998 resultados para lago de várzea


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Under certain circumstances, it is possible to identify clonal variants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infecting a single patient, probably as a result of subtle genetic rearrangements in part of the bacillary population. We systematically searched for these microevolution events in a different context, namely, recent transmission chains. We studied the clustered cases identified using a population-based universal molecular epidemiology strategy over a 5-year period. Clonal variants of the reference strain defining the cluster were found in 9 (12%) of the 74 clusters identified after the genotyping of 612 M. tuberculosis isolates by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable-number tandem repeat typing. Clusters with microevolution events were epidemiologically supported and involved 4 to 9 cases diagnosed over a 1- to 5-year period. The IS6110 insertion sites from 16 representative isolates of reference and microevolved variants were mapped by ligation-mediated PCR in order to characterize the genetic background involved in microevolution. Both intragenic and intergenic IS6110 locations resulted from these microevolution events. Among those cases of IS6110 locations in intergenic regions which could have an effect on the regulation of adjacent genes, we identified the overexpression of cytochrome P450 in one microevolved variant using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR. Our results help to define the frequency with which microevolution can be expected in M. tuberculosis transmission chains. They provide a snapshot of the genetic background of these subtle rearrangements and identify an event in which IS6110-mediated microevolution in an isogenic background has functional consequences.


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An estimated 360 million people are infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) worldwide. Among these, 65 million live in Africa. Despite the high levels of hepatitis B in Africa, HBV epidemiology is still poorly documented in most African countries. In this work, the epidemiological and molecular characteristics of HBV infection were evaluated among the staff, visitors and adult patients (n = 508) of a public hospital in Luanda, Angola. The overall prevalence of hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) and hepatitis B surface antigen was 79.7% and 15.1%, respectively. HBV infection was higher in males and was more prevalent in individuals younger than 50 years old. HBV-DNA was detected in 100% of HBV "e" antigen-positive serum samples and in 49% of anti-hepatitis Be antibody-positive samples. Thirty-five out of the 40 HBV genotypes belonged to genotype E. Circulation of genotypes A (4 samples) and D (1 sample) was also observed. The present study demonstrates that HBV infection is endemic in Luanda, which has a predominance of genotype E. This genotype is only sporadically found outside of Africa and is thought to have emerged in Africa at a time when the trans-Atlantic slave trade had stopped.


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Artemisinin is the active antimalarial compound obtained from the leaves of Artemisia annua L. Artemisinin, and its semi-synthetic derivatives, are the main drugs used to treat multi-drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum (one of the human malaria parasite species). The in vitro susceptibility of P. falciparum K1 and 3d7 strains and field isolates from the state of Amazonas, Brazil, to A. annua infusions (5 g dry leaves in 1 L of boiling water) and the drug standards chloroquine, quinine and artemisinin were evaluated. The A. annua used was cultivated in three Amazon ecosystems (várzea, terra preta de índio and terra firme) and in the city of Paulínia, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Artemisinin levels in the A. annua leaves used were 0.90-1.13% (m/m). The concentration of artemisinin in the infusions was 40-46 mg/L. Field P. falciparum isolates were resistant to chloroquine and sensitive to quinine and artemisinin. The average 50% inhibition concentration values for A. annua infusions against field isolates were 0.11-0.14 μL/mL (these infusions exhibited artemisinin concentrations of 4.7-5.6 ng/mL) and were active in vitro against P. falciparum due to their artemisinin concentration. No synergistic effect was observed for artemisinin in the infusions.


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El estudio analiza la práctica del conferencing en 4 países (Nueva Zelanda, Australia, Irlanda del Norte y Bélgica), y efectúa un estudio empírico que recoge las percepciones de los mediadores sobre si esta práctica restaurativa puede ser una herramienta útil para los programas de mediación en el ámbito penal.


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The serology of human Trypanosoma cruziinfection in the Rio Negro microregion is very complex because of the large numbers of false-positive cases that result from low antibody titres and cross-reactions with other infections. In the present study, we collected 4,880 blood samples on filter paper; of these, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) was strongly reactive in 221 (4.5%), which were considered to be positive (IIF strongly reactive; high intensity of fluorescence) and weakly reactive in 302 (6.2%), which were considered to be doubtful (IIF weakly reactive; low intensity of fluorescence). The confirmatory test on the serum using at least two of three techniques (IIF, conventional ELISA and recombinant ELISA) on 137 samples that were positive in the screening test only confirmed 33 cases (24.1%). Of the 178 samples that were considered doubtful in the screening test, only 10 (5.6%) were considered to be positive in the confirmatory test. Finally, we recommend that the serological diagnosis of T. cruziinfection in the Amazon region be made using at least two different techniques, for example immunofluorescence and ELISA and confirmed by Western blot analysis when possible.


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This study aimed to investigate the circulation of Orthobunyavirus species in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) Brazil. During a dengue outbreak in 2011/2012, 529 serum samples were collected from patients with acute febrile illness with symptoms for up to five days and 387 pools of female Culex quinquefasciatuscaptured in 2013 were subjected to nested-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for segment S of the Simbu serogroup followed by nucleotide sequencing and virus isolation in Vero cells. Patients (5/529; 0.9%) from Cuiabá (n = 3), Várzea Grande (n = 1) and Nova Mutum (n = 1) municipalities were positive for the S segment of Oropouche virus (OROV). Additionally, eight/387 Cx. quinquefasciatuspools were positive for the segment, with a minimum infection rate of 2.3. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that all the samples belong to the subgenotype Ia, presenting high homology with OROV strains obtained from humans and animals in the Brazilian Amazon. The present paper reports the first detection of an Orthobunyavirus, possibly OROV, in patients and in Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in MT. This finding reinforces the notion that arboviruses frequently reported in the Amazon Region circulate sporadically in MT during dengue outbreaks.


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El trabajo aborda las transformaciones de una área del centro histórico de la ciudad de Hangzhou desde el anàlisis de un elemento urbano significante en la cultura urbana china como es la calle. El análisis específico del nuevo Distrito de negocios, vecino al lago del Oeste, se plantea desde diferentes escalas urbanas y una visión sobre los acontecimientos históricos que configuraron el perfil de la ciudad desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad.


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Estudi de tipus comparatiu entre l'amor que experimenten els herois de Chrétien de Troyes i Tirant lo Blanc, i que ens porta a descobrir les hipertextualitats existents referents al tema amorós entre aquestes novel·les separades per 300 anys.


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Este trabajo recrea el proceso de traducción de un cómic francés al castellano y se detiene específicamente en el análisis de las dificultades derivadas del tipo de lenguaje propio del cómic. La pretensión es responder a la pregunta: ¿es posible ofrecer una traducción de calidad de un cómic?


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Lamprophyre dykes have been recently discovered in blocks of gneiss embedded in a calcschist formation of wildflysch type that forms the top of the Mesozoic-Tertiary metasedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe (the Teggiolo zone) in the Val Bavona (Lower Penninic, NW Ticino, Switzerland). The presence of the lamprophyres gives a clue to the possible source of these blocks. Similar dykes occur in the N part of the Maggia nappe where they are intruded into the Matorello granite and the surrounding gneisses. We studied these lamprophyres at two localities in the Teggiolo zone (Tamierpass and Lago del Zott) and at one locality in the Maggia nappe (Laghetti). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigations confirm their great similarity, particularly between the Tamier and Laghetti dykes. They all recrystallized during Alpine metamorphism under amphibolite facies conditions and lost their primary mineral assemblages and textures. The chemistry reveals a calc-alkaline affinity, a limited differentiation range, features of mineral accumulation and intense remobilization in some cases. The lamprophyres are characterized by a high mg# and relatively low contents in REE and other incompatible elements. In situ SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating yielded ages of 284.8 +/- 1.7 Ma (Tamier), 290.0 +/- 1.3 Ma (Zott) and 290.5 +/- 3.7 Ma (Laghetti). These ages are compatible with the general late- to post-Variscan magmatic evolution of the Helvetic and Lower Penninic domains. The lamprophyres are considered as melts derived from the lithospheric Variscan mantle, variously hybridized and differentiated at the contact with crustal material during late- to post-orogenic extension. These lamprophyres are chemically distinct from earlier lamprophyres of Visean age, emplaced together with their associated granites in transcurrent fault zones during the Variscan orogenic compression. The similarity of these different dykes suggests that the front of the Maggia nappe is a likely source of the gneissic blocks embedded in the calcschists at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They would have been provided by the advancing Maggia nappe during its thrusting over the Antigorio nappe and simultaneous closure of the Teggiolo sedimentary basin.


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En este estudio sobre costos y beneficios están comprendidas las embarcaciones, desde 40 hasta 80 pies de eslora, la cuales durante 1962 han pescado como mínimo 8 meses a lo lago de la costa peruana la anchoveta objeto de reducción en harina.


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Se comparan quistes de artemia obtenidos en Tumbes, Huacho y Chilca con una variedad comercial del Gran Lago Salado, Utah, con respecto a porcentaje, eficiencia, tiempo y rendimiento de la eclosión. Las variedades de Tumbes y Huacho fueron de mejor calidad que la variedad comercial y la de Chilca.


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A inundação urbana é um evento tão antigo quanto as cidades ou aglomerações urbanas. Este evento pode ocorrer devido ao comportamento natural dos cursos de água, quando o excesso do volume da chuva que não consegue ser drenado ocupa a várzea e inunda, em função da topografia, as áreas próximas aos cursos de água (inundações ribeirinhas), ou pode ocorrer pelo efeito da alteração produzida pelo homem através da urbanização devido à impermeabilização das superfícies e canalização dos rios. Um conjunto de factores pode ser relacionado quanto à ocorrência das inundações. Certamente, um dos mais preocupantes é a falta de planeamento para ocupação de bacias hidrográficas, resultando a ocupação de áreas consideradas de risco de inundação. A população de maior poder aquisitivo tende a habitar os locais seguros ao contrário da população carente que ocupa as áreas de alto índice de inundação, provocando problemas sociais que se repetem por ocasião de cada cheia na região. A cidade da Praia, enquanto cidade ribeirinha, está sujeita a riscos de inundações de certas áreas que hoje estão ocupadas. Esta tese é reforçada pelo facto de Cabo Verde se situar numa zona de influência de um clima muito instável, podendo em curtos períodos de tempo produzir precipitações de tal forma intensas com consequências imprevistas. Neste trabalho fez-se uma análise da problemática de inundações em áreas ribeirinhas a jusante da bacia hidrográfica da Trindade, onde está localizada a cidade da Praia, a capital administrativa de Cabo Verde, cuja população sofre ocasionalmente com a força dos cursos de água que desaguam no Oceano Atlântico, à luz de uma proposta de construção de uma barragem de retenção de águas superficiais desenvolvida em 1992. Buscou-se, portanto, soluções práticas e eficientes para o melhor aproveitamento das áreas a fim de evitar transtornos, possibilitando melhor qualidade de vida para o meio urbano da capital do país, para além de se ter apresentado propostas de aproveitamento dos recursos hídricos da bacia da Trindade para utilização diversa. Conclui-se com a realização deste trabalho que os riscos hidrológicos associados à bacia da Trindade são neste momento bastante consideráveis quando se consideram os dados dos cálculos hidrológicos para períodos de retorno acima de Dissertação de Mestrado em Ordenamento & Desenho do Território 5 50 anos pois, os níveis de inundações seriam tais que punham em risco habitações e infra-estruturas na cidade da Praia localizadas na zona jusante da bacia. A falta de planeamento e a ausência de uma gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos na bacia hidrográfica da Trindade são factores que contribuem potencialmente para um aumento nos prejuízos associados a evento chuvoso. É importante ressaltar que, as soluções para a protecção e o controlo das inundações devem ser incorporadas nos Planos Directores Municipais através de Planos Directores de Drenagem. A bacia da Trindade, pela sua dimensão e contributo para fenómenos de enchentes, deveria ser alvo de uma abordagem integrada e sistémica de modo a perceber melhor o comportamento hidráulico no seu interior e, delinear um plano de intervenção que permita minimizar os impactos negativos desse tipo de fenómenos sobre as populações com base em estudos aprofundados que permitam o dimensionamento do conjunto das infra-estruturas a serem construídas.


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When rare is just a matter of sampling: Unexpected dominance of clubtail dragonflies (Odonata, Gomphidae) through different collecting methods at Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Capture of dragonfly adults during two short expeditions to Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, using three distinct collecting methodsaerial nets, Malaise and light sheet trapsis reported. The results are outstanding due the high number of species of Gomphidae (7 out of 26 Odonata species), including a new species of Cyanogomphus Selys, 1873, obtained by two non-traditional collecting methods. Because active collecting with aerial nets is the standard approach for dragonfly inventories, we discuss some aspects of the use of traps, comparing our results with those in the literature, suggesting they should be used as complementary methods in faunistic studies. Furthermore, Zonophora campanulata annulata Belle, 1983 is recorded for the first time from Minas Gerais State and taxonomic notes about Phyllogomphoides regularis (Selys, 1873) and Progomphus complicatus Selys, 1854 are also given.


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Lake Banyoles is the second largest lake in the Iberian Peninsula and due to this relative uniqueness, its peculiar geological origin, and its considerable age attracted the early attention of the late Professor Ramon Margalef. One of the first papers by Margalef was on the biota of Lake Banyoles and two of the first four Ph.D. theses that he supervised were about the limnology of this lake. Unfortunately, the uniqueness of this lake also implied that it was the first place of introduction into the Iberian Peninsula of several exotic fish species, early in the XXth Century and nowadays the lake fish assemblage is dominated by invasive species, and some native ones have been extirpated. Although the limnological studies in Lake Banyoles were pioneering within the Iberian Peninsula, studies on fish ecology of the lake did not start until 1989. Thereafter, four Ph.D. theses have been completed on different aspects of the fish assemblages of Lake Banyoles. The aim of this paper is to provide a short overview of this research, largely brought about by the considerable limnological information previously available for this lake, thanks to the insightful, pioneering work of Professor Margalef