipiiriin kuuluvien yrittäjien avulla. Maantieteellinen jakauma oli laaja, koko maan kattava. Kohdeyrityksistä haastateltiin yhtä henkilöä, joka oli tyypillisesti yrityksen omistaja. Haastatteluista saatua materiaalia analysoitiin strategisten näkemysten ja yrityksen kasvuteorioiden valossa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että pienyrittäjät suhtautuvat kiinteistösijoittamiseen lähinnä säästämismuotona eikä niinkään systemaattisena yrittämisenä. Useat vastaajat tekivät kiinteistösijoittamista osa-aikaisesti. Kasvua tavoittelee kyllä valtaosa yrityksistä, mutta sen eteen ei tehdä juuri mitään. Odotellaan vain sopivia kohteita ostettavaksi. Kasvamisen määrä riippuu hyvin pitkälti yrittäjän persoonasta. Jos yrittäjä on kunnianhimoinen toiminnan kasvattaja, niin se heijastuu myös hänen harjoittamaan kiinteistösijoittamiseen.


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The paper presents the main arguments of Bresser Pereira's Globalization and Competition. Development strategies based on the 'conventional orthodoxy' are shown to carry serious drawbacks ("Dutch disease", pernicious effects of external saving, currency overvaluation), while a 'new developmentalism' is promoted, in spite of the widespread belief that the nation-states have been dispossessed of their room for manoeuvre because of the globalization process. The "new developmentalism" is based on domestic finance, balanced public budgets, moderate interest rates and competitiveness policies aimed at neutralizing the tendency to exchange rate overappreciation. The paper also points out a few theoretical questions the book raises.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia kansainvälisesti toimivan konserniyrityksen yhden liiketoimintayksikön materiaalinhallinnan ja siihen liittyvien toimintojen nykytilaa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten materiaalinhallintaa varastoinnin osalta voidaan kehittää suoratoimitusmallin periaatetta hyödyntäen ja mitä säästöpotentiaaleja tämän kaltaiseen malliin liittyy kohdeorganisaation toimintaympäristö huomioiden. Tutkimuksen teoriaosion lähdeaineisto koostuu materiaalinhallinnan perusteosten lisäksi tieteellisistä artikkelijulkaisuista. Käytännönosuuden aineisto pohjautuu kohdeorganisaatiossa käytyihin keskusteluihin, tuotannonohjausjärjestelmästä saatuun tietoon ja omiin havaintoihin. Nykytilanteen analyysissä selvisi, että kohdeorganisaation varastointiin liittyy tehostamispotentiaalia erityisesti tila-, käsittely, ja työkustannusten osalta. Kohdeorganisaation varastoinnin tehostamista tutkittiin suoratoimitusmallin avulla. Suoratoimitusmallissa materiaalit eivät kierrä kohdeorganisaation pitämän välivaraston kautta, vaan ne toimitetaan toimittajan tiloista suoraan tuotannon välittömään tarpeeseen. Mallin avulla voidaan jakaa toimittajien kanssa sellaisia resursseja, joita molempien toiminta vaatii ja täten vapauttaa nykyistä varastointitilaa ja keventää sisäisen logistiikan kuormaa. Suoratoimitusmallin liittyvien hyötyjen kannalta on oleellista, että malliin valitaan sellaiset materiaalit, jotka sisältävät eniten potentiaalia niin säästö- kuin soveltuvuusnäkökulmasta. Valittujen kriteerien avulla kohdeorganisaation hankkimista materiaaleista löydettiin joukko materiaaleja, joiden avulla pystyttiin osoittamaan, että suoratoimitusmallin avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa kustannussäätöjä varastoinnin osalta.


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Master’s thesis Energy efficiency of glassmaking production gives description of glassmaking production and possible energy saving measures. Due to the high electricity and fuel prices the problem of rational energy utilization rises sharply. In addition the environmental issues also require a great attention. This work represented the feasible increasing of the furnace efficiency as the most productive activity. Thesis also provides a detail description of utilizing waste heat boiler. Also possible boiler characteristics are calculated and represented at the end of the thesis. As well as brief description of the feasibility of using this method of energy saving. The solution of this problem has a huge importance. Due to the increasing of energy costs and limits of raw materials, glassmaking industry should overcome on high efficiency operation mode. Especially, if such measures is making a significant contribution in the safety of environment.


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Passive solar building design is the process of designing a building while considering sunlight exposure for receiving heat in winter and rejecting heat in summer. The main goal of a passive solar building design is to remove or reduce the need of mechanical and electrical systems for cooling and heating, and therefore saving energy costs and reducing environmental impact. This research will use evolutionary computation to design passive solar buildings. Evolutionary design is used in many research projects to build 3D models for structures automatically. In this research, we use a mixture of split grammar and string-rewriting for generating new 3D structures. To evaluate energy costs, the EnergyPlus system is used. This is a comprehensive building energy simulation system, which will be used alongside the genetic programming system. In addition, genetic programming will also consider other design and geometry characteristics of the building as search objectives, for example, window placement, building shape, size, and complexity. In passive solar designs, reducing energy that is needed for cooling and heating are two objectives of interest. Experiments show that smaller buildings with no windows and skylights are the most energy efficient models. Window heat gain is another objective used to encourage models to have windows. In addition, window and volume based objectives are tried. To examine the impact of environment on designs, experiments are run on five different geographic locations. Also, both single floor models and multi-floor models are examined in this research. According to the experiments, solutions from the experiments were consistent with respect to materials, sizes, and appearance, and satisfied problem constraints in all instances.


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The focus is on design, more specifically, "animal handling facilities which are labor saving and reduce bruise losses". The article studies: Unloading Chutes, Stockyard Design, Hog Plant Stockyard, General Purpose Small Stockyard, Beef Stockyard, Cattle Crowding Pens, Hog Crowding Pens, Slopes in Chutes and Crowding Pens, Single File Chutes General Recommendations, Single File Chutes for Cattle, Slaughter Restrainers,