Taxonomy of factors which influence heavy metal build-up on urban road surfaces

Autoria(s): Liu, An; Gunawardana, Chandima; Gunawardena, Janaka; Egodawatta, Prasanna; Ayoko, Godwin A.; Goonetilleke, Ashantha



Heavy metals build-up on urban road surfaces is a complex process and influenced by a diverse range of factors. Although numerous research studies have been conducted in the area of heavy metals build-up, limited research has been undertaken to rank these factors in terms of their influence on the build-up process. This results in limitations in the identification of the most critical factor/s for accurately estimating heavy metal loads and for designing effective stormwater treatment measures. The research study undertook an in-depth analysis of the factors which influence heavy metals build-up based on data generated from a number of different geographical locations around the world. Traffic volume was found to be the highest ranked factor in terms of influencing heavy metals build-up while land use was ranked the second. Proximity to arterial roads, antecedent dry days and road surface roughness has a relatively lower ranking. Furthermore, the study outcomes advances the conceptual understanding of heavy metals build-up based on the finding that with increasing traffic volume, total heavy metal build-up load increases while the variability decreases. The outcomes from this research study are expected to contribute to more accurate estimation of heavy metals build-up loads leading to more effective stormwater treatment design.








Liu, An, Gunawardana, Chandima, Gunawardena, Janaka, Egodawatta, Prasanna, Ayoko, Godwin A., & Goonetilleke, Ashantha (2016) Taxonomy of factors which influence heavy metal build-up on urban road surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 310, pp. 20-29.


Copyright 2016 Elsevier BV

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution; Non-Commercial; No-Derivatives 4.0 International. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.02.026


School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; School of Earth, Environmental & Biological Sciences; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #090508 Water Quality Engineering #Heavy metals #Traffic volume #Stormwater quality #Stormwater pollutant processes #Multivariate analysis

Journal Article