683 resultados para humanity
This thesis began with the assertion that future embassies will differ significantly from past and current embassies. Embassy of the Future is a place where people of two (or more) countries come together to learn and share their ideologies, perspectives, dictions and ultimately their humanity. Unlike the traditional embassy model where the focus is on representing the foreign country’s political and legal standing, this thesis asserts that future embassies will focus on representing cultural exchanges while promoting economic and cultural cooperation. In this new embassy model political and security matters should not dominate the cultural and humanitarian matters. This thesis is exploring a proposal for the establishment of an Iranian Embassy in Washington D.C. The goal is to promote the Embassy of the Future concept through an attempt at utilizing an architectural structure to be the convening place for reconnecting and resolving conflicts between Iran and the U.S. It has been 36 years since both countries closed their embassies in one another’s countries.
Introdução – O recurso à utilização de plantas com fins terapêuticos, é uma das mais antigas formas de prática medicinal da humanidade, sobretudo por parte da população de países menos desenvolvidos, que ainda hoje, segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, recorre, em muitas situações, à utilização das plantas medicinais como a única forma de acesso aos cuidados básicos de saúde. Porém, e apesar do advento da medicina moderna, que se correndo do avanço da biotecnologia, por meio da qual as plantas, consideradas medicinais, podem ter seu potencial terapêutico aprovado pela ciência para fins medicamentosos, uma parte significativa da comercialização de plantas medicinais continua a não ser feita em farmácias ou lojas de produtos naturais, mas sim comercializadas em feiras livres, pelos chamados raizeiros. Partindo deste enquadramento, os objetivos centrais desta investigação foram: identificar quais as espécies de plantas medicinais mais indicadas por comerciantes, raizeiros, no tratamento de feridas e que são comercializadas nas mais importantes feiras livres da cidade de Maceió, e caracterizar a fonte de conhecimento desses raizeiros, em relação às mesmas. Métodos – Realizou-se um estudo que seguiu os pressupostos de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de matriz transversal, com recurso a uma amostra não probabilística, acidental e por conveniência constituída por 26 raizeiros, na sua maioria pertencentes ao do grupo etário dos 37-52 anos (46,14%), que desenvolvem a atividade comercial de plantas medicinais como sua única e/ou principal atividade produtiva (76,90%), e em que 50% são do sexo feminino. Como instrumento de recolha de dados recorreu-se à entrevista, a partir de convites efectuados pela autora do estudo na sequência da realização de visitas às principais feiras livres da cidade de Maceió-AL. Resultados – Os dados recolhidos pela totalidade das entrevistas permitiram constatar que o barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman) é a planta mais frequentemente indicada para o tratamento em feridas, logo seguida da Aroeira (MyracrodruonurundeuvaLâmina), e da Sambacaitá (Hyptis pectinata). As menos recomendadas são a Garra do Diabo (Harpagophytum procubens); a Jatobá (Hymenae acourbaril L.) e a Babosa (Aloe arborescens). A maioria dos raizeiros afirmaram também que recomendavam a “casca” e a “entre casca” como a forma farmacêutica mais eficaz. Em relação à aprendizagem/ conhecimento sobre a utilização medicinal do barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman): 69,3% dos raizeiros entrevistados afirmaram ter aprendido com familiares; 19,2 com amigos e 11,5% através de conversas com outros comerciantes do mesmo ramo de negócio. Cem por cento dos entrevistados afirmaram que o Stryphnodendron barbatiman, independetemente de ser a planta mais recomendada pelos raizeiros, é a planta mais procurada pela população e, que segundo a mesma, é a que apresenta um melhor resultado. Apenas 50% dos entrevistados refere que o barbatimão é armazenado seco e ensacado, e quanto questionados sobre a validade do mesmo, 69,3% dos raizeiros afirmaram que esse prazo é indeterminado. Quanto à duração da “terapia” pelo barbatimão, 100% dos raizeiros entrevistados, afirmaram que deve permanecer durante o tempo que o paciente ou o profissional de saúde que estiver acompanhando o caso, julgar necessário. Conclusões – Os resultados deste estudo vêm confirmar que o recurso à utilização de plantas com fins terapêuticos no tratamento de feridas, por parte da população brasileira, continua sendo muito usual, sendo o barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatimam) o mais indicado e conhecido pela cultura popular. Nesse sentido é relevante que, por um lado, o profissional de enfermagem, procure entender a utilização dessa planta medicinal, popularmente utilizada, com afirmativa de êxito, no tratamento de feridas, e por outro, entendemos ser necessária a realização de estudos multidisciplinares que permitam a ampliação e a profundidade dos conhecimentos das plantas medicinais, como agem, quais são os seus efeitos tóxicos e colaterais, e quais as suas verdadeiras indicações terapêuticas. Palavras-chave: Plantas Medicinais, Ferimentos e lesões, Tratamento, Enfermagem, Raizeiros.
Desde a publicação do livro Silent Spring, 1962, de Rachel Carson, do livro The Limits to Growth, 1972, do Clube de Roma e do impacto provocado pelo Relatório Brundtland, Our Common Future, 1987, pela World Commission on Environment and Development, que os organismos internacionais se envolvem em parcerias e assinam declarações de compromisso com a Educação Ambiental para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – EADS. O objetivo do presente artigo é realizar uma narrativa sobre os eventos dedicados à EADS, com início na Conferência de Estocolmo até à Conferência do Rio+20. O estudo teve como base metodológica uma revisão crítica da literatura. Concluiu-se que a sociedade tomou maior consciência sobre os problemas ambientais a partir de 1970. Despontaram as primeiras respostas político-administrativas na Conferência de Estocolmo e, mais tarde, publicou-se a Informação Brundtland pela equipa interdisciplinar de experts em meio ambiente. Daqui resultaram o Tratado de Bem-estar (garantia dos direitos mínimos aos cidadãos pelo Estado) e o conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Surgiu assim a solidariedade social para com o futuro da humanidade, que implicou o princípio de “não hipotecar os recursos das gerações futuras”. Na Conferência do Rio a EADS foi plenamente aceite e divulgada pelo mundo. Todavia, com a entrada do novo milénio, a atenção dada à EADS regrediu significativamente.
Con Los orígenes del totalitarismo Hannah Arendt propuso identificar el mal radical que los regímenes totalitarios efectuaron durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. La política de la muerte de Hitler y Stalin llegó a ser un flagelo hacia la humanidad y causó una gran intimidación que no escatimó la violencia y la aniquilación total de sus opositores. La política de la muerte significa no solo exterminar la vida desde un aspecto físico sino también desde un aspecto político, demostrando la capacidad de aislar al ser humano de su espontaneidad en la esfera pública y de su innegable pluralidad en los asuntos humanos. Las ideologías políticas que antecedieron a los regímenes totalitarios influyeron en la constitución de los partidos nacionalsocialista y bolchevismo, basando su discurso y ejecución mediante acontecimientos históricos que no fueron ajenos a su erección. La política de la muerte fue la determinación de todo un aparato estatal para acabar con la diversidad de los hombres y sumergirlos en la política macabra de los regímenes totalitarios, una política basada en la muerte.
La pregunta sobre el humanismo está íntimamente ligada con las metáforas que las distintas sociedades en diferentes momentos han utilizado no sólo para comprender las relaciones con su entorno, sino también para estructurar su visión sobre sí mismas.En la Edad Media, el topos del microcosmos y el macrocosmos no sólo servía para reconocer en el mundo los principios de la analogía y la similitud como articuladores de las «realidades» naturales y divinas, sino que permitían una vía de interpretación de esas dos instancias en una visión totalizadora en la que la Trinidad se presentaba como metáfora por excelencia. Por otro lado, el humanismo renacentista aliviado ya de la metáfora anterior, y entusiasmado con una nueva -el hombre- se aventuró a explorar y a inventar bordes y límites por los que transitara su renovada humanidad.
The therapeutic, social and economic benefits of organ transplantation are irrefutable; however, organ shortages contribute to avoidable patient deaths and burgeoning health care costs. This problem can be addressed by increasing family consent to deceased organ donation. There are high levels of community support for deceased organ donation in Australia and yet, almost fifty percent of families decline the request to donate. Increasing the number of families who agree to deceased organ donation is key to increasing national and international transplantation rates. The purpose of this study was to identify the major factors that influence a family to agree or decline deceased organ donation during the process of decision-making. The aims of the study were three-fold: to identify the key stages and the major influencers’ in the decisionmaking process; to determine if hope, deep hope and trust played a role in the decision, and to explore families’ perceptions of their decision-making experience. The study utilised an exploratory case study approach to examine the family decisionmaking process of deceased organ donation. Following ethics approval, recruitment was conducted utilising a qualitative purposive snowball strategy across Australia. A pilot study was conducted to test the study procedures prior to the main data collection, and 22 participants who had been involved in a deceased organ donation decision from nine families were interviewed. In five deaths family members had agreed to organ donation, and in four deaths the family declined. A theoretical framework based on the Precaution Adoption Process Model of decision-making was applied to propose trust, hope and deep hope underpin family organ donation decisions. Thematic analysis was conducted and three key themes comprising ‘In the fog drowning’, ‘Harvesting humanity’, and ‘It’s all up to Mum’ were revealed. The study found women, and in particular mothers, played a significant role in organ donation decision-making, and that the decision-making is bounded by family needs of trust, hope and deep hope across the continuum of time. It also found families who had their trust, hope and deep hope needs met expressed satisfaction about their decision-making experience and agreed to organ donation. Some families perceived that organ donation was a sacrifice that was too great to endure, even if the deceased had previously indicated intent to donate, and therefore declined donation. This study found that families’ ideas of a peaceful death and organ donation are not mutually exclusive. It concludes that when decision-makers’ trust and deep hope needs are met they are more willing to agree to donation. This study recommends that the idea of a ‘right’ to a peaceful death should be aligned with deceased organ donation practices and normalised.
Nanotechnology has revolutionised humanity's capability in building microscopic systems by manipulating materials on a molecular and atomic scale. Nan-osystems are becoming increasingly smaller and more complex from the chemical perspective which increases the demand for microscopic characterisation techniques. Among others, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an indispensable tool that is increasingly used to study the structures of nanosystems down to the molecular and atomic scale. However, despite the effectivity of this tool, it can only provide 2-dimensional projection (shadow) images of the 3D structure, leaving the 3-dimensional information hidden which can lead to incomplete or erroneous characterization. One very promising inspection method is Electron Tomography (ET), which is rapidly becoming an important tool to explore the 3D nano-world. ET provides (sub-)nanometer resolution in all three dimensions of the sample under investigation. However, the fidelity of the ET tomogram that is achieved by current ET reconstruction procedures remains a major challenge. This thesis addresses the assessment and advancement of electron tomographic methods to enable high-fidelity three-dimensional investigations. A quality assessment investigation was conducted to provide a quality quantitative analysis of the main established ET reconstruction algorithms and to study the influence of the experimental conditions on the quality of the reconstructed ET tomogram. Regular shaped nanoparticles were used as a ground-truth for this study. It is concluded that the fidelity of the post-reconstruction quantitative analysis and segmentation is limited, mainly by the fidelity of the reconstructed ET tomogram. This motivates the development of an improved tomographic reconstruction process. In this thesis, a novel ET method was proposed, named dictionary learning electron tomography (DLET). DLET is based on the recent mathematical theorem of compressed sensing (CS) which employs the sparsity of ET tomograms to enable accurate reconstruction from undersampled (S)TEM tilt series. DLET learns the sparsifying transform (dictionary) in an adaptive way and reconstructs the tomogram simultaneously from highly undersampled tilt series. In this method, the sparsity is applied on overlapping image patches favouring local structures. Furthermore, the dictionary is adapted to the specific tomogram instance, thereby favouring better sparsity and consequently higher quality reconstructions. The reconstruction algorithm is based on an alternating procedure that learns the sparsifying dictionary and employs it to remove artifacts and noise in one step, and then restores the tomogram data in the other step. Simulation and real ET experiments of several morphologies are performed with a variety of setups. Reconstruction results validate its efficiency in both noiseless and noisy cases and show that it yields an improved reconstruction quality with fast convergence. The proposed method enables the recovery of high-fidelity information without the need to worry about what sparsifying transform to select or whether the images used strictly follow the pre-conditions of a certain transform (e.g. strictly piecewise constant for Total Variation minimisation). This can also avoid artifacts that can be introduced by specific sparsifying transforms (e.g. the staircase artifacts the may result when using Total Variation minimisation). Moreover, this thesis shows how reliable elementally sensitive tomography using EELS is possible with the aid of both appropriate use of Dual electron energy loss spectroscopy (DualEELS) and the DLET compressed sensing algorithm to make the best use of the limited data volume and signal to noise inherent in core-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) from nanoparticles of an industrially important material. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis demonstrates how high-fidelity ET reconstructions can be achieved using a compressed sensing approach.
O trabalho pretende questionar se as necessidades da gestão da floresta e as interacções com o ambiente, justificam o repensar do conceito de propriedade privada, na definição de políticas florestais concretizadoras duma «mundividência ambiental». Estrutura-se em quatro partes: primeiro, procura-se dar uma perspectiva do direito de propriedade privada, a sua perenidade na nossa cultura, sobretudo na cultura jurídica; segundo, analisa-se a dinâmica da propriedade privada da floresta nos últimos séculos, e as soluções de políticas florestais- destacando-se a criação das zonas de intervenção florestal (ZIF); terceiro, estuda-se em concreto o regime de certificação florestal, como forma específica de gestão florestal; quarto, sublinham-se novos desafios ambientais à gestão das florestas, designadamente a identificação dos problemas que emergem em resultado das alterações climáticas, destacando-se o sequestro de carbono e a criação do mercado de carbono. Este estudo não é estanque, faz parte de um mesmo questionamento: é o ambiente um valor para a humanidade ou é um valor em si mesmo? ABSTRACT: The work intends to question if the private property of the forest, toward the necessities of management and interactions with the environment, justifies the rethink of the concept, in forest politics definition, producer of an interactive view of the environment. lt is structured in four parts: first, it intends to give a perspective of the right of private property, its longevity in our culture, the importance of legal quarrel; second, the dynamics of the private property of the forest, in the latest centuries, and the solutions of the implemented forest politics - being distinguished the creation of zones of forest intervention, the ZIF; third, the forest management forest certification; fourth, the environmental source, the identification of problems that emerge in result of climatic alterations, being distinguished the kidnap of carbon and the creation of the carbon market. This study is not tight; it is part of the same reflection: of being the environment a value for the humanity or a value in itself exactly.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.
Place in Time: The Role of Architecture in Establishing an Emotional Connection between Man and Time
This thesis explores the role of architecture as a means of reconnecting humans to the passage of time. A neglect of the temporal in our built environment obscures understanding of the human condition in all of its sensory aspects. The exploration and design of a series of ritual engagements, both culturally, and architecturally, begin to offer a venue through which designers can engage human senses. Rituals act as a means of demarcating the passage of time. It is through the engagement with these moments that people can begin to gain a richer understanding of the ephemeral nature of their own existence. The Pritzker Architecture Prize serves as the selected ritual of exploration because of its celebration of humanity and the art of architecture. However, the notion of ritual is explored down to the level of detail of engagement with handrails and door handles.
Nowadays the environmental issues are increasingly highlighted since the future of humanity is dependent on the actions taken by man. Major efforts are being expended in pursuit of knowledge and alternatives to promote sustainable development without compromising the environment. In recent years there has been a marked growth in the development of reinforced composite fiber plants, as an alternative for economic and ecological effects, especially in the substitution of synthetic materials such as reinforcement material in composites. In this current study the chemical- physical or (thermophysics )characteristics of the babassu coconut fiber, derived from the epicarp of the fruit (Orbignyda Phalerata), which the main constituents of the fiber: Klason lignin, insoluble, cellulose, holocellulose, hemicellulose and the content of ash and moisture will be determined. A study was conducted about the superficial modification of the fibers of the epicarp babassu coconut under the influence of chemical treatment by alkalinization, in an aqueous solution of NaOH to 2.5% (m/v) and to 5.0% to improve the compatibility matrix / reinforcement composite with epoxy matrix. The results of the changes occurred in staple fibers through the use of the techniques of thermogravimetric analyses (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results found on thermal analysis on samples of fiber without chemical treatment (alkalinities), and on fiber samples treated by alkalinization show that the proposed chemical treatment increases the thermal stability of the fibers and provides a growth of the surface of area fibers, parameters that enhance adhesion fiber / composite. The findings were evaluated and compared with published results from other vegetable fibers, showing that the use of babassu coconut fibers has technical and economic potential for its use as reinforcement in composites
The call to access and preserve the state records that document crimes committed by the state during Guatemala’s civil war has become an archival imperative entangled with neoliberal human rights discourses of “truth, justice, and memory.” 200,000 people were killed and disappeared in Guatemala’s civil war including acts of genocide in which 85% of massacres involved sexual violence committed against Mayan women. This dissertation argues that in an attempt to tell the official story of the civil war, American Human Rights organizations and academic institutions have constructed a normative identity whose humanity is attached to a scientific and evidentiary value as well as an archival status representing the materiality and institutionality of the record. Consequently, Human Rights discourses grounded in Western knowledges, in particular archival science and law, which prioritize the appearance of truth erase the material and epistemological experience of indigenous women during wartimes. As a result, the subjectivity that has surfaced on the record as most legible has mostly pertained to non-indigenous, middle class, urban, leftist men who were victims of enforced disappearance not genocide. This dissertation investigates this conflicting narrative that remembers a non-indigenous revolutionary masculine hero and grants him justice in human rights courtrooms simply because of a document attesting to his death. A main research question addressed in this project is why the promise of "truth and justice" under the name of human rights becomes a contentious site for gendered indigenous bodies? I conduct a discursive and rhetorical analysis of documentary film, declassified Guatemalan police and military records such as Operation Sofia, a military log known for “documenting the genocide” during rural counterinsurgencies executed by the military. I interrogate the ways in which racialized feminicides or the hyper-sexualized racial violence that has historically dehumanized indigenous women falls outside of discourses of vision constructed by Western positivist knowledges to reinscribe the ideal human right subject. I argue for alternative epistemological frames that recognize genocide as sexualized and gendered structures that have simultaneously produced racialized feminicides in order to disrupt the colonial structures of capitalism, patriarchy and heterosexuality. Ironically, these structures of power remain untouched by the dominant human rights discourse and its academic, NGO, and state collaborators that seek "truth and justice" in post-conflict Guatemala.
Program comprehension requires developers to reason about many kinds of highly interconnected software entities. Dealing with this reality prompts developers to continuously intertwine searching and navigation. Nevertheless, most integrated development environments (IDEs) address searching by means of many disconnected search tools, making it difficult for developers to reuse search results produced by one search tool as input for another search tool. This forces developers to spend considerable time manually linking disconnected search results. To address this issue we propose Spotter, a model for expressing and combining search tools in a unified way. The current implementation shows that Spotter can unify a wide range of search tools. More information about Spotter can be found at scg.unibe.ch/research/moldablespotter