939 resultados para helix loop helix protein


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Membranproteine sind für Medizin und Forschung von großer Bedeutung. Allerdings gestaltet sich die Forschung an diesen Proteinen oft umständlich und schwierig. Da Membranproteine nur in geringem Maße wasserlöslich sind, können konventionelle biochemische Methoden zur Proteinanalyse nur begrenzt Anwendung finden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde ein Reportersystem entwickelt, das zur Analyse von transmembranen Proteinen eingesetzt werden kann. Das System ermöglicht die Untersuchung von Interaktionstendenzen transmembraner, helicaler Proteinelemente in der biologischen Membran des Bakteriums Escherichia coli. Interaktionen transmembraner α-Helices sind bei der Signalweiterleitung über die zelluläre Membran von Bedeutung. So spielt beispielsweise bei vielen membranständigen Rezeptoren die Zusammenlagerung von einzelnen Einheiten zu Oligomeren für den Informationsfluss eine wichtige Rolle. Auch für die Faltung von Membranproteinen sind Interaktionen transmembraner α-Helices relevant. rnEine Validierung des Reportersystems wurde durch gezielte Untersuchungen an dem bakteriellen Aquaglyceroporin GlpF vorgenommen. Bereits vorliegende Strukturdaten für GlpF ließen eine Interaktion der Helices 1 und 2 sowie 1 und 4 des Kanals vermuten, was mit Hilfe des entwickelten Reportersystems bestätigt werden konnte. Eine moderate Interaktionstendenz konnte für beide Helix-Helix-Paarungen festgestellt werden. In der weiterführenden Anwendung des Systems wurden die Eigenschaften der Helix-Helix-Kontaktfläche von heterotypisch interagierenden Transmembranhelices in Bezug auf deren Aminosäurekomposition betrachtet. Dazu wurde zunächst eine auf Plasmiden basierende, kombinatorische DNS-Bibliothek angelegt, die für transmembrane Helices mit zufällig auftretenden Aminosäureresten codierte. Die Anordnung der variablen Seitenketten erfolgte so, dass in Verbindung mit dem Reportersystem eine Helix-Helix-Kontaktfläche randomisierter Aminosäurereste generiert wurde. Um Paare interagierender Helices zu erhalten, wurde ein Selektionsdruck auf E. coli-Zellen erzeugt, in denen die Expression der Transmembranhelices erfolgte. Nur in Zellen mit interagierenden Helices kam es zu einer Aktivierung von Stoffwechselgenen, die das Wachstum in einem Minimalmedium gestattete. Infolge konnten Aminosäurereste und Interaktionsmotive identifiziert werden, die für heterotypische Interaktionen von α-Helices in Membranen eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Den höchsten Grad an Überrepräsentation an der Helix-Helix-Kontaktfläche zeigten Glycinseitenketten. Weiterhin überrepräsentiert waren Phenylalanin-, Cystein- und Alaninreste. Auch zeigte sich sowohl die Bedeutung des aus dem humanen Glycophorin A (GpA) bekannten Aminosäure-Sequenzmotivs GxxxG, als auch die des Interaktionsmotivs [klein]xxx[klein], in dem Glycin-, Alanin- oder Serinreste in Positionen getrennt durch drei unbestimmte Seitenketten enthalten sind. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei der Ausbildung eines Helix-Helix-Dimers bestimmte Seitenketten häufiger als andere helixübergreifend in geringer Distanz zueinander auftraten. Hierbei hob sich in besonderem Maße die Paarung Glycin/Glycin hervor. Auch konnten die Paarungen Glycin/Cystein und Phenylalanin/Phenylalanin häufig vorgefunden werden. Darüber hinaus weist das häufige Auftreten von Glycinresten in geringer Distanz auf ein neuartiges Interaktionsmotiv hin. Anders als beim GxxxG-Motiv sind hierbei zwei Glycinreste nicht innerhalb einer Helix, sondern in zwei verschiedenen, interagierenden Transmembranhelices in geringem Abstand zueinander lokalisiert. Die Anwesenheit dieser kurzen Seitenketten in bestimmten Positionen könnte, ähnlich wie das GxxxG-Motiv, den Abstand zweier Helices zueinander verringern und so interhelicale Wechselwirkungen anderer Seitenketten begünstigen.


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The 3 angstrom resolution crystal structure of the Escherichia coli catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) complexed with a 30-base pair DNA sequence shows that the DNA is bent by 900. This bend results almost entirely from two 400 kinks that occur between TG/CA base pairs at positions 5 and 6 on each side of the dyad axis of the complex. DNA sequence discrimination by CAP derives both from sequence-dependent distortion of the DNA helix and from direct hydrogen-bonding interactions between three protein side chains and the exposed edges of three base pairs in the major groove of the DNA. The structure of this transcription factor-DNA complex provides insights into possible mechanisms of transcription activation


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Deregulation of the myeloid key transcription factor CEBPA is a common event in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We previously reported that the chaperone calreticulin is activated in subgroups of AML patients and that calreticulin binds to the stem loop region of the CEBPA mRNA, thereby blocking CEBPA translation. In this study, we screened for additional CEBPA mRNA binding proteins and we identified protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein, to bind to the CEBPA mRNA stem loop region. We found that forced PDI expression in myeloid leukemic cells in fact blocked CEBPA translation, but not transcription, whereas abolishing PDI function restored CEBPA protein. In addition, PDI protein displayed direct physical interaction with calreticulin. Induction of ER stress in leukemic HL60 and U937 cells activated PDI expression, thereby decreasing CEBPA protein levels. Finally, leukemic cells from 25.4% of all AML patients displayed activation of the unfolded protein response as a marker for ER stress, and these patients also expressed significantly higher PDI levels. Our results indicate a novel role of PDI as a member of the ER stress-associated complex mediating blocked CEBPA translation and thereby suppressing myeloid differentiation in AML patients with activated unfolded protein response (UPR).


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There is accumulating evidence for the involvement of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the pathogenesis of many tumor types in humans. This is particularly the case in rapidly growing solid tumors in which the demand for oxygen and nutrients can exceed the supply until new tumor-initiated blood vessels are formed. In contrast, the role of the UPR during leukemogenesis remains largely unknown. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a genetically heterogeneous clonal disorder characterized by the accumulation of somatic mutations in hematopoietic progenitor cells that alter the physiological regulation of self-renewal, survival, proliferation, or differentiation. The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (CEBPA) gene is a key myeloid transcription factor and a frequent target for disruption in AML. In particular, translation of CEBPA mRNA can be specifically blocked by binding of the chaperone calreticulin (CALR), a well-established effector of the UPR, to a stem loop structure within the 5' region of the CEBPA mRNA. The relevance of this mechanism was first elucidated in certain AML subtypes carrying the gene rearrangements t(3;21) or inv(16). In our recent work, we could demonstrate the induction of key effectors of the UPR in leukemic cells of AML patients comprising all subtypes (according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification for human AML). The formation of the spliced variant of the X-box binding protein (XBP1s) was detectable in 17.4% (17 of 105) of AML patients. Consistent with an activated UPR, this group had significantly increased expression of the UPR target genes CALR, the 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), and the CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP). Consistently, in vitro studies confirmed that calreticulin expression was upregulated via activation of the ATF6 pathway in myeloid leukemic cells. As a consequence, CEBPA protein expression was inhibited in vitro as well as in leukemic cells from patients with activated UPR. We therefore propose a model of the UPR being involved in leukemogenesis through induction of calreticulin along the ATF6 pathway, thereby ultimately suppressing CEBPA translation and contributing to the block in myeloid differentiation and cell-cycle deregulation which represent key features of the leukemic phenotype. From a more clinical point of view, the presence of activated UPR in AML patient samples was found to be associated with a favorable disease course.


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Protein scaffolds that support molecular recognition have multiple applications in biotechnology. Thus, protein frames with robust structural cores but adaptable surface loops are in continued demand. Recently, notable progress has been made in the characterization of Ig domains of intracellular origin--in particular, modular components of the titin myofilament. These Ig belong to the I(intermediate)-type, are remarkably stable, highly soluble and undemanding to produce in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Using the Z1 domain from titin as representative, we show that the I-Ig fold tolerates the drastic diversification of its CD loop, constituting an effective peptide display system. We examine the stability of CD-loop-grafted Z1-peptide chimeras using differential scanning fluorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance and demonstrate that the introduction of bioreactive affinity binders in this position does not compromise the structural integrity of the domain. Further, the binding efficiency of the exogenous peptide sequences in Z1 is analyzed using pull-down assays and isothermal titration calorimetry. We show that an internally grafted, affinity FLAG tag is functional within the context of the fold, interacting with the anti-FLAG M2 antibody in solution and in affinity gel. Together, these data reveal the potential of the intracellular Ig scaffold for targeted functionalization.


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Signal proteins are able to adapt their response to a change in the environment, governing in this way a broad variety of important cellular processes in living systems. While conventional molecular-dynamics (MD) techniques can be used to explore the early signaling pathway of these protein systems at atomistic resolution, the high computational costs limit their usefulness for the elucidation of the multiscale transduction dynamics of most signaling processes, occurring on experimental timescales. To cope with the problem, we present in this paper a novel multiscale-modeling method, based on a combination of the kinetic Monte-Carlo- and MD-technique, and demonstrate its suitability for investigating the signaling behavior of the photoswitch light-oxygen-voltage-2-Jα domain from Avena Sativa (AsLOV2-Jα) and an AsLOV2-Jα-regulated photoactivable Rac1-GTPase (PA-Rac1), recently employed to control the motility of cancer cells through light stimulus. More specifically, we show that their signaling pathways begin with a residual re-arrangement and subsequent H-bond formation of amino acids near to the flavin-mononucleotide chromophore, causing a coupling between β-strands and subsequent detachment of a peripheral α-helix from the AsLOV2-domain. In the case of the PA-Rac1 system we find that this latter process induces the release of the AsLOV2-inhibitor from the switchII-activation site of the GTPase, enabling signal activation through effector-protein binding. These applications demonstrate that our approach reliably reproduces the signaling pathways of complex signal proteins, ranging from nanoseconds up to seconds at affordable computational costs.


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In modern life- and medical-sciences major efforts are currently concentrated on creating artificial photoenzymes, consisting of light- oxygen-voltage-sensitive (LOV) domains fused to a target enzyme. Such protein constructs possess great potential for controlling the cell metabolism as well as gene function upon light stimulus. This has recently been impressively demonstrated by designing a novel artificial fusion protein, connecting the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from Avena sativa with the Rac1-GTPase (AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1), and by using it, to control the motility of cancer cells from the HeLa-line. Although tremendous progress has been achieved on the generation of such protein constructs, a detailed understanding of their signaling pathway after photoexcitation is still in its infancy. Here, we show through computer simulations of the AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1-photoenzyme that the early processes after formation of the Cys450-FMN-adduct involve the breakage of a H-bond between the carbonyl oxygen FMN-C4O and the amino group of Gln513, followed by a rotational reorientation of its sidechain. This initial event is followed by successive events including β-sheet tightening and transmission of torsional stress along the Iβ-sheet, which leads to the disruption of the Jα-helix from the N-terminal end. Finally, this process triggers the detachment of the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from the Rac1-GTPase, ultimately enabling the activation of Rac1 via binding of the effector protein PAK1.


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Latex glycoprotein (LGP) from Synadenium grantii latex was purified by the combination of heat precipitation and gel permeation chromatography. LGP is a heat stable protein even at 80 degrees C showed a sharp single band both in SDS-PAGE as well as in native (acidic) PAGE. LGP is a monomeric protein appears as single band under reducing condition. It is a less hydrophobic protein showed sharp single peak in RP-HPLC with retention time of 13.3 m. The relative molecular mass of LGP is 34.4 kDa. CD spectrum of LGP explains less content of alpha-helix (7%), and high content of beta-pleated sheets (48%) and random coils (46%). The N-terminal sequence of LGP is D-F-P-S-D-W-Y-A-Y-E-G-Y-V-I-D-R-P-F-S. Purified LGP is a fibrinogen degrading protease hydrolyses all the three subunits in the order of Aalpha, Bbeta and gamma. The hydrolytic pattern is totally different from plasmin as well as thrombin. LGP reduces recalcification time from 165 to 30 s with citrated human plasma but did not show thrombin like as well as factor Xa-like activity. Although LGP induces procoagulant activity, it hydrolyses partially cross-linked fibrin clot. It hydrolyses all the subunits of partially cross-linked fibrin clot (alpha- chains, beta-chain and gamma-gamma dimer). LGP is a serine protease, inhibited by PMSF. Other serine protease inhibitors, aprotinin and leupeptin did not inhibit the caseinolytic activity as well as fibrinogenolytic activity. We report purification and characterization of a glycoprotein from Synadenium grantii latex with human fibrino(geno)lytic activity.


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Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) have been identified as ligands with different effector functions of the vascular assembly and maturation-mediating receptor tyrosine kinase Tie-2. To understand the molecular interactions of the angiopoietins with their receptor, we have studied the binding of Ang-1 and Ang-2 to the Tie-2 receptor. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based competition assays and co-immunoprecipitation experiments analyzing the binding of Ang-1 and Ang-2 to truncation mutants of the extracellular domain of Tie-2 showed that the first Ig-like loop of Tie-2 in combination with the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats (amino acids 1-360) is required for angiopoietin binding. The first Ig-like domain or the EGF-like repeats alone are not capable of binding Ang-1 and Ang-2. Concomitantly, we made the surprising finding that Tie-2 exon-2 knockout mice do express a mutated Tie-2 protein that lacks 104 amino acids of the first Ig-like domain. This mutant Tie-2 receptor is functionally inactive as shown by the lack of ligand binding and receptor phosphorylation. Collectively, the data show that the first 104 amino acids of the Tie-2 receptor are essential but not sufficient for angiopoietin binding. Conversely, the first 360 amino acids (Ig-like domain plus EGF-like repeats) of the Tie-2 receptor are necessary and sufficient to bind both Ang-1 and Ang-2, which suggests that differential receptor binding is not likely to be responsible for the different functions of Ang-1 and Ang-2.


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The L-arginine/agmatine antiporter AdiC is a key component of the arginine-dependent extreme acid resistance system of Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that AdiC belongs to the amino acid/polyamine/organocation (APC) transporter superfamily having sequence identities of 15-17% to eukaryotic and human APC transporters. For functional and structural characterization, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified wild-type AdiC and the point mutant AdiC-W293L, which is unable to bind and consequently transport L-arginine. Purified detergent-solubilized AdiC particles were dimeric. Reconstitution experiments yielded two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L diffracting beyond 6 angstroms resolution from which we determined the projection structure at 6.5 angstroms resolution. The projection map showed 10-12 density peaks per monomer and suggested mainly tilted helices with the exception of one distinct perpendicular membrane spanning alpha-helix. Comparison of AdiC-W293L with the projection map of the oxalate/formate antiporter from Oxalobacter formigenes, a member from the major facilitator superfamily, indicated different structures. Thus, two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L yielded the first detailed view of a transport protein from the APC superfamily at sub-nanometer resolution.


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Rv3291c gene from Mycobacterium tuberculosis codes for a transcriptional regulator belonging to the (leucine responsive regulatory protein/regulator of asparigine synthase C gene product) Lrp/AsnC-family. We have identified a novel effectorbinding site from crystal structures of the apo protein, complexes with a variety of amino acid effectors, X-ray based ligand screening and qualitative fluorescence spectroscopy experiments. The new effector site is in addition to the structural characterization of another distinct site in the protein conserved in the related AsnC-family of regulators. The structures reveal that the ligandbinding loops of two crystallographically ndependent subunits adopt different conformations to generate two distinct effector-binding sites. A change in the conformation of the binding site loop 100–106 in the B subunit is apparently necessary for octameric association and also allows the loop to interact with a bound ligand in the newly identified effector-binding site. There are four sites of each kind in the octamer and the protein preferentially binds to aromatic amino acids. While amino acids like Phe, Tyr and Trp exhibit binding to only one site, His exhibits binding to both sites. Binding of Phe is accompanied by a conformational change of 3.7A ° in the 75–83 loop, which is advantageously positioned to control formation of higher oligomers. Taken together, the present studies suggest an elegant control mechanism for global transcription regulation involving binding of ligands to the two sites, individually or collectively.


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Plants have a remarkable potential for sustained (indeterminate) postembryonic growth. Following their specification in the early embryo, tissue-specific precursor cells first establish tissues and later maintain them postembryonically. The mechanisms underlying these processes are largely unknown. Here we define local control of oriented, periclinal cell division as the mechanism underlying both the establishment and maintenance of vascular tissue. We identify an auxin-regulated basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor dimer as a critical regulator of vascular development. Due to a loss of periclinal divisions, vascular tissue gradually disappears in bHLH-deficient mutants; conversely, ectopic expression is sufficient for triggering periclinal divisions. We show that this dimer operates independently of tissue identity but is restricted to a small vascular domain by integrating overlapping transcription patterns of the interacting bHLH proteins. Our work reveals a common mechanism for tissue establishment and indeterminate vascular development and provides a conceptual framework for developmental control of local cell divisions.


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Peptide transporters (PTRs) of the large PTR family facilitate the uptake of di- and tripeptides to provide cells with amino acids for protein synthesis and for metabolic intermediates. Although several PTRs have been structurally and functionally characterized, how drugs modulate peptide transport remains unclear. To obtain insight into this mechanism, we characterize inhibitor binding to the Escherichia coli PTR dipeptide and tripeptide permease A (DtpA), which shows substrate specificities similar to its human homolog hPEPT1. After demonstrating that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val, the strongest inhibitor of hPEPT1, also acts as a high-affinity inhibitor for DtpA, we used single-molecule force spectroscopy to localize the structural segments stabilizing the peptide transporter and investigated which of these structural segments change stability upon inhibitor binding. This characterization was done with DtpA embedded in the lipid membrane and exposed to physiologically relevant conditions. In the unbound state, DtpA adopts two main alternate conformations in which transmembrane α-helix (TMH) 2 is either stabilized (in ∼43% of DtpA molecules) or not (in ∼57% of DtpA molecules). The two conformations are understood to represent the inward- and outward-facing conformational states of the transporter. With increasing inhibitor concentration, the conformation characterized by a stabilized TMH 2 becomes increasingly prevalent, reaching ∼92% at saturation. Our measurements further suggest that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val interacts with discrete residues in TMH 2 that are important for ligand binding and substrate affinity. These interactions in turn stabilize TMH 2, thereby promoting the inhibited conformation of DtpA.


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The VirB/D4 type IV secretion system (T4SS) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens functions to transfer substrates to infected plant cells through assembly of a translocation channel and a surface structure termed a T-pilus. This thesis is focused on identifying contributions of VirB10 to substrate transfer and T-pilus formation through a mutational analysis. VirB10 is a bitopic protein with several domains, including a: (i) cytoplasmic N-terminus, (ii) single transmembrane (TM) α-helix, (iii) proline-rich region (PRR), and (iv) large C-terminal modified β-barrel. I introduced cysteine insertion and substitution mutations throughout the length of VirB10 in order to: (i) test a predicted transmembrane topology, (ii) identify residues/domains contributing to VirB10 stability, oligomerization, and function, and (iii) monitor structural changes accompanying energy activation or substrate translocation. These studies were aided by recent structural resolution of a periplasmic domain of a VirB10 homolog and a ‘core’ complex composed of homologs of VirB10 and two outer membrane associated subunits, VirB7 and VirB9. By use of the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM), I confirmed the bitopic topology of VirB10. Through phenotypic studies of Ala-Cys insertion mutations, I identified “uncoupling” mutations in the TM and β-barrel domains that blocked T-pilus assembly but permitted substrate transfer. I showed that cysteine replacements in the C-terminal periplasmic domain yielded a variety of phenotypes in relation to protein accumulation, oligomerization, substrate transfer, and T-pilus formation. By SCAM, I also gained further evidence that VirB10 adopts different structural states during machine biogenesis. Finally, I showed that VirB10 supports substrate transfer even when its TM domain is extensively mutagenized or substituted with heterologous TM domains. By contrast, specific residues most probably involved in oligomerization of the TM domain are required for biogenesis of the T-pilus.


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The four basic helix-loop-helix myogenic transcription factors, myogenin, Myf5, MRF4, and MyoD are critical for embryonic skeletal muscle development. Myogenin is necessary for the terminal differentiation of myoblasts into myofibers during embryogenesis, but little is known about the roles played by myogenin in adult skeletal muscle function and metabolism. Furthermore, while metabolism is a well-studied physiological process, how it is regulated at the transcriptional level remains poorly understood. In this study, my aim was to determine the function of myogenin in adult skeletal muscle metabolism, exercise capacity, and regeneration. To investigate this, I utilized a mouse strain harboring the Myogflox allele and a Cre recombinase transgene, enabling the efficient deletion of myogenin in the adult mouse. Myogflox/flox mice were stressed physically through involuntary treadmill running and by breeding them with a strain harboring the Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMDmdx) allele. Surprisingly, Myog-deleted animals exhibited an enhanced capacity for exercise, running farther and faster than their wild-type counterparts. Increased lactate production and utilization of glucose as a fuel source indicated that Myog-deleted animals exhibited an increased glycolytic flux. Hypoglycemic Myog-deleted mice no longer possessed the ability to outrun their wild-type counterparts, implying the ability of these animals to further deplete their glucose reserves confers their enhanced exercise capacity. Moreover, Myog-deleted mice exhibited an enhanced response to long-term exercise training. The mice developed a greater proportion of type 1 oxidative muscle fibers, and displayed increased levels of succinate dehydrogenase activity, indicative of increased oxidative metabolism. Mdx:Myog-deleted mice exhibited a similar phenotype, outperforming their mdx counterparts, although lagging behind wild-type animals. The morphology of muscle tissue from mdx:Myog-deleted mice appears to mimic that of mdx animals, indicating that myogenin is dispensable for adult skeletal muscle regeneration. Through global gene expression profiling and quantitative (q)RT-PCR, I identified a unique set of putative myogenin-dependent genes involved in regulating metabolic processes. These data suggest myogenin’s functions during adulthood are distinctly different than those during embryogenesis, and myogenin acts as a high-level transcription factor regulating metabolic activity in adult skeletal muscle.