880 resultados para information seeking paths and strategies


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Issues concerning the influence of attachment characteristics on own and partner's disclosure were addressed using a sample of 113 couples in medium-term dating relationships. Individual differences in attachment were assessed in terms of relationship anxiety and avoidance. Disposition to disclose was assessed using questionnaire measures of self-disclosure, relationship-focused disclosure, and the ability to elicit disclosure from the partner; in addition, structured diaries were used to assess aspects of disclosure (amount, intimacy, emotional tone, and satisfaction) in the context of couples' everyday interactions. Couple-level analyses showed that avoidance strongly predicted dispositional measures of disclosure, whereas anxiety (particularly partner's anxiety) was related to negative evaluations of everyday interactions. Interactive effects of attachment dimensions and gender were also obtained, highlighting the complexity of communication behavior. The results are discussed in terms of the goals and strategies associated with working models of attachment.


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Cloninger's psychobiological model of personality as applied to substance misuse has received mixed support. Contrary to the model, recent data suggest that a combination of high novelty seeking (NS) and high harm avoidance (HA) represents a significant risk for the development of severe substance misuse. A genetic polymorphism previously implicated in severe substance dependence, the A1 allele of the D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2) gene, was examined in relation to NS and HA amongst 203 adolescent boys. Specifically, we hypothesized that subjects with the A1 + allele (A1/A1 and A1/A2 genotypes) would report stronger NS and would exhibit a more positive relationship between NS and HA than those with the A1-allele (A2/A2 genotypes). These predictions were supported. The correlation between NS and HA in 81 A1 + allelic boys (r = 0.27, P = 0.02), and that in the 122 A1- allelic boys (r = -0.15, P = 0.09), indicated that this relationship differed according to allelic status (F = 8.52, P < 0:004). Among those with the A1-allele, the present results are consistent with the traditional view that novelty seeking provides positive reinforcement, or the fulfillment of appetitive drives. In contrast, novelty seeking in those with the A1 + allele appears to include a negative reinforcement or self-medicating function. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To identify why reconceptualization of the problem is difficult in chronic pain, this study aimed to evaluate whether (1) health professionals and patients can understand currently accurate information about the neurophysiology of pain and (2) health professionals accurately estimate the ability of patients to understand the neurophysiology of pain. Knowledge tests were completed by 276 patients with chronic pain and 288 professionals either before (untrained) or after (trained) education about the neurophysiology of pain. Professionals estimated typical patient performance on the test. Untrained participants performed poorly (mean +/- standard deviation, 55% +/- 19% and 29% +/- 12% for professionals and patients, respectively), compared to their trained counterparts (78% +/- 21% and 61% +/- 19%, respectively). The estimated patient score (46% +/- 18%) was less than the actual patient score (P < .005). The results suggest that professionals and patients can understand the neurophysiology of pain but professionals underestimate patients' ability to understand. The implications are that (1) a poor knowledge of currently accurate information about pain and (2) the underestimation of patients' ability to understand currently accurate information about pain represent barriers to reconceptualization of the problem in chronic pain within the clinical and lay arenas. (C) 2003 by the American Pain Society.


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O trabalho apresenta e analisa os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada junto aos gerentes-executivos de programas do Plano Plurianual (PPA) sobre a possibilidade de aplica????o do conceito de organiza????o virtual no setor p??blico. Em uma organiza????o virtual, os parceiros compartilham informa????es e infra-estrutura de maneira sin??rgica, incrementando a efetividade para um n??vel que nenhum deles poderia alcan??ar sozinho. Nesta nova Era, tradicionais conceitos s??o abandonados ou questionados, e o pr??prio conceito de ???organiza????o??? est?? mudando, de forma a refletir os desafios inerentes ao novo ambiente. O trabalho descreve e analisa o contexto que molda essa nova abordagem para o processo de planejamento governamental, e os resultados de pesquisa de campo, na qual foram avaliados os fatores e estrat??gias que impactam a coordena????o interorganizacional requerida para o adequado funcionamento de uma organiza????o virtual. Entre as conclus??es, destaca-se a possibilidade de aplica????o, no setor p??blico, do conceito de organiza????es virtuais, as quais operam necessariamente a partir do compartilhamento de recursos, informa????es e de objetivos de organiza????es formalmente independentes, o que requer lidar com diferentes impress??es sobre autonomia, poder e controle e diferentes culturas organizacionais, alterando, radicalmente, conceitos e pr??ticas acerca de fronteiras organizacionais, propriedade de recursos, gest??o da informa????o e processo decis??rio.


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A tese afirma a vida por meio das biopotências que se manifestam em movimentações invisíveis aos olhos acostumados a permitir o ver, o julgar e o falar. Foca o tempo presente, na comunicação em redes, traz em si a potência de reatar a multidão, com a capacidade de sondar possibilidades mostrando o que antes parecia opaco e impossível. Perambular é ligar nas redes quentes de um bairro com/no/do território ao privilegiar o movimento, o processo, sempre caminhando pelas vias e conexões abertas, aposta estética-ética-política nos paradoxos sem superação e não hierarquizados. Toma como método de pesquisa-intervenção elementos de uma cartografia de movimentos e devires, traçando um perambular rizomático em que são problematizados a constituição do problema de pesquisa, que considera a construção do conhecimento diversificada, descentralizada e horizontalizada. Problematiza as práticas discursivas de si em suas relações com a biopolítica, a governabilidade e a biopolítica das populações. O que está(rá) rolando nesse bairro, no que foi chamado de criança, adolescente, escola, compor para que as coisas apareçam, junto com outros que vivem a loucura em duplas e trios. A tese é a possibilidade da existência de uma educação menor na periferia para as populações marginalizadas, muçulmanizadas. Educação menor, da sala de aula, do bairro, do cotidiano de professores, familiares e alunos. Educação que permite revolucionários, na medida em que alguma revolução ainda faz sentido na educação nesses dias. A educação menor constitui-se, assim, num empreendimento de militância, de professores militantes. Plano das afecções em que não há unidades, apenas intensidade. A tese fala do processo, de como reproduzir, ou não, os modos de subjetividade dominante, não se trata de medidas - "menor" ou "pequeno". Nesse sentido, é preciso considerar os efeitos de produção de subjetividade e a incorporação dos fatos à própria vida. A tese analisa movimentos instituintes buscando reconhecê-los em sua natureza contestatória e transgressora e ter conhecimento de como se organiza na escola e muito além dela. Discutindo a produtividade dessa coreografia do perambular, esboçamos movimentos que denominamos: estradas que levam a nada, além muro


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Investiga os sentidos do ser e dos saberes docentes com ênfase no processo de formação inicial de professores para a educação básica, por meio da modalidade de Educação a Distância – EAD. Questiona os modos como o ser docente e os saberes da profissão docente foram se constituindo ao longo das trajetórias de formação percorridas pelos estudantes egressos dos três primeiros cursos de licenciatura em Química, Física e Artes Visuais, ofertados pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes), no âmbito do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil – UAB, entre 2008 e 2014, no Polo da cidade de Itapemirim/ES, em um recorte temporal definido como antes, durante e após a integralização dos referidos cursos. Pressupõe uma perspectiva teórica crítica, que compreende a formação e a docência como processos históricos de construção social e coletiva, que não possuem início e término em si, por si e para si. A pesquisa delineia-se como um estudo de caso qualitativo. A abordagem aos sujeitos deu-se por meio de técnicas que visam à coleta de dados descritivos, com o uso de três principais instrumentos, no formato semiestruturado: um questionário, uma entrevista coletiva e um fórum virtual temático. Para compor o repertório de dados, ocorreram, ainda, informações advindas dos documentos e bases legais que deram sustentação à oferta dos cursos, bem como dos relatórios de acompanhamento e gestão destes. A análise dos dados se deu por meio da técnica de triangulação, com sustentação teórica nos estudos de Freire, Nóvoa e Tardif. Evidencia a necessidade de estudos na área da formação articulada à EAD, bem como da consideração dos saberes cotidianos da docência na proposição de políticas à sua formação. Revela uma variedade de sentidos atribuídos aos conceitos de docência e dos saberes da docência e a sua constituição em meio a processos formativos ao longo de toda a vida dos sujeitos. Reconhece a necessidade de uma formação contínua do docente após a obtenção de sua titulação profissional e aponta a EAD como possibilidade de acesso a essa formação na/pela Universidade pública, em tempos e espaços que se vêm constituindo, em meio às novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação. Ressalta a importância do Sistema UAB para a disseminação da formação e da EAD, bem como a necessidade de institucionalização dessa modalidade como forma de superação do caráter emergencial e provisório da atual política de formação de professores no Brasil.


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Introdução: O câncer de próstata é o segundo tipo de câncer mais incidente em homens em todas as regiões do Brasil. Aproximadamente 62% dos casos diagnosticados no mundo ocorrem em homens com 65 anos ou mais, caracterizando o único fator de risco estabelecido. Objetivos: Estudar a tendência da completude do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM), segundo as variáveis idade, raça/cor, escolaridade e estado civil no período de 2000 a 2010, no Espírito Santo, Região Sudeste e Brasil. Analisar a tendência de mortalidade por câncer de próstata na série histórica no estado do Espírito Santo (ES), no período de 1980 a 2010. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo baseado em dados secundários de todos os óbitos por câncer de próstata obtidos do SIM e dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) disponíveis no DATASUS departamento de informática do SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde), no ES, Região Sudeste e Brasil, no período de 1980 a 2010. Considerou-se as variáveis (idade, raça/cor, escolaridade e estado civil). Analisou-se o número absoluto e calculou-se o percentual de não preenchimento das informações das declarações de óbitos (DOs), que são a base de informação do SIM, nas localidades selecionadas (ES, Região Sudeste e Brasil). Analisou-se através do Pacote Estatístico para Ciências Sociais (SPSS), versão 18.0. Realizou-se uma análise inferencial com ajustes de curvas para os percentuais de dados faltantes das variáveis demográficas disponíveis no sistema do DATASUS (estado civil, escolaridade, raça/cor). E para a análise de tendência, foi realizado o cálculo do coeficiente de mortalidade por óbitos. As equações do melhor modelo e as estatísticas de ajuste (valor de R2 e o p-valor do teste F de adequação do modelo) foram obtidas do programa SPSS, versão 18.0. Resultados: No período de 2000 a 2010 a variável raça/cor, escolaridade, mostrou-se decrescente para o Brasil. A variável estado civil destacou-se por caracterizar uma tendência crescente no ES, Região Sudeste e Brasil. No período de 1980 a 2010 observou-se 3.561 óbitos no ES. Observa-se na série história que há tendência crescente de mortalidade por câncer de próstata. Conclusão: O trabalho é de grande importância para o estudo de câncer de próstata no Brasil. Identificou-se a crescente não completude dos campos de Estado Civil, enquanto a variável raça/cor foi considerada decrescente, porém com qualidade dos dados ruim. É preciso ações para que o processo de coleta dos dados seja aprimorado pela capacitação dos registradores. Nos resultados observou-se a tendência de crescimento da mortalidade, sendo necessárias ações, estratégias e políticas governamentais voltadas para a integralidade à saúde masculina.


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Purpose Achieving sustainability by rethinking products, services and strategies is an enormous challenge currently laid upon the economic sector, in which materials selection plays a critical role. In this context, the present work describes an environmental and economic life cycle analysis of a structural product, comparing two possible material alternatives. The product chosen is a storage tank, presently manufactured in stainless steel (SST) or in a glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (CST). The overall goal of the study is to identify environmental and economic strong and weak points related to the life cycle of the two material alternatives. The consequential win-win or trade-off situations will be identified via a Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Costing (LCA/LCC) integrated model. Methods The LCA/LCC integrated model used consists in applying the LCA methodology to the product system, incorporating, in parallel, its results into the LCC study, namely those of the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Results In both the SST and CST systems the most significant life cycle phase is the raw materials production, in which the most significant environmental burdens correspond to the Fossil fuels and Respiratory inorganics categories. The LCA/LCC integrated analysis shows that the CST has globally a preferable environmental and economic profile, as its impacts are lower than those of the SST in all life cycle stages. Both the internal and external costs are lower, the former resulting mainly from the composite material being significantly less expensive than stainless steel. This therefore represents a full win-win situation. As a consequence, the study clearly indicates that using a thermoset composite material to manufacture storage tanks is environmentally and economically desirable. However, it was also evident that the environmental performance of the CST could be improved by altering its End-of-Life stage. Conclusions The results of the present work provide enlightening insights into the synergies between the environmental and the economic performance of a structural product made with alternative materials. Further, they provide conclusive evidence to support the integration of environmental and economic life cycle analysis in the product development processes of a manufacturing company, or in some cases even in its procurement practices.


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Background and Purpose: Precise needle puncture of the kidney is a challenging and essential step for successful percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Many devices and surgical techniques have been developed to easily achieve suitable renal access. This article presents a critical review to address the methodologies and techniques for conducting kidney targeting and the puncture step during PCNL. Based on this study, research paths are also provided for PCNL procedure improvement. Methods: Most relevant works concerning PCNL puncture were identified by a search of Medline/PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2007 to December 2012. Two authors independently reviewed the studies. Results: A total of 911 abstracts and 346 full-text articles were assessed and discussed; 52 were included in this review as a summary of the main contributions to kidney targeting and puncturing. Conclusions: Multiple paths and technologic advances have been proposed in the field of urology and minimally invasive surgery to improve PCNL puncture. The most relevant contributions, however, have been provided by the applicationofmedical imaging guidance, newsurgical tools,motion tracking systems, robotics, andimage processing and computer graphics. Despite the multiple research paths for PCNL puncture guidance, no widely acceptable solution has yet been reached, and it remains an active and challenging research field. Future developments should focus on real-time methods, robust and accurate algorithms, and radiation free imaging techniques


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This paper assesses the validity and reliability of two instruments measuring quality of service, the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL scales, replicated in a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. To provide insights and strategies for managerial intervention, a relation between customers’ satisfaction and quality of service is established. The empirical study suggests a superior convergent and predictive validity of SERVPERF scale to measure quality of service in this settings when comparing to SERVQUAL. The main differences of this study with previous ones, are that this one resorts on a confirmatory factor analysis, the validation of the instruments is performed by using the same measures suggested by their creators and extends the line of research to a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. Concerning the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, all of the quality of service attributes correlate almost equally to the satisfaction ones, with a lower weight concerning tangibles.


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This paper assesses the validity and reliability of two instruments measuring quality of service, the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL scales, replicated in a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. To provide insights and strategies for managerial intervention, a relation between customers’ satisfaction and quality of service is established. The empirical study suggests a superior convergent and predictive validity of SERVPERF scale to measure quality of service in this settings when comparing to SERVQUAL. The main differences of this study with previous ones, are that this one resorts on a confirmatory factor analysis, the validation of the instruments is performed by using the same measures suggested by their creators and extends the line of research to a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. Concerning the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, all of the quality of service attributes correlate almost equally to the satisfaction ones, with a lower weight concerning tangibles.


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This paper seeks to investigate the use of performance information by politicians and whether the institutional reforms on performance management (PM) have been operationalized by local politicians. Differences on the policy field and the organizational context have been analyzed. Our goal is contribute to knowledge on PM in the political sphere and understand the different responses of politicians to government change initiatives (mainly coercive pressures). Our findings show that local politicians support the notion that greater attention should be devoted to the use of performance information on the evaluation process. Nevertheless they are very skeptic in relation to effective execution of government reforms. There is an internal culture where agencies are embedded, strongly influenced by the high degree of politicisation among senior managers, that lead politicians to be more concerned about personal opinions and informal performance information rather than to use more sophisticated information (output and outcome measures). The institutional approach helps us to identify political responses to institutional pressures and understand the reasons for a reduced use in the Portuguese context.


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This paper studies the use of results oriented performance information (outputs and outcomes) by local elected politicians (aldermen) in top managers’ performance evaluation. The main goal is to understand the top managers’ performance evaluation process conducted by Portuguese aldermen and to identify the dominant evaluation style. In line with Bogt (2001), an exploratory field research was developed in three large municipalities: Porto, Braga and Matosinhos. We intend to answer the following research questions: to what extent are local politicians (aldermen) 1 using results information (about outputs and outcomes) to evaluate top managers’ performance? Do aldermen give any importance to quantitative output information and report them on current planning and control documents? Will the output performance information be used on performance evaluation in a different way concerning policy field (task orientation)? Based on the Hopwood evaluation styles (adapted from the private to the public sector by Bogt, 2001), we have found that the performance evaluation process of top managers is more featured by the ‘operations-conscious styles’ (or ‘implicit style’). Portuguese aldermen recognize the importance to quantify outputs and outcomes, but these days they focus on the information about activities and the realized operations when they evaluate performance. We haven´t found significant differences between different tasks (some exceptions for culture and environment areas). However, the municipality of Matosinhos paid more attention on quantitative performance information. This finding is reinforced by the quality of quantitative data on outputs reported on its management report. Generally speaking, aldermen are aware that more attention should be paid to quantitative information about results and performance, taking into account recent reforms introduced in Portuguese municipalities (PLG) on this field, but the ‘implicit’ style is dominant.


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In this article we argue that digital simulations promote and explore complex relations between the player and the machines cybernetic system with which it relates through gameplay, that is, the real application of tactics and strategies used by participants as they play the game. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars. In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the games scenario. Many of the conventional functions of the human eye are being replaced by techniques where images do not position themselves in the traditional manner that we observe them (Crary, 1998), or in the way we perceive the real world. The digitalization of the real world to a new informational layer over objects, people or environments, needs to be processed and mediated by tools that amplify the natural human senses.


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The 27 December 1722 Algarve earthquake destroyed a large area in southern Portugal generating a local tsunami that inundated the shallow areas of Tavira. It is unclear whether its source was located onshore or offshore and, in any case, what was the tectonic source responsible for the event. We analyze available historical information concerning macroseismicity and the tsunami to discuss the most probable location of the source. We also review available seismotectonic knowledge of the offshore region close to the probable epicenter, selecting a set of four candidate sources. We simulate tsunamis produced by these candidate sources assuming that the sea bottom displacement is caused by a compressive dislocation over a rectangular fault, as given by the half-space homogeneous elastic approach, and we use numerical modeling to study wave propagation and run-up. We conclude that the 27 December 1722 Tavira earthquake and tsunami was probably generated offshore, close to 37 degrees 01'N, 7 degrees 49'W.