982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a highly pro-inflammatory malignancy that is rapidly fatal and increasing in incidence. Cytokine signaling within the pro-inflammatory tumor microenvironment makes a critical contribution to the development of MPM and its resistance to conventional chemotherapy approaches. SMAC mimetic compounds (SMCs) are a promising class of anticancer drug that are dependent on tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) signaling for their activity. As circulating TNFa expression is significantly elevated in MPM patients, we examined the sensitivity of MPM cell line models to SMCs. Surprisingly, all MPM cell lines assessed were highly resistant to SMCs either alone or when incubated in the presence of clinically relevant levels of TNFa. Further analyses revealed that MPM cells were sensitized to SMC-induced apoptosis by siRNA-mediated downregulation of the caspase 8 inhibitor FLIP, an antiapoptotic protein overexpressed in several cancer types including MPM. We have previously reported that FLIP expression is potently downregulated in MPM cells in response to the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) Vorinostat (SAHA). In this study, we demonstrate that SAHA sensitizes MPM cells to SMCs in a manner dependent on its ability to downregulate FLIP. Although treatment with SMC in the presence of TNFa promoted interaction between caspase 8 and the necrosis-promoting RIPK1, the cell death induced by combined treatment with SAHA and SMC was apoptotic and mediated by caspase 8. These results indicate that FLIP is a major inhibitor of SMC-mediated apoptosis in MPM, but that this inhibition can be overcome by the HDACi SAHA. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.


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Cell loss and regeneration were investigated and compared in the retinal microvasculature of age- and sex-matched normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats. Selective pericyte loss in the diabetic rat was characterized by changes in the pericyte to endothelial cell ratio in retinal capillaries isolated for microscopy by the trypsin digest technique. A comparison of 3- and 9-month-old normal rats showed no significant change in the pericyte to endothelial cell ratio (1:2.7). In diabetic animals the ratio was reduced to 1:4.03, which was statistically significant (P less than .001). Premitotic retinal vascular cells in normal and diabetic rats were labelled with tritiated thymidine and the labelling indices calculated from cell counts of trypsin digest preparations. Methyl H3 thymidine was infused continuously over an eight-day period using osmotic mini pumps. The labelling index of endothelial cells (0.33%) in normal rats increased to 0.91% in diabetic animals (P less than .05). The labelling index of pericyte cells in normal animals (0.16%) did not increase significantly (P greater than .05) in diabetic animals (0.19%). A special stain was used to exclude labelled polymorphonuclear leukocytes from the cell counts.


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Inhibition of histone deacetylases may be an important target in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. This investigator-initiated, non-randomized, open-label phase II multi-centre study included 63 patients (19 essential thrombocythaemia, 44 polycythaemia vera) from 15 centres. The primary objective was to evaluate if vorinostat was followed by a decline in clonal myeloproliferation as defined by European Leukaemia Net. Thirty patients (48%) completed the intervention period (24 weeks of therapy). An intention-to-treat response rate of 35% was identified. Pruritus was resolved [19% to 0% (P = 0·06)] and the prevalence of splenomegaly was lowered from 50% to 27% (P = 0·03). Sixty-five per cent of the patients experienced a decrease in JAK2 V617F allele burden (P = 0·006). Thirty-three patients (52% of patients) discontinued study drug before end of intervention due to adverse events (28 patients) or lack of response (5 patients). In conclusion, vorinostat showed effectiveness by normalizing elevated leucocyte and platelet counts, resolving pruritus and significantly reducing splenomegaly. However, vorinostat was associated with significant side effects resulting in a high discontinuation rate. A lower dose of vorinostat in combination with conventional and/or novel targeted therapies may be warranted in future studies.


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Hyperglycemia plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of vascular complications, which are the major sources of morbidity and mortality in diabetes. Furthermore, these vascular complications often persist and progress despite improved glucose control, possibly as a result of prior episodes of hyperglycemia. Epigenetic modifications mediated by histone methyltransferases are associated with gene-activating events that promote enhanced expression of key proinflammatory molecules implicated in vascular injury. In this study, we investigated genetic polymorphisms of the SETD7, SUV39H1, and SUV39H2 methyltransferases as predictors of risk for micro- and macrovascular complications in type 1 diabetes.


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Radiation therapy is one of the most common and effective strategies used to treat cancer. The irradiation is usually performed with a fractionated scheme, where the dose required to kill tumour cells is given in several sessions, spaced by specific time intervals, to allow healthy tissue recovery. In this work, we examined the DNA repair dynamics of cells exposed to radiation delivered in fractions, by assessing the response of histone-2AX (H2AX) phosphorylation (γ-H2AX), a marker of DNA double strand breaks. γ-H2AX foci induction and disappearance were monitored following split dose irradiation experiments in which time interval between exposure and dose were varied. Experimental data have been coupled to an analytical theoretical model, in order to quantify key parameters involved in the foci induction process. Induction of γ-H2AX foci was found to be affected by the initial radiation exposure with a smaller number of foci induced by subsequent exposures. This was compared to chromatin relaxation and cell survival. The time needed for full recovery of γ-H2AX foci induction was quantified (12 hours) and the 1:1 relationship between radiation induced DNA double strand breaks and foci numbers was critically assessed in the multiple irradiation scenarios.


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Antisense transcription is widespread in many genomes; however, how much is functional is hotly debated. We are investigating functionality of a set of long noncoding antisense transcripts, collectively called COOLAIR, produced at Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). COOLAIR initiates just downstream of the major sense transcript poly(A) site and terminates either early or extends into the FLC promoter region. We now show that splicing of COOLAIR is functionally important. This was revealed through analysis of a hypomorphic mutation in the core spliceosome component PRP8. The prp8 mutation perturbs a cotranscriptional feedback mechanism linking COOLAIR processing to FLC gene body histone demethylation and reduced FLC transcription. The importance of COOLAIR splicing in this repression mechanism was confirmed by disrupting COOLAIR production and mutating the COOLAIR proximal splice acceptor site. Our findings suggest that altered splicing of a long noncoding transcript can quantitatively modulate gene expression through cotranscriptional coupling mechanisms.


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The chromosomal speciation hypothesis suggests that irregularities in synapsis, recombination, and segregation in heterozygotes for chromosome rearrangements may restrict gene flow between karyotypically distinct populations and promote speciation. Ctenomys talarum is a South American subterranean rodent inhabiting the coastal regions of Argentina, whose populations polymorphic for Robertsonian and tandem translocations seem to have a very restricted gene flow. To test if chromosomal differences are involved in isolation among its populations, we examined chromosome pairing, recombination, and meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin in male meiosis of simple and complex translocation heterozygotes using immunolocalization of the MLH1 marking mature recombination nodules and phosphorylated histone γH2A.X marking unrepaired double-strand breaks. We observed small asynaptic areas labeled by γH2A.X in pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes involved in the trivalents and quadrivalents. We also observed a decrease of recombination frequency and a distalization of the crossover distribution in the heterozygotes and metacentric homozygotes compared to acrocentric homozygotes. We suggest that the asynapsis of the pericentromeric regions are unlikely to induce germ cell death and decrease fertility of the heterozygotes; however, suppressed recombination in pericentromeric areas of the multivalents may reduce gene flow between chromosomally different populations of the Talas tuco-tuco.


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BACKGROUND: Cells deploy quality control mechanisms to remove damaged or misfolded proteins. Recently, we have reported that a mutation (R43W) in the Frank-ter Haar syndrome protein Tks4 resulted in aberrant intracellular localization.

RESULTS: Here we demonstrate that the accumulation of Tks4(R43W) depends on the intact microtubule network. Detergent-insoluble Tks4 mutant colocalizes with the centrosome and its aggregate is encaged by the intermediate filament protein vimentin. Both the microtubule inhibitor nocodazole and the histone deacetylase inhibitor Trichostatin A inhibit markedly the aggresome formation in cells expressing Tks4(R43W). Finally, pretreatment of cells with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 markedly increases the level of aggresomes formed by Tks4(R43W). Furthermore, two additional mutant Tks4 proteins (Tks4(1-48) or Tks4(1-341)) have been investigated. Whereas the shorter Tks4 mutant, Tks4(1-48), shows no expression at all, the longer Tks4 truncation mutant accumulates in the nuclei of the cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that misfolded Frank-ter Haar syndrome protein Tks4(R43W) is transported via the microtubule system to the aggresomes. Lack of expression of Tks4(1-48) or aberrant intracellular expressions of Tks4(R43W) and Tks4(1-341) strongly suggest that these mutations result in dysfunctional proteins which are not capable of operating properly, leading to the development of FTHS.


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Cervical cancer is a multi-stage disease caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection of cervical epithelial cells, but the mechanisms regulating disease progression are not clearly defined. Using 3-dimensional organotypic cultures, we demonstrate that HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins alter the secretome of primary human keratinocytes resulting in local epithelial invasion. Mechanistically, absence of the IGF-binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) caused increases in IGFI/II signalling and through crosstalk with KGF/FGFR2b/AKT, cell invasion. Repression of IGFBP2 is mediated by histone deacetylation at the IGFBP2 promoter and was reversed by treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Our in vitro findings were confirmed in 50 invasive cancers and 79 cervical intra-epithelial neoplastic lesions caused by HPV16 infection, where IGFBP2 levels were reduced with increasing disease severity. In summary, the loss of IGFBP2 is associated with progression of premalignant disease, and sensitises cells to pro-invasive IGF signalling, and together with stromal derived factors promotes epithelial invasion.


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During cancer development and progression, tumor cells undergo abnormal epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, histone deacetylation and nucleosome remodeling. Collectively, these aberrations promote genomic instability and lead to silencing of tumor-suppressor genes and reactivation of oncogenic retroviruses. Epigenetic modifications, therefore, provide exciting new avenues for prostate cancer research. Promoter hypermethylation is widespread during neoplastic transformation of prostate cells, which suggests that restoration of a 'normal' epigenome through treatment with inhibitors of the enzymes involved could be clinically beneficial. Global patterns of histone modifications are also being defined and have been associated with clinical and pathologic predictors of prostate cancer outcome. Although treatment for localized prostate cancer can be curative, the development of successful therapies for the management of castration-resistant metastatic disease is urgently needed. Reactivation of tumor-suppressor genes by demethylating agents and histone deacetylase inhibitors could be a potential treatment option for patients with advanced disease.


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Higher expression of the miR-433 microRNA (miRNA) is associated with poorer survival outcomes in patients with HGSOC that may be overcome by a greater understanding of the functional role of this miRNA. We previously described miR-433 as a critical cell cycle regulator and mediator of cellular senescence. Downregulation of the mitotic arrest deficiency 2 (MAD2) protein by miR-433 led to increased cellular resistance to paclitaxel in epithelial ovarian cancer cells (EOC). Furthermore immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of MAD2 expression in patients with HGSOC showed that loss of MAD2 was significantly associated with poorer patient survival. Higher miR-433 expression is also associated with an increased resistance to the platins which is unrelated to loss of MAD2 expression. In silico analysis of the miR-433 target proteins in the TCGA database identified the association between a number of miR-433 targets and poorer patient survival. IHC analysis of the miR-433 target, histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), confirmed that its expression was significantly associated with a decrease in patient overall survival. The knock-down of HDAC6 by siRNA in EOC cells did not attenuate apoptotic responses to paclitaxel or platin although lower endogenous HDAC6 expression was associated with more resistant EOC cell lines. In vitro analysis revealed that EOC cells which survived chemotherapeutic kill with high doses of paclitaxel expressed higher miR-433 and concomitant decreased expression of the miR-433 targets. These cells were more chemoresistant compared to the parental cell line and repopulated as 3d organoid cultures in non-adherent stem cell selective conditions; thus indicating that the cells which survive chemotherapy were viable, capable of regrowth and had an increased potential for pluripotency. In conclusion, our data suggests that chemotherapy is not driving the transcriptional upregulation of miR-433 but rather selecting a population of cells with high miR-433 expression that may contribute to chemoresistant disease and tumour recurrence.


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) allows enrichment of genomic regions which are associated with specific transcription factors, histone modifications, and indeed any other epitopes which are present on chromatin. The original ChIP methods used site-specific PCR and Southern blotting to confirm which regions of the genome were enriched, on a candidate basis. The combination of ChIP with genomic tiling arrays (ChIP-chip) allowed a more unbiased approach to map ChIP-enriched sites. However, limitations of microarray probe design and probe number have a detrimental impact on the coverage, resolution, sensitivity, and cost of whole-genome tiling microarray sets for higher eukaryotes with large genomes. The combination of ChIP with high-throughput sequencing technology has allowed more comprehensive surveys of genome occupancy, greater resolution, and lower cost for whole genome coverage. Herein, we provide a comparison of high-throughput sequencing platforms and a survey of ChIP-seq analysis tools, discuss experimental design, and describe a detailed ChIP-seq method.Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) allows enrichment of genomic regions which are associated with specific transcription factors, histone modifications, and indeed any other epitopes which are present on chromatin. The original ChIP methods used site-specific PCR and Southern blotting to confirm which regions of the genome were enriched, on a candidate basis. The combination of ChIP with genomic tiling arrays (ChIP-chip) allowed a more unbiased approach to map ChIP-enriched sites. However, limitations of microarray probe design and probe number have a detrimental impact on the coverage, resolution, sensitivity, and cost of whole-genome tiling microarray sets for higher eukaryotes with large genomes. The combination of ChIP with high-throughput sequencing technology has allowed more comprehensive surveys of genome occupancy, greater resolution, and lower cost for whole genome coverage. Herein, we provide a comparison of high-throughput sequencing platforms and a survey of ChIP-seq analysis tools, discuss experimental design, and describe a detailed ChIP-seq method.


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LYRIC/AEG-1 and its altered expression have been linked to carcinogenesis in prostate, brain and melanoma as well as promoting chemoresistance and metastasis in breast cancer. LYRIC/AEG-1 function remains unclear, although LYRIC/AEG-1 is activated by oncogenic HA-RAS, through binding of c-myc to its promoter, which in turn regulates the key components of the PI3-kinase and nuclear factor-kappaB pathways. We have identified the transcriptional repressor PLZF as an interacting protein of LYRIC/AEG through a yeast two-hybrid screen. PLZF regulates the expression of genes involved in cell growth and apoptosis including c-myc. Coexpression of LYRIC/AEG-1 with PLZF leads to a reduction in PLZF-mediated repression by reducing PLZF binding to promoters. We have confirmed that nuclear LYRIC/AEG-1 and PLZF interact in mammalian cells via the N- and C termini of LYRIC/AEG-1 and a region C terminal to the RD2 domain of PLZF. Both proteins colocalize to nuclear bodies containing histone deacetylases, which are known to promote PLZF-mediated repression. Our data suggest one mechanism for cells with altered LYRIC/AEG-1 expression to evade apoptosis and increase cell growth during tumourigenesis through the regulation of PLZF repression.


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Increasingly invasive bladder cancer cells lines displayed insensitivity toward a panel of dietary-derived ligands for members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Insensitivity was defined through altered gene regulatory actions and cell proliferation and reflected both reduced receptor expression and elevated nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCOR1) expression. Stable overexpression of NCOR1 in sensitive cells (RT4) resulted in a panel of clones that recapitulated the resistant phenotype in terms of gene regulatory actions and proliferative responses toward ligand. Similarly, silencing RNA approaches to NCOR1 in resistant cells (EJ28) enhanced ligand gene regulatory and proliferation responses, including those mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma and vitamin D receptor (VDR) receptors. Elevated NCOR1 levels generate an epigenetic lesion to target in resistant cells using the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat, in combination with nuclear receptor ligands. Such treatments revealed strong-additive interactions toward the PPARgamma, VDR and Farnesoid X-activated receptors. Genome-wide microarray and microfluidic quantitative real-time, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction approaches, following the targeting of NCOR1 activity and expression, revealed the selective capacity of this corepressor to govern common transcriptional events of underlying networks. Combined these findings suggest that NCOR1 is a selective regulator of nuclear receptors, notably PPARgamma and VDR, and contributes to their loss of sensitivity. Combinations of epigenetic therapies that target NCOR1 may prove effective, even when receptor expression is reduced.


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Like humans, mice exhibit polymorphism in the N-acetylation of aromatic amines, many of which are toxic and/or carcinogenic. Mice have three N-acetyltransferase (Nat) genes, Nat1, Nat2 and Nat3, and Nat2 is known to be polymorphic. There is a dramatic difference in the acetylation of NAT2 substrates by blood from fast (C57BL/6J) compared with slow acetylator (A/J) mice. However, the acetylation of these substrates by liver cytosols from the two strains is very similar. In order to determine whether the expression of the NAT2 protein corresponded with the activities measured, a polyclonal antipeptide antisera was raised against the C-terminal decapeptide of NAT2 and characterized using recombinant murine NAT2 antigen. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) demonstrated that the anti-NAT2 antiserum bound in a concentration-dependent fashion to recombinant NAT2. Immunochemical analysis of mouse liver cytosols from C57BL/6J or A/J livers indicated that the level of NAT2 protein expressed in the two strains was similar. Immunohistochemical staining of C57BL/6J liver with anti-NAT2 antiserum showed that NAT2 was expressed in hepatocytes throughout the liver although the intensity of staining in the perivenous (centrilobular) region was higher than that in the periportal region. NAT2 was also detected in epithelial cells in the lung, kidney, bladder, small intestine and skin as well as in erythrocytes and lymphocytes in the spleen and hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the skin. Characterization of the distribution of NAT2 will be of value in elucidating the role of polymorphic N-acetylation in protecting the organism from environmental insults as well as in endogenous metabolism.