970 resultados para laser-kaiverrus


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We present the results of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum dot structures with GaAsN barrier layers grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy. Extension of the emission wavelength of GaInNAs quantum dots by ~170nm was observed in samples with GaAsN barriers in place of GaAs. However, optimization of the GaAsN barrier layer thickness is necessary to avoid degradation in luminescence intensity and structural property of the GaInNAs dots. Lasers with GaInNAs quantum dots as active layer were fabricated and room-temperature continuous-wave lasing was observed for the first time. Lasing occurs via the ground state at ~1.2μm, with threshold current density of 2.1kA/cm[superscript 2] and maximum output power of 16mW. These results are significantly better than previously reported values for this quantum-dot system.


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IntraCavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (ICLAS) is a high-resolution, high sensitivity spectroscopic method capable of measuring line positions, linewidths, lineshapes, and absolute line intensities with a sensitivity that far exceeds that of a traditional multiple pass absorption cell or Fourier Transform spectrometer. From the fundamental knowledge obtained through these measurements, information about the underlying spectroscopy, dynamics, and kinetics of the species interrogated can be derived. The construction of an ICLA Spectrometer will be detailed, and the measurements utilizing ICLAS will be discussed, as well as the theory of operation and modifications of the experimental apparatus. Results include: i) Line intensities and collision-broadening coefficients of the A band of oxygen and previously unobserved, high J, rotational transitions of the A band, hot-band transitions, and transitions of isotopically substituted species. ii) High-resolution (0.013 cm-1) spectra of the second overtone of the OH stretch of trans-nitrous acid recorded between 10,230 and 10,350 cm-1. The spectra were analyzed to yield a complete set of rotational parameters and an absolute band intensity, and two groups of anharmonic perturbations were observed and analyzed. These findings are discussed in the context of the contribution of overtone-mediated processes to OH radical production in the lower atmosphere.


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The accuracy of a 3D reconstruction using laser scanners is significantly determined by the detection of the laser stripe. Since the energy pattern of such a stripe corresponds to a Gaussian profile, it makes sense to detect the point of maximum light intensity (or peak) by computing the zero-crossing point of the first derivative of such Gaussian profile. However, because noise is present in every physical process, such as electronic image formation, it is not sensitive to perform the derivative of the image of the stripe in almost any situation, unless a previous filtering stage is done. Considering that stripe scanning is an inherently row-parallel process, every row of a given image must be processed independently in order to compute its corresponding peak position in the row. This paper reports on the use of digital filtering techniques in order to cope with the scanning of different surfaces with different optical properties and different noise levels, leading to the proposal of a more accurate numerical peak detector, even at very low signal-to-noise ratios


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Introducción: Estudios de depilación láser (DL) con seguimientos a largo plazo son limitados. Resultados en reducción del pelo oscilan entre 60-80% en la literatura disponible. Metodología: En una Cohorte Histórica analizamos resultados en 123 áreas de 57 pacientes con seguimientos mayores a 1 año contemplando características del paciente y tratamiento. Resultados: 123 áreas de 57 pacientes femeninas entre 17 y 61 años, FitzPatrick II-IV, color de pelo castaño claro/oscuro y negros, tuvieron seguimientos mayores a 12 meses; El promedio de seguimiento superó los 2 años (29.6±20.3 meses). El promedio de sesiones fue 17.0±9.0 en su mayoría con Alexandrita (79.7%).El promedio de reducción fue 87.6±13%. El 61% de las áreas presentaron más del 90% de reducción (p<0.049). No hubo diferencia significativa entre porcentajes de reducción y características del paciente. La densidad de energía (Kj/cm2) presento diferencia estadísticamente significativa, (cara p<0.01, miembros inferiores p<0.05); así como el mayor número de sesiones (p<0.039). El resultado en la sesión 6, 12, 18 y 24, comparado con la reducción final mostró mayor similitud a partir de la sesión 18 en todas las áreas excepto en cara, La complicación más frecuente fue la quemadura superficial con Alexandrita, al menos en una ocasión en 32 de 57 pacientes. Discusión: Este estudio descriptivo mostro que la DL ofrece altas reducciones de pelo que se mantienen por periodos mayores a 2 años, asociadas con número de sesiones y densidad de potencia. En cara se obtuvieron altos resultados con mayor número de sesiones, superiores a lo reportados en la literatura.


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Video on how to print to a Ricoh laser printer at WSA from a Mac, applies University wide just don't print WSA Colour or WSA Black & White if you are not WSA based.


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Vintage video (1986) on laser safety, presented by Dr. Gillian Rice. This is a 37 minute video, explaining the hazards which are likely to be encountered and ways to reduce those hazards in teaching and research laboratories in higher education. Presented in 5 parts: Part 1 (1:49) Laser radiation and the body Part 2 (8:49) Classes of laser Part 3 (13:32) Safety measures Part 4 (21:32) Other risks: precautions Part 5 (31:49) Summary


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This short video is designed to make you think about the safety aspects of working with lasers within laser laboratories. Postgraduates and research fellows work with many different types of lasers in a variety of different experimental conditions. These lasers are often more powerful than those used as an undergraduate and require additional safety practices. The video was demonstrated to the EUNIS 2008 conference Aarhus, Denmark, and was a finalist in the Dorup E-Learning Award.


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Laser safety door signs for 3R, 3B and class 4 laser areas


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Blank laser user registration form


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Documents, Guidance, Video information relating to Laser Safety in the University


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Form to provide information and assistance when there has been / suspected eye exposure to laser radiation


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El vello facial no deseado es un problema común en las mujeres, los tratamientos láser han mostrado efectividad para su manejo. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la depilación láser en cara de las pacientes tratadas a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más ) luego de un seguimiento de 6 meses durante los años 1997 y 2012. Metodología: 55 mujeres que con tipo de piel II a V recibieron 20 o más sesiones de láser con seguimiento mayor a 6 meses posterior al la última sesión. Resultados: la edad promedio fue (32 ± 9,3 años), el 18,2 % presentaban SOP o Hiperandrogenismo el número de sesiones en cara fue de (30,84 ± 12,132), un promedio de disparos de (6,330 ± 7,804), los Kilojulios acumulados tuvieron un promedio de (126,5 ± 161,4) la fluencia promedio fue (18,5 ± 3,2 Julios/cm2), el láser de Alexandrita fue utilizado en el 98% de las pacientes. Se encontró cambios significativos entre el conteo inicial y el final de vello facial (484,9 ± 568.9 (med=300) vs. 103,33± 138,63 (med=60), p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon). El 32.7% mostraron reducción > 90% (5,5% reducción del 100%). Conclusión : El tratamiento con de depilación con láser mostro una reducción significativa del vello facial, en mujeres mayores de 14 años con un tratamiento a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más), con una tasa de reducción mayor del 90% en 32.7% de las pacientes y un promedio de reducción del grupo de 79,36 ±15,51 %, similar a lo reportado en los diferentes estudios (77%).


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Short video produced by the National Physical Laboratories on class 3B and 4 laser controlled areas