770 resultados para Young Adults
Bakgrund: Unga vuxna som sökte vård sökte oftast inte för den psykiska ohälsan utan istället för något somatiskt. Det är viktigt att få de yngre vuxna att söka sig till vården när behov uppstår och underlätta till en god förbindelse mellan sjukvården och de unga vuxna. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva unga vuxnas upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande av psykisk ohälsa vid kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Resultat: För de unga vuxna var det inte lätt att komma in i vården på rätt vårdnivå om personen inte kom i kontakt med en sjuksköterska som hade ett holistiskt synsätt. Vården för de unga med psykisk ohälsa bör vara tillgänglig och informationen om tillgängligheten behöver ständigt upprepas. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap och erfarenhet av unga psykiska människor för att kunna hjälpa dem med den psykiska ohälsan när de söker vård. Relationen mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan är av stor vikt för den fortsatta kontakten med vården för den unge vuxna. Det är viktigt att de känner tillit och förtroende.
Studiens syfte är att uppnå en förståelse över om och hur unga vuxna med utländsk bakgrund upplever att deras syn på sin etniska identitet har påverkats av en uppväxt i ett samhälle där de parallellt tillhör en majoritets- och minoritetsbefolkning. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om och hur deras etniska identitet har påverkat relationen till deras familj. Kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder har använts i form av en fokusgruppsintervju samt fyra individuella intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats utifrån sociologiska teorier om etnisk identitet. Utifrån insamlad empiri och analys av resultatet så dras slutsatsen att synen på den etniska identiteten är starkt situationsanpassad. Majoriteten av informanterna uttryckte en känsla av en "både och" identitet, där de upplevde två etniska identifikationer. Informanterna växlar mellan dessa identiteter beroende på vad som är mest passande utifrån aktuell situation. Studiens resultat visar även att familjen tycks spela en betydande roll för individernas syn på sin etniska identitet.
A Febre Reumática (FR) é uma doença com significativa prevalência na população de pacientes em idade escolar. Constitui-se na principal causa de cardiopatia crônica em adultos jovens em países em desenvolvimento. A prevenção é de fácil manejo terapêutico, embora com reduzido índice de adesão. Até o momento, a melhor forma de evitarmos as seqüelas cardíacas é através da identificação e tratamento precoces e a manutenção de uma adequada profilaxia secundária. São raras as publicações referentes ao acompanhamento da profilaxia secundária após a alta hospitalar. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a adesão ao acompanhamento dos pacientes com FR internados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, no período de janeiro de 1977 a junho de 1999. A coorte foi constituída de 112 indivíduos com FR que tinham indicação de retorno ao ambulatório após a alta. Quarenta pacientes (35,7%) foram atendidos no primeiro episódio de FR. A maioria apresentou seqüelas cardíacas (52,7%), ocorrendo registro de casos a partir de 8 anos de idade. As manifestações clínicas nos 40 pacientes atendidos no primeiro episódio de FR foram: 21 (52,5%) com cardite, 30 (75%) com artrite e 14 (35%) com coréia. Apenas 77 (68,7%) retornaram ao ambulatório após a alta e somente 13 (21% pelo método de Kaplan-Meier) mantiveram acompanhamento por no mínimo 5 anos. A idade menor ou igual a 16 anos foi fator preditivo de maior tempo de acompanhamento. Local de procedência, presença de seqüelas e renda familiar não mostraram associação significante. A interrupção do acompanhamento pela maioria dos pacientes e a verificação do pior prognóstico cardíaco nos pacientes com recidivas sugere a necessidade da adoção de um programa de orientação e busca para garantir a efetividade da profilaxia secundária.
The recently released "Educational PAC" attempts to place basic education at the center of the social debate. We have subsidized this debate, offering a diagnosis of how different education levels can impact individuals' lives through broad and easily interpreted indicators. Initially, we analyze how much each educational level reaches the poorest population. For example, how are those in the bottom strata of income distribution benefited by childcare centers, private secondary education, public university or adult education. The next step is to quantify the return of educational actions, such as their effects on employability and an individual's wages, and even health as perceived by the individual, be that individual poor, middle class or elite. The next part of the research presents evidence of how the main characters in education, aka mothers, fathers and children, regard education. The site available with the research presents a broad, user-friendly database, which will allow interested parties to answer their own questions relative to why people do not attend school, the time spent in the educational system and returns to education, which can all be cross-sectioned with a wide array of socio-demographic attributes (gender, income, etc.) and school characteristics (is it public, are school meals offered, etc.) to find answers to: why do young adults of a certain age not attend school? Why do they miss classes? How long is the school day? Aside from the whys and hows of teaching, the research calculates the amount of time spent in school, resulting from a combination between absence rates, evasion raters and length of the school day. The study presents ranks of indicators referring to objective and subjective aspects of education, such as the discussion of the advantages and care in establishing performance based incentives that aim at guiding the states in the race for better educational indicators.
Esta dissertação de mestrado parte da constatação de que o sistema econômico social brasileiro. Apresenta uma anomalia ao propor, em leis e planos de desenvolvimento, a não inclusão do negro; com sua cultura e valores diferenciados, no projeto global de nação. Pretende, a partir daí, refletir sobre alguns pontos da Escola Tia Ciata, uma escola da rede do município do Rio de Janeiro, que objetiva basicamente alfabetizar adolescentes e jovens adultos, entre 12 e 20 anos, rejeitados pela escola regular, dando-lhe condições de se profissionalizar numa sociedade letrada, ao aprender a ler, escrever e contar. Por outro lado, ao discorrer sobre a experiência, tomou vulto uma dimensão inimaginável a priori e que se refere à origem histórica daqueles que são Invencíveis para o sistema escolar instituído e que por isso não conseguem ser “educados" e "civilizados". Procurar entender os Invencíveis, o significado e a magia que a "rua" tem para eles, significa pesquisar as propostas e projetos das classes dirigentes, para essa clientela, visando "ordenar a desordem". Por fim, diante da caracterização possível desses Invencíveis, tomando como base os alunos da Escola Tia Ciata, tenta-se descrever a Escola Imaginária e a que se tornou real, hoje. Quais as suas inovações básicas, sua forma de abordar o aluno que se pretende educar e a possibilidade de intervenção na rede pública escolar, de modo a abrir a perspectiva de transformação do quadro educacional atual.
This paper presents new evidence of the causal effect of family size on child quality in a developing-country context. We estimate the impact of family size on child labor and educational outcomes among Brazilian children and young adults by exploring the exogenous variation of family size driven by the presence of twins in the family. Using the Brazilian Census data for 1991, we nd that the exogenous increase in family size is positively related to labor force participation for boys and girls and to household chores for young women. We also and negative e ects on educational outcomes for boys and girls and negative impacts on human capital formation for young female adults. Moreover, we obtain suggestive evidence that credit and time constraints faced by poor families may explain the findings.
Five years ago, Coca-Cola Brasil launched a program named “Coletivo Project”, with the purpose to enjoy an opportunity of increase on the potential consumption power of the low-income pyramid population that lived on the “favelas”. At the same time, it had the objective to offer to them a social and financial impact, which is a trust on the future, the first job for the young adults’ participant of this program and an increase on their family source of revenues, through salaries. This was possible because through Coletivo Project, Coca-Cola identified the assets they have through its value chain, focusing on its competencies, such as retail, merchandising and logistics to apply them on courses to teach the young people of the communities and, as a result, form them to be able to find their new jobs. Internal indicators followed in a monthly basis by Coca-Cola demonstrated that the communities that had the presence of Coletivos, in comparison to those without Coletivos, had social and financial impacts. The social was the fact that the young formed started to have more confidence on their future and felt with a higher self-stem to apply for and obtain their first job. On the financial aspect, they were benefit through the increasing of their revenues and also their families and Coca-Cola had an increase on sales, when compared to a community without a Coletivo Project installed. This dissertation seeks to identify the current relationship between Coca-Cola and the communities, through the Coletivo Project classes performed on the NGOs located at this places, in order to identify opportunities for improvement the benefits and the impacts (financial and social) on the NGOs, communities and all stakeholders of this project. This dissertation examines this relationship, through presence interviews performed on four NGOs selected, and located on four of the twenty communities, that are participants of the Coletivo Project on Rio de Janeiro city. These interviews performed with the students, representatives and educators of these NGOs. The covered period of the interviews ranges from April 2014 to August 2014. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive fieldwork. The main findings among possibilities for improvement by Coca-Cola are: • Implement new courses, beyond those existent at Coca-Cola (Retail, Logistics, etc.). • Increase the content of the employment module of Coletivo classes, focusing on improving educational, cultural, economic, political, social and professional life. • Increase the scale, through the quantity of positions on the Retail Coletivo classes. • Develop cultural and sports events with the communities. • Support the points of sales, participant of the practical classes of the Coletivo Retail, with refrigerators and furniture with the Coca-Cola logo. • Provide coffee breaks and meals during the Coletivo classes, using Coca-Cola beverages and partners for food items, developing the nutrition platform of the company and filling a need of the students. • Perform a research with all stakeholders related to this Project, including those students and mothers that are not participant of the Coletivo, in order to listen to them, understand their needs, and offer solutions to fulfill these gaps. and on the side of the • Perform partnerships with educational institutions to make viable other type of courses, more technical, but that have a relation with the core business of Coca-Cola Brasil, such as marketing. • Implement the Coca-Cola University, already existed at the Company. • Create courses or activities focused on the children. Regarding the impossibilities, the findings are: • Improve the basic sanitation of the communities. • Improve the safety on the communities. • Provide a home to those do not have. • Implement courses that have no relationship with Coca-Cola business and expertise, such as gastronomy. However, Coca-Cola can influence stakeholders on that. The results suggest to executives of Coca-Cola that a deep and a qualitative research on the communities of Brazil, in order to listen young people, educators, mothers, partners that offer jobs, from Coletivo and out of the project, is mandatory, to understand their needs, dreams, complains and offer valuable solutions to all.
No Brasil, os jovens de baixa renda estão propensos ao desemprego, o que é particularmente problemático em uma economia emergente onde a desigualdade de renda é relativamente alta, e onde o desenvolvimento socioeconômico futuro pode depender do crescimento e da estabilidade de uma classe média já vulnerável. Além disso, o desemprego entre os jovens, especialmente em cidades urbanas, está associado a elevada incidência de violência, comportamento ilegal, aumento da desigualdade e instabilidade sociopolítica. Este estudo complementa tentativas existentes de promover as perspectivas de emprego da juventude brasileira, investigando as aspirações profissionais de 25 adolescentes que vivem em comunidades de baixa renda na zona urbana de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi realizada através de grupos de foco durante o período de quatro encontros nas comunidades paulistanas de Vila Albertina, Heliópolis, Vila Prudente e Vila Nova Esperança. Os resultados da pesquisa repetem, em grande parte, o conhecimento existente que diz respeito a adolescentes; eles confirmam o papel importante que o mérito individual, o microambiente e os modelos exemplares (isto é, familiares, colegas e educadores locais) têm de moldar e possibilitar (ou impedir) os planos de carreira de jovens adultos, e destacam a flexibilidade e a diversidade de interesses profissionais nesta faixa etária. Ademais, os resultados revelam atitudes paradoxais face às comunidades de baixa renda em São Paulo. Todos os participantes pareciam empoderados por elementos dentro de seu microambiente, exibiam sentimentos de orgulho e que faziam parte de sua comunidade; porém, muitos pareciam perturbados pela maneira como pessoas de fora estereotipam ou estigmatizam os moradores da "favela". Ao todo, o estudo destaca tendências que sustentam razões para maiores investimentos no desenvolvimento profissional dos jovens de baixa renda. Na qualidade de um ecossistema com potencial para desenvolvimento socioeconômico, as comunidades de baixa renda podem constituir uma fonte rica não apenas de recursos humanos, mas também de oportunidades comerciais e empregos.
Life cycle general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents have a very hard time reproducing the American wealth distribution. A common assumption made in this literature is that all young adults enter the economy with no initial assets. In this article, we relax this assumption – not supported by the data - and evaluate the ability of an otherwise standard life cycle model to account for the U.S. wealth inequality. The new feature of the model is that agents enter the economy with assets drawn from an initial distribution of assets, which is estimated using a non-parametric method applied to data from the Survey of Consumer Finances. We found that heterogeneity with respect to initial wealth is key for this class of models to replicate the data. According to our results, American inequality can be explained almost entirely by the fact that some individuals are lucky enough to be born into wealth, while others are born with few or no assets.
Como orientar políticas públicas de modo a promover o bem-estar da população? Para responder a essa questão a comunidade acadêmica tem enfocado a necessidade de se conhecer melhor as escolhas de consumo individuais. Essa tendência encontra apoio no número, cada vez maior, de bases de microdados disponibilizadas pelos órgãos governamentais e iniciativa privada. O presente trabalho analisa as escolhas dos brasileiros com relação às decisões de financiamento e de oferta de trabalho. O estudo é dividido em três ensaios empíricos distintos. Como a contratação de crédito em mercados informais é motivada pelo déficit de educação financeira é o foco do primeiro ensaio. Considerando mais de 2.000 observações sobre tomadas de crédito, utiliza-se um modelo logit multinomial para estimar a propensão à tomada de crédito na informalidade em contraste com o crédito bancário. Os resultados indicam que a educação financeira pode ter uma relevância maior para a seleção de financiamentos informais do que a restrição de crédito. O segundo ensaio analisa o comportamento de uso de cartões de crédito dentre 1.458 jovens adultos residentes no Brasil, EUA ou França. Um modelo de equações estruturais é utilizado para incorporar relações entre as variáveis latentes. O modelo validado pelo estudo representa uma situação em que o bem-estar financeiro é afetado pela forma com que o indivíduo utiliza o cartão de crédito que, por sua vez, é afetado pelo sentimento de comparação social e pela autoconfiança financeira, essa última sendo impactada também pela educação financeira recebida dos pais. Na comparação entre grupos encontramos evidências de que a comparação social tem um efeito mais forte sobre os jovens brasileiros e que homens são mais dependentes da educação dos pais do que as mulheres. No último ensaio a população pobre brasileira é analisada em relação a um suposto efeito preguiça, que seria causado pela diminuição de oferta de trabalho das famílias que recebem o benefício financeiro do governo via o Programa Bolsa Família. Um modelo de sobrevivência foi usado para comparar a duração no emprego entre beneficiários do programa e um grupo controle, utilizando uma base de dados com mais de 3 milhões de indivíduos. A hipótese de um efeito preguiça é rejeitada. O risco de desligamento do emprego para os beneficiários do Bolsa Família é medido como sendo de 7% a 10% menor, o que é capaz de anular, por exemplo, o maior risco de saída do emprego causado pela presença de filhos pequenos na composição familiar. Uma vez que a rotatividade no emprego dificulta o recebimento de aposentadorias por tempo de contribuição, pode-se concluir que o programa de transferência de renda brasileiro terá um impacto positivo sobre o bem-estar financeiro futuro do trabalhador.
This thesis contains three chapters. The first chapter uses a general equilibrium framework to simulate and compare the long run effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and of health care costs reduction policies on macroeconomic variables, government budget, and welfare of individuals. We found that all policies were able to reduce uninsured population, with the PPACA being more effective than cost reductions. The PPACA increased public deficit mainly due to the Medicaid expansion, forcing tax hikes. On the other hand, cost reductions alleviated the fiscal burden of public insurance, reducing public deficit and taxes. Regarding welfare effects, the PPACA as a whole and cost reductions are welfare improving. High welfare gains would be achieved if the U.S. medical costs followed the same trend of OECD countries. Besides, feasible cost reductions are more welfare improving than most of the PPACA components, proving to be a good alternative. The second chapter documents that life cycle general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents have a very hard time reproducing the American wealth distribution. A common assumption made in this literature is that all young adults enter the economy with no initial assets. In this chapter, we relax this assumption – not supported by the data – and evaluate the ability of an otherwise standard life cycle model to account for the U.S. wealth inequality. The new feature of the model is that agents enter the economy with assets drawn from an initial distribution of assets. We found that heterogeneity with respect to initial wealth is key for this class of models to replicate the data. According to our results, American inequality can be explained almost entirely by the fact that some individuals are lucky enough to be born into wealth, while others are born with few or no assets. The third chapter documents that a common assumption adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models is that the population is stable at steady state, that is, its relative age distribution becomes constant over time. An open question is whether the demographic assumptions commonly adopted in these models in fact imply that the population becomes stable. In this chapter we prove the existence of a stable population in a demographic environment where both the age-specific mortality rates and the population growth rate are constant over time, the setup commonly adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models. Hence, the stability of the population do not need to be taken as assumption in these models.
Although many studies point to alterations in the organic concentrations of zinc in elderly patients, the mechanisms by which aging might cause changes in the metabolism of this nutrient remain unclear. Thus, we assessed the changes in plasma zinc, Zinc Binding Capacity to Plasma Protein (ZnBCPP) and Saturation Index (SI), comparing elderly individuals and young adults. The zinc analyses were performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) was found between the two groups, in relation to plasma zinc and SI, but the ZnBCPP did not differ between the younger and older subjects. In agreement with this result, it was shown in the young group that 76% (R2 = 0.760) of the ZnBCPP variations are explained by the variations in plasma zinc and SI. In the elderly group this measure decreased to 30.5% (R2 = 0.305). We conclude, therefore, that aging may be a factor associated to changes in control mechanisms and in zinc homeostasis, and could even alter ZnBCPP response patterns and other zinc-related indicators of nutritional status.
Although several studies, have shown differences in cognitive performance between men and women, it not yet known whether these differences occur in tasks involving free association of words (WA). Studies across the sleep-wake cycle (SWC) suggest that rapid eye movement sleep (REM) favors semantic flexibility, in comparison with pre-sleep waking (Pre-WK), slow-wave sleep (SWS) and post-sleep waking (Post-WK). The present work has two aims: (1) to evaluate the semantic distances of word pairs produced by AP, comparing men and women, (2) to evaluate semantic distance in word pairs produced by free association across the SWC in young adults of both sexes. To achieve aim (1), we applied a task of WA in 68 adult volunteers during waking (52 women and 16 men). The WA task consisted of writing the first word that came to mind after viewing another word offered as a stimulus (root Word). To achieve aim (2), we performed polysomnography to identify specific stages of the SWC. The experimental subjects were then awakened (if they were asleep) and were immediately given a WA task. The task was administered to 2 groups of 10 subjects each (G1 and G2). G1 subjects were stimulated with the same set of root words after waking from various states of SWC, while G2 subjects received sets of different root words at each state of the SWC. In the absence of a Portuguese corpus suitable for the measurement of semantic distances, the words collected in our experiments were translated to English, and semantically quantified within a systematic and representative corpus of that language (Wordnet). This procedure removed the polysemies typical of Portuguese, but preserved the semantic macrostructure common to both languages. During waking, we found that semantic distances are significantly lower in WA produced by women, in comparison with the distances observed in men. Through the SWC, there were no statistically significant differences in G1. In G2 women, we detected a significant increase of semantic distances upon being awakened from SWS. In contrast, G2 men showed a significant increase in semantic distances upon being awakened from REM. The results of the first experiment are consistent with the notion that women have a more concrete reasoning than men. The results of the second experiment indicate that men awakened from REM present more flexibility in word association than when being awakened from other states. In contrast, women showed more flexible word association after being awakened from SWS, in compared with other states. The results indicate that the cognitive flexibility attributed to different states of the SWC shows gender dependency