969 resultados para drug administration schedule


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The occurrence of waste pharmaceuticals has been identified and well documented in water sources throughout North America and Europe. Many studies have been conducted which identify the occurrence of various pharmaceutical compounds in these waters. This project is an extensive review of the documented evidence of this occurrence published in the scientific literature. This review was performed to determine if this occurrence has a significant impact on the environment and public health. This project and review found that pharmaceuticals such as sex hormone drugs, antibiotic drugs and antineoplastic/cytostatic agents as well as their metabolites have been found to occur in water sources throughout the United States at levels high enough to have noticeable impacts on human health and the environment. It was determined that the primary sources of this occurrence of pharmaceuticals were waste water effluent and solid wastes from sewage treatment plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, healthcare and biomedical research facilities, as well as runoff from veterinary medicine applications (including aquaculture). ^ In addition, current public policies of US governmental agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) have been evaluated to see if they are doing a sufficient job at controlling this issue. Specific recommendations for developing these EPA, FDA, and DEA policies have been made to mitigate, prevent, or eliminate this issue.^ Other possible interventions such as implementing engineering controls were also evaluated in order to mitigate, prevent and eliminate this issue. These engineering controls include implementing improved current treatment technologies such as the advancement and improvement of waste water treatment processes utilized by conventional sewage treatment and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. In addition, administrative controls such as the use of “green chemistry” in drug synthesis and design were also explored and evaluated as possible alternatives to mitigate, prevent, or eliminate this issue. Specific recommendations for incorporating these engineering and administrative controls into the applicable EPA, FDA, and DEA policies have also been made.^


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The natural history of placebo treated travelers' diarrhea and the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea were evaluated using 9 groups of placebo treated subjects from 9 clinical trial studies conducted since 1975, for use as a historical control in the future clinical trial of antidiarrheal agents. All of these studies were done by the same group of investigators in one site (Guadalajara, Mexico). The studies are similar in terms of population, measured parameters, microbiologic identification of enteropathogens and definitions of parameters. The studies had two different durations of followup. In some studies, subjects were followed for two days, and in some they were followed for five days.^ Using definitions established by the Infectious Diseases society of America and the Food and Drug Administration, the following efficacy parameters were evaluated: Time to last unformed stool (TLUS), number of unformed stools post-initiation of placebo treatment for five consecutive days of followup, microbiologic cure, and improvement of diarrhea. Among the groups that were followed for five days, the mean TLUS ranged from 59.1 to 83.5 hours. Fifty percent to 78% had diarrhea lasting more than 48 hours and 25% had diarrhea more than five days. The mean number of unformed stools passed on the first day post-initiation of therapy ranged from 3.6 to 5.8 and, for the fifth day ranged from 0.5 to 1.5. By the end of followup, diarrhea improved in 82.6% to 90% of the subjects. Subjects with enterotoxigenic E. coli had 21.6% to 90.0% microbiologic cure; and subjects with shigella species experienced 14.3% to 60.0% microbiologic cure.^ In evaluating the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea (primary efficacy parameter in evaluating the efficacy of antidiarrheal agents against travelers' diarrhea). The subjects from five studies were pooled and the Cox proportional hazard model was used to evaluate the predictors of prolonged diarrhea. After adjusting for design characteristics of each trial, fever with a rate ratio (RR) of 0.40, presence of invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.41, presence of severe abdominal pain and cramps with a RR of 0.50, number of watery stools more than five with a RR of 0.60, and presence of non-invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.84 predicted a longer duration of diarrhea. Severe vomiting with a RR of 2.53 predicted a shorter duration of diarrhea. The number of soft stools, presence of fecal leukocytes, presence of nausea, and duration of diarrhea before enrollment were not associated with duration of diarrhea. ^


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The effect of time (i.e., biologic time structure) of drug administration on the bioavailability of theophylline was investigated in man after both a single dosage as well as after repeated, or chronic, drug administrations. Preliminary laboratory investigations on Balb-C mice showed the toxic


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Background: Most studies have looked at breastfeeding practices from the point of view of the maternal behavior only, however in counseling women who choose to breastfeed it is important to be aware of general infant feeding patterns in order to adequately provide information about what to expect. Available literature on the differences in infant breastfeeding behavior by sex is minimal and therefore requires further investigation. Objectives: This study determined if at the age of 2 months there were differences in the amount of breast milk consumed, duration of breastfeeding, and infant satiety by infant sex. It also assessed whether infant sex is an independent predictor of initiation of breastfeeding. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data obtained from the Infant Feeding Practices Survey II (IFPS II) which was a longitudinal study carried out from May 2005 through June 2007 by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The questionnaires asked about demography, prenatal care, mode of delivery, birth weight, infant sex, and breastfeeding patterns. A total of 3,033 and 2,552 mothers completed the neonatal and post-neonatal questionnaires respectively. ^ Results: There was no significant difference in the initiation of breastfeeding by infant sex. About 85% of the male infants initiated breastfeeding compared with 84% of female infants. The odds ratio of ever initiating breastfeeding by male infants was 0.93 but the difference was not significant with a p-value of 0.49. None of the other infant feeding patterns differed by infant gender. ^ Conclusion: This study found no evidence that male infants feed more or that their mothers are more likely to initiate breastfeeding. Each baby is an individual and therefore will have a unique feeding pattern. Based on these findings, the major determining factors for breastfeeding continue to be maternal factors therefore more effort should be invested in promoting breastfeeding among mothers of all ethnic groups and social classes.^


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Background. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the federal government that is responsible for monitoring and maintaining public health through the regulation of many industries, including food safety. Through the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, the FDA was granted authority over the implementation and regulation of nutrition labeling on packaged foods. Many nutrients are printed on nutrition labels as well as their percent Daily Values. Research has been undertaken to examine the evidentiary basis the FDA relied upon in making its determinations regarding which nutrients to include on nutrition labels as well as their Daily Values. ^ Methods. Relevant legal policies, scientific studies, and other published literature (either in print or electronic form) were used to collect data. ^ Results. Results demonstrated that the FDA did not employ one single method in its determination of which nutrients to select for inclusion on food labels. The agency relied upon current public heath studies of that time as well as recommendations from the U.S. Surgeon General.^


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Background: In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates clinical trials. These regulations address good clinical practices as well as human subject protection (FDA, 2012). One of the most important legal and ethical concerns in clinical trials is informed consent. 21 CFR 50 governs human subjects research. Part 50.24 provides an emergency research exception to the informed consent requirement. Research was conducted to determine the appropriateness of this exception, whether the benefit justifies the exception, and its public health significance.^ Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted and articles were identified from peer-reviewed journals.^ Results: There is some variance in opinions regarding the appropriateness of the exception, but the literature reviewed found the study results of these trials justified the waiver.^ Conclusion: The exception to the informed consent requirement is likely appropriate and justified in emergency research when implemented within the specified guidelines.^


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We present an approach for evaluating the efficacy of combination antitumor agent schedules that accounts for order and timing of drug administration. Our model-based approach compares in vivo tumor volume data over a time course and offers a quantitative definition for additivity of drug effects, relative to which synergism and antagonism are interpreted. We begin by fitting data from individual mice receiving at most one drug to a differential equation tumor growth/drug effect model and combine individual parameter estimates to obtain population statistics. Using two null hypotheses: (i) combination therapy is consistent with additivity or (ii) combination therapy is equivalent to treating with the more effective single agent alone, we compute predicted tumor growth trajectories and their distribution for combination treated animals. We illustrate this approach by comparing entire observed and expected tumor volume trajectories for a data set in which HER-2/neu-overexpressing MCF-7 human breast cancer xenografts are treated with a humanized, anti-HER-2 monoclonal antibody (rhuMAb HER-2), doxorubicin, or one of five proposed combination therapy schedules.


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This report concerns a clinical trial for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), approved by the US National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. An amphotropic retrovirus (MFG-IRAP) was used ex vivo to transfer a cDNA encoding human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) to synovium. The protocol required the transduced cells to secrete at least 30 ng IL-1Ra/106 cells per 48 h before reimplantation. Here we have evaluated various protocols for their efficiency in transducing cultures of human rheumatoid synoviocytes. The most reliably efficient methods used high titer retrovirus (approximately 108 infectious particles/ml). Transduction efficiency was increased further by exposing the cells to virus under flow-through conditions. The use of dioctadecylamidoglycylspermine (DOGS) as a polycation instead of Polybrene (hexadimethrine bromide) provided an additional small increment in efficiency. Under normal conditions of static transduction, standard titer, clinical grade retrovirus (approximately 5 × 105 infectious particles/ml) failed to achieve the expression levels required by the clinical trial. However, the shortfall could be remedied by increasing the time of transduction under static conditions, transducing under flow-through conditions, or transducing during centrifugation.


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L’utilizzo di nanomateriali, ovvero una nuova classe di sostanze composte da particelle ultrafini con dimensioni comprese fra 1 e 100 nm (American Society for Testing Materials - ASTM), è in costante aumento a livello globale. La particolarità di tali sostanze è rappresentata da un alto rapporto tra la superficie e il volume delle particelle, che determina caratteristiche chimico-fisiche completamente differenti rispetto alle omologhe macrosostanze di riferimento. Tali caratteristiche sono tali da imporre una loro classificazione come nuovi agenti chimici (Royal Society & Royal Academy of Engineering report 2004). Gli impieghi attuali dei nanomateriali risultano in continua evoluzione, spaziando in diversi ambiti, dall’industria farmaceutica e cosmetica, all’industria tessile, elettronica, aerospaziale ed informatica. Diversi sono anche gli impieghi in campo biomedico; tra questi la diagnostica e la farmacoterapia. È quindi prevedibile che in futuro una quota sempre maggiore di lavoratori e consumatori risulteranno esposti a tali sostanze. Allo stato attuale non vi è una completa conoscenza degli effetti tossicologici ed ambientali di queste sostanze, pertanto, al fine di un loro utilizzo in totale sicurezza, risulta necessario capirne meglio l’impatto sulla salute, le vie di penetrazione nel corpo umano e il rischio per i lavoratori conseguente al loro utilizzo o lavorazione. La cute rappresenta la prima barriera nei confronti delle sostanze tossiche che possono entrare in contatto con l’organismo umano. Successivamente agli anni ‘60, quando si riteneva che la cute rappresentasse una barriera totalmente impermeabile, è stato dimostrato come essa presenti differenti gradi di permeabilità nei confronti di alcuni xenobiotici, dipendente dalle caratteristiche delle sostanze in esame, dal sito anatomico di penetrazione, dal grado di integrità della barriera stessa e dall’eventuale presenza di patologie della cute. La mucosa del cavo orale funge da primo filtro nei confronti delle sostanze che entrano in contatto con il tratto digestivo e può venir coinvolta in contaminazioni di superficie determinate da esposizioni occupazionali e/o ambientali. È noto che, rispetto alla cute, presenti una permeabilità all’acqua quattro volte maggiore, e, per tale motivo, è stata studiata come via di somministrazione di farmaci, ma, ad oggi, pochi sono gli studi che ne hanno valutato le caratteristiche di permeazione nei confronti delle nanoparticelle (NPs). Una terza importante barriera biologica è quella che ricopre il sistema nervoso centrale, essa è rappresentata da tre foglietti di tessuto connettivo, che assieme costituiscono le meningi. Questi tre foglietti rivestono completamente l’encefalo permettendone un isolamento, tradizionalmente ritenuto completo, nei confronti degli xenobiotici. L’unica via di assorbimento diretto, in questo contesto, è rappresentata dalla via intranasale. Essa permette un passaggio diretto di sostanze dall’epitelio olfattivo all’encefalo, eludendo la selettiva barriera emato-encefalica. Negli ultimi anni la letteratura scientifica si è arricchita di studi che hanno indagato le caratteristiche di assorbimento di farmaci attraverso questa via, ma pochissimi sono gli studi che hanno indagato la possibile penetrazione di nanoparticelle attraverso questa via, e nessuno, in particolar modo, ha indagato le caratteristiche di permeazione delle meningi. L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’ambito del presente dottorato ha avuto per finalità l’indagine delle caratteristiche di permeabilità e di assorbimento della cute, della mucosa del cavo orale e delle meningi nei confronti di alcune nanoparticelle, scelte fra quelle più rappresentative in relazione alla diffusione d’utilizzo a livello globale. I risultati degli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato, in vitro, che l’esposizione cutanea a Pt, Rh, Co3O4 e Ni NPs determinano permeazione in tracce dei medesimi metalli attraverso la cute, mentre per le TiO2 NPs tale permeazione non è stata dimostrata. È stato riscontrato, inoltre, che la mucosa del cavo orale e le meningi sono permeabili nei confronti dell’Ag in forma nanoparticellare.


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O presente estudo objetivou determinar um protocolo para sedação de veados-mateiros (Mazama americana) que permitisse procedimentos comumente utilizados no manejo dessa espécie em cativeiro. Foram utilizados seis animais adultos, pesando 38,4 ± 5 Kg, pertencentes ao Núcleo de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cervídeos (UNESP - Jaboticabal). Os animais foram submetidos a dois tratamentos, com um intervalo mínimo de 30 dias entre eles, a saber: AX-0,5 - associação de 1 mg/kg de azaperone e 0,5 mg/kg de xilazina via intramuscular (IM) e AX-1,0 - associação de 1 mg/kg de azaperone e 1 mg/kg de xilazina (IM). A partir da administração do tratamento (0 minuto) foram avaliados os tempos para latência da sedação, para decúbito esternal, para a manipulação segura e para a manipulação sem segurança. Ainda, foram avaliados a qualidade da contenção química por meio da somatória de pontos obtida com a utilização de uma escala descritiva adaptada, a cada 10 minutos, por até 90 minutos, parâmetros fisiológicos (FC, fR, PAM e To) a cada 10 minutos, durante 60 minutos, perfil ácido-base e eletrolítico (pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3-, EB, SaO2, Na+ e K+) aos 10, 30 e 60 minutos e lactato sérico aos 30 e 60 minutos pós-tratamentos. As diferenças foram consideradas significantes quando P < 0,05. O período de latência da sedação e período para os animais apresentarem decúbito esternal foram maiores em AX-0,5 (7 ± 6,6 e 12 ± 9,7 minutos, respectivamente) em relação a AX-1,0 (5 ± 2,0 e 6 ± 3,1 minutos respectivamente), porém não houve diferenças entre os grupos para os demais tempos avaliados. A qualidade da contenção química diferiu entre os grupos a partir de 60 minutos, observando-se possibilidade de manipulação sem segurança a partir de 60 minutos para AX-0,5 e de 90 minutos para AX-1,0. Não houve diferenças entre FC, fR, PAM e To e o lactato sérico entre os momentos nem entre os grupos. Em relação ao perfil ácido-base e eletrólitico, AX-0,5 apresentou diferenças em pH, HCO3-,, EB e K+, com valores aos 60 minutos superiores aos valores em 10 minutos, e AX-1,0 apresentou diferenças apenas para EB também com valores aos 60 minutos superiores aos 10 minutos. Diante dos resultados conclui-se que os dois protocolos promoveram sedação adequada e que a escolha entre eles deve ser pautada pela índole do animal. Embora não tenham ocorrido alterações fisiológicas consideráveis em nenhum dos grupos, sugere-se a suplementação de oxigênio nos primeiros 30 minutos de contenção química.


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Hipodermóclise (HDC) é uma importante técnica alternativa para a administração de medicamentos e fluidos pela via subcutânea. É usada com frequência para o controle dos sintomas em pacientes em cuidados paliativos com dificuldade de acesso venoso e que são incapazes de tolerar medicação oral. No entanto, raros estudos abordaram o uso da HDC de uma forma global, para reposição hidroeletrolítica e terapia medicamentosa, tanto na forma contínua quanto intermitente, observando detalhes e complicações do seu uso. Os objetivos deste estudo incluíram caracterizar o uso da HDC para administração de medicamentos, soluções e eletrólitos e avaliar as possíveis complicações locais, identificando também outros fatores que influenciam sua ocorrência. Estudo observacional prospectivo com coleta de dados em prontuário e acompanhamento diário de pacientes internados com câncer avançado, da equipe de Cuidados Paliativos do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP) em uso de HDC, verificando local de punção, medicamentos administrados e possíveis complicações, acompanhando os detalhes de seu uso. A análise estatística não-paramétrica e método de regressão logística foram realizados. Foram acompanhados 99 pacientes com 243 punções, das quais 166 (68,3%) em coxa e 46 (18,9%) em abdome. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram morfina em 122 (50,2%) punções, seguido de dipirona em 118 (48,6%) e dexametasona em 86 (35,4%). A solução mais prescrita foi a glicofisiológica em 38 (15,6%) punções, pelo seu aporte calórico. 13,6% das punções (33 de 243) tiveram complicações, sendo apenas seis casos maiores (edema). Complicações ocorreram mais frequentemente até o segundo dia da punção e foram associadas com o número (p=0,007) e o volume (p=0,042) de medicamentos administrados e também com a solução glicofisiológica (p=0,003) e os eletrólitos cloreto de potássio (p=0,037) e cloreto de sódio (p=0,013). Este estudo permitiu o conhecimento de fatores associados a complicações e propõe algumas recomendações, como: individualização da terapia, especialmente relacionada com o volume de escolha, número de medicamentos administrados e evitar a adição de eletrólitos na solução glicofisiológica


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El empleo de la wollastonita ha sido ampliamente documentado en la literatura como sustituto óseo, siendo un material accesible, económico, biocompatible, bioactivo y osteoinductivo. Los cementos en base a wollastonita se presentan mezclando una fase solida (polvo) con una fase líquida para formar una pasta manejable, la cual se transforma en una masa dura en pocos minutos (mediante fraguado o desecación). El objetivo de nuestro trabajo está enfocado a mejorar y desarrollar nuevos cementos donde se emplea la wollastonita como fuente de iones calcio y sílice, para una aplicación endodóntica. Primero, el nuevo cemento fraguable fue formulado. El cemento fraguable consiste en una mezcla de aluminatos cálcicos (mayenita, Ca12Al14O33 y aluminato tricálcico, Ca3Al2O6) como componente hidráulico. El aluminato de calcio, al igual que los silicatos de calcio que componen el agregado trióxido mineral (MTA), experimenta una reacción de hidratación al mezclarlo con agua que conduce al fraguado y endurecimiento, pero a diferencia de los silicatos de calcio lo hace mucho más rápidamente. Esta mezcla de aluminatos cálcicos fue obtenida en laboratorio mediante combustión. El rápido endurecimiento del aluminato de calcio fue regulado mediante la adición de ácido cítrico, el cual actúa como inhibidor retardando la reacción de fraguado mediante el secuestro de iones calcio. Su elección está justificada por ser un compuesto económico y disponible comercialmente, estando aprobado su uso por la Agencia de Alimentos y medicamentos (FDA por Federal Drug Administration) como excipiente. Para mejorar su manejo y plasticidad se estudian distintos agentes plastificantes (polivinilpirrolidona, polietilenglicol y carboximetilcelulosa). Estos agentes también actúan como retardantes (en nuestro caso un efecto desventajoso) al disminuir la velocidad de reacción de fraguado mediante el incremento de la viscosidad del medio (efecto deseado). Todos ellos son disponibles comercialmente, estando aprobado su uso como excipientes por la FDA...


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Purpose: To determine the inclusion of women and the sex-stratification of results in moxifloxacin Clinical Trials (CTs), and to establish whether these CTs considered issues that specifically affect women, such as pregnancy and use of hormonal therapies. Previous publications about women’s inclusion in CTs have not specifically studied therapeutic drugs. Although this type of drug is taken by men and women at a similar rate, adverse effects occur more frequently in the latter. Methods: We reviewed 158 published moxifloxacin trials on humans, retrieved from MedLine and the Cochrane Library (1998–2010), to determine whether they complied with the gender recommendations published by U.S. Food and Drug Administration Guideline. Results: Of a total of 80,417 subjects included in the moxifloxacin CTs, only 33.7% were women in phase I, in contrast to phase II, where women accounted for 45%, phase III, where they represented 38.3% and phase IV, where 51.3% were women. About 40.9% (n = 52) of trials were stratified by sex and 15.3% (n = 13) and 9% (n = 7) provided data by sex on efficacy and adverse effects, respectively. We found little information about the influence of issues that specifically affect women. Only 3 of the 59 journals that published the moxifloxacin CTs stated that authors should stratify their results by sex. Conclusions: Women are under-represented in the published moxifloxacin trials, and this trend is more marked in phase I, as they comprise a higher proportion in the other phases. Data by sex on efficacy and adverse effects are scarce in moxifloxacin trials. These facts, together with the lack of data on women-specific issues, suggest that the therapeutic drug moxifloxacin is only a partially evidence-based medicine.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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