909 resultados para mobile computing, tecnologie web, Tizen
The phenomenonal growth of the Internet has connected us to a vast amount of computation and information resources around the world. However, making use of these resources is difficult due to the unparalleled massiveness, high communication latency, share-nothing architecture and unreliable connection of the Internet. In this dissertation, we present a distributed software agent approach, which brings a new distributed problem-solving paradigm to the Internet computing researches with enhanced client-server scheme, inherent scalability and heterogeneity. Our study discusses the role of a distributed software agent in Internet computing and classifies it into three major categories by the objects it interacts with: computation agent, information agent and interface agent. The discussion of the problem domain and the deployment of the computation agent and the information agent are presented with the analysis, design and implementation of the experimental systems in high performance Internet computing and in scalable Web searching. ^ In the computation agent study, high performance Internet computing can be achieved with our proposed Java massive computation agent (JAM) model. We analyzed the JAM computing scheme and built a brutal force cipher text decryption prototype. In the information agent study, we discuss the scalability problem of the existing Web search engines and designed the approach of Web searching with distributed collaborative index agent. This approach can be used for constructing a more accurate, reusable and scalable solution to deal with the growth of the Web and of the information on the Web. ^ Our research reveals that with the deployment of the distributed software agent in Internet computing, we can have a more cost effective approach to make better use of the gigantic scale network of computation and information resources on the Internet. The case studies in our research show that we are now able to solve many practically hard or previously unsolvable problems caused by the inherent difficulties of Internet computing. ^
Recently, wireless network technology has grown at such a pace that scientific research has become a practical reality in a very short time span. Mobile wireless communications have witnessed the adoption of several generations, each of them complementing and improving the former. One mobile system that features high data rates and open network architecture is 4G. Currently, the research community and industry, in the field of wireless networks, are working on possible choices for solutions in the 4G system. 4G is a collection of technologies and standards that will allow a range of ubiquitous computing and wireless communication architectures. The researcher considers one of the most important characteristics of future 4G mobile systems the ability to guarantee reliable communications from 100 Mbps, in high mobility links, to as high as 1 Gbps for low mobility users, in addition to high efficiency in the spectrum usage. On mobile wireless communications networks, one important factor is the coverage of large geographical areas. In 4G systems, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial network is crucial to providing users with coverage wherever needed. Subscribers thus require a reliable satellite link to access their services when they are in remote locations, where a terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable. Thus, they must rely upon satellite coverage. Good modulation and access technique are also required in order to transmit high data rates over satellite links to mobile users. This technique must adapt to the characteristics of the satellite channel and also be efficient in the use of allocated bandwidth. Satellite links are fading channels, when used by mobile users. Some measures designed to approach these fading environments make use of: (1) spatial diversity (two receive antenna configuration); (2) time diversity (channel interleaver/spreading techniques); and (3) upper layer FEC. The author proposes the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access) for the satellite link by increasing the time diversity. This technique will allow for an increase of the data rate, as primarily required by multimedia applications, and will also optimally use the available bandwidth. In addition, this dissertation approaches the use of Cooperative Satellite Communications for hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks. By using this technique, the satellite coverage can be extended to areas where there is no direct link to the satellite. For this purpose, a good channel model is necessary.
In recent years, there has been an enormous growth of location-aware devices, such as GPS embedded cell phones, mobile sensors and radio-frequency identification tags. The age of combining sensing, processing and communication in one device, gives rise to a vast number of applications leading to endless possibilities and a realization of mobile Wireless Sensor Network (mWSN) applications. As computing, sensing and communication become more ubiquitous, trajectory privacy becomes a critical piece of information and an important factor for commercial success. While on the move, sensor nodes continuously transmit data streams of sensed values and spatiotemporal information, known as ``trajectory information". If adversaries can intercept this information, they can monitor the trajectory path and capture the location of the source node. ^ This research stems from the recognition that the wide applicability of mWSNs will remain elusive unless a trajectory privacy preservation mechanism is developed. The outcome seeks to lay a firm foundation in the field of trajectory privacy preservation in mWSNs against external and internal trajectory privacy attacks. First, to prevent external attacks, we particularly investigated a context-based trajectory privacy-aware routing protocol to prevent the eavesdropping attack. Traditional shortest-path oriented routing algorithms give adversaries the possibility to locate the target node in a certain area. We designed the novel privacy-aware routing phase and utilized the trajectory dissimilarity between mobile nodes to mislead adversaries about the location where the message started its journey. Second, to detect internal attacks, we developed a software-based attestation solution to detect compromised nodes. We created the dynamic attestation node chain among neighboring nodes to examine the memory checksum of suspicious nodes. The computation time for memory traversal had been improved compared to the previous work. Finally, we revisited the trust issue in trajectory privacy preservation mechanism designs. We used Bayesian game theory to model and analyze cooperative, selfish and malicious nodes' behaviors in trajectory privacy preservation activities.^
Methods for accessing data on the Web have been the focus of active research over the past few years. In this thesis we propose a method for representing Web sites as data sources. We designed a Data Extractor data retrieval solution that allows us to define queries to Web sites and process resulting data sets. Data Extractor is being integrated into the MSemODB heterogeneous database management system. With its help database queries can be distributed over both local and Web data sources within MSemODB framework. Data Extractor treats Web sites as data sources, controlling query execution and data retrieval. It works as an intermediary between the applications and the sites. Data Extractor utilizes a two-fold "custom wrapper" approach for information retrieval. Wrappers for the majority of sites are easily built using a powerful and expressive scripting language, while complex cases are processed using Java-based wrappers that utilize specially designed library of data retrieval, parsing and Web access routines. In addition to wrapper development we thoroughly investigate issues associated with Web site selection, analysis and processing. Data Extractor is designed to act as a data retrieval server, as well as an embedded data retrieval solution. We also use it to create mobile agents that are shipped over the Internet to the client's computer to perform data retrieval on behalf of the user. This approach allows Data Extractor to distribute and scale well. This study confirms feasibility of building custom wrappers for Web sites. This approach provides accuracy of data retrieval, and power and flexibility in handling of complex cases.
Considerando a era da computação móvel percebe-se que os sistemas de informaçãoestão passando por um processo de metamorfose para possibilitar que seus usuários utilizemnovas formas de acessos às informações a partir de dispositivos móveis. Isso se deveprincipalmente ao aumento da popularidade de dispositivos como smartphones e tablets.Impulsionado por esse novo cenário de computação, que está mudando velhos hábitos ecriando novas maneiras da sociedade acessar informações que até então só eram acessíveisatravés de computadores tradicionais, crescem as demandas por aplicações móveis corporativas.Esse aumento é ocasionado pela necessidade das empresas garantirem aos seusclientes novas formas de interações com seus serviços. Dessa forma, esse trabalho tem oobjetivo de apresentar um estudo referente ao desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis eum processo denominado Metamorphosis, que provê um conjunto de atividades organizadasem três fases: requisitos, projeto e implantação, para auxiliar no desenvolvimentode aplicações móveis corporativas baseadas em sistemas de informações web existentes.
Cloud computing can be defined as a distributed computational model by through resources (hardware, storage, development platforms and communication) are shared, as paid services accessible with minimal management effort and interaction. A great benefit of this model is to enable the use of various providers (e.g a multi-cloud architecture) to compose a set of services in order to obtain an optimal configuration for performance and cost. However, the multi-cloud use is precluded by the problem of cloud lock-in. The cloud lock-in is the dependency between an application and a cloud platform. It is commonly addressed by three strategies: (i) use of intermediate layer that stands to consumers of cloud services and the provider, (ii) use of standardized interfaces to access the cloud, or (iii) use of models with open specifications. This paper outlines an approach to evaluate these strategies. This approach was performed and it was found that despite the advances made by these strategies, none of them actually solves the problem of lock-in cloud. In this sense, this work proposes the use of Semantic Web to avoid cloud lock-in, where RDF models are used to specify the features of a cloud, which are managed by SPARQL queries. In this direction, this work: (i) presents an evaluation model that quantifies the problem of cloud lock-in, (ii) evaluates the cloud lock-in from three multi-cloud solutions and three cloud platforms, (iii) proposes using RDF and SPARQL on management of cloud resources, (iv) presents the cloud Query Manager (CQM), an SPARQL server that implements the proposal, and (v) comparing three multi-cloud solutions in relation to CQM on the response time and the effectiveness in the resolution of cloud lock-in.
Avaliação de usabilidade é um processo importante durante o desenvolvimento de um software, seja ele para um sistema web ou mobile. No caso de um sistema mobile, o custo é bastante oneroso, tanto no que se refere à mão de obra especializada, como de recursos tecnológicos utilizados, tornando essa avaliação de usabilidade ainda mais importante. Além disso, as versões webdos sistemas SIG da UFRN já estão consolidadas e com uma grande aceitação, fazendo com que suas versões mobile tenham, ainda mais, a preocupação de lançar um produto de boa qualidade para manter essa credibilidade dos sistemas SIG , tanto na UFRN, como nas demais instituições que utilizam esses sistemas. Com este trabalho, buscou-se identificar algumas diretrizes de interface que possam ser utilizadas no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile, mais especificamente o SIGAA Mobile, de modo a facilitar o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades voltadas para estes sistemas. Para isso, foi realizada uma avaliação de usabilidade no Portal do Aluno do SIGAA Mobile Android, tomando como base padrões de interface já existentes na literatura. Posteriormente, foi aplicado um questionário com os usuários do sistema para coletar as opiniões e sugestões dos mesmos. De posse de todos esses dados coletados, foi possível definir algumas diretrizes de interface a serem seguidas como recomendações no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile.
La tesi si pone l’obiettivo di valutare l’efficienza in termini di sicurezza stradale e di gradimento per l’utenza di una pista ciclabile esistente all’interno dell’area urbana del comune di Bologna. La ricerca è nata dalla necessità di avere degli strumenti di analisi che permettano di migliorare e potenziare le infrastrutture ciclabili. Essendo noto che il conducente di un velocipede durante la guida scansiona con lo sguardo l’ambiente che lo circonda, cercando informazioni significative per la posizione spaziale e temporale in cui si trova, per progettare ciclabili sicure diventa fondamentale conoscere quali elementi dell’ambiente sono maggiormente guardati e considerati dagli utenti. La Tangenziale delle Biciclette è un' infrastruttura ciclabile di recente realizzazione; importante dunque è studiarne le criticità, in modo da rendere le viabilità ciclabile su di essa più fluida e rapida possibile. Il campo prova su cui sono stati effettuati i test è quindi il tratto "Tangenziale Nord-Ovest delle Biciclette". La sperimentazione si è articolata in due parti: inizialmente sono state effettuate indagini preliminari sul campo prova, nello specifico sono stati distribuiti questionari di gradimento ad un totale di 50 utenti ciclabili. In un secondo momento invece sono stati eseguiti in loco test tramite la strumentazione Mobile Eye, cioè un dispositivo per il rilievo in continuo dello sguardo dei conducenti durante la guida. Mediante lo studio combinato dei risultati acquisiti dai questionari e dai video del Mobile Eye è stato possibile dedurre alcune criticità che compromettono la fluidità della viabilità ciclabile. L'ultimo paragrafo della tesi è dedicato all'elenco di alcune soluzioni strutturali che potrebbero rendere queste criticità meno impattanti.
La tesi tratta l'analisi della sicurezza delle piste ciclabili di Bologna, mediante tecnologie innovative quali Mobile Eye e Video V-Box. Si trattano due percorsi: "Sabotino" e "Sant'Orsola", comprendenti ciascuno due itinerari alternativi, uno ciclabile e uno no. In prima fase, si sono somministrati dei questionari di gradimento ad un campione composto da 50 utenti per percorso. I questionari sono composti da una parte generale e da una specifica dell'itinerario. Dall'analisi dei risultati delle interviste, eseguita esclusivamente per il percorso "Sabotino", è stato possibile evidenziare le criticità segnalate dai ciclisti. Sono state poi condotte, esclusivamente nel tratto Nord-Ovest della tangenziale delle biciclette, indagini sperimentali con Mobile Eye, con lo scopo di conoscere quali elementi stradali sono maggiormente guardati e considerati dall'utente e con Video V-Box, in grado di fornire posizione, velocità puntuale e accelerazione. A tali sperimentazioni hanno partecipato 17 utenti, ignari dello scopo del test. Ottenuti i dati, sono stati analizzati i risultati provenienti da V-Box quindi analizzate le velocità in prossimità delle intersezioni significative. Dal confronto dei risultati provenienti dai questionari e dai test sperimentali è stato possibili giundere a delle conclusioni.
Questa tesi è incentrata sulla revisione del classico modello di infrastruttura Cloud. Le motivazioni sono da ricercare nelle condizioni operative reali della maggior parte dei dispositivi connessi alla rete attualmente. Si parla di ambiente ostile riferendosi a network popolate da molti dispositivi dalle limitate caratteristiche tecniche e spesso collegati con canali radio, molto più instabili delle connessioni cablate. Allo scenario va ad aggiungersi la necessità crescente di mobilità che limita ulteriormente i vantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo dell’infrastruttura Cloud originale. La trattazione propone il modello Edge come estensione del Cloud. Esso ne amplia il ventaglio di utilizzo, favorendo aree di applicazione che stanno acquisendo maggiore influenza negli ultimi periodi e che richiedono una revisione delle vecchie infrastrutture Cloud, dettata dalle caratteristiche stringenti che necessitano per un'operatività soddisfacente.
The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Research Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1/.