899 resultados para paths


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O trabalho apresentado decorre do Projecto de Intervenção realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial: domínio cognitivo e motor, na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. A presente intervenção contempla o trabalho realizado com uma turma de currículo alternativo (Cursos de Educação e Formação de Jovens), no que concerne à aquisição de hábitos e métodos de estudo e trabalho, bem como à interiorização de determinados valores de cidadania, potenciadores da aquisição de alguma motivação para a aprendizagem. O enquadramento teórico facilitará a compreensão das pedras basilares da intervenção, bem como das posições defendidas relativamente à escola inclusiva, à educação para a cidadania, à escola como espaço de luta contra a exclusão e o estigma e à possibilidade de uma aprendizagem significativa e integradora. Para obter informações sobre a turma em questão, sobre a sua integração num espaço escolar específico e para delinear todo o processo de intervenção foram utilizados vários suportes metodológicos, a saber, a pesquisa documental, a observação naturalista, os questionários e diversos instrumentos de registo (notas de campo). Os princípios que orientaram a intervenção realizada, tendo como horizonte uma investigação - acção, bem como os objectivos definidos para a turma, as diversas actividades realizadas, os métodos de avaliação dessa mesma aprendizagem e a colaboração de todos os intervenientes neste processo, permitiram a constatação de algumas melhorias relevantes na área académica e social, em alguns alunos. As práticas educativas que delinearam esta intervenção permitiram desbravar novos caminhos em direcção a novas formas de encarar o ensino de jovens em risco de abandono escolar, permitindo uma nova visão da importância de uma escola democrática, integradora e acolhedora. Considerando-se que no início estávamos perante um grupo-turma com muitas dificuldades comportamentais, com falta de auto-estima e gosto pela escola e com total ausência de métodos e hábitos de estudo e trabalho, pode afirmar-se que todos os alunos melhoraram nos aspectos referidos, demonstrando um comportamento mais adequado em sala de aula e adquirindo alguns métodos e hábitos de estudo relevantes para o sucesso escolar.


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Este trabalho procurou uma resposta para a aparente contradição entre os actos de preservar e de desenvolver no trabalho museológico. E desejava, com essa resposta, obter uma compreensão mais profunda sobre a Museologia. Utilizando a metodologia de investigação “Grounded Theory” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Ellen, 1992; Mark, 1996; Marshall & Rossman, 1999) adoptou a definição de museu dos Estatutos do ICOM (2001) como ponto de partida conceptual para o desenrolar da pesquisa. A - Com o esforço necessário à obtenção da resposta inicial o trabalho pôde alcançar os seguintes resultados: i) Discerniu as fases e a racionalidade do processo museológico, através do qual os objectos adquirem a “identidade patrimonial”. ii) Formulou o conceito de “objecto museológico” numa acepção distinta do de Património ou de “objecto patrimonial”, permitindo confirmar que a contradição formulada na hipótese inicial só poderia desaparecer, ou ser conciliada, num paradigma de trabalho museológico concebido como um acto de comunicação. iii) Propôs, em consequência, um diferente Programa para a orientação do trabalho museológico, demonstrando que garantiria ao património uma maior perenidade e transmissibilidade, sendo ainda capaz de incluir o património referente à materialidade, à iconicidade, à oralidade e à gestualidade dos objectos. iv) Propôs um Léxico de Conceitos capaz de justificar essas novas propostas. v) Sugeriu um índice de desenvolvimento museal (IDM = Σ ƒξ [IP.ID.IC] / CT.CR) para ser possível avaliar e quantificar o trabalho museológico. B – Para o objectivo de uma compreensão mais profunda da Museologia o trabalho alcançaria os seguintes resultados: vi) Verificou a necessidade de se dominarem competências de Gestão, para o trabalho museológico não se restringir apenas a um tipo de colecções ou de património. vii) Sugeriu, para ser possível continuar a investigar a Museologia como um novo ramo ou disciplina do saber, a necessidade estratégica de a ligar ao estudo mais vasto da Memória, apontando dois caminhos: Por um lado, considerar a herança filogenética dos “modos de guardar informações” entre os diferentes organismos e sistemas (Lecointre & Le Guyader, 2001). Por outro lado, considerar os constrangimentos ocorridos durante a ontogenia e a maturação individual que obrigam a ter em consideração, no processamento da memória e do património (codificação, armazenamento, evocação e recuperação, esquecimento), a biologia molecular da cognição (Squire & Kandel, 2002).


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The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.


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This paper examines two “9/11 novels,” Joseph O’Neill’s Netherland (2008) and Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007). Written by writers of different backgrounds but with similarly cosmopolitan career paths, both novels attempt to achieve a transnational perspective on the climate of fear created by the 9/11 attacks. Both novels unveil a history of violence which links colonial legacy and new imperial formations resulting from neoliberal capitalism, ultimately highlighting difficulties in forging an encompassing cosmopolitan perspective at a time of international insecurity.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej


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Hernández plantea en este tributo al desaparecido filósofo y ensayista ecuatoriano, Bolívar Echeverría, que su discurso crítico asume lo que se llamaría, más que filosofía, el pensar. El pensamiento en la América Latina de los 60 se debatía entre varias inquietudes, afirma. Primero, se pretendía hacer una filosofía nacional o de la militancia política. Segundo, se percibía como un problema la necesidad de la filosofía de inscribirse en la Academia. Por último, se instaba a que en filosofía también primara el compromiso de los intelectuales con el presente. Y en el presente coexistían la embriaguez por el cambio revolucionario y cierto pesimismo de la época –agotamiento, dolor y horror por las víctimas de las transformaciones–. Entonces, según Hernández, Echeverría se preguntó por la relación entre Modernidad y Revolución, entre Modernidad y los períodos posteriores de la estabilidad de la Reforma. Consiguió formular la época y formular, a la vez, un pensamiento crítico.Y avanzó más: observó que, pese al efecto devastador del proyecto moderno, la cultura resistía y hacía surgir nuevas formas para mantener las esferas del mundo de la vida. Era el caso de lo barroco, “una estrategia para hacer ‘vivible’ algo que básicamente no lo es”. Moverse en estas sendas, se pregunta Echeverría, ¿no equivale al acontecimiento del pensar?


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Consideramos que la historización del a priori antropológico y el deíctico “nosotros” como expresión de la pluralidad y diversidad de los sujetos en las Américas, son dos categorías filosóficas que abren la tarea de otra manera de filosofar, desde el otro lado del Atlántico. Estos dos caminos teóricos e históricos –por citar dos ejemplos– constituyen el legado del maestro argentino Arturo Andrés Roig, que permitió recuperar el estudio del pensamiento filosófico ecuatoriano y construir una propuesta metodológica para su periodización.


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Este artículo presenta una defensa de lo que podemos denominar la “razón posestructural” en la teoría de las relaciones internacionales. Particularmente, centraremos nuestra atención en tres argumentos críticos comúnmente vertidos contra el posestructuralismo: el de la crítica vacía, la negación de la realidad y el del relativismo. El argumento que este ensayo defiende es que dichas críticas se concentran no en lo que el posestructuralismo dice, sino en aquello que este se niega a decir y para hacerlo recurre a una inútil reiteración de sus propios postulados teóricos. El análisis que llevaremos a cabo le presta especial atención a por qué el posestructuralismo circunscribe posiciones fundacionalistas y al hacerlo enfatizaremos y explicaremos varios de los caminos teóricos que este se rehúsa a tomar.


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The ten years since the Olivos Protocol entered into force represent a milestone in Mercosur’s dispute-resolution system. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the antecedents of the present system (Annex III of Asuncion Treaty and Brasilia Protocol), and evaluate the present conflict-resolution mechanisms, with special reference to the innovations introduced in this respect and disputes resolved under the Olivos Protocol. Finally, the article analyzes some of the possible paths that the dispute-resolution system might take in the future.


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This paper discusses proposals for common euro area sovereign securities. Such instruments can potentially serve two functions: in the short-term, stabilize financialmarkets and banks and, in the medium-term, help improve the euro area economic governance framework through enhanced fiscal discipline and risk-sharing. Many questions remain onwhether financial instruments can ever accomplish such goals without bold institutional and political decisions, and,whether, in the absence of such decisions, they can create new distortions. The proposals discussed are also not necessarily competing substitutes; rather, they can be complements to be sequenced along alternative paths that possibly culminate in a fully-fledged Eurobond. The specific path chosen by policymakers should allow for learning and secure the necessary evolution of institutional infrastructures and political safeguards.


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In an important test for democracy, Georgia and Ukraine will go to the polls for parliamentary elections on the 1st and 28th of October, respectively. The political leaders of these two Eastern Partnership countries have committed themselves to European values and principles – rhetorically. In reality, the promise of their colour revolutions is unrealised and they have shifted further towards authoritarianism, albeit following different paths in their respective post-revolution periods.


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In the UK, the recycling of sewage sludge to land is expected to double by 2006 but the security of this route is threatened by environmental concerns and health scares. Strategic investment is needed to ensure sustainable and secure sludge recycling outlets. At present, the security of this landbank for sludge recycling is determined by legislation relating to nutrient rather than potentially toxic elements (PTEs) applications to land - especially the environmental risk linked to soil phosphorus (P) saturation. We believe that not all land has an equal risk of contributing nutrients derived from applications to land to receiving waters. We are currently investigating whether it is possible to minimise nutrient loss by applying sludge to land outside Critical Source Areas (CSAs) regardless of soil P Index status. Research is underway to develop a predictive and spatially-sensitive, semi-distributed model of critical thresholds for sludge application that goes beyond traditional 'end-of-pipe" or "edge-of-field" modelling, to include hydrological flow paths and delivery mechanisms to receiving waters from non-point sources at the catchment scale.


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[1] We present a new, process-based model of soil and stream water dissolved organic carbon (DOC): the Integrated Catchments Model for Carbon (INCA-C). INCA-C is the first model of DOC cycling to explicitly include effects of different land cover types, hydrological flow paths, in-soil carbon biogeochemistry, and surface water processes on in-stream DOC concentrations. It can be calibrated using only routinely available monitoring data. INCA-C simulates daily DOC concentrations over a period of years to decades. Sources, sinks, and transformation of solid and dissolved organic carbon in peat and forest soils, wetlands, and streams as well as organic carbon mineralization in stream waters are modeled. INCA-C is designed to be applied to natural and seminatural forested and peat-dominated catchments in boreal and temperate regions. Simulations at two forested catchments showed that seasonal and interannual patterns of DOC concentration could be modeled using climate-related parameters alone. A sensitivity analysis showed that model predictions were dependent on the mass of organic carbon in the soil and that in-soil process rates were dependent on soil moisture status. Sensitive rate coefficients in the model included those for organic carbon sorption and desorption and DOC mineralization in the soil. The model was also sensitive to the amount of litter fall. Our results show the importance of climate variability in controlling surface water DOC concentrations and suggest the need for further research on the mechanisms controlling production and consumption of DOC in soils.


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The respiratory emission of CO2 from roots is frequently proposed as an attractant that allows soil-dwelling insects to locate host plant roots, but this role has recently become less certain. CO2 is emitted from many sources other than roots, so does not necessarily indicate the presence of host plants, and because of the high density of roots in the upper soil layers, spatial gradients may not always be perceptible by soil-dwelling insects. The role of CO2 in host location was investigated using the clover root weevil Sitona lepidus Gyllenhall and its host plant white clover (Trifolium repens L.) as a model system. Rhizochamber experiments showed that CO2 concentrations were approximately 1000 ppm around the roots of white clover, but significantly decreased with increasing distance from roots. In behavioural experiments, no evidence was found for any attraction by S. lepidus larvae to point emissions of CO2, regardless of emission rates. Fewer than 15% of larvae were attracted to point emissions of CO2, compared with a control response of 17%. However, fractal analysis of movement paths in constant CO2 concentrations demonstrated that searching by S. lepidus larvae significantly intensified when they experienced CO2 concentrations similar to those found around the roots of white clover (i.e. 1000 ppm). It is suggested that respiratory emissions of CO2 may act as a 'search trigger' for S. lepidus, whereby it induces larvae to search a smaller area more intensively, in order to detect location cues that are more specific to their host plant.


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In this paper we consider the nexus existing between returning transnational migrants to Trinidad and Tobago's adaptation experiences, matters pertaining to their transnational life-paths, family and community experiences and their views on transnationalism and return. The research is based on an analysis of the detailed narratives provided by forty informants by means of semi-structured interviews. The informants consisted of nine 'second-generation', seven 'one-and-a-half-generation' and twenty-four 'prolonged sojourner' returning transnational migrants to Trinidad and Tobago. The main conceptual themes that characterise Caribbean transnationalism are presented at the beginning of the paper. Addressing these in the context of Trinidad and Tobago, we present our narrative-based findings under the following headings derived from analysis of our informant's experiences and views: transnational family and life-course issues; transnational community relationships; keeping in touch; transnational mobility and 'home as fixed anchor'; transnational identity; transnational economic and commercial interests; and strategic flexibility.