958 resultados para hanging mercury drop
O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar uma teoria termodinâmica em brisas marítimas-terrestres acopladas com brisas de vale-montanha através de simulações numéricas tridimensionais em uma região da costa leste do Nordeste Brasileiro, considerando a presença e a ausência da topografia. Embora o contraste de temperatura entre as superfícies seja importante na formação da brisa, a eficiência termodinâmica é fundamental na determinação da sua intensidade. Tem-se que a inclinação faz com que a diferença de pressão entre dois pontos fique maior durante o dia e menor durante a noite contribuindo para a formação de brisas marítimas mais intensas e de brisas terrestres menos intensas, respectivamente. A máxima queda de pressão ocorre por volta de três horas antes da máxima intensidade da brisa. Isso porque grande parte da energia disponibilizada para as circulações é gasta para vencer dissipação, principalmente, no período diurno, quando esses processos são realmente efetivos. Do ponto de vista puramente termodinâmico a inclinação da montanha atua para intensificar a brisa durante o dia e para enfraquecê-la durante a noite.
The effects of thermal treatment on the wettability and shrink resistance of Araucaria angustifolia (Parana pine) were studied from 20 to 200 °C. The contact angles of water droplets on untreated and heat-treated samples were measured by the sessile drop method in the grain of heartwood and sapwood cut in the radial, longitudinal, and tangential directions. A significant increase of the contact angles was verified for the samples from room temperature to 120 °C, in particular in the radial and tangential directions; at higher temperatures, the contact angles assumed almost constant values. From 120 to 200 °C, the sapwood of Araucaria angustifolia showed better dimensional stability and lower thermal resistance when compared to the heartwood. Variations of color were also studied by using the CIELab system, which showed to be capable of accurately distinguishing samples treated at different temperatures.
This paper examines the role of parent rock, pedogenetic processes and airborne pollution in heavy metal accumulation in soils from a remote oceanic island, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. We studied five soil profiles developed from different volcanic rocks. Mineralogical composition and total concentrations of major and trace elements were determined in 43 samples. The obtained concentrations range for heavy metals were: Co: 26-261 ppm; Cu: 35-97 ppm; Cr: 350-1446 ppm; Ni: 114-691 ppm; Zn: 101-374 ppm; Hg: 2-150 ppb. The composition of soils is strongly affected by the geochemical character of the parent rock. Pedogenesis appears to be responsible for the accumulation of Zn, Co, and, to a lesser extent, of Ni and Cu, in the upper, Mn- and organic carbon-enriched horizons of the soil profiles. Pedogenic influence may also explain the relationship observed between Cr and the Fe. Hg is likely to have been added to the soil profile by long-range atmospheric transport. Its accumulation in the topsoil was further favoured by the formation of stable complexes with organic matter. Clay minerals do not appear to play an important role in the fixation of heavy metals.
Os níveis de mercúrio (Hg) total em cabelos estão diretamente relacionados à alimentação, particularmente ao consumo de peixes por populações costeiras com grande representação caiçara. No presente estudo foram avaliados os níveis de mercúrio total em cabelos de crianças com idade entre 4 e 12 anos, pertencente a três escolas públicas da cidade de Cananéia, São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos (mediana e intervalo) para mercúrio total foram de: 0,04mg.kg-1 (0,01-0,77mg.kg-1), 0,39mg.kg-1 (< 0,01-3,33mg.kg-1) e 0,39mg.kg-1 (< 0,01-2,81mg.kg-1) considerando as escolas ES1, ES2 e ES3, respectivamente. Em geral, os valores encontrados estiveram bem abaixo do valor preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para uma população adulta não exposta ao mercúrio (2,0mg.kg-1). Os baixos valores observados e a inexistência de valores de referência para mercúrio total em cabelos de crianças brasileiras possibilitam a consideração desses valores como possível referência nacional em cabelos de populações costeiras, uma vez que foram obtidos em região de baixo impacto ambiental.
Os acidentes de trânsito no Brasil se constituem em relevante problema para a área da saúde. Nesse sentido, julgou-se importante investigar qual o efeito da lei 11.705 de 19 de junho de 2008, a chamada Lei seca. A metodologia do trabalho constitui analisar os dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS, para o Brasil, em 2008, comparando as internações nos dois semestres do ano, segundo algumas variáveis consideradas importantes. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma queda de 28,3 por cento nas internações do segundo semestre, com reflexos consideráveis em todas as variáveis estudadas. Quanto à qualidade da vítima, a maior queda ocorreu entre os ocupantes de automóvel, principalmente do sexo masculino. Em relação às idades, houve declínio em todas as faixas, destacando-se as de 40 a 59 anos e 20 a 39 anos, pela ordem. O tempo de permanência na instituição foi menor no segundo semestre,quando a mortalidade hospitalar declinou 13,6 por cento em relação ao primeiro semestre, o que significa que deixaram de morrer 917 pessoas (cerca de 5 mortes/dias). O gasto governamental para o atendimento dos feridos no segundo semestre foi 35,5 por cento menor do que no primeiro
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos químicos do solo e a disponibilidade de cádmio (Cd), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e arsênio (As), por meio da extração pelo DTPA,em conseqüência da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodos de esgoto centrifugados e de biodigestores, nas doses 0 (testemunha), 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1 e um tratamento adicional composto pela calagem superficial na dose 2 Mg ha-1. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em condições de campo, em área sob sistema plantio direto, durante 2003 e 2004. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria,lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado e de biodigestor, até a dose 8 Mg ha-1, assim como o calcário na dose 2 Mg ha-1, não trazem problemas de disponibilidade ao ambiente, com relação aos metais pesados Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Ni e As, quando aplicados sobre a superfície em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no sistema plantio direto. A fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados às culturas da soja e aveia-preta foi nula, quando foram aplicadas doses de até 8 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, escória e lama cal sobre a superfície do solo, no sistema plantio direto
Background: Accidents caused by Loxosceles spider may cause severe systemic reactions, including acute kidney injury (AKI). There are few experimental studies assessing Loxosceles venom effects on kidney function in vivo. Methodology/Principal Findings: In order to test Loxosceles gaucho venom (LV) nephrotoxicity and to assess some of the possible mechanisms of renal injury, rats were studied up to 60 minutes after LV 0.24 mg/kg or saline IV injection (control). LV caused a sharp and significant drop in glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and urinary output and increased renal vascular resistance, without changing blood pressure. Venom infusion increased significantly serum creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase. In the LV group renal histology analysis found acute epithelial tubular cells degenerative changes, presence of cell debris and detached epithelial cells in tubular lumen without glomerular or vascular changes. Immunohistochemistry disclosed renal deposition of myoglobin and hemoglobin. LV did not cause injury to a suspension of fresh proximal tubules isolated from rats. Conclusions/Significance: Loxosceles gaucho venom injection caused early AKI, which occurred without blood pressure variation. Changes in glomerular function occurred likely due to renal vasoconstriction and rhabdomyolysis. Direct nephrotoxicity could not be demonstrated in vitro. The development of a consistent model of Loxosceles venom-induced AKI and a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the renal injury may allow more efficient ways to prevent or attenuate the systemic injury after Loxosceles bite.
Introduction and Purpose: Bimatoprost and the fixed combination of latanoprost with timolol maleate are 2 medications widely used to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension (OHT). The aim of the study is to compare the efficacy of these 2 drugs in reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) after 8 weeks of treatment in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) or OHT. Methods: In this randomized, open-label trial, 44 patients with POAG or OHT were allocated to receive either bimatoprost (1 drop QD) or latanoprost/timolol (1 drop QD). Primary outcome was the mean diurnal IOP measurement at the 8th week, calculated as the mean IOP measurements taken at 8:00 AM, 10: 00 AM, and 12: 00 PM Secondary outcomes included the baseline change in IOP measured 3 times a day, after the water-drinking test (performed after the last IOP measurement), and the assessment of side effects of each therapy. Results: The mean IOP levels of latanoprost/timolol (13.83, SD = 2.54) was significantly lower than of bimatoprost (16.16, SD = 3.28; P < 0.0001) at week 8. Also, the change in mean IOP values was significantly higher in the latanoprost/timolol group at 10:00 AM (P = 0.013) and 12:00 PM (P = 0.01), but not at 8: 00 AM (P = ns). During the water-drinking test, there was no signifi cant difference in IOP increase (absolute and percentage) between groups; however, there was a signifi cant decrease in mean heart rate in the latanoprost/timolol group. Finally, no signifi cant changes in blood pressure and lung spirometry were observed in either groups. Conclusions: The fixed combination of latanoprost/timolol was significantly superior to bimatoprost alone in reducing IOP in patients with POAG or OHT. Further studies with large sample sizes should be taken to support the superior efficacy of latanoprost/timolol, as well as to better assess its profile of side effects.
Purpose: This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of two methods of inducing renal hypothermia through laparoscopy in pigs and humans. Materials and Methods: Twelve pigs were divided into four groups of three animals each. Both kidneys of the animals in Groups A, B, and C were submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline (4 degrees C) for 20 minutes, with flow rates of 5 mL/min, 10 mL/min, and 15 mL/min, respectively. In Group D renal hypothermia was induced by intracorporeal ice slush applied to the surface for 20 minutes. All maneuvers were performed laparoscopically and renal cortex temperature was measured by a thermocouple needle. Five human patients also underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. In one case renoprotection was induced by retrograde endoscopic cold saline perfusion at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. In the remaining four patients we induced renal hypothermia via laparoscopic application of ice slush. The renal temperature of the human patients was also monitored using a thermocouple needle. Results: In the pigs, at 20 minutes of renal pelvis perfusion the mean renal temperature, the temperature drop, and saline flow per gram of kidney were: Group A, -29.5 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-6.3 degrees C; 0.10 mL); Group B, -22.8 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-13.1 degrees C; 0.22 mL); and Group C, -21.1 degrees C +/- 0.9 (-14.9 degrees C; 0.31 mL). In Group D the mean renal cortex temperature at 20 minutes was 13.6 degrees C +/- 1.2, a drop of -22.5 degrees C. There were striking differences among the groups (P < 0.0001). The laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was uneventful in all five human patients. The lowest renal cortex temperature was 32.5 degrees C, seen in the patient who submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline, and the mean temperature drop was 19.1 degrees C +/- 2.5 degrees C in the patients who submitted to ice slush-induced renal hypothermia. Conclusions: Induction of renal hypothermia using intracorporeal ice slush confers lower kidney temperatures than endoscopically-induced cold saline perfusion.
This study was designed to evaluate the degree of environmental contamination and possible exposure of pregnant women to toxic elements in seven selected areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The overall median concentration of Mo in maternal blood was 0.53 mu g L(-1), highly significant differences found between sites (p < 0.0001). Cd was found to be low overall - 0.09 mu g L(-1) (0.01-0.58 mu g L(-1)) - with mothers from the Coastal and Rural 1 sites having the highest levels (p < 0.016). Median Hg concentration was 0.60 mu g L (1) (0.06 mu g L (1)-4.35 mu g L (1)); median Pb level was 16.2 mu g L (1) (3.5-57.7 mu g L(-1)) and no differences between sites were observed for both metals. Median Mn level was 16.7 mu g L(-1) (7.0-39.7 mu g L(-1)), being highest in Urban 2 site (p < 0.016). Concentrations of maternal Co were found to range between 0.06 mu g L(-1) and 1.1 mu g L(-1) (median 0.25 mu g L(-1)) and As level was 0.60 mu g L(-1) (0.10-3.8 mu g L(-1)) overall, with no statistical significance between sites for Co and As. Median Se concentrations were found to be 64 mg L(-1) (36-233 mu g L(-1)), with the highest median levels found in Urban 3 site; site differences were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Correlation for each element (between paired maternal and cord blood) was measured only in Rural site 1; significant correlation was shown for Hg, Pb, Mn and Co (p < 0.05). These findings may be interpreted as indicating low environmental contamination in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. These findings could also indicate that pregnant women have little or no contact with pollutants, possibly due to awareness campaigns carried out by public health practitioners.
Background: Recent studies have supported the concept of ""fetal programming"" which suggests that during the intrauterine development the fetus may be programmed to develop diseases in adulthood. The possible effects of in utero protein restriction on sexual development of rat male offspring were evaluated in the present study. Methods: Pregnant Wistar rats were divided into two experimental groups: one group treated with standard chow (SC, n = 8, 17% protein) and the other group treated with hypoproteic chow (HC, n = 10, 6% protein) throughout gestation. After gestation the two experimental groups received standard chow. To evaluate the possible late reproductive effects of in utero protein restriction, the male offspring of both groups were assessed at different phases of sexual development: prepubertal (30 days old); peripubertal (60 days old); adult (90 days old). Student's t test and Mann-Whitney test were utilized. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05. Results: We found that in utero protein restriction reduced the body weight of male pups on the first postnatal day and during the different sexual development phases (prepubertal, peripubertal and adult). During adulthood, Sertoli cell number, sperm motility and sperm counts in the testis and epididymal cauda were also reduced in HC. Furthermore, the numbers of sperm presenting morphological abnormalities and cytoplasmic drop retention were higher in HC. Conclusions: In conclusion, in utero protein restriction, under these experimental conditions, causes growth delay and alters male reproductive-system programming in rats, suggesting impairment of sperm quality in adulthood.
It is possible that a system composed of up, down, and strange quarks exists as the true ground state of nuclear matter at high densities and low temperatures. This exotic plasma, called strange quark matter (SQM), seems to be even more favorable energetically if quarks are in a superconducting state, the so-called color-flavor locked state. Here we present calculations made on the basis of the MIT bag model, considering the influence of finite temperature on the allowed parameters characterizing the system for stability of bulk SQM (the so-called stability windows) and also for strangelets, small lumps of SQM, both in the color-flavor locking scenario. We compare these results with the unpaired SQM and also briefly discuss some astrophysical implications of them. Also, the issue of the strangelet's electric charge is discussed. The effects of dynamical screening, though important for nonpaired SQM strangelets, are not relevant when considering pairing among all three flavors and colors of quarks.
Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate some new aspects of the phase diagram and the behavior of the diffusion coefficient in an associating lattice gas (ALG) model on different regions of the phase diagram. The ALG model combines a two dimensional lattice gas where particles interact through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. The competition between soft core potential and directional attractive forces results in a high density liquid phase, a low density liquid phase, and a gas phase. Besides anomalies in the behavior of the density with the temperature at constant pressure and of the diffusion coefficient with density at constant temperature are also found. The two liquid phases are separated by a coexistence line that ends in a bicritical point. The low density liquid phase is separated from the gas phase by a coexistence line that ends in tricritical point. The bicritical and tricritical points are linked by a critical lambda-line. The high density liquid phase and the fluid phases are separated by a second critical tau-line. We then investigate how the diffusion coefficient behaves on different regions of the chemical potential-temperature phase diagram. We find that diffusivity undergoes two types of dynamic transitions: a fragile-to-strong transition when the critical lambda-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential; and a strong-to-strong transition when the critical tau-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential.
Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is involved in inflammatory responses. Human IL-22 was incubated with its soluble decoy receptor IL-22BP (IL-22 binding protein) and the IL-22 -IL-22BP complex was crystallized in hanging drops using the vapour-diffusion method. Suitable crystals were obtained from polyethylene glycol solutions and diffraction data were collected to 2.75 angstrom resolution. The crystal belonged to the tetragonal space group P41, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 67.9, c = 172.5 angstrom, and contained two IL-22-IL- 22BP complexes per asymmetric unit.
The knowledge of the atomic structure of clusters composed by few atoms is a basic prerequisite to obtain insights into the mechanisms that determine their chemical and physical properties as a function of diameter, shape, surface termination, as well as to understand the mechanism of bulk formation. Due to the wide use of metal systems in our modern life, the accurate determination of the properties of 3d, 4d, and 5d metal clusters poses a huge problem for nanoscience. In this work, we report a density functional theory study of the atomic structure, binding energies, effective coordination numbers, average bond lengths, and magnetic properties of the 3d, 4d, and 5d metal (30 elements) clusters containing 13 atoms, M(13). First, a set of lowest-energy local minimum structures (as supported by vibrational analysis) were obtained by combining high-temperature first- principles molecular-dynamics simulation, structure crossover, and the selection of five well-known M(13) structures. Several new lower energy configurations were identified, e. g., Pd(13), W(13), Pt(13), etc., and previous known structures were confirmed by our calculations. Furthermore, the following trends were identified: (i) compact icosahedral-like forms at the beginning of each metal series, more opened structures such as hexagonal bilayerlike and double simple-cubic layers at the middle of each metal series, and structures with an increasing effective coordination number occur for large d states occupation. (ii) For Au(13), we found that spin-orbit coupling favors the three-dimensional (3D) structures, i.e., a 3D structure is about 0.10 eV lower in energy than the lowest energy known two-dimensional configuration. (iii) The magnetic exchange interactions play an important role for particular systems such as Fe, Cr, and Mn. (iv) The analysis of the binding energy and average bond lengths show a paraboliclike shape as a function of the occupation of the d states and hence, most of the properties can be explained by the chemistry picture of occupation of the bonding and antibonding states.