987 resultados para lithium-metal battery


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. Measurement of the relation between polarisation P and electric field E for lithium potassium sulphate (LiKSO4) was made in the low temperature range below room temperature. The P-E hysteresis loops along the c axis of LiKSO4 were observed in the low-temperature phase below the lower transition point Ttl of about -70 degrees C, and in the intermediate phase below the upper transition point Ttu of about -25 degrees C. These phases were found to be ferroelectric. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarisation Ps and the electric coercive field Ec were obtained.


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The electronic structure of sodium tungsten bronzes NaxWO3 is investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES spectra measured in both insulating and metallic phases of NaxWO3 reveals the origin of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in sodium tungsten bronze system. It is found that in insulating NaxWO3 the states near the Fermi level (E-F) are localized due to the strong disorder caused by the random distribution of Na+ ions in WO3 lattice. Due to the presence of disorder and long-range Coulomb interaction of conduction electrons, a soft Coulomb gap arises, where the density of states vanishes exactly at E-F. In the metallic regime the states near E-F are populated and the Fermi level shifts upward rigidly with increasing electron doping (x). Volume of electron-like Fermi surface (FS) at the Gamma(X) point of the Brillouin zone gradually increases with increasing Na concentration due to W 5d t(2g) band filling. A rigid shift of the Fermi energy is found to give a qualitatively good description of the Fermi surface evolution. As we move from bulk-sensitive to more surface sensitive photon energy, we found the emergence of Fermi surfaces at X(M) and M(R) point similar to the one at the Gamma(X) point in the metallic regime, suggesting that the reconstruction of surface was due to rotation/deformation of WO6 octahedra.


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LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2, a high voltage and high-capacity cathode material for Li-ion batteries, has been synthesized by three different rapid synthetic methods. viz. nitrate-melt decomposition, combustion and sol-gel methods. The first two methods are ultra rapid and a time period as small as 15 min is sufficient to prepare nano-crystalline LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2. The processing parameters in obtaining the best performing materials are optimized for each process and their electrochemical performance is evaluated in Li-ion cells. The combustion-derived LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 sample exhibits large extent of cation mixing (10%) while the other two methods yield LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 with cation mixing <5%. LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 prepared by nitrate-melt decomposition method exhibits superior performance as Li-ion battery cathode material.


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Ternary 3d-metal complexes of formulation [M(Tp(Ph))(py-nap)](ClO4)(1-3), where M is Co(II) (1), Cu(II) (2), and Zn(II) (3); Tp(Ph) is anionic tris (3-phenylpyrazolyl)borate; and py-nap is a pyridyl ligand with a conjugated 1,8-naphthalimide moiety, have been prepared from the reaction of metal perchlorate with KTp(Ph) and py-nap in CH2Cl2. The complexes have been characterized from analytical and physicochemical data. The complexes are stable in solution as evidenced from the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry data. The complexes show good binding propensity with calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values of similar to 10(5) M-1 and a molecular ``light-switch'' effect that results in an enhancement of the emission intensity of the naphthalimide chromophore on binding to CT DNA. The complexes do not show any hydrolytic cleavage of DNA. They show poor chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes exhibit oxidative pUC19 DNA cleavage activity in UV-A light of 365 rim. The Zn(II) complex shows moderate DNA photocleavage activity at 365 nm. The Cu(II)complex 2 displays photoinduced DNA cleavage activity in red light of 647.1 nm and 676 rim and near-IR light of >750 rim. A mechanistic studyin UV-A and visible light suggests the involvement of the hydroxyl radical as the reactive species in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The complexes also show good bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein binding propensity, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(5) M-1. Complexes 1 and 2 display significant photoinduced BSA cleavage activity in UV-A light. The Co(II) complex 1 shows a significant photocytotoxic effect in HeLa cervical cancer cells on exposure to UV-A light of 365 nm, giving an IC50 value of 32 mu M. The IC50 value for the py-nap ligand alone is 41.42 mu m in UV-A light. The IC50 value is >200 mu M in the dark, indicating poor dark toxicity of 1. The Cu(II) complex 2 exhibits moderate photocytotoxicity and significant dark toxicity, giving IC50 values of 18.6 mu m and 29.7 mu m in UV-A light and in the dark, respectively.


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Heavy metals build-up on urban road surfaces is a complex process and influenced by a diverse range of factors. Although numerous research studies have been conducted in the area of heavy metals build-up, limited research has been undertaken to rank these factors in terms of their influence on the build-up process. This results in limitations in the identification of the most critical factor/s for accurately estimating heavy metal loads and for designing effective stormwater treatment measures. The research study undertook an in-depth analysis of the factors which influence heavy metals build-up based on data generated from a number of different geographical locations around the world. Traffic volume was found to be the highest ranked factor in terms of influencing heavy metals build-up while land use was ranked the second. Proximity to arterial roads, antecedent dry days and road surface roughness has a relatively lower ranking. Furthermore, the study outcomes advances the conceptual understanding of heavy metals build-up based on the finding that with increasing traffic volume, total heavy metal build-up load increases while the variability decreases. The outcomes from this research study are expected to contribute to more accurate estimation of heavy metals build-up loads leading to more effective stormwater treatment design.


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Uncertainty inherent to heavy metal build-up and wash-off stems from process variability. This results in inaccurate interpretation of stormwater quality model predictions. The research study has characterised the variability in heavy metal build-up and wash-off processes based on the temporal variations in particle-bound heavy metals commonly found on urban roads. The study outcomes found that the distribution of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were consistent over particle size fractions <150µm and >150µm, with most metals concentrated in the particle size fraction <150µm. When build-up and wash-off are considered as independent processes, the temporal variations in these processes in relation to the heavy metals load are consistent with variations in the particulate load. However, the temporal variations in the load in build-up and wash-off of heavy metals and particulates are not consistent for consecutive build-up and wash-off events that occur on a continuous timeline. These inconsistencies are attributed to interactions between heavy metals and particulates <150µm and >150µm, which are influenced by particle characteristics such as organic matter content. The behavioural variability of particles determines the variations in the heavy metals load entrained in stormwater runoff. Accordingly, the variability in build-up and wash-off of particle-bound pollutants needs to be characterised in the description of pollutant attachment to particulates in stormwater quality modelling. This will ensure the accounting of process uncertainty, and thereby enhancing the interpretation of the outcomes derived from modelling studies.


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Abstract is not available.


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The complexes of monothiobiuret with Co(II), Ni(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) chlorides are investigated. The ligand is suggested to be unidentate bonding through sulfur in Co(II) and Hg(II) complexes and bidentate bonding through both sulfur and oxygen atoms in the other two complexes.


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The behavior of the chelate, ferric dipivaloylmethide, Fe(DPM)3, in vinyl polymerization systems was investigated. The polymerization was found to be of free-radical nature. The rate of polymerization was proportional to the square root of the concentration of the chelate. The monomer exponent was close to 1.5 for the Fe(DPM)3-initiated polymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate. The kinetic and transfer constants and activation energies for these systems have been evaluated. Spectral studies revealed the possibility of a complex formation between the chelate and the monomer. A kinetic scheme for the Fe(DPM)3-initiated polymerization is derived based on this initial complex formation.


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The nature of the interaction between the unsaturated monomer and the chelate, Fe(DPM)3, is studied in detail. The interaction is found to occur only in solution. The stoichiometry of interaction and the equilibrium constant are evaluated. With the help of spectral evidence, attempts are made to point out the specific sites of interaction.


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Morphology and electrochemical performance of mixed crystallographic phase titania nanotubes for prospective application as anode in rechargeable lithium ion batteries are discussed. Hydrothermally grown nanotubes of titania (TiO2) and carbon-titania (C-TiO2) comprise a mixture of both anatase and TiO2 (B) crystallographic phases. The first cycle capacity (at Current rate = 10 mAg(-1)) for bare TiO2 nanotubes was 355 mAhg(-1) (approximately 1.06 Li), which is higher than both the theoretical capacity (335 mAhg(-1)) and the reported values for pure anatase and TiO2 (B) nanotubes. Higher capacity is attributed to it combination of the presence of mixed crystallographic phases of titania and trivial size effects. The surface area of bare TiO2 nanotubes was very high at 340 m(2) g(-1). C-TiO2 nanotubes showed a slightly lower first-cycle specific capacity of 307 mAhg(-1), but the irreversible capacity loss in the first cycle decreased by half compared to bare TiO2 nanotubes. The C-TiO2 nanotubes also showed a better rate capability, that is, higher capacities compared to bare TiO2 nanotubes in the Current range 0.1-2 Ag-1. Enhanced rate capability in the case of C-TiO2 is attributed to the efficient percolation of electrons as well its to the decrease in the anatase phase.


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The effect of pH and metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Cr3+, Co3+, and Mg2+) on the decyclization reactions of pyridoxal-histamine cyclized Schiff base has been studied using electronic spectroscopy. The study reveals that the cyclization reaction is irreversible with respect to pH and metal ions. Interest in this work derives from the possible involvement of cyclization reactions in the inhibitory activity of a number of pyridoxal-dependent enzymes.


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The thermodynamics of tie binding of calcium and magnesium ions to a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in 20 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) at 20 degrees C. Enthalpy titration curves of calcium show the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites, There exist two low-affinity sites for Ca2+, both of which are exothermic in nature and with positive cooperative interaction between them. Two other high affinity sites for Ca2+ exist of which one is endothermic and the other exothermic, again with positive cooperative interaction. The binding constants for Ca2+ at the four sites have been verified by a competitive binding assay, where CaBP competes with a chromophoric chelator 5, 5'-Br-2 BAPTA to bind Ca2+ and a Ca2+ titration employing intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of the protein, The enthalpy of titration of magnesium in the absence of calcium is single site and endothermic in nature. In the case of the titrations performed using protein presaturated with magnesium, the amount of heat produced is altered. Further, the interaction between the high-affinity sites changes to negative cooperativity. No exchange of heat was observed throughout the addition of magnesium in the presence of 1 mM calcium, Titrations performed on a cleaved peptide comprising the N-terminus and the central linker show the existence of two Ca2+ specific sites, These results indicate that this CaBP has one high-affinity Ca-Mg site, one high-affinity Ca-specific site, and two low-affinity Ca-specific sites. The thermodynamic parameters of the binding of these metal ions were used to elucidate the energetics at the individual site(s) and the interactions involved therein at various concentrations of the denaturant, guanidine hydrochloride, ranging from 0.05 to 6.5 M. Unfolding of the protein was also monitored by titration calorimetry as a function of the concentration of the denaturant. These data show that at a GdnHCl concentration of 0.25 M the binding affinity for the Mg2+ ion is lost and there are only two sites which can bind to Ca2+, with substantial loss cooperativity. At concentrations beyond 2.5 M GdnHCl, at which the unfolding of the tertiary structure of this protein is observed by near UV CD spectroscopy, the binding of Ca2+ ions is lost. We thus show that the domain containing the two low-affinity sites is the first to unfold in the presence of GdnHCl. Control experiments with change in ionic strength by addition of KCI in the range 0.25-1 M show the existence of four sites with altered ion binding parameters.


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Insulating nanoporous materials are promising platforms for soft-ionizing membranes; however, improvement in fabrication processes and the quality and high breakdown resistance of the thin insulator layers are needed for high integration and performance. Here, scalable fabrication of highly porous, thin, silicon dioxide membranes with controlled thickness is demonstrated using plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor-deposition. The fabricated membranes exhibit good insulating properties with a breakdown voltage of 1 × 107 V/cm. Our calculations suggest that the average electric field inside a nanopore of the membranes can be as high as 1 × 106 V/cm; sufficient for ionization of wide range of molecules. These metal–insulator–metal nanoporous arrays are promising for applications such soft ionizing membranes for mass spectroscopy.