936 resultados para glucose-6-phosphate
Das DNA-Reparaturprotein O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase [MGMT] ist der Hauptresistenzfaktor gegenüber der zytotoxischen Wirkung von SN1-alkylierenden Zytostatika in der Tumortherapie. Die Verwendung der MGMT-Hemmstoffe O6-Benzylguanin [O6BG] und O6-(4-Bromothenyl)guanin [O6BTG] führte zu einer Sensibilisierung des Normalgewebes, was eine Dosis-Reduktion der Zytostatika erforderlich machte und die erhoffte Therapieverbesserung verhinderte. Aus diesem Grund ist eine Strategie der selektiven Hemmung des MGMT-Proteins (Targeting-Strategie) erforderlich, um die systemische Toxizität in der Kombinationsbehandlung zu reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Anwendbarkeit der Glukose-Konjugation als Targeting-Strategie untersucht, da Tumorzellen einen erhöhten Glukoseverbrauch aufweisen und demzufolge Glukosetransporter überexprimieren. Die Glukose-Konjugate O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu inhibierten MGMT in Tumorzellen und sensibilisierten die Zellen gegenüber den alkylierenden Agenzien Temozolomid [TMZ] und Lomustin [CCNU]. Des Weiteren inaktivierten die Glukose-Konjugate die MGMT-Aktivität im Tumor eines Xenograft-Mausmodells und reduzierten das Tumorwachstum nach einer TMZ-Behandlung im gleichen Ausmass wie die Inhibitoren O6BG und O6BTG. Trotzdem war auch mit den Glukose-Konjugaten keine Steigerung der Zytostatika-Dosis im Mausmodell möglich. Die Untersuchungen der Aufnahme von O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu wiederlegten eine Involvierung der Glukosetransporter. Der Einsatz von spezifischen Glukosetransporter-Inhibitoren und Kompetitions-Experimenten führte zu keiner Verminderung der MGMT-Hemmung oder Aufnahme vom radioaktiven H3-O6BTG-Glu in die Zelle. Dies legt nahe, dass die Glukose-Konjugate über einen unspezifischen Mechanismus (aktiv) in die Zellen gelangen. Der Grund für eine mögliche unselektive Aufnahme könnte im hydrophoben Alkyllinker, der für die Konjugation des Glukosemoleküls verwendet wurde, begründet sein. Dies führt zur Generierung von amphipathischen Konjugaten, die eine initiale Bindung an die Plasmamembran aufweisen und eine Aufnahme über den Flip-Flop-Mechanismus (transbilayer transport) wahrscheinlich machen. Die amphipathische Molekülstruktur der Glukose-Konjugate führte zu einer Partikelbildung in wässrigen Lösungen, die eine Reduktion der Menge an aktiven Monomeren von O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu bewirken, die zur Hemmung von MGMT zur Verfügung stehen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasste sich mit der Rolle von ABC-Transportern hinsichtlich einer Targeting-Strategie von MGMT-Hemmstoffen. Obwohl eine hohe Expression dieser ABC-Transporter in Tumoren zur Resistenzentwicklung gegenüber Zytostatika führt, wurde ihr Einfluss auf MGMT-Hemmstoffe oder einer MGMT-Targeting-Strategie niemals untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal ein aktiver Efflux von MGMT-Hemmstoffen durch ABC-Transporter nachgewiesen. Die Inhibition von ABC-Transportern bewirkte eine schnellere Inaktivierung von MGMT durch die Glukose-Konjugate. Des Weiteren zeigten Kompetitions-Experimente mit den MGMT-Hemmstoffen eine verminderte Efflux-Rate von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen, die spezifisch von ABC-Transportern exportiert werden. ABC-Transporter reduzieren die wirksame Konzentration des Hemmstoffes in der Zelle und beeinträchtigen somit die Effektivität der MGMT-Inhibition. Eine simultane Hemmung der ABC-Transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multi resistance protein 1 (MRP1) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) erhöhte die Effektivität der MGMT-Hemmstoffe (O6BG, O6BTG, O6BG-Glu, O6BTG-Glu) und verstärkte auf diese Weise die TMZ-induzierte Toxizität in Tumorzelllinien. Die Involvierung von ABC-Transportern in der intrazellulären Speicherung von MGMT-Hemmstoffen ist wahrscheinlich die Ursache für die beobachteten Unterschiede in der Sensibilisierung verschiedener Tumorzelllinien gegenüber Zytostatika durch das Glukose-Konjugat O6BG-Glu. Eine Strategie, den Einfluss von ABC-Transportern zu reduzieren und zukünftliche MGMT-Targeting-Strategien effizienter umzusetzen, ist die Verwendung von O6BTG als Ausgangssubstanz. Die höhere Inhibitionsfähigkeit der Bromthiophenmoleküle vermindert die erforderliche intrazelluläre Konzentration für eine vollständige MGMT-Hemmung und reduziert auf diese Weise den Einfluss von ABC-Transportern.
OBJECTIVES: Hypoglycaemia (glucose <2.2 mmol/l) is a defining feature of severe malaria, but the significance of other levels of blood glucose has not previously been studied in children with severe malaria. METHODS: A prospective study of 437 consecutive children with presumed severe malaria was conducted in Mali. We defined hypoglycaemia as <2.2 mmol/l, low glycaemia as 2.2-4.4 mmol/l and hyperglycaemia as >8.3 mmol/l. Associations between glycaemia and case fatality were analysed for 418 children using logistic regression models and a receiver operator curve (ROC). RESULTS: There was a significant difference between blood glucose levels in children who died (median 4.6 mmol/l) and survivors (median 7.6 mmol/l, P < 0.001). Case fatality declined from 61.5% of the hypoglycaemic children to 46.2% of those with low glycaemia, 13.4% of those with normal glycaemia and 7.6% of those with hyperglycaemia (P < 0.001). Logistic regression showed an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 0.75 (0.64-0.88) for case fatality per 1 mmol/l increase in baseline blood glucose. Compared to a normal blood glucose, hypoglycaemia and low glycaemia both significantly increased the odds of death (AOR 11.87, 2.10-67.00; and 5.21, 1.86-14.63, respectively), whereas hyperglycaemia reduced the odds of death (AOR 0.34, 0.13-0.91). The ROC [area under the curve at 0.753 (95% CI 0.684-0.820)] indicated that glycaemia had a moderate predictive value for death and identified an optimal threshold at glycaemia <6.1 mmol/l, (sensitivity 64.5% and specificity 75.1%). CONCLUSIONS: If there is a threshold of blood glucose which defines a worse prognosis, it is at a higher level than the current definition of 2.2 mmol/l.
Consumption of simple carbohydrates has markedly increased over the past decades, and may be involved in the increased prevalence in metabolic diseases. Whether an increased intake of fructose is specifically related to a dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism remains controversial. We therefore compared the effects of hypercaloric diets enriched with fructose (HFrD) or glucose (HGlcD) in healthy men. Eleven subjects were studied in a randomised order after 7 d of the following diets: (1) weight maintenance, control diet; (2) HFrD (3.5 g fructose/kg fat-free mass (ffm) per d, +35 % energy intake); (3) HGlcD (3.5 g glucose/kg ffm per d, +35 % energy intake). Fasting hepatic glucose output (HGO) was measured with 6,6-2H2-glucose. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both fructose and glucose increased fasting VLDL-TAG (HFrD: +59 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +31 %, P = 0.11) and IHCL (HFrD: +52 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +58 %, P = 0.06). HGO increased after both diets (HFrD: +5 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +5 %, P = 0.05). No change was observed in fasting glycaemia, insulin and alanine aminotransferase concentrations. IMCL increased significantly only after the HGlcD (HFrD: +24 %, NS; HGlcD: +59 %, P < 0.05). IHCL and VLDL-TAG were not different between hypercaloric HFrD and HGlcD, but were increased compared to values observed with a weight maintenance diet. However, glucose led to a higher increase in IMCL than fructose.
Polymers that are used in clinical practice as bone-defect-filling materials possess many essential qualities, such as moldability, mechanical strength and biodegradability, but they are neither osteoconductive nor osteoinductive. Osteoconductivity can be conferred by coating the material with a layer of calcium phosphate, which can be rendered osteoinductive by functionalizing it with an osteogenic agent. We wished to ascertain whether the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of unfunctionalized and bovine-serum-albumin (BSA)-functionalized calcium-phosphate coatings were influenced by the surface properties of polymeric carriers. The release kinetics of the protein were also investigated. Two sponge-like materials (Helistat® and Polyactive®) and two fibrous ones (Ethisorb and poly[lactic-co-glycolic acid]) were tested. The coating characteristics were evaluated using state-of-the-art methodologies. The release kinetics of BSA were monitored spectrophotometrically. The characteristics of the amorphous and the crystalline phases of the coatings were not influenced by either the surface chemistry or the surface geometry of the underlying polymer. The mechanism whereby BSA was incorporated into the crystalline layer and the rate of release of the truly incorporated depot were likewise unaffected by the nature of the polymeric carrier. Our biomimetic coating technique could be applied to either spongy or fibrous bone-defect-filling organic polymers, with a view to rendering them osteoconductive and osteoinductive.
BACKGROUND: The aim of the study is to clinically and histologically evaluate the healing of advanced intrabony defects treated with open flap debridement and the adjunct implantation of granular beta tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). METHODS: Five patients, each displaying advanced combined 1- and 2-wall intrabony defects around teeth scheduled for extraction or root resection, were recruited. Approximately 6 months after surgery, the teeth or roots were removed together with a portion of their surrounding soft and hard tissues and processed for histologic evaluation. RESULTS: The mean probing depth (PD) was reduced from 10.8 +/- 2.3 mm presurgically to 4.6 +/- 2.1 mm, whereas a mean clinical attachment level (CAL) gain of 5.0 +/- 0.7 mm was observed. The increase in gingival recession was 1.2 +/- 3.2 mm. The histologic evaluation indicated the formation of new cellular cementum with inserting collagen fibers to a varying extent (mean: 1.9 +/- 0.7 mm; range: 1.2 to 3.03 mm) coronal to the most apical extent of the root instrumentation. The mean new bone formation was 1.0 +/- 0.7 mm (range: 0.0 to 1.9 mm). In most specimens, beta-TCP particles were embedded in the connective tissue, whereas the formation of a mineralized bone-like or cementum-like tissue around the particles was only occasionally observed. CONCLUSION: The present data indicates that treatment of intrabony periodontal defects with this beta-TCP may result in substantial clinical improvements such as PD reduction and CAL gain, but this beta-TCP does not seem to enhance the regeneration of cementum, periodontal ligament, and bone.
Exercise induces a pleiotropic adaptive response in skeletal muscle, largely through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor coactivator 1 (PGC-1 ). PGC-1 enhances lipid oxidation and thereby provides energy for sustained muscle contraction. Its potential implication in promoting muscle refueling remains unresolved, however. Here, we investigated a possible role of elevated PGC-1 levels in skeletal muscle lipogenesis in vivo and the molecular mechanisms that underlie PGC-1 -mediated de novo lipogenesis. To this end, we studied transgenic mice with physiological overexpression of PGC-1 and human muscle biopsies pre- and post-exercise. We demonstrate that PGC-1 enhances lipogenesis in skeletal muscle through liver X receptor -dependent activation of the fatty acid synthase (FAS) promoter and by increasing FAS activity. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we establish a direct interaction between PGC-1 and the liver X receptor-responsive element in the FAS promoter. Moreover, we show for the first time that increased glucose uptake and activation of the pentose phosphate pathway provide substrates for RNA synthesis and cofactors for de novo lipogenesis. Similarly, we observed increased lipogenesis and lipid levels in human muscle biopsies that were obtained post-exercise. Our findings suggest that PGC-1 coordinates lipogenesis, intramyocellular lipid accumulation, and substrate oxidation in exercised skeletal muscle in vivo.
A global metabolic profiling methodology based on gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) for human plasma was applied to a human exercise study focused on the effects of beverages containing glucose, galactose, or fructose taken after exercise and throughout a recovery period of 6 h and 45 min. One group of 10 well trained male cyclists performed 3 experimental sessions on separate days (randomized, single center). After performing a standardized depletion protocol on a bicycle, subjects consumed one of three different beverages: maltodextrin (MD)+glucose (2:1 ratio), MD+galactose (2:1), and MD+fructose (2:1), consumed at an average of 1.25 g of carbohydrate (CHO) ingested per minute. Blood was taken straight after exercise and every 45 min within the recovery phase. With the resulting blood plasma, insulin, free fatty acid (FFA) profile, glucose, and GC-TOFMS global metabolic profiling measurements were performed. The resulting profiling data was able to match the results obtained from the other clinical measurements with the addition of being able to follow many different metabolites throughout the recovery period. The data quality was assessed, with all the labelled internal standards yielding values of <15% CV for all samples (n=335), apart from the labelled sucrose which gave a value of 15.19%. Differences between recovery treatments including the appearance of galactonic acid from the galactose based beverage were also highlighted.
It is generally thought that macronutrients stimulate intake when sensed in the mouth (e.g., sweet taste) but as food enters the GI tract its effects become inhibitory, triggering satiation processes leading to meal termination. Here we report experiments extending recent work (see [1]) showing that under some circumstances nutrients sensed in the gut produce a positive feedback effect, immediately promoting continued intake. In one experiment, rats with intragastric (IG) catheters were accustomed to consuming novel flavors in saccharin daily while receiving water infused IG (5 ml/15 min). The very first time glucose (16% w/w) was infused IG instead of water, intake accelerated within 6 mins of infusion onset and total intake increased 29% over baseline. Experiment 2 replicated this stimulatory effect with glucose infusion but not fructose nor maltodextrin. Experiment 3 showed the immediate intake stimulation is specific to the flavor accompanying the glucose infusion. Rats were accustomed to flavored saccharin being removed and replaced with the same or a different flavor. When glucose infusion accompanied the first bottle, intake from the second bottle was stimulated only when it contained the same flavor, not when the flavor switched. Thus we confirm not only that glucose sensed postingestively can have a rapid, positive feedback effect ('appetition' as opposed to 'satiation') but that it is sensory-specific, promoting continued intake of a recently encountered flavor. This sensory specific motivation may represent an additional psychobiological influence on meal size, and further, has implications for the mechanisms of learned flavor-nutrient associations.
The role of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1-based treatment approaches for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing. Although self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been performed in numerous studies on GLP-1 analogs and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, the potential role of SMBG in GLP-1-based treatment strategies has not been elaborated. The expert recommendation suggests individualized SMBG strategies in GLP-1-based treatment approaches and suggests simple and clinically applicable SMBG schemes. Potential benefits of SMBG in GLP-1-based treatment approaches are early assessment of treatment success or failure, timely modification of treatment, detection of hypoglycemic episodes, assessment of glucose excursions, and support of diabetes management and diabetes education. Its length and frequency should depend on the clinical setting and the quality of metabolic control. It is considered to play an important role for the optimization of diabetes management in T2DM patients treated with GLP-1-based approaches.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the 4-year clinical outcomes following regenerative surgery in intrabony defects with either EMD + BCP or EMD. Twenty-four patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, displaying one-, two-, or three-walled intrabony defect with a probing depth of at least 6 mm, were randomly treated with either EMD + BCP (test) or EMD alone (control). The following clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline, at 1 year and at 4 years after regenerative surgery: plaque index, gingival index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, gingival recession, and clinical attachment level (CAL). The primary outcome variable was CAL. No differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed at baseline between the two groups. The test group demonstrated a mean CAL change from from 10.8 ± 1.6 mm to 7.4 ± 1.6 mm (p < 0.001) and to 7.6 ± 1.7 mm (p < 0.001) at 1 and 4 years, respectively. In the control group, mean CAL changed from 10.4 ± 1.3 at baseline to 6.9 ± 1.0 mm (p < 0.001) at 1 year and 7.2 ± 1.2 mm (p < 0.001) at 4 years. At 4 years, two defects in the test group and three defects in the control group have lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. Compared to baseline, at 4 years, a CAL gain of ≥3 mm was measured in 67% of the defects (i.e., in 8 out of 12) in the test group and in 75% of the defects (i.e., in 9 out of 12) in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the investigated parameters at 1 and at 4 years between the two groups. Within their limits, the present results indicate that: (a) the clinical improvements obtained with both treatments can be maintained over a period of 4 years, and (b) in two- and three-walled intrabony defects, the addition of BCP did not additionally improve the outcomes obtained with EMD alone. In two- and three-walled intrabony defects, the combination of EMD + BCP did not show any advantage over the use of EMD alone.
BACKGROUND: Stroke patients with diabetes and admission hyperglycaemia have worse outcomes than non-diabetics, with or without intravenous thrombolysis. Poor vessel recanalization was reported in diabetics treated with intravenous thrombolysis. AIMS: This study aimed to determine the impact of admission glucose and diabetes on recanalization and outcome after intra-arterial thrombolysis. METHODS: We analysed 389 patients (213 men, 176 women) treated with intra-arterial thrombolysis. The association of diabetes and admission glucose value with recanalization, outcome, mortality, and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was determined. Recanalization was classified according to thrombolysis in myocardial infarction grades. Outcome was measured using the modified Rankin Scale at three-months and categorized as favourable (modified Rankin Scale 0-2) or poor (modified Rankin Scale 3-6). RESULTS: The rate of partial or complete recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 2-3) did not differ between patients with and without diabetes (67% vs. 66%; P = 1·000). Mean admission glucose values were similar in patients with poor recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 0-1) and patients with partial or complete recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 2-3; 7·3 vs. 7·3 mmol/l; P = 0·746). Follow-up at three-months was obtained in 388 of 389 patients. Clinical outcome was favourable (modified Rankin Scale 0-2) in 189 patients (49%) and poor (modified Rankin Scale 3-6) in 199 patients (51%). Mortality at three-months was 20%. Diabetics were more likely to have poor outcome (72% vs. 48%; P = 0·001) and to be dead (30% vs. 19%; P = 0·044) at three-months. After multivariable analysis, there remained an independent relationship between diabetes and outcome (P = 0·003; odds ratio 3·033, 95% confidence interval 1·452-6·336), but not with mortality (P = 0·310; odds ratio 1·436; 95% confidence interval 0·714-2·888). Moreover, higher age (P = 0·001; odds ratio 1·039; 95% confidence interval 1·017-1·061), higher baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (P < 0·0001; odds ratio 1·130; 95% confidence interval 1·079-1·182), location of vessel occlusion as categorical variable (P < 0·0001), poor collaterals (P = 0·02; odds ratio 1·587; 95% confidence interval 1·076-2·341), poor vessel recanalization (P < 0·0001; odds ratio 4·713; 95% confidence interval 2·627-8·454), and higher leucocyte count (P = 0·032; odds ratio 1·094; 95% confidence interval 1·008-1·188) were independent baseline predictors of poor outcome. Higher admission glucose was associated with poor outcome (P = 0·006) and mortality (P < 0·0001). After multivariate analyses, glucose remained independently associated with poor outcome (P = 0·019; odds ratio 1·150; 95% confidence interval 1·023-1-292) and mortality (P = 0·005; odds ratio 1·183; 95% confidence interval 1052-1·331). The rate of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was similar in diabetics and non-diabetics (6·7% vs. 4·6%; P = 0·512). Mean admission glucose was higher in patients with symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage than without (8·58 vs. 7·26 mmol/l; P = 0·010). Multivariable analysis confirmed an independent association between admission glucose and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (P = 0·027; odds ratio 1·187; 95% confidence interval 1·020-1·381). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes and glucose value on admission did not influence recanalization after intra-arterial thrombolysis; nevertheless, they were independent predictors of poor outcome after intra-arterial thrombolysis and a higher admission glucose value was an independent predictor of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage. This indicates that factors on the capillary, cellular, or metabolic level may account for the worse outcome in patients with elevated glucose value and diabetes.
Glucose supply markedly changes during the transition to extrauterine life. In this study, we investigated diet effects on glucose metabolism in neonatal calves. Calves were fed colostrum (C; n = 7) or milk-based formula (F; n = 7) with similar nutrient content up to d 4 of life. Blood plasma samples were taken daily before feeding and 2 h after feeding on d 4 to measure glucose, lactate, nonesterified fatty acids, protein, urea, insulin, glucagon, and cortisol concentrations. On d 2, additional blood samples were taken to measure glucose first-pass uptake (FPU) and turnover by oral [U-(13)C]-glucose and i.v. [6,6-(2)H(2)]-glucose infusion. On d 3, endogenous glucose production and gluconeogenesis were determined by i.v. [U-(13)C]-glucose and oral deuterated water administration after overnight feed deprivation. Liver tissue was obtained 2 h after feeding on d 4 and glycogen concentration and activities and mRNA abundance of gluconeogenic enzymes were measured. Plasma glucose and protein concentrations and hepatic glycogen concentration were higher (P < 0.05), whereas plasma urea, glucagon, and cortisol (d 2) concentrations as well as hepatic pyruvate carboxylase mRNA level and activity were lower (P < 0.05) in group C than in group F. Orally administered [U-(13)C]-glucose in blood was higher (P < 0.05) but FPU tended to be lower (P < 0.1) in group C than in group F. The improved glucose status in group C resulted from enhanced oral glucose absorption. Metabolic and endocrine changes pointed to elevated amino acid degradation in group F, presumably to provide substrates to meet energy requirements and to compensate for impaired oral glucose uptake.
A continuous and highly sensitive absorption method for detection of soluble phosphate in ice cores has been developed using a molybdate reagent and a 2m liquid waveg- uide (LWCC). The method is optimized to meet the low concentrations of phosphate in Greenland ice, it has a detection limit of around 0.1ppb and a depth resolution of approximately 2cm. The new method has been applied to obtain phosphate concen- trations from segments of two Northern Greenland ice cores: from a shallow firn core covering the most recent 120yr and from the recently obtained deep NEEM ice core in which sections from the late glacial period have been analysed. Phosphate con- centrations in 20th century ice are around 0.32ppb with no indication of anthropogenic influence in the most recent ice. In the glacial part of the NEEM ice core concentra- tions in the cold stadial periods are significantly higher, in the range of 6–24ppb, while interstadial ice concentrations are around 2ppb. In the shallow firn core, a strong cor- relation between concentrations of phosphate and insoluble dust suggests a similar deposition pattern for phosphate and dust. In the glacial ice, phosphate and dust also correlate quite strongly, however it is most likely that this correlation originates from the phosphate binding to dust during transport, with only a fraction coming directly from dust. Additionally a constant ratio between phosphate and potassium concentrations shows evidence of a possible biogenic land source.