702 resultados para marketing management
Drawing on the organizational capabilities literature, the authors developed and tested a model of how supportive human resource management (HRM) improved firms’ financial performance perceived by marketing managers through fostering the implementation of a customer-oriented strategy. Customer-linking capability, which is the capability in managing close customer relationships, indicated the implementation of the customer-oriented strategy. Data collected from two emerging economies – China and Hungary –established that supportive HRM partially mediated the relationship between customer-oriented strategy and customer-linking capability. Customer-linking capability further explained how supportive HRM contributed to perceived financial performance. This study explicates the implication of customer-oriented strategy for HRM and reveals the
importance of HRM in strategy implementation. It also sheds some light on the ‘black box’ between HRM and performance. While making important contributions to the field of strategy, HRM and marketing, this study also offers useful practical implications.
Green grams (Phaseolus aures L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) are widely grown in the vertisols of the Mwea Irrigation Scheme alongside the rice fields. Green grams can fix nitrogen (biological nitrogen fixation) and are grown for its highly nutritious and curative seeds while tomatoes are grown for its fruit rich in fibres, minerals and vitamins. The two can be prepared separately or together in a variety of ways including raw salads and/or cooked/fried. They together form significant delicacies consumed with rice which is the major cash crop grown in the black cotton soils. The crops can grow well in warm conditions but tomato is fairly adaptable except under excessive humidity and temperatures that reduce yields. Socio-economic prioritization by the farming community and on-farm demonstrations of soil management options were instituted to demonstrate enhanced green gram and tomato production in vertisol soils of lower parts of Kirinyaga County (Mwea East and Mwea West districts). Drainage management was recognized by the farming community as the best option although a reduced number of farmers used drainage and furrows/ridges, manure, fertilizer and shifting options with reducing order of importance. Unavailability of labour and/or financial cost for instituting these management options were indicated as major hindrances to adopt the yield enhancing options. Labour force was contributed to mainly by the family alongside hiring (64.2%) although 28% and 5.2% respectively used hired or family labour alone. The female role in farming activities dominated while the male role was minimal especially at weeding. The youth role remained excessively insignificant and altogether absent at marketing. Despite the need for labour at earlier activities (especially when management options needed to be instituted) it was at the marketing stage that this force was directed. Soils were considered infertile by 60% but 40% indicated that their farms had adequate fertility. Analysis showed that ridging and application of farm yard manure and fertilizer improved fertility, crop growth and income considerably. Phosphate and zinc enhancement reduced alkalinity and sodicity. Green gram and tomato yields increased under ridges and farm yard manure application by 17-25% which significantly enhanced household income.
This keynote presentation will report some of our research work and experience on the development and applications of relevant methods, models, systems and simulation techniques in support of different types and various levels of decision making for business, management and engineering. In particular, the following topics will be covered. Modelling, multi-agent-based simulation and analysis of the allocation management of carbon dioxide emission permits in China (Nanfeng Liu & Shuliang Li Agent-based simulation of the dynamic evolution of enterprise carbon assets (Yin Zeng & Shuliang Li) A framework & system for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps: a big data perspective (Jin Xu, Zheng Li, Shuliang Li & Yanyan Zhang) Open innovation: intelligent model, social media & complex adaptive system simulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A framework, model and software prototype for modelling and simulation for deshopping behaviour and how companies respond (Shawkat Rahman & Shuliang Li) Integrating multiple agents, simulation, knowledge bases and fuzzy logic for international marketing decision making (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A Web-based hybrid intelligent system for combined conventional, digital, mobile, social media and mobile marketing strategy formulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A hybrid intelligent model for Web & social media dynamics, and evolutionary and adaptive branding (Shuliang Li) A hybrid paradigm for modelling, simulation and analysis of brand virality in social media (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) Network configuration management: attack paradigms and architectures for computer network survivability (Tero Karvinen & Shuliang Li)
The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients
The growing importance of tourism in overall economic activity worldwide has favored the intensification of competition among cities that seek to create environments attractive to tourists and potential investors. It has been common practice to import characteristics of the business environment in the public management of cities. The city marketing is a key tool used by public leaders to promote a linkage between the tourism image and urban image and involves, in addition to promoting the image of the city, the planning of interventions in urban space, trying to formulate a positive image of the city able to facilitate the deployment of capital. This research seeks to understand the nature of city marketing as part of contemporary urban management and analyzes how is its application in decisions concerning the promotion of tourism in Natal/RN. The approach of this research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, in which respondents were the main leaders of two of the official tourism site, the Empresa Potiguar de Promoção Turística and the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico. It was found that there is a strong articulation of public power with private enterprise in the design and conduct of the actions of urban marketing, that from the survey data show that the behavior of target markets provide guidelines for taking strategic decisions relating to tourism. Sun and sea are some key elements explored to form the image of Natal and to authorize the sale of the city as a tropical paradise. However, there is an increase in the diversification of tourism products, seeking to increase flow to the segments of ecotourism, adventure, business and culture. It s also growing the use of local culture as a tourism product, however, the cultural representation focuses on superficial values and does not bring to light the social and historical richness that the city has. Public authorities use the city marketing strategies as a means able to maximize the attractiveness of Natal urban space to investors, business groups and tourists. It can be observed that urban managers seek solutions that can continuously increase the tours, which often manifests in interventions that focus the tourist areas of the city, in oposition of those who do not contribute to a positive reading of the city, which ultimately generate the worsening of spacial and social inequalities
Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion
The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration
O marketing interno (MI) surge como uma ferramenta de gestão que tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma organização focada no cliente, motivando e capacitando os seus colaboradores a alcançarem os objetivos organizacionais. Esta ferramenta pode contribuir para um maior e melhor desempenho e comprometimento organizacional, desde que usada de forma estratégica e adequada. Esta dissertação procura verificar se a existência de práticas de MI podem influenciar, de alguma forma, a motivação dos colaboradores contribuindo, igualmente, na retenção e fidelização dos mesmos, num contexto industrial, ao contrário do que é habitual nos estudos feitos até então, focados mais nos serviços pelas suas caraterísticas de maior contacto entre clientes e colaboradores. Aplicando a metodologia de estudo de caso na empresa Oliveira & Irmão, S.A., analisou-se um programa de marketing interno iniciado e desenvolvido durante o ano 2014 e que a empresa pretende manter, não esquecendo de uma forma geral de outras práticas de MI que a empresa faz questão de continuar a assinalar. Em termos globais, os resultados deste estudo mostram que a existência de práticas de marketing, aplicadas internamente, têm efeito no desenvolvimento de comportamentos e atitudes relacionadas com o trabalho por parte dos colaboradores e, que mesmo não sendo os principais fatores motivacionais, são complementares.
Atualmente vivemos numa era em que a publicidade nos rodeia através de várias formas e onde as empresas esforçam-se cada vez mais para tornar eficaz a mensagem que pretendem passar. O uso de métodos convencionais, como a televisão, rádio, ou até outdoors, está a tornar-se pouco eficaz. Em muito pouco tempo, nos últimos vinte anos, a Internet mudou a nossa forma de viver, sendo até comparado ao Renascimento e à Revolução Industrial. As gerações mais recentes nasceram rodeadas deste “boom” publicitário, o que as tornou imunes. De forma a contornar este problema, surge Levinson em 1989 onde apresenta uma forma de minimizar este efeito e ao mesmo tempo proporcionar a que pequenas empresas tenham capacidade de competir com as maiores (Levinson, 2007). Assim, o marketing de guerrilha caracteriza-se por estar normalmente associado a implementações de baixo custo, que por vezes são irrepetíveis, pois conseguem alcançar um impacto “wow” significativo junto do grande público (Oliveira & Ferreira, 2013). O presente estudo contribui para a literatura do marketing de guerrilha existente, realizando assim uma compilação acerca do desenvolvimento desta temática até aos dias de hoje. De forma a perceber quais são os fatores que influenciam o uso do marketing de guerrilha pelas empresas portuguesas, foram inquiridas 140 empresas de todo o país, através de um questionário com base no estudo desenvolvido por Overbeek (2012). Através desta investigação exploratória, numa área ainda pouco explorada em Portugal, até à data, em especial a nível académico, “verificou-se que existe uma grande procura por este tipo de ferramentas não convencionais, tanto que, verificou-se que 86,4% da amostra já presenciou uma ação de guerrilha, no entanto apenas 36,4% admite já ter implementado na sua empresa, o que levanta a questão do porquê de uma taxa tão reduzida de utilização deste tipo de abordagem não convencional (Almeida & Au-Yong-Oliveira, 2015, p.1). A explicação poderá estar ligada à grande aversão à incerteza que existe em Portugal (Hofstede, 2001), e ao receio da mudança e da experimentação de novos produtos em Portugal (Steenkamp et al., 1999). Fatores que não irão mudar durante décadas, dado o tempo que demora a mudar culturas nacionais (Hofstede, 2001). Verifica-se também que na amostra das 140 empresas se destacam pessoas formadas (ao grau de licenciatura e mestrado) em Marketing (18,7% da amostra), Design (15,7%), Gestão (10,4%) e Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (7,9%). Pode-se concluir que são as quatro áreas fundamentais, ou pelo menos a necessidade existe em ter conhecimento nestas quatro áreas atualmente. Devido à [pequena] dimensão das empresas, um colaborador que tenha estas quatro competências tem uma vantagem competitiva face aos restantes, no que toca a hard skills.
In this thesis, proactive marketing is suggested to be a broader concept than existing research assumes. Although the concept has been mentioned in the context of competitive advantage in previous research, it has not been comprehensively described. This thesis shows that proactive marketing is more than investing in marketing communications of a company. Proactive marketing is described as a three-phased process that contains different customer value identification, creation, and delivery activities. The purpose of proactive marketing is essentially to anticipate and pursue market opportunities that bring value to the company’s stakeholders. Ultimately, proactive marketing aims at acting first on the market, shaping the markets, and thus reaching competitive advantage. The proactive marketing process is supported by the structures of an organization. Suitable structures for proactive marketing are identified in the thesis based on existing research and through an empirical analysis. Moreover, proactive marketing is related to two management theories: the dynamic capabilities framework and the empowerment of employees. A dynamic environment requires companies that pursue proactive marketing to change continuously. Dynamic capabilities are considered as tools of the management, which enable companies to create suitable conditions for the constant change. Empowerment of employees is a management practice that creates proactive behaviors in individuals. The empirical analysis is conducted in an online company operating in the rapidly changing marketplace of the Internet. Through the empirical analysis, the thesis identifies in practice how proactiveness manifests in the marketing process of a company, how organizational structures facilitate proactive marketing, and how proactive marketing is managed. The theoretical contribution of this thesis consist of defining the proactive marketing concept comprehensively and providing further research suggestions related to proactive marketing.
No setor hospitalar, o marketing compõe um grupo interdependente de serviços e tem como objetivo principal aproximar clientes - externos, internos e corpo gestor -, através de estratégias específicas que promovem satisfação e qualidade. Esta organização possui uma larga diversidade de profissionais da saúde e o marketing, neste sentido, auxilia no processamento de seus serviços de forma a lapidá-los sob a ótica do cliente, buscando efetividade e produtividade. Neste cenário encontra-se o enfermeiro, cujo trabalho é composto pelas dimensões cuidar, gerenciar, educar/pesquisar, que se entrelaçam e caracterizam o serviço deste profissional. No entanto, costumeiramente, a enfermagem não declara o marketing como uma ferramenta estratégica ao seu processo de trabalho – fato verificável na exploração de publicações científicas -, e, paralelamente, depara-se com empecilhos na execução de seu trabalho que podem comprometer a sua excelência. Assim, este estudo busca analisar a relação do marketing com o trabalho do enfermeiro nas dimensões cuidar, gerenciar, ensinar/pesquisar. Para sua efetivação, optou-se pelo referencial metodológico Estudo de Caso, onde o fenômeno é verificado como ocorre em seu cenário real. Assim, a coleta, caracterizada por pesquisador e unidade únicos, ocorreu em um hospital universitário, geral e público no sul do país que declara publica e virtualmente o marketing institucional. Como fontes de evidência, foram utilizadas: entrevista focada com quatro sujeitos de áreas estratégicas para esta pesquisa; análise de documentação criada pela assessoria de marketing e observação direta. O tratamento e a análise dos dados ocorreram por meio da Análise Temática, que possibilitou a exposição dos resultados através de dois artigos: “A relação do marketing com o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro na dimensão cuidar” e “A relação do marketing com o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro nas dimensões gerenciar e educar/pesquisar”. Os resultados evidenciaram que o marketing no cuidar - auxilia a efetividade do cuidado através de novas estratégias de comunicação com o usuário, produz materiais elucidativos, lúdicos para sua continuação e manutenção e o divulga no meio intra e extra-hospitalar; no gerenciar - auxilia a o enfermeiro a ter um método mais inovador e criativo, a focar no cliente e no bom relacionamento interpessoal com a equipe; no educar/pesquisar - cria canais de comunicação interna e campanhas únicas que, além de auxiliar na realização da educação permanente e na atualização de enfermeiros, propicia meios para transmitir novos achados científicos à prática da enfermagem hospitalar. Através deste estudo, percebeu-se que ações de marketing podem contribuir para a efetividade do trabalho do enfermeiro em suas facetas dimensionais, aproximando este agente de saúde do usuário ao qual seu serviço é destinado e da gestão da organização, propiciando a este profissional maior visibilidade e valorização no espaço hospitalar e social.
There would appear to be varied approaches to the sales process practiced by SMEs in how they go about locating target customers, interfacing with prospects and new customers, presenting the benefits and features of their products and services, closing sales deals and building relationships, and an understanding of what the buyers needs are in the seller-buyer process. Recent research has revealed that while entrepreneurs and small business owners rely upon networking as an important source of sales, they lack marketing competencies, including personal selling skills and knowledge of what is involved in the sales process to close sales deals and build relationships. Small companies and start-ups with innovative products and services often find it difficult to persuade potential buyers of the merits of their offerings because, while the products and services may be excellent, they have not sufficiently well-developed selling skills necessary to persuade their target customers.
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
A inovação é um elemento importante para alavancar a competitividade das empresas brasileiras. Por outro lado, projetos inovadores tendem a ser caracterizados por inúmeras incertezas técnicas e de mercado. Este artigo propõe a fusão de estratégias de marketing com técnicas de gerenciamento de risco de projetos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos e novas tecnologias, aqui denominado de os 4P’s da inovação. A fim de ilustrar esta proposta, este modelo é aplicado a um projeto de TI a fim de determinar o seu valor e risco. Os resultados indicam que o uso conjunto de ferramentas de marketing e de gerenciamento de risco proposto neste modelo agrega valor ao projeto e pode reduzir a probabilidade do gestor tomar decisões equivocadas.
A revisão de literatura tem revelado grande interesse na lealdade do cliente e enfatizado cada vez mais a sua importância no sucesso de uma empresa. Simultaneamente, durante décadas, a satisfação tem sido mencionada como um importante determinante da lealdade. Paralelamente, o conceito marketing relacional tem assumido grande relevância ao nível da prestação de serviços, sustentando a ideia de que as empresas podem maximizar os seus ganhos com relações duradouras com os seus clientes, passando a gestão dessas relações a estar associada à satisfação e à consequente lealdade. Neste contexto, o presente estudo examina o efeito do grau de satisfação na formação do grau de lealdade do cliente, através de um estudo de caso de uma loja de desporto da região da Aveiro. Os dados recolhidos, a uma amostra de 220 inquiridos, por meio de um questionário, suportam a teoria de que estes dois constructos estão relacionados entre si. Desta forma, esta investigação permitiu aferir o grau de satisfação geral e de lealdade geral dos clientes para com a loja, fornecendo evidência empírica da existência de uma relação positiva (moderada) entre os mesmos. Foi, ainda, possível afirmar que o grau de lealdade não varia significativamente consoante determinadas características do perfil dos clientes inquiridos, contudo constituem características importantes para a tomada de decisão neste contexto específico.