919 resultados para aménagement forestier durable


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[FR] Dans cet article, l´auteur caractérise l´eau et l´agriculture des îles du Cap Vert et analyse les défis de l´eau après la construction du barrage de Poilao dans la Vallée de Ribeira Seca, sur l´île de Santiago, en se servant de l´approche GIRE (Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau). Au niveau de la législation, il s´avère nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles lois, décrets et règlements qui soient en accord avec notre réalité, en opposition à un important lot d´instruments juridiques inapplicables, obsolètes et de compréhension difficile. La construction du barrage de Poilão a produit des impacts environnementaux, socio-économiques et sur l´irrigation. Il s´agit de trouver un modèle de gestion qui s´adapte à la réalité du Cap Vert et de l´île de Santiago, regroupant tous les partenaires pour une gestion durable de la vallée de Ribeira Seca et qui puisse servir d´exemple aux futurs barrages à construire.


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Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is a serious disease of durum wheat (Triticum durum) worldwide. However, genetic and molecular mapping studies aimed at characterizing leaf rust resistance genes in durum wheat have been only recently undertaken. The Italian durum wheat cv. Creso shows a high level of resistance to P. triticina that has been considered durable and that appears to be due to a combination of a single dominant gene and one or more additional factors conferring partial resistance. In this study, the genetic basis of leaf rust resistance carried by Creso was investigated using 176 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between the cv. Colosseo (C, leaf rust resistance donor) and Lloyd (L, susceptible parent). Colosseo is a cv. directly related to Creso with the leaf rust resistance phenotype inherited from Creso, and was considered as resistance donor because of its better adaptation to local (Emilia Romagna, Italy) cultivation environment. RILs have been artificially inoculated with a mixture of 16 Italian P. triticina isolates that were characterized for virulence to seedlings of 22 common wheat cv. Thatcher isolines each carrying a different leaf rust resistance gene, and for molecular genotypes at 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, in order to determine their specialization with regard to the host species. The characterization of the leaf rust isolates was conducted at the Cereal Disease Laboratory of the University of Minnesota (St. Paul, USA) (Chapter 2). A genetic linkage map was constructed using segregation data from the population of 176 RILs from the cross CL. A total of 662 loci, including 162 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 500 Diversity Arrays Technology markers (DArTs), were analyzed by means of the package EasyMap 0.1. The integrated SSR-DArT linkage map consisted of 554 loci (162 SSR and 392 DArT markers) grouped into 19 linkage blocks with an average marker density of 5.7 cM/marker. The final map spanned a total of 2022 cM, which correspond to a tetraploid genome (AABB) coverage of ca. 77% (Chapter 3). The RIL population was phenotyped for their resistance to leaf rust under artificial inoculation in 2006; the percentage of infected leaf area (LRS, leaf rust susceptibility) was evaluated at three stages through the disease developmental cycle and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was then calculated. The response at the seedling stage (infection type, IT) was also investigated. QTL analysis was carried out by means of the Composite Interval Mapping method based on a selection of markers from the CL map. A major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) for leaf rust resistance controlling both the seedling and the adult plant response, was mapped on the distal region of chromosome arm 7BL (deletion bin 7BL10-0.78-1.00), in a gene-dense region known to carry several genes/QTLs for resistance to rusts and other major cereal fungal diseases in wheat and barley. QLr.ubo-7B.2 was identified within a supporting interval of ca. 5 cM tightly associated with three SSR markers (Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 e Xgwm344.2), and showed an R2 and an LOD peak value for the AUDPC equal to 72.9% an 44.5, respectively. Three additional minor QTLs were also detected (QLr.ubo-7B.1 on chr. 7BS; QLr.ubo-2A on chr. 2AL and QLr.ubo-3A on chr. 3AS) (Chapter 4). The presence of the major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) was validated by a linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based test using field data from two different plant materials: i) a set of 62 advanced lines from multiple crosses involving Creso and his directly related resistance derivates Colosseo and Plinio, and ii) a panel of 164 elite durum wheat accessions representative of the major durum breeding program of the Mediterranean basin. Lines and accessions were phenotyped for leaf rust resistance under artificial inoculation in two different field trials carried out at Argelato (BO, Italy) in 2006 and 2007; the durum elite accessions were also evaluated in two additional field experiments in Obregon (Messico; 2007 and 2008) and in a green-house experiment (seedling resistance) at the Cereal Disease Laboratory (St. Paul, USA, 2008). The molecular characterization involved 14 SSR markers mapping on the 7BL chromosome region found to harbour the major QTL. Association analysis was then performed with a mixed-linear-model approach. Results confirmed the presence of a major QTL for leaf rust resistance, both at adult plant and at seedling stage, located between markers Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 and Xgwm344.2, in an interval that coincides with the supporting interval (LOD-2) of QLr.ubo-7B.2 as resulted from the RIL QTL analysis. (Chapter 5). The identification and mapping of the major QTL associated to the durable leaf rust resistance carried by Creso, together with the identification of the associated SSR markers, will enhance the selection efficiency in durum wheat breeding programs (MAS, Marker Assisted Selection) and will accelerate the release of cvs. with durable resistance through marker-assisted pyramiding of the tagged resistance genes/QTLs most effective against wheat fungal pathogens.


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This work is dedicated to the study of damaging phenomena involving reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings and the consequences in terms of structural performances decay. In the Italian context there are many examples of structures that have already exceeded their service life, considering not only the ancient buildings but also infrastructures and R/C buildings that today are operating from more than 50th years. Climate change which is subject to the entire planet, with changing in seasonal weather and increasing in environmental pollution, is not excluded could have a harmful influence on the rate of building materials decay previously deemed as durables. If the aggressive input changes very fast, for example in a few decades, then it can also change the response of a construction material considered so far durable; in this way the knowledge about the art of good build, consolidated over the centuries, is thwarted. Hence this study is focused on the possibility to define the residual capacity for vertical or seismic loads for structures that are already at the limit of their service life, or for which is impossible to define a service life. The problem in an analysis of this kind, and that is what makes this research different from the main studies avaibles in the literature, is to keep in correlation – in a not so expensive computationally way – issues such as: - dangerous environmental inputs adequately simulated; - environmental conditions favorable to the spread of pollutants and development of the degradation reactions (decay’s speed); - link between environmental degradation and residual bearing capacity A more realistic assessment of materials residual performances that constitute the structure allows to leave the actual system for the residual load-bearing capacity estimation in which all factors are simply considered through the use of a safety factor on the materials properties.


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In wheat, stem rust is known to rapidly evolve new virulence to resistance genes. While more than 50 stem rust resistance (Sr) loci have been identified in wheat, only a few remain effective, particularly against the highly virulent race Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races. An association mapping (AM) study based on 183 durum wheat accessions was utilized to identify resistance loci for stem rust response in Ethiopia over four seasons and artificial inoculation with Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races under field conditions as well as in greenhouse test at seedling stage under controlled conditions for resistance to four highly virulent stem rust races: TRTTF, TTTTF, (TTKSK (Ug99) and JRCQC. The panel was profiled with 1,253 SSR and DArT markers. Twelve QTL-tagging markers were significant (P < 0.05) across three to four seasons. The role of Sr13, Sr9, Sr14, Sr17, and Sr28 was confirmed. Thirteen significant markers were in regions with no Sr genes/QTLs. The results under controlled conditions showed that 15, 20, 19 and 19 chromosome regions harbored markers that showed significant effects for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. These genomic regions showed marker R2 values ranging from 1.13 to 8.34, 1.92 to 17.64, 1.75 to 23.12 and 1.51 to 15.33% for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. The study demonstrates that stem rust resistance in durum wheat is governed in part by shared loci and in part by race-specific ones. The QTLs identified in this study through AM will be useful in the marker-assisted development of durum wheat cultivars with durable stem rust resistance.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Zielstrukturen autologer, tumorreaktiver CD8+ T-Zellen im Modell des Melanompatienten D41 charakterisiert, der im metastasierten Stadium nach Vakzinierung mit autologen dendritischen Zellen und bestrahlten Tumorzellen eine dauerhafte komplette Remission erreichte (O´Rourke et al., Melanoma Res. 17:316, 2007). Aus kryokonservierten Blutlymphozyten verschiedener Zeitpunkte wurden durch Stimulation mit autologen Tumorzellen (D41-MEL) in unabhängigen gemischten Lymphozyten-/Tumorzell-Kulturen (MLTCs) tumorreaktive CD8+ T-Zellen angereichert. Als Erstes wurde überprüft, ob sie gegen bekannte Melanomantigene in Assoziation mit den HLA-Klasse I-Allelen des Patienten gerichtet waren. Dabei zeigten sich Reaktivitäten gegen das melanosomale Differenzierungsantigen Melan-A mit HLA-A*0201 und darüber hinaus gegen die Cancer/Testis-Antigene (CTA) MAGE-A3 und MAGE-A6 mit HLA-A*0101, sowie NY-ESO-1, MAGE-A4 und MAGE-A10 mit HLA-A*0201. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde mit T-Zell-Klonen aus D41-MLTC 2, die keines dieser Antigene erkannten, eine cDNA-Expressionsbank von D41-MEL gescreent. Dies führte zur Klonierung einer für TSPY 1 (testis-specific protein Y-encoded 1) kodierenden cDNA mit einem der T-Zell-Klone. Er erkannte mit hoher Affinität die synthetischen TSPY 1-Peptide LLDDIMAEV (Aminosäurepositionen 66-73) und LLLDDIMAEV (Aminosäurepositionen 65-73) in Assoziation mit HLA-A*0201. Serologische Immunantworten gegen das als CTA einzustufende TSPY 1 sind bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals eine T-Zell-Antwort gegen TSPY 1 nachgewiesen. TSPY 1 trägt mutmaßlich zu Entstehung des Gonadoblastoms bei, seine Expression wurde jedoch z.B. auch in Seminomen, Leberzellkarzinomen und Melanomen nachgewiesen. Die Expression von TSPY 1 in der Zelllinie D41-MEL-Zellen war sehr heterogen. Einzelne Klone der Linie exprimierten TSPY 1 auf stabil hohem, andere Klone auf ebenso stabil intermediärem bzw. nicht detektierbarem Niveau. Die Expression und die Erkennung durch TSPY 1-reaktive T-Zell-Klone wurde durch die demethylierende Substanz 5-Aza-2´-deoxycytidine gesteigert. Dies spricht für eine Promotor-Hypermethylierung als Ursache fehlender bzw. niedriger Expression, wie dies für verschiedene CTA zutrifft. Die im Blut des Patienten D41 detektierbare antitumorale T-Zell-Reaktivität war bereits vor der Vakzinierung mit Tumorzellen nachweisbar und hatte sich somit spontan entwickelt. Ihre Individualität war vorgegeben durch das Antigenexpressionsmuster der D41-Tumorzellen, sowie durch den HLA-Phänotyp und mutmaßlich auch das T-Zellrepertoire des Patienten. Die detaillierte Analyse komplexer antitumoraler T-Zellantworten legt den Grundstein für eine Immuntherapie, die sich auf das tatsächliche Potential des individuellen T-Zellsystems stützen kann.


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A fronte dal recepimento del direttiva SHR nel nostro ordinamento, realizzato dal d.lgs. 27/2010, il presente lavoro si propone anzitutto di analizzare l'attuale ruolo della delega di voto - sollecitata e non - per poi verificare quale sia l'interesse concretamente sotteso a un voto così esercitato, con particolare attenzione alla sollecitazione di deleghe di voto, oggi destinata espressamente (per la prevalente dottrina) a consentire al promotore il perseguimento di interessi propri. Le considerazioni riguardo all'interesse concretamente sotteso al voto esercitato per delega portano a vagliarne la rilevanza ai fini della nozione di controllo, ex art. 2359 c.c., la quale esclude espressamente dai voti rilevanti esclusivamente quelli esercitati "per conto terzi", e non, dunque, anche quelli esercitati nell'interesse proprio da un soggetto non titolare della partecipazione. Viene quindi affrontata la principale critica ad un controllo raggiunto per tale via e, più in generale, attraverso una delle varie forme di dissociazione tra titolarità della partecipazione e legittimazione all'esercizio del voto ad essa relativo, ovvero la apparente mancanza di stabilità. Considerando tuttavia che ogni ipotesi di controllo c.d. di fatto per definizione non gode di stabilità se non si scelga di ammettere una valutazione di tale requisito necessariamente prognostica ed ex ante, si giunge alla conclusione che la fattispecie di un controllo acquisito tramite sollecitazione di deleghe si distingue da altre ipotesi di controllo di fatto esclusivamente per la maggiore difficoltà dell'accertamento in fatto del requisito della stabilità. Si affronta infine la possibilità di garantire il diritto di exit (ovvero una tutela risarcitoria) del socio di minoranza che veda modificate le condizioni di rischio del proprio investimento a causa di una modifica del soggetto controllante derivante da sollecitazione di deleghe, tramite applicazione diretta della disciplina OPA ovvero riconducendo la fattispecie all'art. 2497quater, lett. d, ove ne ricorrano i presupposti.


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Backgrounds:Treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not eligible to high dose therapy represents an unmet medical need. Panobinostat showed encouraging therapeutic activity in studies conducted in lymphoma cell lines and in vivo in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies.Purpose:FIL-PanAL10 (NCT01523834) is a phase II, prospective multicenter trial of the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi (FIL) to evaluate safety and efficacy of single agent Panobinostat as salvage therapy for R/R DLBCL patients and to evaluate a possible relationships between response and any biological features. Patients and Methods:Patients with R/R DLBCL were included. The treatment plan included 6 induction courses with Panobinostat monotherapy followed by other 6 courses of consolidation. The primary objective was to evaluate Panobinostat activity in terms of overall response (OR); secondary objectives were: CR rate, time to response (TTR), progression-free survival (PFS), safety and feasibility of Panobinostat. We included evaluation of the impact of pharmacogenetics, immunohistochemical patterns and patient’s specific gene expression and mutations as potential predictors of response to Panobinostat as explorative objectives. To this aim a pre-enrollment new tissue biopsy was mandatory. ResultsThirty-five patients, 21 males (60%), were enrolled between June 2011 and March 2014. At the end of induction phase, 7 responses (20%) were observed, including 4 CR (11%), while 28 patients (80%) discontinued treatment due to progressive disease (PD) in 21 (60%) or adverse events in 7 (20%). Median TTR in 9 responders was 2.6 months (range 1.8-12). With a median follow up of 6 months (range 1-34), the estimated 12 months PFS and OS were 27% and 30.5%, respectively. Grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia and neutropenia were the most common toxicities (in 29 (83%) and 12 (34%) patients, respectively. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that Panobinostat might be remarkably active in some patients with R/R DLBCL, showing durable CR


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Bei stammzelltransplantierten Patienten, die ein Rezidiv ihrer Leukämie erleiden, kann eine Donor-Lymphozyten-Infusion (DLI) dauerhafte vollständige Leukämieremissionen induzieren. T-Zellen in der DLI vermitteln sowohl den potentiell kurativen Graft-versus-Leukaemia (GVL) Effekt, als auch die potentiell lebensbedrohliche Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD). Hingegen könnte die Infusion von leukämiereaktiven T-Zellen einen selektiven GVL Effekt und einen Langzeitschutz vor Rezidiven durch eine spezifisch gegen die Leukämie gerichtete Immunantwort und Immunität vermitteln. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat Protokolle zur in vitro Generierung leukämiereaktiver T-Zellen entwickelt, die hohe zytotoxische Aktivität gegen akute myeloische Leukämie-Blasten (AML) bei minimaler Reaktion auf mögliche GVHD Zielstrukturen zeigen. Für die klinische Anwendung sind diese Protokolle jedoch zu aufwändig, wobei vor allem eine erhebliche Verkürzung der Kulturzeit auf wenige Wochen erforderlich ist. Diese Verkürzung der in vitro Kulturzeit könnte das Wachstum von T-Zellen vom central memory oder frühen effector memory Phänotyp fördern, für die eine bessere in vivo Effektorfunktion und längere Persistenz im Rezipienten verglichen mit T-Zellen aus Langzeitkultur gezeigt werden konnte. Der Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Rezeptor CD137 kann zur Erkennung und Isolation antigenspezifischer T-Zellen genutzt werden, ohne dass dafür das von den T-Zellen erkannte Peptidepitop bekannt sein muss. Eine CD137-vermittelte Anreicherung mit Hilfe von clinical grade Materialien könnte verwendet werden, um DLI-Produkte mit leukämiespezifischen T-Zellen herzustellen, die sich sowohl durch eine effizientere T-Zell Generierung durch in vitro Selektion und Kostimulation, als auch durch eine verbesserte Spezifität des T-Zell-Produkts auszeichnen. Lymphozyten-Leukämie Cokulturen (mixed lymphocyte leukaemia cultures) wurden mit CD8 T-Zellen gesunder Spender und HLA-identischen oder einzel-HLA-mismatch AML-Blasten angesetzt und wöchentlich restimuliert. Nach zwei Wochen wurden die T-Zellen 12 Stunden nach Restimulation über den Marker CD137 positiv isoliert und anschließend separat weiterkultiviert. Die isolierten Fraktionen und unseparierten Kontrollen wurden im ELISPOT-Assay und im Chrom-Freisetzungstest an Tag 5 nach der Restimulation getestet. Es wurden keine konsistent nachweisbaren Vorteile im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Funktion der isolierten CD137-positiv Fraktion im Vergleich zur unseparierten Kontrolle gefunden. Verschiedene Isolationsmethoden, Patient-Spender-Systeme, Methoden zur Restimulation, Temperaturbedingungen, Zytokinkombinationen und Methoden der Zytokinzugabe sowie zusätzliche Feeder-Zellen oder AML-Blasten konnten Wachstum, funktionelle Daten und die deutlichen Zellverluste während der Isolation nicht entscheidend beeinflussen. Vitalfärbungen zeigten, dass aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod CD137-positiver Zellen zu diesen Ergebnissen beitragen könnte. Im Gegensatz zur Stimulation mit AML-Blasten wurden erfolgreiche CD137-Anreicherungen für peptidstimulierte T-Zellen publiziert. Unterschiedliche CD137-Expressionskinetiken, aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod und regulatorische T-Zellen sind mögliche Faktoren aufgrund derer die CD137-Anreicherung in diesem spezifischen Kontext ungeeinet sein könnte. Der stimulatorische Effekt eines CD137-Signals auf AML-reaktive CD8 T-Zellen wurde mit Hilfe von CD3/CD28 und CD3/CD28/CD137 Antikörper-beschichteten magnetischen beads untersucht. Für Nierenzellkarzinom-reaktive T-Zellen war die Stimulation mit CD3/CD28/CD137 beads genauso effektiv wie mit Tumorzellen und effektiver als mit CD3/CD28 beads. Beide Arten von beads waren für eine Stimulation während der ersten Wochen der Zellkultur geeignet, sodass ein zusätzliches CD137-Signal für die länger anhaltende Expansion tumorreaktiver T-Zellen zur klinischen Anwendung nützlich sein könnte. Die bead-Expansion veränderte die IFN-Sekretion im ELISPOT nicht, aber verursachte eine mäßige Verschlechterung der Zytotoxizität im Chrom-Freisetzungstest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten bei AML-reaktiven T-Zellen beide Arten von beads einen nicht apoptosevermittelten, dosisabhängigen zellschädigenden Effekt, der zu einer raschen Abnahme der Zellzahl in Kulturen mit beads führte. Unerwünschte Effekte auf die T-Zell-Funktionalität durch bead-Stimulation sind in der Literatur beschrieben, dennoch gibt es aktuell keine Veröffentlichungen, die eine fundierte Erklärung für den Effekt auf AML-reaktive T-Zellen bieten könnten. Abgesehen von Literaturdaten, die darauf hindeuten, dass CD137 ein vielversprechendes Kandidatenmolekül für die Anreicherung und Expansion von AML-reaktiven T-Zellen sein könnte, zeigen die eigenen Daten sowohl zur CD137-Isolation als auch zur bead-Stimulation, dass für diese spezielle Anwendung CD137 ein ungeeigneter Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Ligand ist.


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The aim of this analysis was to assess the effect of body mass index (BMI) on 1-year outcomes in patients enrolled in a contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention trial comparing a sirolimus-eluting stent with a durable polymer to a biolimus-eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer. A total of 1,707 patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to treatment with either biolimus-eluting stents (n = 857) or sirolimus-eluting stents (n = 850). Patients were assigned to 1 of 3 groups according to BMI: normal (<25 kg/m(2)), overweight (25 to 30 kg/m(2)), or obese (>30 kg/m(2)). At 1 year, the incidence of the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization was assessed. In addition, rates of clinically justified target lesion revascularization and stent thrombosis were assessed. Cox proportional-hazards analysis, adjusted for clinical differences, was used to develop models for 1-year mortality. Forty-five percent of the patients (n = 770) were overweight, 26% (n = 434) were obese, and 29% (n = 497) had normal BMIs. At 1-year follow-up, the cumulative rate of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization was significantly higher in the obese group (8.7% in normal-weight, 11.3% in overweight, and 14.5% in obese patients, p = 0.01). BMI (hazard ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.02 to 2.14, p = 0.04) was an independent predictor of stent thrombosis. Stent type had no impact on the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization at 1 year in the 3 BMI groups (hazard ratio 1.08, 95% confidence interval 0.63 to 1.83, p = 0.73). In conclusion, BMI was an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events at 1-year clinical follow-up. The higher incidence of stent thrombosis in the obese group may suggest the need for a weight-adjusted dose of clopidogrel.


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First-generation drug-eluting stents (DES) with controlled release of sirolimus or paclitaxel from durable polymers compared with bare-metal stents have been consistently shown to reduce the risk of repeat revascularization procedures due to restenosis. The superior efficacy was found across a wide range of patients and lesion subsets and persisted up to 5 years whereas similar outcomes have been observed in terms of death and myocardial infarction. Newer generation DES have been developed with the goal to further improve upon the safety profile of first-generation DES while maintaining efficacy. These platforms include DES with improved and more biocompatible durable polymers, DES using bioabsorbable polymers for drug release, DES with polymer-free drug release, and fully bioabsorbable DES. Newer generation DES with durable polymers such as zotarolimus-eluting or everolimus-eluting XIENCE V stents have been directly compared with first-generation DES. Most recent results of large scale clinical trials are encouraging in terms of similar or increased efficacy while improving safety by reducing the rates of myocardial infarctions and stent thrombosis. DES using biodegradable polymers for drug release represent the next technological modification and preliminary results are favorable and demonstrate similar angiographic and clinical efficacy as first-generation DES, but only longer term follow-up and investigation in larger patient cohorts will determine whether their use is associated with improved long-term safety. Fully bioabsorbable stents represent another innovative approach. Whether this innovative concept will enter into clinical routine remains yet to be determined.


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In recent years, layered manufacturing (LM) processes have begun to progress from rapid prototyping techniques towards rapid manufacturing methods, where the objective is now to produce finished components for potential end use in a product (Caulfield et al., 2007). LM is especially promising for the fabrication of specific need, low volume products such as replacement parts for larger systems. This trend accentuates the need for a thorough understanding of the associated mechanical properties and the resulting behavior of parts produced by layered methods. Not only must the base material be durable, but the mechanical properties of the layered components must be sufficient to meet in-service loading and operational requirements, and be reasonably comparable to parts produced by more traditional manufacturing techniques. This chapter presents the details of a study completed to quantitatively analyze the potential of fused deposition modelling to fully evolve into a rapid manufacturing tool. The project objective is to develop an understanding of the dependence of the mechanical properties of FDM parts on raster orientation and to assess whether these parts are capable of maintaining their integrity while under service loading. The study examines the effect of fiber orientation, i.e. the direction of the polymer beads relative to the loading direction of the part, on a variety of important mechanical properties of ABS components fabricated by fused deposition modeling. Tensile, compressive, flexural, impact, and fatigue strength properties of FDM specimens are examined, evaluated, and placed in context in comparison with the properties of injection molded ABS parts.


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Recent events in Africa provide evidence of the failure of dictatorships to meet the needs of citizens and serve to debunk a number of development theory assumptions: that democratization is culturally determined, that democratization will follow economic development, and that dictatorships tend to produce durable, stable development. Therefore, the attempt to achieve development without democratization is risky and potentially very costly. We argue that dictatorship in Africa serves a function akin to Myrdal's backwash effects, thwarting economic progress in a cumulative and circular way, and that democratization must become a necessary criterion of engagement with African countries.


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This publication is a collation and summary of the major achievements of the Agricultural Research Station of Cinzana (SRAC) and the Capacity Building for Sustainable Agriculture Project (PRECAD). Both projects, created in 1983 and 2006, respectively, have been developed through close collaboration between the Rural Economy Institute (IER) responsible for agricultural research in Mali and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA), formerly the Ciba-Geigy Foundation. The publication covers the period from 1979 to 2009 and includes, where available, some key information for the year 2010. It is aimed at a wide audience and provides an overview of the work carried out in Mali by an agricultural research station and an extension project. It highlights the obstacles and opportunities encountered by the SRAC and PRECAD, as well as the successes and difficulties arising from their work.


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Die chronisch-kritische Beinischämie (CLI) ist die schwerste Form der peripher-arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit und geht mit einem erhöhten Risiko für letale kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse einher. Die meisten Patienten überleben aber die ersten Jahre nach Diagnosestellung und sind für den Erhalt ihrer Selbständigkeit auf eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Beindurchblutung angewiesen. Dieser CME-Artikel fasst die chirurgischen und endovaskulären Optionen zur Revaskularisierung zusammen und geht auf deren Nachhaltigkeit bei CLI ein. Grenzen der verfügbaren Evidenz werden aufgezeigt. Sie beruhen vor allem auf dem Fehlen einer einheitlichen Definition des Behandlungserfolges. Ein klinisch orientierter Lösungsvorschlag wird diskutiert, der helfen könnte, die verschiedenen Behandlungsindikationen zu schärfen. Da sich aber nur die wenigsten Patienten gleich gut für verschiedene Verfahren eignen, werden CLI-Patienten auch in Zukunft am besten in einem interdisziplinär arbeitenden Team betreut sein.


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Electronic waste generated from the consumption of durable goods in developed countries is often exported to underdeveloped countries for reuse, recycling and disposal with unfortunate environmental consequences. The lack of efficient disposal policies within developing nations coupled with global free trade agreements make it difficult for consumers to internalize these costs. This paper develops a two-country model, one economically developed and the other underdeveloped, to solve for optimal tax policies necessary to achieve the efficient allocation of economic resources in an economy with a durable good available for global reuse without policy measures in the underdeveloped country. A tax in the developed country on purchases of the new durable good combined with a waste tax set below the domestic external cost of disposal is sufficient for global efficiency. The implication of allowing free global trade in electronic waste is also examined, where optimal policy resembles a global deposit-refund system.